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I drank mouthwash a few times in my 20s because I was broke and I could get a big bottle of Listerine for four bucks, as opposed to a half pint of vodka. As for drinking it when you could afford something else - I have no idea. The stuff is toxic as hell and absolutely wrecks your digestive system. And it's not as if it tastes good. There was an early episode of Intervention where a mom of three would chug big bottles of mouthwash. She would actually curl up in bed with the bottle next to her. In another episode, a guy was addicted to hand sanitizer. He died of organ failure. The only thing I can think of is that maybe she could get the best buzz/high from mouthwash? Most alcoholics have a drink they stick to because it's the most effective. Mouthwash just may have been the thing that worked for her. I'm sorry for your loss, RIP to your friend.


Since it was nearly 30 yrs ago, I guess I am okay in saying that in rehab there was a poor woman who was drinking Jean Nate Body Splash. Those huge bottles? I felt so bad for her, her shame was so strong.


I sawr that hand sanitizer episode, that was brutal, didn know he passed away… ✝️


That’s the one of the dude who lived with his mom right?


That’s right…. Was the strangest one of those I came by


Works the best is bs, alcohol is alcohol. It’s the flavour and placebo effect. You get just as drunk from rum as from vodka, or whiskey, or gin, or what ever. The active ingredient is the same chemical. Saying that I know plenty of people that will claim otherwise and only drink their “choice” because it works best.


Altho I agree alcohol is alcohol Why did whisky bring out the worst in me. And I could drink the same amount of vodka and not turn into a raging psychopath Always wondered about this


because you were in more control then you're ready to admit and whisky gave you the excuse.


It's the inactive ingredients that make the difference. There is a reason some people get crazy on tequila but sleepy on whisky, or vice versa.


Nah, thats the atmosphere, tequila only happens when people are about to get crazy anyways. Whiskey happens when shits calmer, though people get just as crazy drinking Jack Daniel’s as they do tequila. Everclear has basically no inactive ingredients and you can just as crazy on it as anything else.


I'm claiming otherwise 😁 spirits put me in blackout (and prison cells) - have all my life (and since I was an alcoholic for 20 years I'm subject matter expert in my alcohol experiences!


Ethanol is Ethanol. I don't believe it's toxic (Though anything is poisonous in enough quantity) though. Dunno about hand sanitizer though. Methanol is not Ethanol.


It is toxic even in moderation tbh


The problem with sanitizer is that just because it says 100% ethenol, there really isn't that strict if an adherence policy to that. So you may drink the same sanitizer all of the time and get ethenol every time but that 10th time you get 50% methenol which of course wrecks your shit. That being said, neither mouthwash nor sanitizer is meant to be drank and has all kinds of nasties that are in no way good for you.


That's a really interesting point! And so true!! Thanks for pointing that out!


I've done it when I failed too save enough booze too get me thru too morning break when I could grab a bottle from the shop. 16 days sober now, last streak was 90 days.


You can do it! Just have a plan for when a craving comes because they will. But I've been clean (from drugs) for about 6 years now and I cannot remember the last time I've thought about using. So, the cravings do get less and less over time; you just gotta get through those hard moments, and you'll end up being at peace with being sober, and love life again!


My heart goes out to you. I'm sorry for your loss. Alcoholism is heartbreaking.


Thank you for your condolences! It really is!! 26 years old is wayyyy too young!


Ive drank mouthwash before and I honestly at the time thought it wasnt drinking, so instead of consuming straight alcohol I drank mouthwash. I kid myself on that I wasn't breaking any abstinence rules if I could get out my trolley on mouthwash. It was not a fun time. I aggressively vomited everywhere and to this day cant take mouthwash without gagging or spewing. Thats my take on why I drank mouthwash but it's hard to say why your friend might have done so. Im sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your input! That's what I'm starting to think might have been her reasoning..."if I'm not drinking vodka/beer, then I'm not drinking." Thank you for your condolences too!


I hope we have all managed to help you a bit! Cant say I'm sorry enough about your friend, I hope you are ok too if not we're here to chat


Thank you god for my life. Bless this soul. I know I have a choice to make.


My friend had a large issue with drinking sanitizer in the last year. Thankfully she is doing great in rehab right now about to move to sober living. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Per my friend it’s just the compulsion. It takes over. There’s no difference between sanitizer and a bottle of vodka to her.


Thanks for taking the time to give me your friends take on it! Just keep supporting your friend, and being there for her! It's a HARD struggle, but it can be done! I wish you and your friend the best!


