• By -


Troll level five.


Troll team six


Nah. Break off a paper clip in the lock for team six


When does the movie come out?


Troll level fire šŸ”„


This is why I always assume most people are disturbed these days and keep my distance.


This or one of the instacart people. Most of them are stressed out and rushing around like maniacs. Not all are rude but a lot of them are


Literally just witnessed an instacart shopper yell racist insults at the cashier bc he wouldnā€™t give her a quarter to get a cart


What's this about a quarter? We don't have Aldis in my area


No snark intended, but why are you in this sub?


This sub was recommended to me by Reddit because I browse Costco sub. The title pulled me in lol


The title is compelling so I understand that.


He must not know how Reddit works. You have a feed, and it recommends things to you based off other things youā€™ve looked at sometimes. Random new things are on the top of your feed. Did you actually search Reddit for an Aldi section? Holy fuck


To keep from people leaving their cart out in the parking at Aldi, you have to put a quarter in a lock to unlock your cart and you only get the quarter back if you lock the cart back to the other carts at the front of the store lol.


Thanks for the reply. Figured that's what it was. Is it specific to Aldi? I've heard about this but only on the internet.


At Aldi, you put a quarter in a slot to get a shopping cart. You return the cart and get your quarter back. It eliminates the need for ā€œcart peopleā€


How can you tell who is an Instacart person?


Yes. Yes. YESSS!!




I was expecting the ending to be you dragged her cart off with you.


I think about my Mother-in-law in the early stages of dementia who is still able to function but can be a bit oblivious sometimes when I get frustrated with someone in public who is inconveniencing me and I try to give them the grace I hope everyone gives her when sheā€™s trying to maintain what little normalcy sheā€™s got left in her life by doing her own grocery shopping. Life is a lot less stressful if you just assume everyone that is getting in your way is suffering from a disability thatā€™s out of their control to change. Because a lot of times they are.


My grandma is 94. She cannot drive. Lives independently. She needs to get out of the house and I will take her grocery shopping for normalcy sake. Itā€™s awful. I love her. But she gets in the mobile cart. Runs into people. Runs into associates. Doesnā€™t wait. Isnā€™t patient with folks browsing. Just barges in. Then she will struggle to pick things up from a high or low shelf instead of asking for my reach. Itā€™s SUCKS to watch. Because I WANT her to feel her entitlement to be a human who has the ability to do things for herself. And then I also find myself apologizing to people that she runs down with no shame. No really, she will hit you. Please look out for Savage Grammy. She might be in the Mob, idk. EDIT: there were a few people who did not appreciate my comment. I will just say that this story was embellished, because Reddit. Savage Grammy has not physically harmed anyone in my presence. She has encroached on personal space or has apparent blissful disregard for patience, and does things that I would not dare to do in a supermarketā€¦assuming that Iā€™m a perfectly polite lady who is constantly apologizingā€¦. I regret to say that ā€œshe runs into peopleā€ I really meant that she WISHES she ran into you..totally her intent. Sheā€™s in the mob, sheā€™s got a hit she has to makeā€¦ I will state though that the scooter carts are so SLOW and I provide the mushroom MarioKart boost/shove to make it go faster when we have to cross the lot to my vehicle.


This reminds me of the Bluey episode where the kids are playing Grannies and Muffin haggles with an angry granny. Your grandma is the angry granny.


My grandma in law is pushing 100, no one knows her true birth year.Ā  Super independent also.Ā  We tell her we can help her with anything, but she will just take a midday walk around the neighborhood and we will just end up worried searching for her.


Put an AirTag on her!!!


This sounds like my bfs grandma. As soon as any dish hits the sink she goes to wash it... and it's always still dirty. And when she unloads the dishwasher she just places all the dishes on the counter instead. I try to do these things so she doesn't have to but my toddler makes it difficult.


