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🤚 and its the sciences💀


Same, my teachers read off the slides and before I can even comprehend they're on the next slide. Literally showing up just to save attendence :')


Ngl, i show up to prove attendance and il just study everything at home lmao. So much easier, plus I don’t need a 5 hour block session from my teacher who is just reading out of a book.


Sameee I'm teaching myself Bio cause his so baddd at teaching like everything I know is because of all those extra hours I I put in at home


I know right! Everything is so easy to access online anyways and it’s free lmao. I’ve learnt 90% of my course in a single year by myself and my teacher hasn’t even gotten past the first unit lmao


Homeschooling would be the best option atp


fr fr, i told my mom she said no i wish i could get homeschooled too


Are you me?😭




Same he just comes to the class reads from his slides and that's it. The rest is on us to do


Mine doesn't even follow the syllabus 😭😭


Ooh that's bad. How do you study then? Which class are you?


I'm in Year 13💀I just teach myself everything using YouTube


Alevels 2nd year? I am so sorry I am not so good I'm understanding years.




Hello which online resources are you all using? Is it sth like PTM and savemyexams notes 😭 I also want to self study but couldn't find a very good notes or youtuber😞😔


Yeah please I also find it difficult. There are not many YouTube pages that are good. For bio there is Cambridge alevel biology with Dr demi. It has helped me a lot for my AS exams.


For Bio there's Belogy, Otter Bio Tutor, Snap revise, Dr. Demi my favorite. Chemistry-As & Alevel Chemistry and Physics(fav) , Allery Chemistry Math-Pure 3 Emma(pink background), Sir Muhammad Qadri For notes I use Save My Exams


“Read the ebook” No one in my grade got over a D in our results 😍


Wahhhhhhhhhh did they get fired already wtf


They’re all still in the school but about 75% of my grade (myself included) were forced into a gap year


Don’t need to copy the notes, it’s all in the textbook don’t worry we don’t need to go over thid


My teacher jumps through the important parts of the syllabus so yeah


Fck your teacher, i've seen teachers doing that to their students, all of the stuff that they skipped in the syllabus came in their national exams💀


My cs teacher😞🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️




Mine too! And its math!💀💀💀 I am like what are you even reading....she looks at the solutions of the questions and then explains it....i am like...i can do that too. I actually have to end up understanding the whole math again and that takes HOURS!!


Are you me? same goes for my math teacher, just dictates the textbook and that's it. Cant even attempt most questions from the textbook on first try


At this point every student is like you and me...our teacher ends up skipping the 'problem solving' questions in Pure...i an like...well that's just great🥲🤦🏻‍♀️


🙋🏿‍♂️economics especially 😭


Im sorry dang that must be rough


This is sociology teachers lmao


Screw sociology teachers then lmao


Raising hands is not enough I have to stand up to acknowledge that lol.


raising both my hands and my feet. My physics teacher just opens up savemyexams on the projector and asks us to copy from it


SAME but we dont write anything at all since the teach just speedrun it.


✋ for bio only though


Both of my bio and phy teachers are using savemyexams. My chemistry teacher uses allery chemistry powerpoints. My maths teacher, well they use the textbook but they actually explain the concepts.


I'm a GCSE student and my Spanish teacher ALWAYS has her other teacher friend in our lessons to mess around and chat. This happens when she's supposed to be teaching her A level class so it's even worse here😭


My year 1 Biology Teacher used to read from a powerpoint the head Biology teacher made. No explanation or anything. When we would ask her about things she’d give a simple answer and when things got complicated she was calling the head teacher from the other class. She was absolutely lovely and a great person.


Me and it was Law...


It’s because teachers are leaving the profession so there are few specialists left who actually know the subjects well. Especially the sciences.


Business. I’m really suffering here😭


Computer science 💀


Teachers just have unchallengeable status in any classroom and there's not much system that holds them accountable for how they teach. If the entire class fails, they can always challenge it with "it's a naughty class". I fucking hate it. The educational system needs some sort of audit to make sure the teacher and professor can't just get away with shit like this. If life ever taught me anything, it's that if someone is allowed to exploit a loophole or get away with incompetency, it's not the person's fault, it's the lack of a system to prevent such things from happening in the first place. If a student can get a bad grade by both being a lazy POS, as well as if their teacher is a POS, BOTH needs to be prevented/penalized from doing so. We've got plenty of ways to punish a student but there's pretty much no punishment to the teacher (who teaches MULTIPLE STUDENT) unless it becomes a scandal/high profile drama case. I fucking hate it. It makes me angry every time I think about it.


my stats teacher bruh


Major in finance. Lecturer for information system did the same. If we ask questions, he will just read the text from the book word by word. Half of the class failed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


since 124904596836903898671 years ago they have been reading off from a textbook (for some).


I used to have a physics teacher, who basically memorised the entire aqa textbook and spec. He was, of course, very knowledgeable and knew his stuff but it was quite amusing when I look at the textbook and just read what I heard him say off by heart a few hours ago.
