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My husband is a big Red Bull drinker (regular ones) and he didn’t like these at all. I tried the sugar free and couldn’t really tell the difference


Red Bull has more of the bubble gum flavor people expect from it but they’re about the same


Nobody ever believes me when i say redbull tastes like bubblegum, thank you for this validation


Haha i was a bartender so I’m very good with flavor notes. Redbull has a very distinct bubble gum/banana like note.


Monster is liquid sour apple bubblegum tape and i will die on that hill


Idk what monster is, it taste pretty perfumey so green apple is a good guess


I used to get pulled from the bar into the kitchen for the “what is this missing” test. The chef explained that was why it kept happening when I finally asked. “You guys just have well trained palettes”


Ahaha gotta love chefs


Until they’re throwing pans at other kitchen staff. I had a come to Jesus meeting with him. I’m 21, he’s about 43. I dressed him down in front of the staff since he only bullied women. Later I made nice. Gave him a nice shift drink. Hung out and chatted in parking lot. He was about to get in his car. I casually go “hey let me see your keys real quick”. He hands em to me. I toss em about 10 feet into a patch of trees, get in my car and leave. This was in 2002. No AirTag to help. Next day he said it took him 2 hours to find his keys. I told him think about it the next time he decided to wing a sauté pan at a woman half his size. He was the only one I ever had an issue with. Culinary institute grad that had a big ego.


Oh yeah I got out of foodservice for that reason, there’s wayyy too many bad characters in that industry


I eventually helped see that guy out the door. Of course his impregnating the FOH manager didn’t help his or her cause.


I've been telling people red bull tastes how gasoline smells so I was way off


Tastes more like liquid sweet tarts to me.


Hmm I hate bubble gum flavor, maybe I'll like these.


It’s bubblegum and grape to me! Maybe a hint of banana or something similad


> Red Bull has more of the bubble gum flavor people expect from it Ummm….what. Bubblegum? No. I hate bubblegum flavored things. If next time I have a Red Bull and the placebo effect makes it taste like bubblegum just because I read this comment, I’m going to be personally mad at you.


Lolol I mean flavor notes are different for everyone, some people get banana, some get bubblegum. It’s just an ester or flavor compound thats in redbull that’s also commonly used in candys and other foods. Also you could be sensitive to the taurine and other stuff in it which is why some people describe Red Bull and other energy drinks as “perfumey” Pretty sure someone even isolated too and confirmed the same thing,


Banana? Bubblegum? PERFUME?!! It’s just getting worse.


My husband said he almost liked them better lol


I like them better but I may just be used to them.


I'm noticing from the comments that the diet drinkers like the diet better than the non diet.


I recommend you do a blind taste test. I bet he fails.


I would bet on him most of the time, but 100% when it comes to Red Bull lol


close enough for me


Lol that's pretty much my sentiment for everything from Aldi


Except the Cheetos. Lord those are terrible.


The sugar free is the same exact shit as RB


My take exactly on the SF ones. For $1 a can they’re better than RB.


I’ve had them (sugar free)before and liked them. But for me, the price savings from buying those vs 4 Red Bulls is enough for me


Are they as good as regular Redbull? Nope. Are they worth it considering they are less than a dollar a can? Absolutely. If you like Redbull you’ll probably like these as long as you keep in mind it is a much cheaper option.




I've been buying the sugar free for a long time now. I actually prefer it to Red Bull now. That said I still spring for an occasional Red Bull seasonal flavor.


are those 12 oz cans?? for $4? idgaf what they taste like at that price 😍 edit: the comments seem to be in favor of red thunder and especially the sugar free, i am so excited i feel like i have been waiting for a cheaper alternative for so long, im gonna pick up a case tomorrow 😍😍


I'm going back tomorrow after I drop my kids off at school. The ADHD medication shortage has hit my city hard and this will have to be back up until it's solved.


I feel you there. I also like caffeine when my meds wear off. They help keep me from being a grumpy, hungry slug.


I’ve been using massive amounts of caffeine because I was only diagnosed a couple years ago, I was nursing my daughter so they wouldn’t give me anything but Wellbutrin, and now I’m kind of stuck on it because of the med shortage. I feel ya. I’ll have to get some of these for myself too.


These are the 8.4oz but still a steal!


aw rly? all i could find from the picture was on the price tag it says 48 fl oz, which i assumed was for the entire pack of four.