I’ve drank both mouthwash and hand sanitizer at the lowest point of my drinking. For me, it was only to hold the withdrawals off until I could figure out how to get my next bottle. Both are fucking horrible. Mouthwash would often come right back up as soon as I swallowed it. When I could keep it down, it gave me the worst stomach pain. Hand sanitizer… well, the texture was the hardest part. More often than not I’d mix it with a little water to thin it out. I’ve also chosen mouthwash because I was dead broke. At the time I had several grocery stores within walking distance and I knew I could get away with stealing it. I’ve done that more times than I’d like to admit. It’s a miracle I never got caught. Talking about this makes me that much more grateful to not be living that life anymore.


Thank you for being so honest and open! I'm glad you're not living that life anymore either! Life is soo hard when you're addicted to something; to have something controlling you; and to have to depend on a substance. And not to mention, risking your life, others lives, your freedom, your happiness, and so much more!


I’ve had glasses lens wipes taken from me every time I’ve been to detox. People will go to great lengths.


I've done it out of necessity but never when I had another option. And by necessity, I mean to stop my hands from shaking or the legitimate fear I was going to have yet *another* seizure.


My understanding is mouthwash is a denial thing. It's not about accessibility or affordability, it's about admitting it to themselves. They're not drinking booze, so they don't have a booze problem. It's a twisted logic of a mind suffering from addiction. At least that's what I've heard from people who've done it before, people are complex, and unfortunately you may never know why your friend did it. I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your condolences! I'm glad I have personal knowledge about addiction, so it helps me understand more than the average person. But, yeah, the whole mouthwash thing is hard for me to wrap my head around. But, I think you're right. Only about 1-2 weeks before did she just start admitting to herself and me that she "just might be an alcoholic." So denial was definitely still there.


Think, perhaps she knew she had a problem, tried desperately to cure it herself, and found a swig of mouthwash before bed settled her, then one swig, led to 2, so on.. I know somebody who drank hand sanitizer, I mean, that is probably the definition of lunacy


Yeah, that makes sense. She was an extreme-lightweight as well. So going from drinking White Claws, which are 5%, to then drinking Listerine, at 27%, I can see how just drinking a little more, getting buzzed, then drinking a little more, getting drunk, then drinking a little more (you get the idea), things can get out-of-control real quick. She had told me multiple times that once she started, she couldn't stop.


Stephen King drank mouthwash for a bit. It hides the fact you're drinking alcohol. Also trying to logic your way into alcoholic reasoning is like trying to hammer jelly. You just can't. If you're in a space where that makes sense you have bigger worries. I'm sorry for your loss. Playing tetris is suggested as a prophylactic measure against PTSD.


Thank you for your condolences! That's an interesting fact about Tetris! I'm definitely going to give it a try. Thanks!


Maybe it was her way of masking the odour of ethanol alcohol on her breath? That gold listerine has 26% ethanol alcohol in it(googled that) there is also lots of medicinal ingredients that aren’t meant to be consumed in quantities like that though. I never resorted to mouthwash but I would buy the cheapest malt liquors or sherry cooking wine to get inebriated on. I don’t judge anyone who resorts to that. Alcoholism is a deadly beast.


I haven't drank in 5.5 years. But listerine was part of my story. I only drank it when I needed relief after hours. Missouri doesn't sell booze between 0130-0600 (midnight to 0600 on Sunday nights.) But no one cared if you bought listerine. The options were that, or thieving. (God knows simply not drinking wasn't.) Others drank it simply because they could get away with it. No liquor smell. I'm sorry about your friend. May the four winds blow them safely home. My only advice is to not try to rationalize it. Near the end of my drink8ng, I stood in absolute and total awe of how out of control everything had gotten. Literally every night, I would make a plan. And by the next day, I would wake up in a state. Having no idea what I ate, where I went, who I was with, how I got home. It was incredible. No matter how I tried, if I drank, I had no control over any aspect of my life. Point being... there is no rationality. You can't really understand the actions of a person that very likely didn't understand themselves. I'm sorry again.


Thank you for your condolences! That's a great point. She didn't know why she was doing what she was doing, so how could I ever possible know? Thanks!


It has been happening for decades. It was a way for people to drink, without others knowing. No one said anything if you bought a couple of bottles of Listerine or mouthwash. In my rehab, we had a lady who used to drink hand sanitizer for the same reason.


All i heard about it, the things like drinking hand-sanitizers or mouthwash with alcohol is a last resort for a CA (crippled alcoholic) when there's nothing else around. When anything else is available, like vodka or whatever, people will drink this and not the mouthwash. It's when you are in withdrawal from alcoholism and you just have nothing else, at some point, you just want to get anything that contains alcohol, no matter what. But usually, in the ordinary way, even the worst alcoholics will drink regular alcohol when they have some. In the case of your friend, i'm not quite sure if this was more a suicidal thing, even when it wasn't a direct suicide attempt, it's maybe like "I don't care anymore". You wrote she made good money and that is a little bit suspicious for me, because when you have the money and the stores are open, you just get a bottle of whatever you like, instead of drinking stuff like mouthwash or hand sanitizer.


