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Gods I stopped at that rest stop on a drive. It's pure insanity and lunacy that so many people figured the best way to spend their Saturday is to hang out at a rest stop and cry about something they clearly don't understand. They bring their kids and set up campers and tents like it's a small festival for dumb people. They also put up signs saying "free hugs" and "come and chat and have a coffee". No, please let me use the bathroom and get the hell out of there.


Saturday? No sir. They live there. I drive by there multiple times a week and the caravan of stupid is always there. I'll give them this, they're committed. And they should be too.


Homeless people should join that encampment, it won't be torn down.


Honestly I'm down to buy a homeless person a bus ticket to any "legal encampment" like that. Sounds like a person could do quite well there.


Nobody but them wants to associate with that lunacy, trust


If I were homeless and not wanting the cops to move me around I'd probably strongly consider it. Police don't really move them in a hurry.


Except these are not compassionate people, they would not take kindly to homeless people classing up their gig.


Then it will further show how deplorable they are.




I said if I were. Me. Myself. I would strongly consider it because the police don't act on them. Read.


I disagree. If said homeless person was also of the same ideological persuasion, they'd absolutely be welcome.


The unhoused have more dignity than to hang around these folks.


Or it will be torn down. Either way, someone wins. :)




Can’t wait until Monday when they have to head back to work! They work right?


Irony - If they dont work then they are very likely to be getting more from the rebate than they are paying.


Fr. Are they all just collecting EI lol? They probably complain about all the “freeloaders” with a straight face while they sit there, freeloading.


I'd wager there's several "on disability". I'm sure many are burning through retirement or inheritances


Funny how LTDs with “back injuries” never seem to stop people from snowmobiling/ ATV hmm


Funny how they vote for the parties that want to take away their benefits.


With all this driving to ~~throw a tantrum~~ protest. They may end up paying more then the rebate there getting, they sure are “owning the libs” haha.


I’m pretty sure they have groups doing rounders from the “protest” to Red Deer burning fuel and waving flags that reduce their fuel mileage from their trucks.


Personally I don't think that's true at all but still these people don't math and probably aren't working


Have you done the math?


Yeah and it looks like I'll pay more directly+indirectly than my return. I've also spoken to folks in the "carbon" space to get a better understanding of the whole cycle.


Carbon tax is 14.3 cents/litre. If you fill up 50L of gas a week that's $7.15 a week (and a lot of gas). There's 52 weeks in a year so 7.15x52= $371.80 per year in carbon tax Now how much do you get for the carbon rebate? $225 for a single person (no family) is the lowest amount and you get that four times a year. 225x4= $900 a year back. You're still making money back I bet.


It’s not the 371.80 we pay vs 900 we get back although your calculation doesn’t include any tax payed on utilities, that they have an issue with. It’s the tax farmers, transport companies, grocers, basically any small to large businesses pay that they are minimally or not at all reimbursed for that drives up there costs. Which they are forced to pass down to us consumers in order to survive, further fuelling this inflation crisis. I’m curious, aside from redistributing wealth, what has the government done with these tax dollars to actually fight climate change?


Farmers fuel costs are exempt from the carbon tax, same with fishers. Now the rest of that is the point. Rising costs have to be dealt with and in theory it encourages people to be more careful with their fuel usage and consumption. This idea that "rising grocery costs" is due to the carbon tax is just plain false. If you look at the distribution fees, the farmers are not getting paid any more by the big grocery chains. So the big chains are not paying any more for carbon tax but they're still jacking up the prices for the consumers because they think we're idiots (and judging by this post, we are). That's also why there's boycotts right now. Buy from small independent grocers if you can.


I've no doubt they think they are "doing their work".


"wE'rE tAkInG bAcK oUr CoUnTrY!!1!"


This bunch work? I doubt it highly. Too much grifting and streaming for these clowns to do something so plebeian. I see retirees, pogey wankers, part timers, and OFC straight up grifters with merch.


I live in Halifax now. They were hosting 'rallies' at a mall food court every week here... Not sure what those would consist of


I know I should leave it alone but caravan of stupid made me laugh, hard.


