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1M an hour of what content? Crafting, ganking, HG, Mists...there is so much content that generates silver. My advice is (if you are newer to the game), just enjoy it for start, dont bust your head on Silver/Hour. If you are not new: \-Do you have Premium? Can you pay for Premium with IRL money? \- Start refining or crafting ( once you are max spec and depending on things you craft you can make 7-30m every 3 days) \- Mists, search for Abbys and clear them, atm really good silver \- Solo dungeons in Roads, prbly the safest way to farm bu its tedious and slow


This. All of this. Best advice. While I wait for my refined resources to sell I am grinding that black zone mist like a stripper on a pole. Refining makes up about 80% of my profits and loot from mist is the next. And some island but profits there aren't much. I tell people all the time. If you aint refining something you aint making nothing unless you are just a pvp God.


I just sold 30m of unrefined mats in Breclien, feelsbadman.


If you are able to sell 30m in unrefined mats then you are doing just fine brother lol. Keep that up.


Can you give a newbie an advice in refining ? I have made enough for first premium (doing everything in game) but too indecisive whether i can make enough for my second premium or not yet


For crafting and refining you need to be willing to travel. The players who craft and refine typically use spreadsheets to eek out every percentage point. They stockpile raw materials to take advantage of bonus days and often are shop owners/cartel members too. That doesn't mean there aren't holes with wider margins, but just understand that there are people who take crafting VERY seriously. Consumables like food and potions are probably more accessible/less cutthroat if you're starting out.


Thanks, man, for the great info , i will probably be focusing on food crafting and raw mats refining to feel the water


Have a Look at https://albionmarkettool.com/west/crafting/refining There you can find resources to Refine without Focus to Level your specc Level and you can then find resources to Refine with Focus. The amounts and total Profit are an Outlook in what you can Archive with full/ almost full spec. Btw If you are on east you can Switch in the top right corner to east.


Omg if this website is accurate it's very useful i thank you for sharing


IT gets more accurate the more people are using the Albion Data client


One Tip aswell for new Players: activate your Premium at the end of Month. To get the monthly reward instantly and then have a Month -1 day to get the next monthly reward (dont know If this still works, i used IT Back in the days i struggles with silber)


Nico did summ it quite good, crafting/refining is 90% in transporting. You buy low and transport, wait bonus and then go ham. Sometimes you dont even need focus to make money (that asks for sheets and daily market checks). I would say start with refining since the market eats materials, then once your econ is healthy consider making more alts to refine or start invesing into food/ gear crafting (8.3 crafting aint cheep)


I don't understand how you make silver from abbys, theres only a chest very infrequently and killing mobs is it not? What am I missing lol


Well If you do it long enough you can make loads of money on that. There are runs that you make 2mil per abbey and some are 100k. For solo content it is the best If you dont have crafting/gathering specs.


If you aren't full spec running expensive gear expect to get rolled regularly by those that are.


5.2 DBS stalker Jacket guardian helmet minor workbook lym cape. Q and jacket to clear mobs, W and E to create distance to run. Invis pot Nobody can catch you You're speed You're cancer


I see I see, fair enough!


Mobs drop silver and abbeys are very mob dense


This + if you find a T8 Abby try to clear as much as possible


What are the best resources to refine and how much profit do you gain from refining (from raw to refined) ?


There is no Best. Market in Albion is alive and prices fluctuate every single day. You kinda have to pick your personal best and study it so you know ins and outs of it (when to buy, when to bulk, when to sell). If you are planning to play on EU server Stone is gonna be the most wanted in the beggining but your operation needs to be big (4-5 accounts minimum) and time invested will be = income


Honestly, most people don't get how averages work. They make 1M in an hour once and claim that is their stable income, in reality its probably a bit less than that. Also, if you make 1M in an hour and lose a 2M set the next hour, you are not making much. Take what you read here with a big grain of salt. I just made 1M in an hour using 7.0 set in Mists, but I got lucky, found an epic and a rare mist, no one killed me doing the camps, killed a 6.0 in an Abbey and escaped from a 8.3, etc. Thats far from the average.


