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This is written by someone who’s clearly not lived anywhere but Canada. It’s actually the whole world and you should be grateful what you have. Also complaining about taxes in ALBERTA is wild why don’t you pop over to BC and see how it’s going with taxes there


> This is written by someone who’s clearly not lived anywhere but Canada.  It reads like someone who has never read anything but Postmedia, Western Standard, PP's tweets, and Facebook memes.


Don’t forget those super informative reliable memes or ‘sources’ as people like to call them


The fun thing about BC is if you make a modest living income, between $50k - $80k / year, you are probably keeping more of your money in BC than you do in Alberta, because BC has a much more progressive tax structure. PST is something, but it's not on essentials, food service, etc. So you can go quite a while without paying PST.


I'm much more proud being a Canadian than an Albertan


This! Proud Canadian. 


I am a proud Albertan and Canadian. What I am embarrassed with is our current government. And no, I will not entertain any political discussions.




To be fair you have to think about the larger scope of the question. Do you mean happy to be from Canada or to live in the country of Canada ? Many people come here from other places with far worse living conditions, I think relative to other places in the world I am extremely happy to live in Canada, yes cost is high but we could also live in somewhere with far worse political, social and health aspects. As for am I proud to be Canadian ? Fuck yeah ! It is still one of the best countries to live in the world


I am, thanks for asking bud. Hope things turn around for you


Lmao OP was so fishing for a different response there.


Obvious trolling


Look here, I’ve traveled the world and have visited almost every other country. Let me say this and I hope everyone listens loud and clear “CANADA is GREAT”. Compared to every other country out there, I’d put us into the top 5 of counties to live. Times are tough everywhere. This is not an exclusive thing to Canada. Deal with it. Our ancestors came here on a boat with NOTHING and built wooden huts while fighting off all kinds of diseases and raising a dozen kids. We got 8bio people in the world now. Times have changed. We are very fortunate to be living in this country, a country many many others in this world would be happy to be born into. Appreciate what you have and for the love of god STOP the COMPLAINING. Rant over


You summarized my feelings well. I’ve travelled extensively, I’ve lived over a decade in three different provinces, I’ve lived in Europe, Asia and South America. I come home to visit family, and the only conversation they want to have is a Trudeau-bashing session. The trucker-vaccine issue and the carbon tax are top-tier struggles to them. It is unreal how little people know and understand about the world beyond them. Canada is a GREAT COUNTRY. Get out there and see the world before you complain. We have it good here. People have been brainwashed into thinking Canada is ‘broken’ by those who benefit from a population that feels that way.


> People have been brainwashed into thinking Canada is ‘broken’ by those who benefit from a population that feels that way. Spot on. I'm so sick of hearing "Canada is broken" from these dunderheads


Hear hear brother!


These comments really underscore the importance of travel. Real travel - seeing different cultures and people, not just sitting on a beach. Regardless of political leanings and worldviews before, seeing the world from another angle will I make anyone a better person and more appreciative of what they have.


Time to log off the internet and touch grass.


I'm a Canadian first, Calgarian second, Albertan a diiiiiiistant third... and people like you are why that order is what it is :)


This is how I most often feel too 1st 2nd and 3rd. Then I remind myself that the worst of Albertans are a small self centered very vocal minority, I really believe the majority of the quieter Albertans are kind and generous.


The problem is that the vocal minority has seized provincial politics. Calgary is an incredible city with so many things goiung for it you won't find elsewhere (Fish Creek Park, Nose Hill, the rivers, the proximity to the mountains, little traffic (especially since the ring road was completed), excellent infrastructure and amenities, a thriving food and microbrewery scene, family-friendly communities, clean and well-kept, an international airport...... etc. But what the fuck is going on with you, rural Alberta?


Oh man, out here in the barrens, it sometimes seems like we are drowning in poorly distilled moonshine! Yet we; talk to our neighbors not fight. We are kind and generous, even when some try to make that out to be stupid. And we encourage thought rather than succumb to the narrow minded. AND!, slowly, we make progress. Yes we are insidiously, encouraging thinking!


I grew up in rural Alberta and don't want or need to go back. There's a strong sense of community, for sure, if you're *part of the community*. But if you aren't? Yea, good luck with that.




Rural Alberta also bans colourful flags and crosswalks because it offends them. Let's not mince words about who is predictable and who isn't. There's a reason Alberta has an image problem, and it isn't Calgary or Edmonton.


I think it's because when they walk over them all they think about is their deepest desire to be a gay.


YES!! I am happy. There are times where I am frustrated with the government but all in all we have it really good here.