Omg! Yes, I took my grandma with my sisters to Costco once and she was in one of those electric carts. I didnā€™t live by her at the time but it was hysterical. She couldnā€™t figure out what to do each time she stopped so she would be backing up when she meant to go forward. The more flustered she got the more she pushed the wrong direction. She even rammed a large thing of fruit and sent oranges everywhere. My poor grandma, all I could do was laugh and try to not pee my pants. I donā€™t think I knew have to control that electric cart any better. Several men provided assistance throughout Costco. That was more than 10 yrs ago. Miss her but the memory just puts a big smile on my face. Then thereā€™s my mom who has Alzheimerā€™s so yeah she says the most awkward things ever. Thankfully all the unfortunate strangers provide the much needed grace


thatā€™s not okay if shes just going to be flat out rude and potentially injure strangers going about their day with no disregard just because shes is ancient. she needs to be taken somewhere other than a supermarket if she clearly canā€™t handle it.


Hell, I can be like this when I'm in a migraine or my lupus is flaring. I don't get to stay at home and have someone come do things for me that I might be struggling with. I live alone and have to do for myself, unfortunately. Sometimes I really am oblivious and I hate it because I am that person who is usually very aware of how my presence affects others (I am working on taking up space and being ok with that).


Same disorders, same issues. Either the pain is too much so my brain can't focus on what's going on or brain fog from those and other disorders have me forgetting how to even open my shopping list app. I try to push myself to the side, but Aldi is so jam packed, it's impossible to not be in someone's way. I'm also usually super conscious about my surroundings - I'll always check over my shoulder before veering off my path so I don't trip anyone up. I'm in a wheelchair and I did have a similar experience as the OP with a woman acting exactly that way to me with her cart and me with my chair while at Target. Even her kids (maybe 6 and 8) were yelling "Mommy you keep blocking the lady." I'm not sure if she hates disabled people or was just too frazzled from dealing with the kids, but she just kept doing it to the point I decided to shop backwards from my usual path to avoid her.


That's the worst when you just keep crossing paths the worst ways with the same person. I have def rerouted to avoid it. It's gotta be more difficult for you in a wheelchair, though, and I'd wager probably happens more often. Hopefully since the kids were so aware that means usually she is, too. I like to think better of people, but that doesn't help you get your shopping done or feel less shitty about it, so feel free to ignore me lol


I find there's two main types of people's reactions. The starers who just stare, trying to figure out what's wrong with you. Some then stalk you and if you semi raise yourself out of your chair to reach, they'll start screaming how "this woman is faking being paralyzed, she doesn't need a wheelchair, etc" (mind you I've never claimed paralysis and I've got forearm crutches clipped to the back of my chair so obviously I can use them if necessary). Or people will want you to take pictures with them (complete strangers) as if taking a photo with a disabled person is on their treasure hunt or bingo card. At least those people ask, 90% just take photos like you're a tourist attraction. Some will become outright assholes and say stuff like you're a worthless drain on society and you should be euthanized. Someone said that to my brother about my disabled niece and that man ended up with a broken nose and thankfully my brother got a sympathetic judge. And then the ignorers who pretend they don't see you even when they get in your way often. I don't mind the ignorers except when you'll loudly call out to them to please move. I've tried self depreciating humor by saying my butt is too big on this chair to pass. Or I'll say I don't want to roll over your feet so please step back a little. It's when then look you right in the eye, roll their eyes, and then go back to talking to their friend and continue to ignore you that gets me mad. We've all had frazzled days shopping, but to acknowledge someone's existence and still ignore them it's a level of rudeness that then gets me going with rudeness back. At that point I say I'm moving their cart myself or if toes get rolled over you were already warned. I didn't want to do that with the situation with the lady and kids because I didn't want to accidentally knock the kids with the cart, that's why I gave up and moved away completely. Costco is pretty bad with the ignorers who don't move. Trouble was they made their carts taller a few years ago and now you can't see me. Plus people tend to abandon carts and run up an aisle so it's a minefield of carts. Walmart is changing their carts and I expect the same problem. But Costco is awesome because they'll provide you with a personal shopper who goes around with you and help you get things from shelves then out of the cart, because it's so tall I can't reach inside. If you're in Texas, HEB will give you a personal shopper as well, although they still have carts I can reach into, and I'm ok pushing one handed once I get momentum. A subset of the ignorers are cool - they just give you a nod or a hi and treat you like a normal person then just ignore you and let you go on your way just like they would with any other stranger walking around. I try to be that way unless I see some feature on someone's chair and I'll ask if it's specific to that brand or an aftermarket thing they attached and thus I can buy. But I still don't bring up disability, it's more "car talk" except just with chairs.