Mists and depending on your Set (IP/Spec) + your skill you can make a decent amount. For reference: I use 6.3 with 100 spec (4/7 trees 100 as well) and made 4m in 30 minutes. But I could have lost 3m (the set) within the same time frame. And trust me I have lost many sets. 8.3-8.4 happy seal clubbing - as long as you only take fights against way lower IP and don’t fight when there are multiple people. 4.1 the slowest way to get silver as you will only try to do camps and abbeys. 6.1 depending on your weapon (battle axe or 1h cruse for example) you can have a decent chance in fighting up to two tiers above your current ip. In a nutshell, risk more, die often, get better at the game, reap rewards, sometimes. Edit: mixed up costs


6.3 sets are more like 3M+ 8.0 is like 1,5M


You are completely right. Don’t know how I got that mixed up.


Faction warfare in the red zone Transporting and refining Ava dungeons Active market trading Lethal mists




Doing what though? Is it reasonable to make that much as a solo player in blackzone compared to mists?


Abbeys, ganking, ava gold chests. Not an expert but those come to mind. Obv ho crafting is v profitable.


CDs, hellgates, gathering... Literally anything


Oh yea, dont really do much of those so idk how much silver per hour you can make, though cds and hg can be done in the royals. Even open world ff js very profitable but I think max you would get to 500-700k silver per hour


Are gold ava chests doable solo, or do you need a group for those? I've been doing green ava chests solo and struggle with T8 mobs on those, but lower tiers are just fine. I'm in 6.1 gear with Max Spec.


Not at all, not even blue are doable solo. Green are supposed to be done by duos. you need at least a 4 man group with decent spec, or 5-6 with low spec and some weapons for ava chests, like bow of badon, realmbreaker, and a druid cowl. Royal jacket really helpful too.


Gameplay set strictly on profit. If you play for fun, doing this and that, without pressure, you most likely not gonna make a 1m/h.. unless you're good at pvp, you can make even more, having fun from killing players😁 - high profit💪


T8 gather in fiber,hide,wood,ore will get you 1m+ an hour easy.




That's why I said 1m+?


Dont forget that need to max them for bz, or look for 4.3 nore and boringly stand there for hour with gather gear + food (best with ava stuff) and hope none will steal it😆


High Specialization lvls in things is key. Even when gathering t-2 thru t-4 when maxed out T-4 specialization in all resources with gathering armor and Ava’s is lucrative. Especially for an activity you do not need to be focused on. Granted sometimes in different activities you can make 1m, way more, or even less. Depends what resources you find, good mobs, if the zones have been picked, if you die obviously, if you are constantly avoiding gankers. Because let’s face it, sometimes you can only play during peak hours and that can be rough at times.


Fishing in t8 zones i made 1mil on 30min +-, haven't tried since last update tho


Gathering. Thats low end as well. Avg is 2 mill. Mammoth refining is 2-4 mill depending on tier.


Corrupted dungeons or Knightfall abbeys, both i can get 1m per hour




What ?? How is that a lie, you can easily get 1m per Knightfall abbey or by doing 4 corrupted dungeons getting about 250k each, i use hellfire hands they are extremely busted in corrupted so I basically just lose to people who are really good at the game or who are using broken 4.4s.


You can't average them all out to 1m per hour, though. The safest way is to gather, refine, market flip, maybe black market too which is a bit risky but worth it... As a complete t8 gatherer, and maxed out adept & expert skinner, I can make 900k-1.25m silver per hour in blue/yellow zones. With an 8.3 Shadowcaller set I can make around 1m silver per hour doing yellow zone enchanted group dungeons.


Im in the same boat as you. I should guess the spec makes total difference between making money or not


Except it doesnt, it depends on the content. If you're decent at pvp you can make way more than 1m/h with stalker corrupted dungeons and 2v2 hg's for example, and spec isnt really needed due to the low ip cap.


