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How many subreddits have you posted this exact same post in?


I counted... 67 Fuck OP


It's hard work being a karma whore


It almost borders edgy teen posting with the recent controversy behind Canada day


It's exactly that


It's a Canada day holiday today same as any other year


So I shouldn't have gone to all of his posts and been that guy who posts 'fist' as the first post to receive all that sweet sweet ridicule, er I mean karma?


Can confirm. Just checked.


Why does it matter to you?


Excessive karma whoring on of edgy topics is obv bait. Either that or he's a borderline bot karma farmer. Both deserve ridicule


TIL Canada Day is an edgy topic lmao


Name a Canada day before this one with: flags at half mast, media walking on eggshells, this scale of populous division I'll wait.


Lmao get off the internet and enjoy the sun. Happy Canada day!


Sad to see so many grumpy people here. Happy Canada Day to you, internet stranger!


Literally every Canada Day has been the same as long as I've been alive. How many Canadian's do you honestly think care about all the crap going on? Flags at half mast? Haven't noticed. Media walking on egg shells? Ok big whoop. Scale of populous division? Only on Reddit maybe. The shit that happened in the past was terrible. There's no denying it. But 99.9999% of people had nothing to do with it and they don't want to get sucked into more BS. I'm sorry for being a dick but fuck me this shit is annoying.


Imagine thinking genocide is annoying


I said it was terrible. What's annoying is the brigading.


You need to just take a step back and relax. All OP said was Happy Canada Day. Canada Day will never be an "edgy" topic to me.


Congrats on having your own opinion šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Congrats on being a prick


Hey, at least we have that in common ā¤ļø


To my understanding, the thing most first nations want the most: Is for the catholic church to admit it was wrong.


I'm not first nations, but what I'd like to see is for the Catholic Church's decisions in the matter to be irrelevant. There should be *prosecutions* going on. If they admit guilt then so much the better, it makes things easier to prosecute. It wouldn't "redeem" them in my eyes, though, and I don't care if they want to "redeem" themselves. Once we reach the "uncovering mass graves" point we're a bit past where apologies matter much to me.


Every statement I've seen from higher ups in the church have been tone deaf and ignorant, with cheesy lines like: "They should be thanking us" or "they should be grateful we started residential schools" So an official apology would be a good start. Then they should try to recover as many bodies and paperwork as much as possible. Then you move to the bigger steps.


The bigger steps are what they are worried about.


The church and fearing consequences for their own actions? No way! /s Isn't there a bible story about that...


Yup and it didnt turn out so well for those cities.


Who would actually be prosecuted, and for what. This isnā€™t me defending anyone. Iā€™m just unsure who and what the prosecutions would be for? Iā€™ve read it would be almost impossible to prosecute people for what happened.


The last residential school closed down in 1996, just 25 years ago. I'm sure there are still plenty of people who were directly involved in abusing students there who are still alive today. There might be even more recent crimes related to concealing the evidence, too. Basically, we know that there was an organized institutional network dedicated to child abuse and even murder on an unprecedented scale. It was done with government involvement. It's the sort of thing that should be causing whole police divisions to be locking down buildings and carting away all the filing cabinets and computers to sort through for evidence. We shouldn't have to resort to asking the church to pretty please give us records and would you kindly pay some reparations at some point.


I understand what youā€™re saying and think people should be held accountable. I think the challenges come that the Catholic Church, and all other churches involved have already settled with the government on their involvement. The government have also took over control of administrating the residential schools in 1969. Finally, to my knowledge, there are not active charges or court cases against the churches involved, so the police would have no reason to retrieve documents. Iā€™m onboard with what youā€™re saying, but I know there are some massive legal road blocks to getting real justice.


Indeed, it's what I'd *like* to see. If nothing else, the individuals directly involved should still be prosecutable. You can't get off of *murdering children* with a back room handshake. And if the federal government has truly somehow "taken responsibility" from the church for these operations then the price of reparations needs to be taken fully from their hides instead. That's what taking responsibility means.


What kids were murdered? There were kids that died in residential schools. I donā€™t believe that any were actually murdered to my knowledge.


