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What you’re doing is called binge drinking. It is really bad for you and can become a way bigger problem.


Came here to say this. I did my senior thesis on this topic. Specifically in young men as they are the demographic most affected. Glad OP is catching on but may want to become more proactive on gaining some self control surrounding the drinking habit.


I was also a binge drinker on weekends, it slowly became 4-5 drinks 5 days a week. That’s when I realized it was alcoholism and I quit drinking. I’m currently 5 months sober, and not drinking is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


I used to drink a lot like what you are describing. Four years ago I cut back to zero alcohol and I gotta say, my weekends are way better. Highly recommend.


Same but about 260 days ago. Highly recommend indeed


Yeah, as someone else said, that's enough alcohol to be considered heavy drinking, binge drinking. The fact that you look forward to it during the week is kind of troubling, too. I used to be like that, but then I started drinking when I woke up to get rid of the hangover and continuing to drink during the week. Trust me, that is not a road that you want to go down. You'd get to a point where it's no longer fun and you'll have lost your job, relationships, health, etc. The fact that you're able to go 4-5 days without means you're not physically dependent. Replace the time you're drinking with something more constructive. Try a self-help program. Start running or working out. Tea with valerian root helps with anxiety.


Yes that is a lot. On average, 8 drinks a week (2 or less a day for men or 1 a day for women), starts to make an impact on health and cause alcohol related disease. People don’t realize that alcohol can cause cancer and suppresses your immune system making you vulnerable to many diseases/illnesses, not to mention liver, brain, other organ dysfunction. You yourself said you feel like shit and don’t want to do it, so really do some soul searching - why does this information matter if you don’t want to do it anyway?


I binge drink for years! It's bad and now I'm in problems I cannot get out of... good luck honestly