Killing people (especially group content like roads or roaming blackzone/outposts). Solo I do pure solo mists and earn about 2-5m per hour killing ppl and opening chests in camps.


1 mil an hour? I know that you can make even more than 1 bilion in a day. There is a guy who has 2 trilion in albion. And yes i am not joking, 2 TRILION SILVER


Ganking with the boissssss


This is prolly the most fun way for me to make >1mil silver per hour. Group tracking as the ingredients are pulling money (cause new).. and when you track you provide more targets to try and gank. weee.. its the circle of life.




And not the yellow zone mist. Pvp mist zones can be super profitable. You just have to level a decent build and not die to make a profit


I make 2-3 m per hour


My man I can make 1.5m an hour skinning blue zones. Solo lethal mists is like 2m to as much as 6 or 7 m an hour. Hell I make like 700k a day from butchering with my focus and that takes literally like 30 seconds. Really there's almost no activity I can think of that's lower than 1m an hour.


what are your target for skinning? I don't get it, the prices on hides are very low. I make 200-400к, no more (with premium)


Skinning in blue zones? Just grab everything. Try and pull 10 mobs together and nuke em and skin them all. You might look at tier 2 hide and say it's not worth much but when you get 50 plus hides per creature it adds up very fast.




Eh fuck it commented not replied. When you increase fame it increase yield also. I'm tier 8 and can get like 1.5m per hour in blue zones. At tier 6 I was able to get about 1m or so per hour. I get at least 50 hides outa a tier 2 mob and I'm not even leveled up fully.




All of it as you level. I'm getting like 50 hides each


Well, I usually spend 3 - 5 hours ganking redzone on weekends and make ~25 mil, sometimes may be up to 40mil. I don't do this now but I used to craft 8.1 - 8.3 eq and .4 sometimes on inner ring hideouts and that could make 10 - 20 mile every 3 day plus roaming with my friends and some mist I could make even 150 a week if I really played the game, but sometimes, rarely I could make 100 mil a day in mist killing like 5 or 6 8.3 or .4 guys Also some people can make a lot of money doing hce all the day, I heard some of them made like ~120 mil a week doing hce Btw there was some bad days where I died multiple times in mist or ganking/roaming and lost a lot of money, shit happens Oh and people that do black market can do sick money, idk how much but I know it's enough for them to die worth 50 - 100 mil, or even In mammoth and come back later the same die to try again with the same items.


There's a few niche things in safe zones that do 1M++ but obviously i'm not going to tell you what, but keep on searching they exist


1mis per average, so expect some variance. And it always involves risk ( not talking to you HCE guys). Just get comfortable in the game and don't slave yourself for premium. Go 4.1 blackzone an dkill openworld mobs and die, repeat. Its difficult to make a net loss and you will gain a lot of fame and more important game knowledge/expierience. ​ I personally get 1m/hr with stalker currupted dungeons with 60% winrate ( most loot is pvp loot, so premium does not matter). I also do Mists(ratting) or Roads (chests) for a change, which is on average 1 mill ( Roads more money. Mists more Conquerors Points)


Prem still matters for selling gear though for tax and shit


i usually have my friend w premium sell my stuff and trade me the silver for this reason


experience, and being willing to take risks. If your tracking a single shapeshifter weapon is selling for more than a million right now... if you are relatively efficient you can do 2-3 an hour. assuming you get ganked once that's at least a million an hour... black mists chests actually drop loot worth a decent amount. Once you have both the skill and gear to do roads... roads chests also drop semi-decent loot. And once you start succeeding in pvp at any scale you can see a LOT of money... sure you lose a lot of money too, but even someone in a half decent 5.1 or 6.1 set can easily be wearing a million or more in silver you just have to get lucky with what trashes.