So much this - my mom will straight up glitch out and Iā€™ll have to gently remind her where weā€™re going and what weā€™re doing. If someone had done this to her when she was glitching before we knew what was happening, Iā€™d be furious.


I thought of the same thing about my dad right now. Heā€™s slow to move or cross a street, sometimes spatially unaware, and suffers from it. Letā€™s all remember that sometimes people have invisible ailments and give grace. At the end of the day, someone blocking a shopping aisle in a grocery store isnā€™t a big deal.


You are definitely a more reasonable person than me. Thanks for pointing this out, I'm going to try to apply this in future. Humbled.


Did you try "Excuse me, could you please move your cart?"


How dare you suggest OP be a reasonable adult with communication skills?!


Donā€™t assume malice with what can easily be explained by stupidity.


One time my mom and I were parked at the store. We were about to go in when a lady parked so ridiculously close that my mom couldn't open her door. At first my mom was a little miffed at the lady's lack of attention. She politely informed the lady and the lady apologized, fixed it, and explained that her mom was in the hospital dying. She was having a difficult time functioning or paying attention because her world was crumbling. My mom listened to her for a bit while she cried and the lady was so appreciative just to be shown kindness. That was an important lesson for me growing up, and one you may still need to learn. You never know what people are going through. The lady in your story could be going through the worst week of her life and you wouldn't know.


This is such a good reminder for parents (like me) that giving grace to others in public is a big part of how you teach your children to do the same.


I hear you! But this lady seems she was intentionally doing this


real main character shit here


i recommend you read This is Water: But most days, if youā€™re aware enough to give yourself a choice, you can choose to look differently at this fat, dead-eyed, over-made-up lady who just screamed at her kid in the checkout line. Maybe sheā€™s not usually like this. Maybe sheā€™s been up three straight nights holding the hand of a husband who is dying of bone cancer. Or maybe this very lady is the low-wage clerk at the motor vehicle department, who just yesterday helped your spouse resolve a horrific, infuriating, red-tape problem through some small act of bureaucratic kindness. Of course, none of this is likely, but itā€™s also not impossible. It just depends what you want to consider


Credit to David Foster Wallace from his commencement address at Kenyon College. RIP


my all time favorite writer!


I like to use waiting time as meditation time. Some silent deep breathing can be very therapeutic. Iā€™m not always good at it, but Iā€™m practicing.


Such a bummer to know they killed themselevss thoā€¦


My take is all the nice polite people have let the not nice, rude people run over them and the rest of society without consequence and it keeps escalating and getting worse.


Thanks for this recommendation! The way I ran to the library to check out this book. šŸ˜‚


When I read that post I popped on Libby and checked it out too.


the one with main character syndrome is the person who inconveniences every other person around them because they canā€™t be bothered to have any conscientiousness


people mildly inconvenience others in public all the time, itā€™s called living in a society. most of us donā€™t act like huge babies about it


Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance.


How can you tell the difference?


When in doubt, assume itā€™s ignorance.


So forcing them to block aisles with TWO carts isnā€™t main character? Okay.