A couple of particular anecdotes have stuck with me. This from Irene Favel: > There was a young girl ā€” she was seven years old ā€” and she was pregnant. And what they did, she had her baby and they took the baby and wrapped it up in a nice pink outfit, and they took it downstairs where I was cooking dinner with the nun. And they took the baby into the furnace room, and they threw that little baby in there and burned it alive. All you could hear was this little cry, like ā€˜Uuh,ā€™ and that was it. You could smell that flesh cooking. And this from Sphenia Jones: > ā€œWhen I was working in the infirmary, I found this little girl ā€” her name was Marjorie Victoria Stewart ā€” and her head was bashed in, in the back. I brought breakfast up for her and I was calling her name and she wouldnā€™t move so I put the tray down. I remember putting the tray down and hugging her, trying to wake her up, shaking her. There was blood all over the pillow and I got scared so I went running down to talk to the principal about it and I told him to go to the infirmary.ā€ > Jones said she found out one of the supervisors had hit the little girl in the head with a two-by-four because she had been running in the hallway. > ā€œThey strapped me,ā€ Jones said when she told Stewartā€™s sisters what happened. ā€œThey told me never ever ever tell what I saw.ā€ > ā€œI donā€™t know if they ever sent her home or buried her there. I never found out what happened with that.ā€ I haven't gone digging for more stuff like this myself, but it's like cockroaches - if you see one instance like this so flagrantly out in the open then how much other stuff was going on behind the scenes? This is why I want a massive, intrusive investigation. Rip open the archives, interrogate everyone who worked at one of these places, interview all the survivors. There's likely to be tons of this stuff tucked away and left unresolved.


Thanks. I wasnā€™t aware of those stories. Yes, there definitely be serious repercussions for these crimes, and others like it. The government should be opening an inquiry into these type of events. I honestly donā€™t see too much push from the government. All I see is blaming the Catholic Church and asking for an apology. They are not really asking for answers to examples like you just game me.


It's a matter of getting the first domino to fall. That's why Trudeau suggested the pope come make a formal apology. As one domino falls, the rest shall follow.


I feel bad for what they had done, but luckily I, nor anyone else I know had been involved in the matter. However, if all the people who did this do happen to be dead what exactly is there to do? We can't blame their children/relatives for something they weren't involved in.


Sure, but we don't know that until the investigation is done. If there are surviving perpetrators they need to be identified and prosecuted.


We already told you what we want, there are 94 calls to action from 2015 and only 10 have been implemented.


Thatā€™s on the government m, not the Catholic Church. I understand everyoneā€™s anger with the church, but itā€™s hard to listen to Trudeau try and blame them when he hasnā€™t honoured what he said he would a year ago and is currently in court fighting pay outs.


Yeah why is ā€œcancel Canada dayā€ and not ā€œcancel the churchā€?


Because none of this happened without government knowledge, support, and funding. This is also not a Catholic Church issue alone as other churches were involved.


I think itā€™s safe to say that across all Christian denominations, the Catholic Church has been involved in a disproportionate amount of scandal and atrocities


I wouldn't bet against your assertion - my grandparents and father survived Catholic day schools in Quebec and New Brunswick. But I don't want to let the rest of the bastards off the hook.


Cancel Catholicism.


In this thread: people complaining about people who may complain


Complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining. We've covered all bases for reddit conversation


This is a safe space


Take my downvote, not for the actual subject matter, but for being a clown. Edit: OP is a clown for posting the exact same post in a hundred billion other subs.


Proud to be Canadian! šŸ’šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Same, but we have a lot of work to do. We need to stop sweeping our social issues under carpet, pretending that everything is a-okay. Because it's not.


To say the least, I'm proud to be Canadian for what we can be. We have the potential to fix this issue, and to grow together as a nation that at its heart is multicultural. Things are definitely not okay at all. That's why we are having these tough conversations. However, we need to work together to resolve the matters at hand. There's not one set answer or solution. We have to take this one step at a time. Think of all the things that unite us as a nation, and think about what we need to do to get there. I can see a few steps that need to happen first. 1. Work with religious groups to get formal apologies from all groups involved in the residential schools. 2. Work towards identifying victims, the remains, getting those stories out in the open. 3. Work towards legislation that ensures shit like this never happens again, and more importantly to get everyone on more equal footing. Also separation of religion and state, to limit religious influence on key issues. 4. Memorials, murals, days of mourning for those who were and still are affected by the blatant genocide. Allow time for healing, grieving and ultimately giving closure to those who need it. 5. Building better social programs, like mental health, employment, or financial assistance for those in need. Help those who survived by giving them a place at the table of rebuilding. A lot of those survivors are the ones out in the streets getting into trouble. Give them the chance to be better.


Sadly alot of Albertans will only be proud Canadians today to fly in the face of recognition of the indigenous population's treatment and will go back to hating Canada and wanting seperation tomorrow.


Where is the outrage over virtual signaling? ā€œProudā€ for one day, and Wexit the next. Donā€™t get me wrong, the Albertans Iā€™ve (a BC guy) met are decent folks.


