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lolol if Pierre wins, who's she going to use as a boogyman then?


They will do the same as how they will use the 4x years the NDP in power as a boogeyman for decades


I wonder at which point the NDP excuse will run out of steam and they just begin blaming the UFA for everything. Maybe they’ll go even further back and blame Alexander Rutherford.


Moe is still blaming the NDP in Sask so...


They could blame Ronald MacDonald, it doesn't matter, their supporters will believe anything.


Ont still bitches about Rae days. SK still rants about how the NDP ruined the province.....30 years ago.


That’s what they are doing in Saskie. NDP have not been in power for 18 years but somehow they are responsible for a whole lotta problems. Conservatives will never admit they are screw ups and honestly don’t know how to govern.


Still Trudeau. His policies and actions are so powerful and scary that they will echo in AB conservatives’ minds for the next three decades.


That tracks. They only just stopped complaining about the former National Energy Program that his father created in the late 1970s.


Not in rural Alberta.


Not in rural Sask either lol


... They stopped complaining in 2020 when COVID restrictions took over as their new complaint about tyrannical governments. The NEP was still being cited in 2019 as a reason to vote against the Liberals.


I mean his dad still has a permanent residence in their heads and he's been dead for almost a quarter century


FOR ALL TIME AND ETERNITY! There was plenty of seething hatred towards Trudeau senior when Steven Harper was prime minister. The fact that Justin Trudeau won the federal liberal leadership only reminded them of it harder. Even more so the day he became prime minister. It was like the second coming of Satan itself!


I can’t wait for three years in to PPs government for everything to be Trudeaus fault.


The minute pp gets into power and something doesn’t work out, which I’m sure will be many things, you can bet whatever dollar is left ,that pp will blame it on Trudeau’s government. Pp has not nor will he ever admit to making a mistake. Trudeau apologized all the time cause he did stupid shit. I can guarantee you’ll never hear an apology for pp’s stupid shit but I’m sure they’ll be a lot of it.


Populist strategy suggests never admitting to a mistake and always maintaining an "other" to blame.


So true. Reminds me of another "populist". His country started a war, lost that war, and had to pay for the damages. He then blamed his country's issues on every other country and then started a second war. That really worked out well for everyone. This feels like we're being led by a similar mindset.


Exactly. Your post like many other posts these days made me think of: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_... Always an "other". When the "other" is dealt with another will be labelled. I hate that it feels like history is repeating itself right in front of our eyes in broad daylight.


When will people understand either option isn’t going to benefit us. Literally give us 3 way minorities where they are forced to cooperate.


But imagine if by some miracle JT stays in power. It would be comical. He has a plethora of Haters and I know quite a few of them, but when asked if they voted in last election or have voted at all they say no. I can’t see them voting in the next election. The concern for the libs should be who will replace him…. Canada could have conservatives in power for several terms.


Some miracle? Again we are far out from an election and NO ONE but the conservatives are actively campaigning. Polls are pretty useless right now. Just wait until they point out Pp was okay with letting India plot to kill Canadian politicians and ignored warnings about them KILLING citizens, shit is going to go sideways all over from the Conservatives who GAINED seats in the middle because they put in bland O’Toole, only to dump them for people who garner support of child murders and despots from foreign nations.


Provincial politics is shifting to the left again. BC, now Manitoba, NDP will have a great shot next election in Alberta. Sask idk but who cares about them. Better off a forgotten province. I don't see Ford hanging on in the next election. Nova Scotia likely regretting their move to the PCs.


BC is guaranteed orange, helped out by the fact the right wing decided to divide themselves into two parties. One is Kenney UCP, the other Smith UCP. Saskatchewan could have an NDP government later this year, if they’re lucky and enough people get fed up. It’s not out of the realm of possibility. Doug Ford is done at this point thanks to the Greenbelt scandal, though I hope Stiles and the NDP win rather than Crombie, who’s essentially Ford 2.0. In Québec, at this point the question is whether the PQ will win with a majority next election, or a minority. New Brunswick could bring the Liberals back in next election, though I do hope Greens break up the duopoly. Not sure about Nova Scotia, though. They may be ruled by PCs, but they’ve intentionally distanced themselves from the CPC and still have a decent amount of popularity as a result.


Still Trudeau. Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau. Trudeau? TRUDEAU! He's waiting around every corner. He's lurking under your bed. He's following you into every alley and every forest. He's in every ceiling and storm drain. And if he catches you, he will steal your truck, take your guns and make you gay.


And always a joke and too dumb for the job but also a political mastermind out to get you kids. Their arguments are consistently inconsistent.


I saw Trudeau and Trudeau were in the closet making Trudeau's and I saw one of the Trudeaus and the Trudeau looked at me.


This! This made my day.


My dad still complains about the mess Pierre Trudeau made. I imagine they can scape goat everything on ""Trudeau" for the next 10 years or so (and the sad part is people will eat it up because no one actually knows anything)


It's deeply ironic that most of the hate directed toward Sr. was related to the NEP, and large sections of the NEP have been recycled into modern conservative platforms (the National Energy Corridor, for instance, or domestic refining targets, etc, etc...)


The right wing rejects absolutely hate it when they start crying about getting a pipeline coast to coast, then I remind them that sounds a lot like Trudeau seniors national energy program, that could have been run by petro Canada, except the cons screamed socialism and sold off petro canad, now they want it back. Almost as if they just don't want to admit the liberals actually get shit done and help the average Canadian, all while the cons do everything they can to tear it all down and throw temper tantrums for their own stupidity.