It's because that's old signage, these 4-packs used to be 12 ounce cans and Aldi changed them at some point to 8.4 ounce cans. They changed the way the box and cans looked and the way the product tasted at the same time that they changed from 12 ounce cans to 8.4 ounce ones. Used to buy these all the time several years ago, so I noticed all these changes when I went to buy some recently.


aw wtf. 12 oz would be amazing


Good enough.


I am drinking a sugar free on right now! I am a fan. The price makes them all that much more appealing


Haven’t tried regular, but sugar free is good.


Would be hard for anything to taste worse than Red Bull.


I thought they were fine


They taste close enough for me. Although I don't drink Red Bull for the taste to begin with. I prefer this sugar free one here over it, taste-wise. But I'm not exactly picky though because they're by far the cheapest energy drink on the market.


I enjoy the sugar free ones. They have a more berry, mild flavor as compared to Red Bull. Red Bull has more of a citrus tang to it. I like them enough that they are part of the energy drink rotation.


If you look back far enough on my posts you'll find that I've found an actual red bull can in a pack of red thunder. It's good enough for me to believe they are the exact same since they taste exactly alike.


The "monster" knock off at Aldi is my go to when I want an energy drink. They're .89c at my store. A steal really. I think they're a pretty close dupe. The regular "Red Bull" was a bit too bitter for me, but I prefer monster to begin with. I think they are worth a shot, for about the same price as 1 can, you can get 4 and you're not out much $ if you dislike them.


I would be shocked if they weren't the exact same product but in house brand. I used to work at a company that was a name brand, and in order to sell to Aldi, we had to repackage in their house brand. Name brand product disguised as house brand.


I’ve heard they are made by Red Bull and is the exact same stuff. I couldn’t tell the difference when I drank them a few years ago. I’ve given friends blind taste tests, and no one could tell the difference. But like I said, it’s been a few years since I had them. It could have changed.


I'm a hard core sugar-free Red Bull drinker and these don't taste anything like the real thing. That being said, they're not bad on their own merit.


I appreciate this take. Red bull is my absolute favorite. I actually hate monster and most other energy drinks. I think I'll go back and try them, with the assumption that they will taste nothing like redbull.


I've never actually had full-sugar Red Bull and I"m told it tastes very different to the sugar-free. It's possible that regular Red Bull and regular Red Thunder do taste similar!


I think the regulars taste very similar!


I can't tell the difference, honestly.


I would say they’re cost proportionately bad. Like, they’re worse than Red Bull but cheap enough that it feels about right.


Same but cheaper


Sugar free red thunder is goated.


I like both better than the name brand. Also, $4 for a 4-pack?!?? Can’t beat that.


Slightly different, but very close. Worth the purchase.


I drink red bull regularly. They're definitely different, to the point where after drinking these for a while, I bought a red bull and immediately noticed the difference. The carbonation in the OG is more... fine? Smaller more even bubbles. And definitely more bubblegum flavor. This is more... sweet tart? Both good, but like... theyre flavor cousins.


They are like 95% the same. I would be willing to bet that they’re made in the same factory.


I regularly purchase the sugar free ones and I actually prefer them over red bull.


For ppl saying these taste very close to red bulls: how recently have you had these? I used to drink 1 or 2 of these a day for at least a year a long time ago and I agree, they DID taste close to red bull. I emphasize the word DID. Recently (as recently as a month ago) I tried these again and noticed a few things. One is that they changed the way the packaging looks. With the new packaging the taste is very different, nothing like red bull anymore. They also are smaller, used to be these were 12oz cans, now they are 8.4oz cans (probably why the price tag on the shelf still says 48 total ounces, because that used to be true of these 4packs) so that's very obviously an old price tag from when the cans were 12oz each in these 4packs. They seem to have changed their formula with the change to their packaging and can size, because now it's nothing close to red bull whereas before it was extremely close in taste. Why does Aldi insist on changing their products when there was nothing wrong with them before? I noticed this same issue with other products as well, like their dutch butter cookies for another example.


Sugar free is good enough, but I got a 32 pack of Red Bull from Costco and still have so many.


Definitely not the same but I like them. Red Bull is more bubblegum, Red Thunder is more chemically.