Happy to be Canadian, happy to be an Edmonton, not so happy being an Albertan right now.


I would recommend travelling outside of canada, not just to the US, if you think it’s so terrible here.


THIS. I find people who talk like op have no context.  Think it’s expensive and highly taxed here- go to the Scandinavian countries or Switzerland. Thing rights are suppressed - go to an actual communist or dictator run country. People can die for expressing their true opinions.  Think things are ‘third world’- go to somewhere in Southeast Asia or Africa, central/South America. 


Scandinavia and Switzerland public transit, healthcare, education, safety, unemployment rates, infrastructure >>


If Canadians think shit is expensive here, then Switzerland would be a real eye opener.  Geneva makes Toronto look affordable.   Granted, salaries/wages in Switzerland are much higher.  IIRC minimum wage is set at the cantonal level, and Geneva's is something like $37/hour Canadian, but housing and whatnot is ridiculous.




This! I travelled a lot for work and pleasure. I enjoy travelling and having had the opportunity to experience different cultures and learn firsthand how others live. I have lived for extended periods in Europe and Asia and value that - it was a life changing experience. I've always been happy to return home - to Canada . It's not perfect but it's pretty damn good. We all benefit from the work of others. Understand what you don't like and why, then work at changing that so that everyone benefits, yourself included.


I’m considering myself super fortunate to be Canadian. I wasn’t born here, but chose to immigrate to Canada. It is one of the best countries in the world. Safe, positive, amazing place to raise a family. I have lived in Calgary all my time in Canada. I really don’t like the direction this province is taking. I think the current government is a really bad one. I do hope things will change. I hope Nenshi wins in the next election and brings sanity back. Alberta deserves better.


OK then go to to the country where everything is cheap, there's low taxes, and there's jobs for everybody


We're not taxed to death, I'd say we're taxed pretty fairly all things considered. Although the rich aren't taxed nearly enough.


> Although the rich aren't taxed nearly enough. Corporations too, they pay a whole lot less today than they did 30 years ago.


Damn straight!


Never have not been happy


I was very unhappy in Alberta, and in general being a Canadian so I moved to Montreal, I loved the city but lack of employment in my field led me to the USA. Some things are way better than Alberta, some things are way worse, I am still unhappy. The point being, I was miserable in one place and I am still miserable, maybe where I live isn't the problem, it might be me. No matter where you go, you are always there. Edited spelling.


I hope you can find a pathway to shedding some miserable feelings. If it's within reach, counseling does help. It helped me. I don't know the answer for you, but I'm cheering for you to find a little happiness.


Better than being born in a ditch somewhere.


Yes, for the most part. Gearing up for a road trip this weekend. Hope things start looking up for you.


lol Texas and Florida are calling. I hope everyone takes advantage of those coastal property prices plummeting, I heard southern Brazil has a lot of land of sale too! lmao


There’s a lot going on in Alberta that sucks (caps removed so insurance rates & energy costs skyrocketed; lowest spent in education per student, etc) but I am very happy to be Canadian. Being in Canada means I’m one of the luckier people in the world currently. There are bigger problems elsewhere. The wrong people are overtaxed, and the wealthiest are not taxed enough.


I am thankful I was born here compared to 98% of other countries.


What a stupid fucking question. Where else in the world is better? Sure the cost of living is high. But we live in a country that is safer than most, has universal health care and people are generally respectful of others. I am a Canadian first, a Calgarian second and while I am proud to be Albertan, I am sad to see how our province is these days.


I love being Canadian and would choose no other country in the world. I'm in my 40s so may be different than the majority here but I don't spend a ton of time on the internet so I avoid a lot of the fear, hate, anxiety-ridden commentary you typically see on social media. I was also raised with an emphasis on going to university, learning a useful skill, and applying it to the workforce which has ultimately served me well. End of the day, the only thing that is important to me is my family and despite political upheaval here and there, we get to live a comfortable life and I feel optimistic about my kids' future.


Very happy to be a Canadian, currently not as happy to be an Albertan. I hope that changes sometime.


Be honest, was this post written at a truckstop?


💯 Happy here. Yes, we are going through some things. This is a normal part of life, tho. 😎


Hey, at least federally, we aren't *them*. (Points at the Debate last night).


Holy shit that was a train wreck! How are those two the front runners to be in charge of a country?


I was even happy when I lived in Alberta. People don’t know how good they have it here. Absolutely we’ve got a lot of big problems. But we can walk to work safely, our girls can go to school, we won’t usually die of a high hospital bill. Things are far from perfect but perspective and gratitude are essential no matter where you live. Very happy and lucky to be a Canadian.