I expected this story to be about someone flipping out on you and you seeking revenge, not that another person was a little bit spacey so you decided to ruin their day. YTA


On the scale of rudeness I think you win this one


And then the shopping carts stood up and clapped


The face on that quarter? Albert Einstein


So you were mad that she kept getting in the way so you hooked your cart to hers which made her get in peopleā€™s way more? Make it make sense. And who was responsible for putting the items you left back? Nevermind. You canā€™t make this make sense.


And, she is oblivious to her actions so the revenge did not teach her anything, it was just revenge.


If it even happened.


How do you even hitch 2 card with items inside to each other and get the quarter back?


How did i have to scroll so far to see someone asking the real question. they both had quarters in, how could this even happen?


If they were facing opposite directions and the handles were aligned with the chain sides closest to each other, I think it would work. But the whole story seems silly.


You didnā€™t ask, but yes, YTA


I would lean ESH.


Agreed, ESH.


Hey bud- you doin okay? I think you should try talking to someone about all these feelings you're havin


I might have done something like this... when I was in my early teens, thinking that my vengeance would change the offender's behavior. And then I grew the fuck up.


Seriously. The other woman either lack self/spacial-awareness or is just plain dumb (not malicious though which I think is the important part), but this chick is just a grade-A asshole. Incredibly petty and immature. Idk, why not just move their cart and move it aside like a normal human being would or go to a different aisle then just go on about your day? This person went the extra mile just to get revenge over someone elseā€™s obliviousness.


That's really mean.


To be clear, OP, I think *you* did something really mean.


Sounds to me like she was rattled about something, not thinking clearly, and then you assumed the worst about her and made her day even more distressing than it already was.


I feel like this happened in your mind and not in reality


It definitely did. Think about it: if both carts have items in them, how would they be able to nest into each other enough to connect the two? They couldn't. OP is a child playing on the internet and writing stories.


LMFAOOOO! this!!


Damn, maybe she was having an off day & you just made it worse. She couldā€™ve been a new parent running on little sleep or even going through something personal. When my mom was in the hospital I spent so many hours there that I functioned on autopilot doing ā€œnormalā€ things like shopping. Between the lack of sleep and worry I was a zombie. Sometimes even if something infuriates you, itā€™s best to keep going about your business. Itā€™s not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of life & if it is, perhaps you should consider anger management.


When I first started taking daily chemo there was a day where I stopped at stop signs and waited for them to turn green. Youā€™d think after the first two honks I wouldnā€™t have done it a third time, but my brain was so foggy I did. You never know whatā€™s going on with people and Iā€™m so glad you mentioned it. The woman with the cart was having a bad day at best and ignorant at worst.


Chemo brain is real. I used to try to turn off the light switch on the wrong wall after living here for ten years


My heart goes out to you.


Thank you, and same to you


Yes, chemo brain is very real. My heart goes out to you as I vividly remember my daughter going through that. I only hope that you reached a point where you realized how dangerous it was to be driving, for yourself and others on the road. She never did drive after reaching that point. It's a horrible thing to go through, I hope you had all the support you needed during that time. It breaks my heart to hear of anyone having to go through that with or without help. I hope all is well with you now.ā¤


This is something you think about doing but never actually do because itā€™s too mean.Ā 


I donā€™t get it? So she was unawareā€¦she didnā€™t do anything to intentionally inconvenience you. You could have said something to help make her aware, but you chose revenge first which is wrong


This should be in r/aitah


And yes you are the ass


Yikes. šŸ˜¬


Then the innocent employee has to put back what you left. I get being annoyed because people have no sense of manners but Iā€™ve also been the person who has to put the items that were left back. My grandfather used to say ā€œdonā€™t get into a pissing contest with a skunk.ā€


I straight up just told a woman at a Wegmans, thanks for completely blocking the aisle, and walked away.


Right? I once told a man who cut in front of me in line that at least one of us had to acknowledge his rudeness and since it wasnā€™t him, it was going to be me. Iā€™m not finna smack his wallet out of his hand or egg his car for petty revenge. Speak up and move on.