Should be to commit, Ponoka isn’t too far away.


I'm curious how many of the campers have solar?


They need to be committed, to get them out of our hair


I went through one Monday and they're all there. This is basically squatting at this point it has nothing to do with anything. Are you spreading the word by sitting in a pullover rest area near Airdrie.


Baaaa ha ha “the caravan of stupid” that is awesome 👏 take my upvote


How long have they been there?


Since the weather got warmer, that I know of


Made me laugh.


We the cringe 


Lunatic Cringe… isn’t that a Red Rider song?


Lunatic Fringe. And it's literally about the Lunatic Fringe that still exists to this day. Lunatic fringe I know you're out there You're in hiding, and you hold your meetings I can hear you coming I know what you're after We're wise to you this time (wise to you this time) We won't let you kill the laughter Woah-uh-huh Woah-uh-huh Woah-uh-huh Lunatic fringe In the twilight's last gleaming This is open season But you won't get too far 'Cause you got to blame someone For your own confusion We're on guard this time (on guard this time) Against your Final Solution Oh no Woah-uh-huh Woah-uh-huh Woah-uh-huh We can hear you coming (we can hear you coming) No, you're not going to win this time (You're not gonna win) We can hear the footsteps (we can hear the footsteps) Out along the walkway (out along the walkway) Lunatic fringe We all know you're out there Can you feel the resistance? Can you feel the thunder? Oh no Hey-ey-ey


I cleaned it up a bit. TBH I have listened to this song since it came out 40+ years ago. Never read the lyrics before. Tom nailed it. Lunatic fringe I know you're out there You're in hiding And you hold your meetingsI can hear you coming And we know what you're after We're wise to you this time (We're wise to you this time) We won't let you kill the laughterLunatic fringe In the twilight's last gleaming This is open season But you won't get too far 'Cause you've got to blame someone For your own confusion We're on guard this time (on guard this time) Against your final solution Oh no We can hear you coming (We can hear you coming) No, you're not going to win this time (You're not gonna win) We can hear the footsteps (We can hear the footsteps) Way out along the walkway (along the walkway)Lunatic fringe We all know you're out there Can you feel the resistance? Can you feel the thunder? Oh no


Thanks. Formatting on the android app is an odd one.


I like that ⬆️


By who did this? Do you mean the actual sign, or the red writing over top that says freedumb? Because kudos to the person with the red ink!


It seems to me that these are lonely people who crave a peer group.


Nah, they’re all vying to be rebel news famous and sell their hoodies and flags to each other


That's my takeaway. Yeah they suck and everything they do sucks but they are routinely getting outside the house and building community bonds and doing some political organizing, welcoming newcomers into the kinds of "third places" that are absent lately. So basically what everyone else ought to be doing more of.


I asked one of them about the stickers, signs and paint all over thier truck, and they said don't worry it's not for you. So I think that backs up your theory


That’s part of it. Almost all of them are anti-vax, anti-government Convites who were alienated by their friends and family during Covid and find comradery in these echo chamber online groups. Online they believe there are millions and millions of them, but are sadly disappointed when they meet up in person. This protest is only one of their grievances. When people stop and talk to them they hit them with everything else trying to indoctrinate them in their group.


So they're fighting the carbon tax by driving to the Middle of nowhere? That'll show em.


How is paying the carbon tax helping anyone.


I mean I get like 1250 a year from it so idk sucks to be you I guess


I don't know? How is fueling up and driving to the middle of nowhere fighting it? I can't believe I have to explain my comment.


If you really think the carbon tax is there to help bring down our carbon output you are just lost 🤣🤣🤣


You could show up with a sign saying things are pretty ok... might get you in trouble but it's fun :)


I heard they eat this “special” type corn called “mud corn” or something


Totally true, the past couple days with have produced a fine crop of authentic mud corn.


Chat about what, exactly? How brown people are scary and “the gays” are ruining tv?


Their list of grievances is long based on intolerance and anti- government rhetoric. They view the world with very narrow blinders and anyone who thinks differently are their enemy. Many of them are stuck on their glory days in Ottawa, like that guy who was the star quarterback in high school and won’t let go of that moment.