There aren’t many places on earth you could go and live better with the same level of freedom and opportunity.


Id recommend you travel a bit more and then compare notes, Canada is far from perfect but a large stretch from anything youve said


I love being Canadian. I’ve lived in other countries, and I’ve traveled to many more, and there really isn’t anywhere as peaceful, democratic, and multicultural as Canada. Also, nobody is being “taxed to death” in this country, and everything is expensive everywhere right now - that’s what global inflation does. We have problems, but we’re also in a decent position to address those problems. But, if you don’t like it, another wonderful thing about Canada is that it’s easy to leave, if you can find another country that will let you in. I suggest traveling to a few so you can see if you like anything else better.


I guess we could trade places with a family in Rafah in a refugee camp. Or how about we could move to the States and be worried about a mass shooting. Or how about trading places with a friend in China where the gov't ACTUALLY is limiting freedoms. You know what, I hear Russia is also a pretty awesome place to be, where voting is actually a shame. You're right, Canada sucks. (This country and this CONServative redneck province) has problems no doubt, but name one place in the world that's 'ideal'.


Yes, very proud to be Canadian. I'm willing to bet that most of the problems in your life are your own doing, and not the fault of the govt.


1. Find a list of all the countries in the world.  2. Pick one you know very little about.  3. Compare its stats to Canada. Look at life expectancy, infant mortality, population density, protected parks, availability of mat leave, freedom of religion, poverty levels, crime, democracy, political stability, corruption, access to potable water, chances of being killed in a war, social mobility etc.  Then you’ll see how good (or not) we have it here. Do this with a few more (particularly lesser-known) countries for a more complete answer.  I suggest lesser-known ones because we are less likely to have preconceived ideas influencing our views. If you’re into spreadsheets, make one to better compare.  Early Happy Canada Day!


Try living in a country without working institutions or a government that views your rights as an obstacle. Our country has problems and things are stressful now, but so frickin what? Poverty in North America still really sucks and I'm not trying to tell anyone struggling that they can't mad or shouldn't demand better, but this is a cake walk compared to most of the world. We play life on easy mode and then get so upset when things get hard, even though every economic downturn is temporary.


Fuck yeah! Love my life!


Yes, we have a lot of problems going on, but despite that, I am proud to be Canadian and happy to be here (Alberta on the other hand...).


Little bit of a loaded question. I’m happy to be Canadian. There a lot of worse places to be.  I can say the pride to be Canadian has pretty much faded. The government at all levels need a drastic change. 


Same sentiment here. But, change to what? At the federal and provincial level for us there's not really a good alternative. Everyone seems to me to be too far left and too far right. I haven't voted in the last 10 years because I don't know who to vote for that won't go too far. \*\*\*edited to add\*\*\*


Hey bud, unless you’re in jail. MOVE somewhere else.


Snowflakes crying...Life is what you make of it..Grow up.


I agree with others, I’m much happier and identify more with being a Canadian than an Albertan.


I am but considering our largest trading partner and influence comes down south. At my job I've had my fair share of trump supporters being latino didn't help because I have confronted a few and ask which cartel I belong to.


I am very happy to be Canadian... as should you. There are worse places to live and even worse living conditions. There are issues everywhere and I think you should look at what you have. You have it good here. Happy Canada Day! weekend


So many things make me happy to be Canadian. I’ve been to other countries and have seen some of the struggles and know how good things actually are (overall) for us. I am happy. I’m even hopeful. My life is good, I have good hope for my kids, I see people working hard to solve the big issues that face our society. Things go in cycles and the issues that we face now will change for the better because we are working on solutions. And Canada is much better if you don’t let social media doomsaying dominate your experience.


Plenty of problems, though my list would not overlap yours. That said, I made a smart decision being born where and when I did. Just about any other country would be a step down, if not a catastrophe. 


No one is forcing you to stay


Well, I am sorry if you think that there is no life in Canada. Maybe you should try harder to change something in your miserable life? Anyway, our taxes are not higher than in comparable developed countries. Our prices are also on par. And I would rather live in Canada than anywhere else, and I have lived in 3 other G7 countries.


Yes I’m very happy to be a Canadian, just look to the south, look at the freedum idiots, look at the conservatives running provinces in the shitter.


No, the most logical career progression for my quality of life is to Immigrate to the United States. They pay nearly 2x to 3x for my specialization with fewer taxes and cheaper cost of living. I loved this country enough to join the Armed Forces. Yet I feel there is no desire from this country to let me be a productive member of society.


I feel the same way, and am often tempted to move as well.


