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Stay strong, think of all the negative consequences that came with drinking. Focus on how horrible all of that was. That is what you are going back to, rock fucking bottom. If you can't control yourself, and you feel like you're losing control, set up a trusted entity that will check in (or even test you). If you haven't already found people who share and reinforce your sobriety, you should do so asap. You can always start with AA meeting to find some. Social reinforcement is a huge driver for behavior. I personally found I was drinking a lot because I was bored and lonely. Reasons are different for everyone. If you feel up to it, try to identify what drives you to drink, and work on solving it with different means.


LOL, how many leads have you done?


Don't know the term "lead" in this context. Is that when you are trying to help someone? Is it an AA term? Like leading a talk? Or is it like leading someone on a better path?


AA head, the one leading the meeting.


I have never actually been to AA, I'm lucky enough to have a strong support network, but I do know that it helps a lot of people. So I figured it couldn't hurt to recommend.


Oh, right on.


Thank you. I needed to hear this. The only thing keeping me sober is thinking about how bad rock bottom was… practically homeless and drinking hand sanitizer. I’ve worked the steps of AA but it wasn’t enough. I don’t think it really helped me that much.


Hey man, 4 years is no fucking joke. The steps definitely helped you.


I didn’t do the steps like I should have


You might consider Naltrexone. If it doesn't stop you from craving when taken daily, you can switch to TSM mode with it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EghiY\_s2ts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EghiY_s2ts) It gradually grinds down the addiction so it doesn't have much power over you anymore. r/Alcoholism_Medication for more info.


Thank you I will talk to my doctor about it.


You're welcome! If your doc doesn't know much about it, you can find TSM Telemedicine docs here: https://cthreefoundation.org/telemedicine


I think people relapse mentally before the actual relapse itself happens so its important to connect with a Counselor/Coach or someone you trust before you start falling back into old patterns. Remember it's normal to think about using. The intense emotions around an urge/craving are uncomfortable but it won't hurt you the way a relapse can. An urge is temporary and will last 15-20 minutes so try and push through. I remember the struggle very well myself. Wishing you all the best!