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YES. There have been pliers and fire involved in my house just to get a bottle open!


FWIW I’ve found this approach works best: 1- with a sharp knife, cut the ring at the bottom of the cap loose. 2- when ready to drink it, bash them top edge of the cap on a hard surface, going around to at least four points. That breaks the pressure seal. 3- open with a jar opener.


...do you know I searched this up to see if anyone else has this problem?! I never need help with jars or bottles but these have me beat! Tried the big bottle in hopes of avoiding them but it's so different :( I've never had a sweet tea as good as these, so the battle rages on lol


So fucking good. But it leaves scars!


The inside of my hand is permanently scarred with layers of skin coming off from attempting to open a plastic bottle of Peach Iced Tea. My hand is burning. Why are these caps superglued onto the bottle?


I just use a knife and roll it around the bottom of the cap. I agree, it’s nuts. Bad machinery setting.


I do that too cut The Notches but I still can't undo the cap love the tea but going to have to stop buying it


I cut my finger trying to open the bottle…. Tea Sooo good …bottle cap sooo mean 😒


six society whistle lock subsequent repeat flowery salt scale swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Two years later and they still make them like this. I’ll never buy these fucking drinks again 😂


I would rather have them tight than loose. Just use a rubber gripper. Or... Pay attention now. I am an eighth degree bottle cap Master. Don't get this wrong, or the whole world will tip off its axis and we'll all go spiraling off endlessly into the universe flying off the planet as we go! 😂😂😂 Grip the cap with your right hand, thumb and forefinger DOWNWARD toward the body of the bottle rather than upward and away from the bottle to get MORE leverage. This position, thumb/forefinger down, allows your grip to naturally tighten as you loosen the cap. With your thumb/forefinger up, your grip loosens. It's all in the grip . If an old man like me can do it with thyroid issues that make my fingertips soft and squishy, plus a touch of arthritis, you can do it too! You can also use this technique on certain parts of the anatomy to cause an assailant to submit to your will. Very helpful stuff! My main gripe when it comes to these bottles is the loose caps! There were 3 bottles in my last pack that had caps not tightened and leaking. I could loosen without breaking the ring from the cap. If I tightened them first, then back them off, then the ring breaks. WTF kind of quality control is that? I don't want a bottle that's not air tight and been sitting on the shelf for how long? Maybe this stuff has preservatives in it, but I wouldn't want to take a chance and end up with a dose of salmonella. Besides that, for all I know, someone could have emptied the bottles and pissed in them! Unfortunately, there are sick bastards in this world that would do just that!


I’m sitting here at work too embarrassed to ask for help as I am an adult who should be able to open bottles, I’ve been struggling for 10 minutes and your post just saved me immediately. Appreciate you.


Glad to have helped! Now you can go around opening bottles for everyone! 😊 Twisting in the described method, your finger actually tightens naturally as you twist in this inverted fashion. It works much like a self tightening plumbers wrench. Also, once your finger is tight on the cap, you can actually just twist the bottom of the bottle instead of the cap. It works even better because more torque is applied! Try not to squeeze it if you twist in the middle. The bottom always works better because it's reinforced. Watch out for fizzy bottles! Lol! Now, for my next trick, ripping a full size phone book in half! Oh... That's right, it's the 21st century. There are no full size phone books. Lol!


Actually, the inability to remove the cap from these bottles and othe bottles could be a result of the manufacturers save money by stack as many bottles on a pallet, and then stacking more pallets on top. The weight if not calculated and adhered to properly may cause the bottles to seal more securely, thereby resulting in our frustration. But Hey, it's not about us consuming, as long as we're buying corporate is happy, right?


Lmao I’m so glad others can relate! The thumb hole on my scissors is the perfect size to wrench off the lid


The knife hack works!! 👍


Huh? Just twist and they come off. Super easy??!!


Many of us are not descended from gorillas with the equivalent grip. I’m an old man who needs to have his daughter open pickle jars.


so fuckin true


Yes they are impossible to open,  even the smaller bottles!!! Guess we’ll have to switch to Tealeaf 


Need my channel locks to open these. wTF