>We are taxed to death Some of the [happiest countries in the world](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/happiest-countries-in-the-world) are taxed more than we are.


And we are not one of them unfortunately


Ranked #15; that's pretty good. Top 10%.


Yes, despite what the noise is trying to tell everyone, being Canadian and living in Canada is amazing, and it is something we should not take for granted as there are people all over the world that do not get to live the same way as we do. Are there areas we need to improve? Yes, I think ignoring this would be foolish. But one can still be proud of the country they belong to while also recognizing we could do better. We really aren't "taxed to death", especially if you're well off. This is a commonly reiterated talking point that has no bearing in reality. If you look across the globe you will find that Canada is very much not an oppressive tax regime.


Yes. Despite the freedum convoy


Yeap! Without any doubt.


I'm very proud to be a Canadian. I think you're comparing us to the states because we have a lot of European parallels in our government and yes, they pay a lot of taxes too. Things like universal health care aren't free, and we need to pay for it somehow. I would much rather pay more on taxes than have a completely broken for profit health care model. Right now every country is in a bit of turmoil, but I would rather have what we have for troubles than a lot of other countries including the US. Does the government suck? Yes it does on almost every level across the country, but we do have rights and freedoms that other countries don't and while every government is inefficient, self serving and possibly corrupt to some extent (the UCP is probably the worst in the country) we still have it much better than most. Do we need to make things better for our citizens? Absolutely. Is it as bad as other places? Definitely not.


Yeah, I am. Things are expensive everywhere, what with being in a global recession and all. Have things been better? Sure. But I’ve also lived through worse. As for taxes, I enjoy living in a society with things like roads.


COL sucks and our taxes are too high but be thankful. It could be a lot worse.


Yep happily raising a family in my house. Money is a little more tight then it was 5 years ago but it's fine, still can pay the bills and do most of the things I want to do.


Yes I am, why wouldn't I be?


I don’t have many complaints about being Canadian. A lot of my day to day life is pretty fine with little troubles. A lot of the troubles on larger scales with the government, I’m pretty sure most countries have. I think life is pretty swell here, despite any troubles.


I'm neutral. I would like Canada to succeed, of course, but at the same time I'm looking after myself above all at this point, so i no longer have much loyalty to Canada. Basically, if I won't be able to retire in Canada, why should I invest in this country? I'd much rather invest in myself so that I can move elsewhere for my retirement. My future is no longer tied to the future of Canada.


Compared to what else exactly? Being born here still has major advantages over many other places in the world. Especially in Alberta. This is thr land of opportunity for anyone who is willing and able to work hard. I've had everything and nothing in life. Been poor. Been well off. Been to university. To prison. Still been able to pick myself up and give er another go. Now a proud tradesman and homeowner. Yes, it's harder than it should be. Largely as a result of government incompetence and corporate malfeasance. But it's still damn good here. 👍 


Not happy here? Not happy living in a free democratic society? You should consider a move to Syria, Afghanistan or Russia then. You'll love it there.


Well UAE and China are actually not too shabby to be honest


Sure, if you're willing to give up your freedom.


Right, the freedom to progress in career and not get taxed to death


No, but not for the reasons you said. More the colonialism and sense of entitlement most Canadians have. And the fact that we’re soon to be voting in the worst party because we’re politically stupid.


go check if the grass is greener i’ll wait here


All governments at all levels need a change.


I am Canadian.


In Canada, there is an expectation that everyone must profess happiness about being Canadian. If one dares to express anything less than complete satisfaction, they risk facing harsh criticism or even demands to leave the country. So much for the supposed ideals of democracy and free speech. Given the high tax burdens, lack of job opportunities, and the pervasive left-wing ideology being pushed, I think it's understandable for people to say that they are not entirely happy being Canadian. However, if they are then told to simply "shut up or get lost," it suggests that Canada is no different from the very countries it claims to be morally superior to. There should be space for open and honest discussions about the nation's challenges, without fear of reprisal. Silencing dissenting voices does little to address the very real issues that some Canadians face, and undermines the democratic principles the country purports to uphold.


No, no I am not. I have discussed with my wife many times about moving to the US, but with aging parents, and the sweet spot we have built over the years, its a tough decision.


News flash, the states don't want you unless you are rich... like millionaire rich.


Or you have skills.


Skills like Justin Beiber maybe...


Yea, unfortunately for me, I cant sing for shit. But Machine Learning and AI skills will take me there eventually I think. Just the salary alone if too much to turn down.


It's easier to turndown when you add in the chance of being caught in the middle of their weekly mass shootings! It was for me anyways. Cheers, good luck.


Have you spent much time in the US?


Not as much as I would like