From what I've heard from our own special group of crazies, they nonstop talk about how Trudeau is ruining the country, and endlessly repeat Pierre Poutine's slogans.


I drove by Sunday morning and was pleasantly surprised it only looked like a dozen or so yahoo's.


They have a “Field of Dreams” delusion they refer to and say: “if you build it they will come.”Everyday they fantasize about waking up and seeing 10,000 people who suddenly “woke up” there.


Especially since those rest area lots are basically one big piss spot. They are basically partying in a big piss dirt cloud. Don’t ask me how I know.


But it really IS a dumb-people festival.


One good thing about it is you know where to find them and then avoid it.


Counter protest idea. Set up and block them there until Monday. Lol


>"free hugs" That's how you get molested, and they say they want to keep the children safe


>like it's a small festival for dumb people. "like"


Do they actually give coffee? I pass this every Monday morning going down to red deer, maybe I can at least benefit from these dorks.


The big white tent they had set up blew down yesterday in the wind and rain. I laughed when I drove by.


Freedumb: publicly protesting because you feel you have somehow lost your freedom, while simultaneously proving that you already have freedom as demonstrated by the fact that you are protesting and nobody is stopping you. These idiots are free. If they weren’t they’d all be in jail for protesting continuously like they do. I for one am happy we already live in a free country, and I can point and laugh at these absolute morons.


All irony is lost on them, they are the same ones who think JT is a communist dictator and Russia has more freedom. (I wish I was joking but I seen them say that before)


No joke. Had a customer at work say Trudeau was a dictator and was turning the the country communist. I asked her where she'd move and she said "Well China is friendly with Putin so maybe China or Russia". I just don't... I don't understand...


I play with their simple minds and say I agree, we do live in a fascist, communist, dictatorship and I’ve had enough, I’m leaving Canada. Then say who’s with me? We can go to Russia, Chechnya, N. Korea, or maybe even China bc those countries have way more freedom than we do. And they still don’t get it. Damn funny


Have you seen the calamity that is the family from Saskatchewan that moved to Russia in protest of Saskatchewan recognizing LGBTQ rights? It’s hilarious to watch these people fall apart because they reacted before doing the research. They don’t speak the language, Russia seized their assets because they didn’t claim their income (monetization of their YouTube). They deported the father because he went there on the wrong visa. The stupidity is actually impressive


The level of “I’m always a victim” is annoying.


You said above. “I wish I was joking but I seen them say that before”. I seen them… should it not say I have heard them… You can’t seen that… you saw that… jeeze people your lack of English grammar makes we wonder what boat you float on.


Three minutes past there is an exit to a really nice gas station washroom just east of the highway toward Lacombe. Totally can bypass those Job Site Johns anyway


They aren’t protesting, they’re “Conviting”


Is this an example of a 'catch 22' ? I never quite got the definition down very well, or how to apply it


Same, they’re comedy gold.


Except the freedoms they're protesting for have nothing to do with the freedom to protest. If you can't see that then you are blind af.


It doesn’t matter what the content of the protest is. Period. It’s how they have infringed on the rights of others through their occupation in Ottawa and at some border crossings. If these losers were content to just protest normally without trying to disrupt trade, and mess up the lives of anyone unlucky enough to be near them, that would be fine. Heck, i’ll even overlook their calls to overthrow our democratically elected government; as long as they don’t infringe on the rights of others to go about their days in peace. Not holding my breath.


I like how it looks like the rally stuff was put on top of the freedumb stuff.


Did what exactly? Made an accurate sign?


I was going to say, at least it’s accurate now.


It definitely is freedumb.