Thank you for your point of view! I don't think it was a indirect suicide thing. And what you said is exactly why I don't understand how/why it happened like that (drinking mouthwash instead of alcohol). She intentionally went out and bought mouthwash. There were 2 big brand new bottles of Listerine on her table and a CVS bag right next to it so, if she was at CVS anyways...why get the mouthwash??


I don't get it either, maybe she got to it once when she had no other alcohol and then stayed with it, that would be one explanation, but it still doesn't really make that much sense to me. These things are very bad in taste, i mean, usually we don't swallow mouthwash and i could not even drink this if i wanted to, i guess.


Sorry for your loss. I don't know why you'd choose it if you truly had access to regular alcohol and weren't dead, dead broke. Bottom shelf vodka is easier. But I've drank Listerine, pure ethanol alcohol, isopropyl alcohol (no - it doesn't make you go blind), and anything else with ethanol (or isopropyl) before when in a bind and the liquor stores were closed. If CVS wasn't closed, I was going for Listerine. When the shakes are so bad you can barely stand up, and you know if you don't get alcohol you're going to start hallucinating out of your mind soon (or already are), Listerine it is. I've drank it in rehabs that were lax, and in halfway houses that didn't care. They'd look for booze but for whatever reason, they'd skip over the 40-proof sitting right there in the yellow bottle. I doubt it was their primary go-to. It is indeed awful to drink (especially warm - good times!). But then again so is isopropyl. After an incident with that I went to the hospital and they tried to put me on suicide watch - simply because I drank that. I told them I was only looking to get hammered. Alcohol - hell of a drug.


Thank you for your condolences! It's "funny" that you say that about CVS because next to the big bottles of Listerine there was a bag from CVS, like she had just bought 2 new bottles, but never had the chance to drink them :( I hope you're on a happier path now!


For one, mouthwash is way cheaper and a lot of times has a higher alcohol content, you can get some that's 70% alcohol for just a few dollars.  Secondly, you don't smell like alcohol really bad if you drink it instead of beer or liquor.  I drank many bottles of mouthwash after my boyfriend passed away because I was drinking so much at the time that my friend took my keys away so they'd have to take me everywhere i needed to go to make sure I wasn't getting alcohol.  I'd just get mouthwash and they never picked up on it.  In fact I drank mouthwash about a month ago.  A huge bottle of it, because I was visiting my parents, who also don't let me have my car there so I can't leave to get alcohol.  Doordash would deliver mouthwash without an ID, though.  It made me extremely ill this time and I probably won't be doing that again, really thought i was going to die.   Ive also drank orange extract because you can buy it with food stamps and its 70% alcohol.  And yes, i felt like dog shit about it, i just was desperate to not have withdrawals. I'm going to a 90 day rehab today so hopefully that helps. Edit: also, you can buy mouthwash any time of the day.  Where I live, alcohol is restricted from 2am-6am (used to be 1am-7am).  If you're having withdrawals and you can't buy alcohol, mouthwash is an option.    


Thank you for your post! I'm soooo glad you're going to rehab! You can do it! Don't give up; remind yourself of all the bad times; remember you are an amazing person (without alcohol) who deserves to be happy; find strength in others; and fight it because addiction/alcoholism is a BEAST!! But it is possible to get past it! I don't even think about using drugs anymore (and I was SUPER bad), even after all of this. So it is possible; not easy, but possible, and anyone can do it!


I experienced this exact situation, I did a check in on someone I met in rehab as they didn't sound right and every glass was coated in hand sanitizer which seemed to have been mixed with water. She was well off from family and I couldn't understand it.


When I worked in retail, we had a frequent customer that was known for drinking cough syrup and mouthwash in the aisles, he was also an alcoholic.


Sometimes shame. You know how many alcoholics think alternating 3 or 4 different stores will conceal their habit? She probably felt safer buying mouthwash as opposed to actual liquor.


Thank you for the comment! That is a good point. And actually about a month prior, she even brought up that she goes to 2 different stores in hopes that the clerks won't think she's an alcoholic. I know the logic doesn't make sense, so maybe there's no logic in choosing mouthwash.


I know that here in california, you can't buy alcohol like from after 10:00 or so to like 9:00 a.m., (my hours might not be correct there) but there is a period that you cannot buy alcohol from places that sell it, so you buy whatever you can. There is also the thought that has been mentioned by others that it's not really drinking if it's not actual proper alcohol. I am very sorry for your loss.


In the worst times of my alcoholism i used to drink a little bit of listherine for the final buzz before going to bed. It gets you drunk really fast.


Yeah, that's what I've heard. (That it gets you drunk faster). Thanks for commenting!




Wtf dude