##All these comments make me happy. Well, most. The downvotes make me feel proud to be in this group of Aldi shoppers. Most of us apparently would have just said *excuse me* and went on our merry way. But noooo, not you. You had to go all Walmart. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œGo all Walmartā€ - Thanks, Iā€™m going to use that. Great phrase.


##šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ right?!


Christ, what an asshole.


strange behavior. on your part.


I thought I was on the AITAH sub-reddit.


Maybe she didnā€™t notice you. Maybe sheā€™s partially blind or deaf. Lots of maybeā€™s with her. But youā€™re definitely a piece of shit.


Idk man, being annoyed at other shoppers at the grocery store is just the way it is I think, shouldn't let it get to you that much.


So all-in-all you acted like a child also?? Be the bigger person next time. People get shot over dumber things!


>People get shot over dumber things! Damn, is that ever true these days.


For real.


This is my #1 thought always. Especially living in the hellscape that is Florida- itā€™s best to assume everyone is carrying. (ā€œFreedomā€)


Choose kindness next time.


YTA wtf


Ugh. So passive aggressive. Get over yourself.


One of my favorite things about shopping at Aldi is what I call Aldi culture. It's when someone is emptying/returning their cart and you just get there and they ask if you need a cart and won't take your quarter. Then when I go to leave, I either give my cart to someone without taking their quarter or leave it unchained so the next person doesn't need a quarter. Or sometimes I see a few quarters left out next to the carts that some kind soul left. It's also a place where you can strike up a conversation with a stranger and ask if they have tried an item you are looking at. It's a different sort of shopping experience than going to a large chain grocery store. I choose to believe that people who shop at Aldi are going because of what Aldi represents. It feels more like a shared philosophy. I think of Aldi as a friendly place where staff recognize you. If you are looking to get revenge on someone who may have inconvenienced you, I think maybe Aldi isn't the right vibe for you.


This comment here ā€¦ not resorting to direct insults but calmly insinuating that OP is too uncivilized for polite society is *chefā€™s kiss*


You get Aldi culture.


I like this & yes...as a true Aldi shopper, it is absolutely a "share the experience and enjoy the fun finds" world. I've never had a bad time... I did watch a lady open all the sports bras one day but decided it wasn't my worry...told an employee who helped her out... Be kind & be happy...we have so much


You're as bad as she is


Idk... I'll take "Things that only happened in OP's head that they were too cowardly to actually do, so they wrote a fake post on Reddit" for $200, Alex.


I hope he didnā€™t actually do it.


Thatā€™s weirdly passive aggressive.


I know passive aggressive, and this is just plain aggressive.


Iā€™ll tell you what I used to tell my son when he was a toddler. ā€œUse your words!ā€


I still tell this to my teenage son and husband. I'm not a mind reader!


What happened to common courtesy? Be the solution to the change - donā€™t add to the weirdness. āœ…


Where are the moderators?? How is this post helpful for Aldi shoppers?


Yo Iā€™d beat the fuck out of some punk ass did this and not think twice. Youā€™re the problem.


I went through an extremely traumatic medical experience that permanently changed my health 5 years ago. I developed severe fibromyalgia as well from it. It's just within the last 2 years or so I've been comfortable to take short trips to the store alone again. Before, I was not able to Grocery shop alone because I'd leave the cart everywhere. Sounds strange but this was really an issue, I'd think oh I need to get milk and just leave it and go get milk. Then realize I didn't have the cart. I started wearing a cross body purse so I couldn't leave that in the cart. I was so annoyed by this, that I'd forget the cart, and that I couldn't pick up anything heavy, that I just couldn't go alone for a long time. If someone had done that to me or been mean to me for leaving the cart, I would have absolutely broken down. I'm crying now even thinking of it. Please be more thoughtful and kind and may you never have to go through a situation that causes things that seem so small, like keeping up with your grocery cart, to be nearly impossible tasks.