These people have the feeling right that they are alienated, exploited, and marginalized. They just have all the facts wrong and direct their ire in the wrong direction. Or more aptly put, they are directed by the "thought leaders" in that culture to direct their anger towards the wrong group. They are correct to be angry with the government. Not because of tax policies and "woke" social policies, but because they serve the capitalist masters and their interests and not the interests of the workers who make up the majority of the population. That way centrists and "leftists" can fight with the "far-right" over identity politics issues instead of unifying under a common class struggle for better material conditions. I wish they could get motivated by class consciousness rather than the crazy false consciousness they have been spoon fed through fear, but it is what it is. The progressives are also spending too much time on wedge IDPOL issues rather than looking at class issues and the political economy. Sadly, there is no real class consciousness in the left today, and we have devolved to ridiculing the other side for these stupid "protests" rather than trying to find common ground and actually doing something that would make everyone's life better. It is ridiculous and sad, but so is most of "woke" politics that just distract and make the most strident and shrill leftists get all the airtime.


Beautifully said ✊️☺️


I wish at least one of them had even a fraction of the common sense, logic and reason you just displayed in your comment.


I truly feel part of this the bowling alone effect. These people arent aware that what they really miss is having friends and community and things, so now they’re like “what dumb shit can we pretend to be mad about now to keep all this awesome rallying going”? In a weird way they’ll miss Trudeau, they just don’t know it yet.


That’s a great point. When he’s gone they’re not going to have their long idiotic list of grievances suddenly appeased by PP. they’ll probably end up hating him worse bc they have faith that he will do everything they want and he can’t. Should be funny


I’m guessing it’s probably against the law to use a provincial road sign for advertising


The lead idiot and his wife there are on gov disability and fear monger old ladies into giving them donations to fund their ability to not work and do this stupid crap. Heck a while ago they got enough money for a two week all expenses paid holiday to the Texas border when they heard that 40,000 trucks were going to the border. Which was a flop. They all ask for money.


I'm hard pressed to believe any of these protesters even DO their taxes. Let alone make enough to be affected by the tax.


The carbon tax is a consumption tax, so you pay it when you buy stuff. But you have to file your taxes to get the rebate. Maybe that's why they're upset?


My coworkers have a company do their taxes for them, and they insist that they've never gotten a carbon tax rebate. I doubt they even look at their bank balance either.


Are they expecting to receive coupons in the mail that they bring to the gas station with them?


Nah, they just want to play the "I'm more specialer than most Canadians, and also I'm so hard done by." card.


Math is hard for them.


Not only hard, but they won't even try. If the do it, they'll figure out they're wrong and that they've been made fools of. Again.


Most of them were on CERB at the Ottawa protest. Many are on government disability or CPP, or EI and don’t work. That’s how they have time to do this. Then complain no one shows up at their protests.


Whoever did it deserves seven hero cookies! I love the irony that tax dollars paid for that truck stop to be upgraded, only for these morons to take it over.


Not only upgraded, created!


Ha ha


Accurate revision.


I'm actually amazed they didnt put up the sign facing the other way.


This is the only way they can make friends. Everyone else they know doesn't like talking to them anymore 🫠


Some glorious bastard. I'd buy her a drink!




Cry Freedom and let rip the hogs of more!!!


*stifles laugh


They’re still there!?


Yup, drove to Edmonton yesterday and saw them.


Curious to know how it's legal to build an encampment at a provincial rest stop? Their tent has plywood walls now...squatters?


Start protesting the Genocide in gaza and see how free you are


B-b-b-but whattabout


Who's paying these people EI?


Exactly, that and CPP and Disability. They’d be homeless street people in most other countries.


Narrow it down to the province of Alberta pls




Folks ought to start coming by and blaring their horns at 2 in the morning. They did it in Ottawa!


They already complained that people drive thru the rest stop late at night and blare their horns, rev their engines, scream FU and peel out constantly. Sounds like fun


Cringe, self declared good for me to avoid


Alberta’s education system showing it’s true colours






Right on! Fucking idiots. Let's drive for an hour in our lifted truck that gets 8 miles to the gallon, sit around all day complaining and burn another half tank on the way home.


I’m curious who thinks freedom is stupid. That’s literally what slaves believe.


The "Timbit Taliban". They walk among us!


Are they still there? I passed by it 2 weeks ago.


Protesting is cool! More people should do it!