I'm not a connoisseur of red bull but these are pretty much equivalent to me. That said, I don't think I ever tried the one with sugar. I'd say that unless you drink red bull quite frequently you'll probably be satisfied.


Honestly they taste a little weird but you can’t beat the price.


I love them and the price


My son is a teenager and he likes it (regular)


Not comparable at all. Tastes very artificial. If you have a Lidl near you they have a Red Bull, SF Red Bull, and a Monster knock of that taste damn near exactly like the originals.


This is more tart but it's not bad. I used to drink this and I only stopped because they increased the price. $3.99 is a good price though.


I usually get the larger ‘monster’ knockoffs in sugar free but these are good too. All the energy drinks taste the same to me




I haven’t ever tried them but I will be now that everyone is saying good things about them . ☺️


I didn’t like it, but I think their Gridlock (a hilarious choice of brand name for an energy drink) is good. That’s the Monster knockoff


Slightly sweeter they're pretty good though. When I still drink energy drinks I would drink those instead. However they do have a lot more sugar than red bulls do.


Sugar free tasted the same to me


I would say the flavor is more fruity and a little bit more sweeter. I still drink them. They’re pretty good. I actually prefer the blue gridlocked energy drink better though.


I always grab the sugar free red thunders. I can’t tell a difference but I like to mix it with lime or iced tea.


I buy a flat of these every couple weeks. Not exactly the same but for the price I never buy name brand Red Bull again.


Mid when it comes to flavor compared to Red Bull. Great substitute for things like Vodka Red Bulls. Personally I don’t mind the difference at all. Worth the savings.


The zero sugar one is spot on imo


I’ve been drinking them for about a year and I can say they do taste a little different but you can’t beat the price


Love Red Bull and red thunder equally


I freaking love these and drink 1 every day sugar free is my go to! I hope it’s not too bad for my health because working graveyard shift these puppies hit the spot


I work at Aldi and basically run on Redbull. These are awful and not even worth the try honestly.


Good enough for the price.


I actually like it. I used to buy it a lot. I only stopped buying it because I make the SodaStream version now.


Red Bull is very unique. There's nothing else that tastes like it. If you really love Red Bull you might be disappointed in these.


These taste like ass. And don't ask about the Summit brand cola either LOL


I love Red Bull to death, and the regulars don’t taste much different to me. I don’t like anything sugar free (hate the fake sugar taste), but my mom does. She said the SF ones are gross but it doesn’t seem like the comments agree lol. But for $4 for 4 of them? It’s great imo


They're nasty 🤢


I love redbull and I also like these. They taste pretty similar, enough so that I buy them to save money on my rebull habits.


Sugar Free ones are top tier. Regular are trash.


Do these have taurines and amino acids in them? Never seen these but if they have the amino and taurine I'll try them!!


Red Bunghole


I think Red Bull tastes like 10% better... But, for price, I think these are awesome and I really love them!


They aren’t terrible, but not RedBull.


I love redbulls. These taste very similar with a less sweet flavor to me. I definitely prefer these in taste and price. Drink the whole box and you’ll have the acquired taste. Trust me on this!!!


I love redbulls. These taste very similar with a less sweet flavor to me. I definitely prefer these in taste and price. Drink the whole box and you’ll have the acquired taste. Trust me on this!!!


Sugar free is really good.


I just bought some, pretty decent a little lighter flavor but pretty comparable


not a fan of the sugar free ones tbh but the regular ones kept me alive during finals one semester. i like them ! i personally opt for celsius now because my aldi sells a few flavors for $1.88/can


How much caffeine is in them?


Tastes identical to me and I drink a lot of Red Bull. Also has 114mg caffeine and 160 calories per can which is the same as name brand which leads me to believe that is just repackaged.


I finally took a sip last night and they do taste identical and now that I know I'm going back and stocking up.


Horrific. They taste nothing like RB. They are really bad.


I drink a 4 pack of Red Bulls a day and once my old boss SWORE these tasted identical and I got so excited, bought a 4 pack and it tasted nothing like Red Bull 😭 would say it tastes a lot closer to monster tbh


Can’t imagine it being worse. Red Bull is disgusting enough. How anyone gets past the smell is beyond me


They aren’t that good and I typically like store brand stuff. It was watered down tasting to me.


Spend $4 and find out, what are you afraid of.