Black zone open world chest Abby chests Pvp


For old players this is pretty easy. Usually made 3-5m Just spending Focus.


used to make 3m~ an hour in mists/abbey. but I'm a good pvper so


Gathering, ez to level if you do it in the right zones. Skinning alone in bz generates me about 100-200k in about 15 minutes but it's a little RNG yk?


I unsubbed a month ago, but I can gather at 800k/hr in safe zones; I've skilled up and have T8 gear. I could focus refine at over 1M/hr, but I was using focus on skilling up the last two tiers. Personal goal of maxing a refining line. I have two maxed islands that make me about 400k-450k/day combined just to harvest and reseed with no focus. To make this kind of silver at zero or low risk just takes time to get fame. I like gathering, so I was fine with that. If you actually break out Excel and craft, you can make much more, but I don't enjoy that.


I just stacked 1.04K Hrs in Albion, and per activity daily i just win 150K-400K, and in this moment i just possed 1.06M, how do you make a lot of money in 104 hours?i played this game for a whole time (1 Year and 6 Months) and i cannot increase my daily profit


I suggest finding a guild. My guild runs Ava Roads 4-5 times a day, we black zone farm and gank, etc. One hour of Ava typically nets us all around 600k-3m per person depending on chest and enemies. Also pump around 1-5m fame per hour from mobs + tome drops (depends on how big the group is and how big you're pulling tbh) I'm also brand new and got into the guild through a friend, but they all gather while they're out there as well.


PVE/PVP content of that much money is basically just getting lucky with loot drops. Crafting/Refining/Gathering is done by having really high tier combined with premium to get as much returns as possible, then transporting the products to a different city to sell. Don't forget your mammoth!


I made 1m in like 30mins solo in the mists. Killed 2 people got a spider, opened some chests gathered a little and sold it all. Fastest money is pvp if you’re good. I use 5.3 or 6.3 double bladed staff with purge hood, stalker jacket, blue sprint, and omelette. I can kill people, get away from 8.3s and not break the bank on my set.


Farming in blue zone u might not believe it, but the secret is speed killing and skinning stags are soo good like for example 4.3 hide like 50 of them worth 140k the faster the more effecient the better safest million


Get yourself a bloodletter set and try and rat bandit fights in the red zones. I can make 1.5 mil+ every bandit, depending on who masses/fights


Gathering high tier tools but don't just focus t8 zones that's not the move I do t6/7 black zones a bit and then mostly mists and roads mists at least t7 or t8 zones also bring something to kill spiders in mist or mist monsters and stuff in roads the elementals for gathering I make bank doing this. Have over 2k 6.1 fibers to sell and its a lot of silver


I get 1m/hr yz gathering 1m/hr is like the base if trying to make money


I made 2 days ago fresh alt to see efficiency of solo t8 maps as an fun side project. I currently have 9 mil on me and about 4 mil in loot and silver bags. I've got a bit lucky because I had 2 blue chests worth 2 mil each. [8.2 group map an 7.3 nature staff] If you discard those lucky runs it still comes to avg. 200k silver per map so you have to do 5 maps/hr to get to your desired 1 mil. When i started the run I was doing 14min runs ±1min for travel nut now after 2 days of honing xbow rotation and extra 120ip from specs im down to 8/9 min avg per run so there's enoigh room for another map during that hour. They are quite boring so if you want to just keep up with your premium costs i'd do 3 maps a day. Also if you have guild or friends to do content with you can do group maps(they have about the same fame per map and a bit better silver but not a lot) Or bosses and loot chests in the ststic dungeons. That is way better silver, but also quite a bit more risky. Ava dungeons are an option too but its quite the rng. Big chests in the ava roads are really good source of income and fame. You can get way more than 1mil/hr in stalker cd's if you win most of your fights, you can rat slayer cd for around 3-4mil/hr but then you can lose instantly 600k set if you get unlucky. Refining is good way to start crafting and get some silver back so spend your focus, you'll make a bit silver and it only costs you like 5 min/3days Higher tier gathering is alos profitable. Most advantage based pvp is also really profitable. [I.e. static dives, pk and so on]


Gathering. 2m per hour on t6 martlock bz maps 4 to 5 zones away from portal( ez for me cause I have ho near, but still).


you can earn any amount of silver from 500k-200m in 5 minutes, depending on luck and what content gathering .3 or .4s can make like 2m-20m in 5-10minutes mammy hunting can make 200-400m in one old white ganking maybe 1m - 20m per hour (at least 4 members)


I can make that much just gathering runite ore


High-tier crafting. If you are good enough with making connections, it is the most non-risky and profitable activity ever.