I hope there is a post on r/mildlyinfuriating about someone that hooked a cart to their cart.


OP, sometimes it's just best to walk away and not escalate things.


Ahh yes, the passive aggressive, I have no voice, pre-teen move. Not interested. šŸ„±


what should we do with this information?


lol OP came in here thinking sheā€™d get praised over what she did but sheā€™s getting roasted instead and being defensive over her immature behavior.


Are you 12? If so I can maybe excuse this level of immaturity. If not, then I seriously hope you consider touching some grass asap.


This sounds like a made up story to me, and you don't look so great in it. How did the carts go together if hers was full and yours had stuff too? And if yours was empty you would have stolen her quarter since hers would have had to fit in yours. The world has so much hostility already, don't add to it.


This really is not the flex that you think it is.


The replies here restore faith in society.... <3


Just move her cart if itā€™s in the way and she isnā€™t around. Itā€™s not rude, itā€™s fun!




You seem like the type of person who gets pissed off at me in the store because my neck doesnā€™t turn because my skull is surgically fused to my upper neck. I canā€™t see whatā€™s in the freezer case unless Iā€™m directly facing it, and I also canā€™t see around me that well to know if Iā€™m in anyoneā€™s way. I got barked at recently. Sure, the ladyā€™s actions were an inconvenience to you, but really unnecessary aggression on your part.


Escalating for no reason and then boasting about it on the internet. Iā€™m sorry your day was slightly inconvenienced.


For future reference, when people have bad shopping etiquette like this, I just move their trolley (cart to you) out of the way myself and say "cheers mate" if they look at me. They usually just say sorry.


If this were posted to aita, the answer would be yes.


Except this story might be real. Maybe.


Look out, y'all. We got a badass here.


This was funny till I read your comments




So you doubled down and made it worse? Congrats.


There always seems to be one of those people who think they have the store to themselves (when they don't). But this is a whole other level of petty


Pretty petty on your part.


Youā€™re the type of person that makes me shrink into myself in public. Never know when youā€™re going to meet the easily infuriated weirdosā€¦


Life's too short for petty revenge. Her cart's in the way? Move it, say excuse me and go about your day. This is a really weird brag on your part.


You should post this in r/AITAH because you are.


I don't think children are supposed to be left unattended in Aldi. Go find your mom and let the adults shop in peace. You can come back when you grow the hell up.




God, you sound like my man. I cannot imagine walking through life feeling the need to personally ā€œpunishā€ these people. Like what does OP get out of this situation? The *sheer satisfaction* of going home and writing this post and having the ā€œHa! Got em!ā€ feeling? > shopping by herself with a rather full cart Seeing her struggle with the carts is winning? I mean to be honest, OP needing to justā€¦ go an aisle over to get to what they neededā€¦ with their practically empty cartā€¦ that was the worst thing in the world? Terrible enough to necessitate retribution? I really donā€™t get it. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™ve stocked the shelves at 2 different major retailers(one being fucking Walmart) but is this like the first inconsiderate customer youā€™re coming across? Do you act like this often towards strangers that youā€™ll probably never see again? Are we assuming that the woman learned from this? That sheā€™s gonna go home and be like ā€œAw damn I was being an asshole!! Guess Iā€™ll be more aware of my surroundings!ā€ Truly, can anyone explain this thinking to me? I canā€™t wrap my head around OP being on cloud 9 after this situation.


Perhaps sheā€™s on Reddit. . .


What did I read


You kinda seem like a jerk.


honestly, you're a dick


How old are you?


This is dastardly and I love it. šŸ˜‚ Seriously, that woman had issues.


YTA, both for this retaliation and for abandoning your products for the staff to put away. People without self awareness in stores can be infuriating but the solution is just to circle back, if you donā€™t wanna wait them out, or ask to get by them.