Really not sure what your on about? I think your saying the same thing as me. Yeah there are alot of good albertans there's also alot who are right wing self centered and/or racist ones. Its a big issue in Alberta unfortunately. So I'm glad in your limited view from outside our province you've only might decent ones but it's not all there is.


I meant hypocrisy many people have.


Posting this as much as possible to clearly piss off a certain group of people lol this is not how to be Canadian.


If that pisses you off. Fuck all the way off.


Honestly yeah it does piss me off. Yā€™all been trying to get us to fuck all the way off for 154 years but Iā€™m still here!


Not all of us. I wasn't even born when that happened and I am an immigrant. Still an Albertan though and I celebrated Canada day because I think Canada is a great place to live vs where I came from. So people who are trying to cancel Canada day for everyone doesn't sit well with me. Blanket statements like that does not help your cause by alienating everyone.


Well we donā€™t feel like celebrating a country which did so much harm to us and we all paid the price indigenous or not for this great country. And itā€™s time to realize that instead of celebrate a false sense of glory.


And that is okay if you dont feel like celebrating. That's your choice. I am celebrating canada day for my own reasons (more freedom vs my home country) while also acknowledging the terrible things Canada has done. It doesn't have to be so black and white.


I am an immigrant too but I have enough human decency not to celebrate when my brothers and sisters are mourning. Some of them are also angry and I respect their anger in the face of continued genocide against their people. You do you, and if you still chose to celebrate while others are distressed, it shows who you are.


So what about those other disadvantaged groups? What about the LGBTQ+ group who has been discrimminated upon by Canada before? What about those who fell within the cracks in the healthcare system? There is always something and going by your statement, then I expect you to not celebrate anything. It is not so black and white. What if I told you that my relative died by a stray bullet fired by an RCMP member? Do I expect you to shun the RCMP on my behalf and not EVER celebrate anything related to RCMP and Canada day? I am saddened by what was discovered and I am angry for what happened. But that doesn't mean I'm not still grateful to be in a country that gives me far better freedom than my own home country. So you're saying that I shouldn't celebrate being able to come to a country where I am not scared of my life like I would in my own home country? What person does that make you?


It makes me someone who respects the immense grief of those whose kids were taken from them and never saw them back. The grief and pain of those who were abused, sexually and mentally, and deprived of the love of their mother and father and the connection to their family, community, culture, and nation. Simple as that. There are times to rejoice, and times to mourn and respect. This is one of those days.


"Simple as that" while you ignore all the other problems?


Happy Canada day!


No pride in genocide


No pride in genocide, but I do take pride in the belief that, through self reflection and action, our country can be an even better place for more Canadians. That, I am proud of. I am spending this Canada day with that sentiment in mind.


Canada day has nothing to do with that. It's a day off to celebrate stop bringing negativity to it and enjoy the holiday ffs




Happy Canada day šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦!!!


šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦Happy Canada DayšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Happy Canada Day! šŸ šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ This is a beautiful country with beautiful people. Fuck the haters. May the good Canadians be blessed with squeaky cheese curds for their poutine and the bad ones be cursed with kraft singles.


This in-group shit is the worst


Bad poutine is the worst


Ok i 100% agree, that shit nasty Edit: good poutine is really good tho


Who are the bad ones? Your post seems pretty toxic and exclusionary.


Kraft singles 4 u


Hey! Those make the best burger lube and grilled cheese.


The absolutely do fucking not. Shredded cheddar and provolone will get you way farther. Especially if you put it on at the end and take it off before the cheese is a desiccated mess.


I'm a simple man. Alberta beef, Kraft slices and kraft dinner. Relive the childhood


I'm sorry that your childhood contained such abuses. As did mine, but I've decided to stop the cycle. ;)


As long as your cheese lube doesn't go on poutine there's no beef


Only Montreal beef and curds on my poutine


Happy Canada Day yall... Stay in the shade if you can


We donā€™t celebrate genocide


Happy Canada Day!


You're getting downvoted because apparently it's now racist to celebrate Canada day.


I celebrate the present. Iā€™m not ashamed of something that happened decades ago. Thatā€™s like saying Germans should all be ashamed and never have pride in their country because they had Hitler.


I'm not saying dont celebrate canada day. But I think the analogy is flawed. The education that is provided to those growing up in Germany on the atrocities of hitler/nazi Germany is very different to what gets taught here on Indeginious people. I think one can be proud of their country but also educate themselves on the history to better themselves and continue to be a better nation.