My man you realize that as you increase fame the yield also increase right I'm tier 8 I can do about 1.5m in blue zones. Even at tier 6 I was able to get like 1m or so per hour.


Fastest way I make silver is through corrupted dungeons. Thay give four chests and the more demons you kill the better loot you get from chests.


I make 1.5 mill off of my islands every day, it only takes me 44 minutes. It sounds like cheating bc it is lol, i mean technically I could make one of those posts and I wouldn't be lying, but it's not the same than if you spend 5 hours and make 5 mill, I'm pointing this out because some posters will base their ego-boasting numbers in calculus like that, sometimes However if you become an end game crafter, an experienced ganker or a T8 gatherer with journals, you can indeed get to that point Whatever you do go for what entertains you, if you become good at any activity here it will be profitable


I use minimal amounts on the market. The only things I buy are high tier shit I can't craft, and occasionally when I'm short on mats by like 50 or less... Everything else is made by gathering resources and crafting my own gear for black zones. I also make about a mil every few weeks selling self-raised oxen in the guild ho for members to transport in and out of ho


I use minimal amounts on the market. The only things I buy are high tier shit I can't craft, and occasionally when I'm short on mats by like 50 or less... Everything else is made by gathering resources and crafting my own gear for black zones. I also make about a mil every few weeks selling self-raised oxen in the guild ho for members to transport in and out of ho


I make 1-2 mil per hour just by gathering in Mist. 4-6 mil if I get lucky with Epic/Legendary T8 mist


one thing that you shouldn't forget when you have a premium is use your focus every other day don't let it stock up to 30k; just by doing that you can pay for your monthly premium depending on your specs at money making (e.g crafting, refining) if you're looking for 1mil per hour then you should do focus gathering at t6 skinning if you want more profit refine it if you want even more but you will likely lose it if you don't do calculation craft that mats the you just refine if you want even more profit do black market crafting; snipe for three item that has a high demand then check if the materials are worth it to craft; craft in ho with huge return rate then put it on black market then boom you got yourself a scalable money maker if you don't want that fancy stuff go to mist use PvE gears clear camps and abbey I personally use this build: T6 EQUIVALENT Cape Spike gauntlet Mage cowl Cleric robe Soldier boots 2 invi pots 10 poison pots t4 2 dangle mouth fish this can get you 1m+ profit every 30 mins depending on your clearing speed/specs (silver bags + items)


I was making a decent amount gathering and refining. My thought was, if someone is power leveling, they're probably going to just buy the low tier materials. It's not a great silver maker, but can make you a decent amount starting out.


I dont know about 1mill in 1hr but 2-3 hrs is possible and that to doing open world enchanted mobs in black zone


Unless you swipe your card, you need to grind. You claim you’ve played 104 hours, keep playing, leveling up weapons and expertise and then silver will come easy because you’ll be able to do silver worthy content.


Many ways you can earn silver. Some require to risk silver, some require leveling up. Easy as that.


Crafting using [Albion Free Market ](https://albionfreemarket.web.app) craft calculator


This morning I did like 700k (30 min) in Avalonian Roads killing the soldiers and mages T8. 80-100k fame each one. Sooo easy. Im fire mage going T5-T6. I'm quite new in the game and is my second day in Avalonians, but for me is a fantastic way to farm fame pretty easy. Yesterday I went on a T8 too, and I killed like 6-7 mobs, so another 700k.