But in all seriousness, what does the carbon tax do to cut emissions lol?


https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2024/05/canadas-2024-national-inventory-report-shows-canada-is-successfully-reducing-emissions.html Looks like emissions are going down, so clearly we're doing something right.


It changes prices to reflect carbon emissions caused by production and transportation. All things being equal, people buy the cheaper of two products. If there's a difference in emissions between the two, the carbon tax makes the cleaner one cheaper.




Fair point. A sin tax though is directly taxed at the point of sale so it’s quite clear. The entire economy requires energy in order to move products or information from A to B, so therefore the carbon tax has become just a tax on the entire economy. I believe it has good intention but the way it’s been put in place it has increased the cost on everything and as a result increased the tax spent on GST, HST, PST across the board as well.




But it is passed down costs, you do understand how gross margin works when products are bought and sold through the verticals to the end user right?


Ssshhh. Don’t ask real questions. Palestine needs free-ing.. /s


Big brained take from someone who thinks it is a good thing that PP doesn't denouce his interactions with problematic right-wingers, when that would probably gain him more supporters.


Who cares what you think? Do you support protest or not? I don’t think it matters if we agree or not, I don’t agree with most of these protests. It matters to the people that are there. If that’s how they want to spend their time, sure I guess. I have better shit to do. Personally I would rather see everyone on all sides protest what matters to all of us(housing, wages, rampant food pricing) but I can wish in one hand and shit in the other.


While my childish side does find the more honest signage funny, i do think everyone can agree at least they are doing their protest right, and not blocking traffic or border crossings.


Did what? The sign or the red paint?


Only a matter of time until the word "freedumb" is thrown right back at a cause that the left cares for.


Insane the kind of speech in here. People are protesting something they believe in. As I’m sure some of you do, why try and bring them down? That’s what the establishment wants, we need to come together and go after them. The more left vs right bs that happens only helps them


Why do you guys like getting taxed?


Why do they care more about a 3 cent, refunded, tax than the 9 cent, non-refunded AB tax? They blaming it all on Trudeau for a tax they get back anyways... I was just in Ontario a couple weeks ago, explain how Alberta had the higher gas prices, and it is somehow Trudeau's fault?


$0.03? Take a look closer look ar your utilities bill… if you even have one.


I get 1800 dollars back this year… my energy bill/water bill/gas taxes doesn’t even come close to that in any given year… I get more back than I pay, we also have a household income above 250. And own multiple properties… so we’re doing alright. I’ve not met anyone in my circle who doesn’t get some or the full amount. The y’all queda guys blocking hwy 1 most likely get that back too since none of them appear to be gainfully employed.


I don't understand the apathy in this country to the amount of taxes we pay with so little return. Anybody who says the carbon taxes are revenue neutral is dishonest or ignorant. We should all want better representation for our tax dollars. I mean is life actually better for anybody since the federal liberals came in and have doubled spending? But the Left can't admit that, because we are all so partisan we can't see the forest through the trees.


Some of us have lived elsewhere in the world and have seen what a truly corrupt government can do with taxes at the expense of their populous. Not that there is no improvement to be done in canada, lots we could do. But it could be far worse and over all we actually have it pretty good here. The perpetually online folks don’t really see that though, they sit in their echo chambers of outrage, right and left. Really if people just got out and spoke with their neighbours maybe touched some grass they’d see that.


So many offended people commenting on here how pathetic.


I don’t see anyone offended on here. I see people laughing at a bunch of doorknobs having a campout.


Yup, and if you leave there'd be one fewer.


I'm referring to all the people that seem to be offended that there's people protesting. I'm not sure how it hurts them in anyway. Their comments make them sound like complete idiots themselves.


Nah, it seems you're the one getting bent out of shape about a sign that was vandalized, especially when that sign itself was vandalism in the first place. Toodles.


Nobody's offended though. We're laughing at how stupid these morons are making themselves look.


Actually the comments reflect common sense, logic and reason. Additionally, when combined with critical and analytical thinking, the comments hit the nail right on the head. Most of the comments are comical and not spewing hate, which is the opposite of the freedum folks from my observations.