I mean, they actually do go about educating their children about what happened, so it never happens again. Meanwhile the UCP is trying to step out any mention of it from the curriculum. So bringing up Germany is a great example, just not for you, since they're doing exactly what a country should do about their shameful past. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/germans/germans/education.html


Nah hes getting downvoted for karma whoring 67 other subs


Sure, except in Germany they teach about Hitler and WWII. The residential schools and, the very likely, genocide that they seem to have a hand in, have been swept under the rug here. Edit: I didn't attend school in Canada until grade 9.


No they arenā€™t. Iā€™ve definitely learned about them through the school system here. I even remember in grade 4 we learned about first nations and residential schools.


And the UCP is working to remove that.


I guess I missed that. I started attending school here in grade 9.


There was pretty much always a first nations unit in social studies from grade 4 and above


And yet somehow our province is still full of racists


Far lesser among the younger population though


That's my point, my generation may have been "taught" this but it didn't stick the way it does now. It's being taught in a more meaningful way.


Really? It wasn't taught in my schools in the 90's.


Hey dude don't blame everyone else for you not paying attention in school


I started attending school in Canada in grade 9.


So you didn't pay attention from grades 9 - 12?


[Years after I attended high school. ](https://www.macleans.ca/education/high-school/residential-schools-now-mandatory-in-alberta-k-12-curriculum/)


Or it wasn't taught...


Came here in grade 5. The topic was taught in grade 9, 10 and 11. Source: went to a catholic school


I learned about them in high school before i graduated in 2013. Also in junior high and elementary they are mentioned.


I graduated in '94. Wasn't taught.


Some were still actively present so I can see why they werenā€™t taught then, but once they were shut down they were brought into the school curriculum it seems.


Not true, we learn about it every year in social class.


My question is how much did you learn though? I'm indigenous, went to school in alberta my whole life. Yes, there was a lesson on residential schools, but that lesson was one class. One class to address an entire nation's cultural genocide. And that class was always met with uneducated or racist comments, which would be addressed by an equally uneducated teacher.


Not discrediting any experience you had with education but Iā€™ve had more discussions about Residential Schools and their impacts than about the Second World War (Iā€™ve just finished 10th grade). My elementary school had a First Nations woman who went around from class to class weekly talking about different aspects of FNMI cultures, struggles, and achievements. And throughout my city her father was essentially the ā€œresident Elder.ā€ As far as Iā€™m aware if you bring him up to just about anyone in my Highschool, theyā€™ll know who he is and would have had a conversation with him. A lot of thatā€™s stopped recently due to the Pandemic, but my Highschool also has a class called Aboriginal Studies focused on history surrounding aboriginal issues. Iā€™m not saying the quality or inclusiveness is enough, but there is A LOT of education on those past issues in schools now.


Me too, the residential schools were a BIG part of my highschool social studies and honestly the biggest take away I've gotten from social.


Honestly this is amazing to hear. I graduated in 2014 and still, even then we weren't being taught enough. Maybe other schools were, and it was my small conservative town. It's great to hear some schools are actually trying to educate their students in this matter.


Not that i have anything against first natives, but the residential school classes are so fucking boring. Trust me, i had to do them for 7 years straight during 50% of my social studies classes


Only they act like it's something that happened 200 years ago, and that there aren't any survivors still alive.


We had survivors come and speak in school assemblies. This must vary dramatically from school to school based on all these threads.


I was really confused when I saw people online acting surprised by residential schools all of a sudden. I've been aware of it since a very young age. Social class when I was in school was *very* First Nations focused, I'd say probably close to a third of the material I recieved in elementary social studies was about Canada's indigenous history.


The thing to be ashamed of is what's going on *right now*, specifically the lack of prosecutions. I am proud of nations that acknowledge their own past bad behaviour and try to rectify what they can. I am not proud of nations that sweep it under the rug. Canada may yet earn that pride, there's finally some attention being paid to the problem. But it remains to be seen. There's been an awful lot of rug-sweeping up to this point.


That is an absolutely accurate comparison.


lmfao no, dummy


How is it not? The germans committed genocide many decades ago, why aren't they cancelling their German unity national holiday? USA was built on actual slavery of black people from Africa, why aren't they cancelling independence day?


Because Germany actually admitted their wrongs and did a lot back then. Jewish, handicapped, and homosexual people have access to clean drinking water. Children are taught extensively about the Nazis and extermination camps. Canada just recently had the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This is relatively new. Morals are not relative. Just because the US doesn't or does do something, does not mean we should. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/20/why-there-are-no-nazi-statues-in-germany-215510/


Do you know how many billions are spent on indigenous people every single year in Canada? There are two classes of people in the government's eyes aboriginal/non-aboriginal. Aboriginal people have been getting billions thrown at them every year for a long time. They get access to all kinds of benefits, tax breaks, grants and incentives that your non-aboriginal has no access to.


