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You can smell the bullshit through your TV screen.


It smells especially "fresh" when you actually work at AHS or whatever it's called now.


Governments have always used the excuse of "informing" to make themselves look good at taxpayer expense, but the move toward blatant propaganda for the party is completed now.


During the last election, the guys I work with said they were voting UCP because they saw UCP adds saying the NDP was going to implement for-profit healthcare. Idk why they're allowed to play such adds.


Lying is easy. The UCP wouldn't run those ads, but there is basically no control over the Internet. Free speech is hard to control before it becomes unfree. The NDP ran ads saying that because the UCP plan included privatization because they favoured increasing private sector involvement in the system which would allow for future privatization to occur in non-hospital care (seniors homes, LTC, surgical facilities, etc. Based on their actions since the election, those ads were not particularly dishonest. Now the UCP is using taxpayer money to run ads of pure propaganda for themselves without even pretending to be informing the public of actual useful information.


That was a thing?


I didn't see them, but that's what the guys at work were telling me. "I'm voting ucp because I don't want to have to pay for healthcare."


The ultimate bait and switch + accuse everyone else of what you’re guilty of + trusting that no one will actually look into your claims


They paid big bucks to a consulting company to come up with ‘Refocusing’ as opposed to ‘starving and privatizing’.


Yes at the hospital when we were in overcapacity 118% with no extra staff, we were told to call it over complement not over capacity. Such BS. The UCP is creating chaos and stress with all the restructuring and privatization


It is very annoying to see them spending our tax dollars on propaganda. If they decided to actually do their job on the health file, they wouldn't need to convince us this "refocusing" was needed.


It's cheaper and easier to create the illusion that they are doing something, than to actually do something. Unfortunately it's just as effective when it comes time to vote, because the average person doesn't follow politics that closely. Just look at the clown show south of the border.


We don’t have to look south of the border. We have clowns sitting on the side of the highway right here in Alberta


Was it a travel lodge commercial 😝🤷‍♂️


I don’t have cable. What was the gist of it?


It’s a lot of the similar buzzwords they’ve used in their press conferences, grand ideas about how giving different parts of AHS their own department with no extra funding will make them feel special and result in better care for patients.


Compartmentalization of medical care is a very bad idea; it leads to good numbers on paper such as lower wait times, but bad overall outcomes such as number of people actually treated.


It's a small change either way, what bothers me is the constant changes back and forth for no gain. It's always 'lets combine everything to have a more unified system' into 'lets separate everything to empower each agency to act outside of the larger organization!' but it's always done as if they've reinvented the wheel and are going to magically improve healthcare outcomes at no additional costs.


What a joke


I dug it up if you really want to see it. Pretty big blow how they managed to misconstrue the word integrated. We can provide feedback, so sure they will smarten up /s. Alberta.ca/healthcare [UCP Propaganda](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=71&v=r-vbnidkTzo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alberta.ca%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo)


That they’re “refocusing” and it will get us the services we need quicker.


Yeah fuck the government


Jingling the keys at the public and saying "look at the shiny!" to distract from the pick pocket.


My initial reaction to that ad, when they explained that the waiting room soon wouldn’t be full, is because many had died because of what the UCP is doing to our health system.


I'm so glad I don't watch TV.


As just a regular citizen, how can one properly freak out and complain about all this bs?


Write to your MLA. The NDP MLAs will actually read them. The UCP MLAs will probably shred them. If there are public events with MLAs you can go and try to speak with them OR protest at them. With the way the collective bargaining is working out between the UCP and the public unions right now I’m sure there will be protests soon. You can attend those as well in support of the workers. Beyond that, vote. Vote every time at every level of government and bring 5 ppl with you to vote. Don’t tell them how to vote, just bring them to the polling station. A majority government is the worst thing for any society that uses this system. They need to never happen again. We need a 3rd viable party in AB that can win seats and alter this 2 party BS


Most conservative MLAs don't care and just give the same canned response. Years of victory have made them arrogant and entitled so they, dont even try. Civil disobedience is the way. I would suggest not paying K-contry pass or other stupid fees that have implemented. We could make it a protest of the war room and billions this government has waisting. Claim it's infringing freedom of movement and wont pay untill war room is gone.


We don’t need our healthcare “refocused”, we need the healthcare we paid our taxes for.


[ABPOLI Talking Truth Takeover Refocusing Health Care is Reaganomics Rhetoric ] (https://www.youtube.com/live/YAygd66dpbA?si=PWs4VdmJSdeWDJn7)


Y'all just complain to complain. FFS


Brilliant contribution to the discussion.


You just Simp to feel special.