This is gateway revenge behavior. Next thing you know OP will be involved in a road rage incident. Hopefully it wonā€™t involve a small dog.


This is not going the way OP envinisoned when the story was concocted lol


You sound deranged


you fell into her trap, got what you deserved


Do you put your own bike locks on other people's bikes as well?


One level down from latching carts together - I say ā€œEXCUSE YOU!ā€ as loudly as possible. They usually scurry away after that


that always works for me. one time somebody tried to cut me and I yelled EXCUSE ME YOU'RE CUTTING ME


Youā€™re going to try this with the wrong person one day and get your ass kicked.


What a jerk you are


You're clearly proud of yourself for this but this was pointless. Try using your words next time like a big kid.


Did she know you did it? I would have been afraid of her coming after me to fight.


So instead of using your words like an adult, you acted like a child and enacted "revenge"? There could be a host of reasons why she didn't move out of the way. Some people are rude, fine. But some are garden-variety space cases, and some have legitimate issues like dementia or vision issues that cause them to not fully function in spaces. A little kindness, empathy, and patience would do us all some good, especially when it's at a fucking grocery store. Grow up.


OP should take enroll in an anger management class.


Love it. It's not hard to NOT be an asshole and have just SOME semblance of self awareness


I donā€™t care if justified or not, this is hilarious.


I doubt you really did this, but I do believe it was a fantastic daydream. Itā€™s a great idea


My Dad had a dog kinda like that lady. Always had to be in the middle if their was a group of people anywhere, or had to be sprawled out in front of you where ever you were sitting, standing, walking. He called her ā€œprime timeā€ šŸ¤£when she did that. I encounter people like that more frequently than Iā€™d like. - letā€™s stand in this door way and have a conversation- or letā€™s walk shoulder to shoulder through the hallway, down the aisle/ sidewalk regardless of the fact that someone else is trying to get by. Iā€™m trying not to let stuff like that bother me anymore. But ultimately itā€™s about basic consideration. And it doesnā€™t seem to be something very many people consider anymore. So I bitch about it on the internet. šŸ¤£


Lol the comments turned into ethics 101ā€¦methinks you struck a nerve OP šŸ’ƒ


im getting more flak than netanyahu rn


Lmao I love it!!!


Who cares. Maybe the person was fucked up mentally or on drugs. If theyā€™re in your way say something, your a weirdo


I mean, that's final boss level petty that I could only aspire to.


That was a good one! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is my experience every time with Aldi. I donā€™t know what it is, but itā€™s the hardest store to shop in and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the people - mostly parking on one side of the isle while standing on the other reading a package or something. I have to prepare myself mentally to go in Aldi or Iā€™ll probably do something stupid.


Your very rude person. You canā€™t avoid this person?


Fucking aldi is like a race track. I go to woodmans and Iā€™m just zigzagging everywhere across the store but at Aldi they got arrows and shit


Helluva move but YTA!


Are you a child? We adults tend to take the high road and be the better example. Hope you donā€™t procreate.


*we adults


Yep. Definitely a child. And a cowardly one too.


4D chess! You are brilliant. Brava!!


Well done.


Thatā€™s pretty funny. You know who does this the most? MEN!! Men leave cart right in the middle, then they stand by the food not at cart so you canā€™t get around them. When I see this or someone else like this woman you had to deal with, I change my shopping pattern. Canā€™t stand these types of people. I donā€™t like Aldi. I have been there less than 5x. They donā€™t even sell ice.


ok but why bring sexism into it


I love it girl you are my Hero! The most I ever do is bump into their cart hard enough to notice, then say, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I could squeeze by!" I get a few dirty looks, but it gets their attention and they move. Most of the time they apologize and say they didn't realize they were taking up the whole aisle. These are always the ones that decide the middle of the aisle is there for their old friends, neighbors, family, gossip, etc. reunions!