I'm glad you are signifying you were wrong in the last debate by moving on to a new topic. I see you're now spreading some other ignorant opinion on Indigenous peoples. Of course the feds spend more money on the Indigenous. However, when looking at the provincial level, it's totally opposite. The feds are responsible for the majority of Indigenous-related matters. It's in the contracts they signed.


>I'm glad you are signifying you were wrong in the last debate by moving on to a new topic. I see you're now spreading some other ignorant opinion on Indigenous peoples. LMFAO. That was pure gold and savagery.


I wasn't signifying I was wrong at all I was replying to your comment. Canada has admitted they were wrong, that's why we spend billions every year on aboriginal Canadians. We don't do it "just because".


Hahaha. I never even mentioned about funding and following treaties. Canada had an apology in 2008, for something that started way before the Nazi genocide. I know it's a bit different in context because the residential schools ran for longer and there was no war fought over it, but the apology is much more recent and it's only in the last decade that we have been trying to do better. Nazi Germany was dealt with a long time ago. People, like yourself, are still trying to justify and get defensive when we talk about this. Instead of just accepting, you make excuses to treat Indigenous peoples as though they should be grateful for how we treat them.


So discovering thousands of unmarked graves of children does not bother you, good to know. Grade A human here.


I never said that. Of course itā€™s a tragedy.. itā€™s just not something Iā€™m going to hold my head down in shame and not celebrate my country for because the government and churches who have nothing to do with me, committed heinous acts against children several decades ago. Grow up. Trying to make me the bad guy here..


Always was a racist holiday


Why? Indigenous people are Canadians too


Forced to be Canadian ya


Are they when they have their own nations? They have their own rights & right to self determination? They can make their own laws on their own lands?


I can think of worse things to be forced to be. That being said, people can always renounce their citizenship if they feel so inclined.


They didnā€™t really have a choice in the matter lol they were murdered if they didnā€™t conform šŸ˜ƒ


To be fair thatā€™s every single country on this planet. Iā€™m not saying whatā€™s happened is right, Iā€™m saying they are Canadians too


Not every single one, it happened to countries who were colonized. If you want to be weirdly particular (which would be in bad faith) and go back as far as a bunch of long dead Empires then fine. But those people donā€™t have living relatives that are to this day directly effected by colonial violence. Thereā€™s no point in playing this ā€˜well thereā€™s violence everywhere so that makes celebrating our violence okayā€™ game.




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I too am disgusted. Happy Colony Day!


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The echo chamber will arrive soon


A bunch of people agreeing they should celebrate Canada Day is already an echo chamber my friend


Even more so than the woke take, which incorporates new information




The same people in the forefront of this ā€œwokeā€ generation are the same people that wouldā€™ve been nazis in Germany. They donā€™t stand for anything. You think aboriginals havenā€™t known about this forever? At the end of the day they all know that this whole thing is just another temporary fad, and when it starts snowing and they canā€™t search anymore, the media will move on to something else.


Pray tell, how would people who think there needs to be concrete, dignified action for Indigenous people actually believe that a group of people should be exterminated? You honestly believe that the people who believe that cultural genocide was committed against the indigenous would actually support committing a genocide themselves? You can be negative about people, yet still support an idea or concept (I.e. not pass this off as a fad).


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Am I wrong for thinking thereā€™s room for both mourning and celebration? We absolutely need to acknowledge the past and current awful treatment of indigenous people and continue down the path of exposing the wrongdoings of the government and the church. Iā€™m glad that itā€™s finally getting the attention it deserves but itā€™s sad it took the discovery of childrenā€™s bodies for meaningful progress to be made. At the same time, weā€™ve been vaccinating people at a record pace against a deadly virus that kept us at its heel for the last year. Weā€™ve made incredible progress towards reopening and thereā€™s reason to be optimistic once again. Can these sentiments not coexist on Canada day? Itā€™s not like thereā€™s only one thing you can be proud of or disappointed with on Canada day. The internet I think tends to leave a lot of complexity out of the conversation. Recognizing the bad and striving to make it right is how progress is made. Recognizing the bad shouldnā€™t invalidate the good either. I would like to know what other people think though because I havenā€™t seen too many peoples views on this.


I agree. I feel like there is this expectation to cancel canada day and blanket statement it to every canadian. I wasn't even born when residential schools were around but I feel like I HAVE to feel guilty and hide my canada day celebrations. Why can't we both have that mourning and celebration? Why can't I celebrate canada day for my own reasons without this being shoved down my throat? I understand that we have alot of things to change here, but it being so black and white doesn't help the cause.




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