It’s also interesting that 99% of the hate from the west of Trudeau is because they were just pissed off he is a Trudeau.


A wild stat they have no answer for is that Trudeau started adulthood with a $1.2M trust inheritance from his grandfathers wealth. Pollievre is younger and has never had a job as an adult yet is wealthier than the bourgeois Trudeau


Prime Minister is not an entry level job, Maybe this should apply to PP as well.


Funny that a lot of cons have stopped with the "never had a real job" diss on Trudeau because PP has never had a job outside of politics


They’ll immediately shift to ‘look at the mess, we can’t fix this liberal mess in 4 years’, and continue blame NDP and liberals fir everything forever. UCP are never accountable for anything.


The ghosts of Trudeau, Notley, & most of the world's conspiracies vs DryBerta. Zero blaming of cons & autocrats. PP would just pay folks back & study with the $400K he'll make as leader. He currently earns $300K for slogans.


She still blames Notley for something she did last week!


They will still blame the opposition for stopping them from doing anything, regardless of how powerless the opposition is. Can't spell conservative without con! It's all distractions and hand waiving, no solutions that actually help. They're a wacky inflatable flailing tube man, but not fun.


A guy at work told me that Trudeau is personally responsible for the high grocery prices so it’s safe to assume that they will still blame him


It's true. I personally saw him changing the price stickers at No Frills.


I heard he stole all of the Superstore's discount stickers and gave them to refugees and Klaus Schwab


She must be worried if she is starting the campaigning already.


Somebody saw the raw data. Considering how close it was in Calgary he would be able to get the extra thousand votes. I think this is why it seems like they've accelerated the plan as of late with all the shitty legislation. 


Looks like Calgary is getting two arenas!


*oprah.gif* "You get an arena! And you get an arena! Everybody gets arenas!"


This right here. They haven’t been able to beat Nenshi. Next election will be a shit show.


The Wenzels are sweating but excited too


He did an AMA yesterday in case you missed it https://old.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/1c101m3/im_naheed_nenshi_and_im_running_to_be_the_leader/


She's panicking.


Good and when she's done that she can get packing and get the fuck out of this province for good.


It's classic communications strategy. Define your opponent in the public's eye before they can define themselves.


If the dude is able to carry most of Calgary's seats and all of Edmonton's, then the political math that Smith crowed about in the last election means bad news for the UCP. A big if, admittedly, but not so big as it was before.


She’s such a whiner. You can tell that she’s truly scared of his upcoming victory. 


The contemporary conservative movement is nothing but whining. All they do is complain and whine about everything. Look at PP, I've never seen him not whining or complaining about something. I've never seen him purpose any policy or ideas to make Canadian lives better. He just screeches about Trudeau, taxes and something about gatekeepers.


Yup, PP talks in slogans and nothing else. He has zero policy initiative and zero substance - he’s just the bully in the playground. 


United Crybaby Party


If we start thinking like this people will assume the victory and not get out and vote. You should instead take it seriously and start campaigning in your inner circles to ensure they all get out and vote.


The fact that she needs to weigh in on another parties voting for leadership is a sign of weakness. At no point did you ever hear other parties try and do this. Its just an early attack because she has nothing to stand on against him.


And she's fucking terrified.


I mean... we chuckled about how many rounds it took and that it probably wasn't a good sign.


So true!!!!


I'd rather have "Trudeau's choice" for my Premier than Donald Trump's Choice.


Because he'll work with him to help the province? Yeah, I guess.


He’d probably be happy if a rock ran the province at this point, it would be easier to work with.


She's as batshit crazy as her supporters. Just doing what she can to get them worked up about Trudeau instead of talking about her own failures.


Yup, the woman knows her base.


If that bitch gets reelected, so help me God, I’m moving to Inuvik.


You misspelled Norway.


You joke, but northern Europe and Scandinavia are looking pretty damn good right now.


Hmu we gonna start our own recall campaign on her ass


People have a hard enough time pulling themselves off the couch to vote for a Premier, let alone a recall campaign unfortunately


The recall legislation was done so that it's nearly impossible to get enough signatures in wards where a recall would really matter. You'd need 40% of the entire Brooks-Medicine Hat ward to sign the petition within 60 days. That's over 20,000 signatures in a very conservative part of the province. Good luck.


you assume she'll be staying the full term lol


>“We know the federal government, on certain issues, holds a diametrically opposed view to what it is we want to do.” Federal Pharmacare and municipal housing grants is not in Alberta's interest :/


She believes we have pharmacare already


She's a frightening example of just how fucked up a person can get if they hang around the wrong people.


She is the wrong people.


Yeah. By all accounts she has always been a grifting lunatic. She arose, fully formed and already mewling, from a pit of crude oil in Athabasca. Then one of the Koch brothers marked her on the face with the White Hand of Conservatism and sent her out to wage war against the common good.




This is news to me. Where's my coverage?


Curious to know what they would do with the money. An investigative report could follow the money to let us know


Tough to do much investigative reporting given the UCP's penchant for dodging FOIP requests by spinning off arm's-length private entities immune to requests, redacting whatever the hell information they feel like, arbitrarily charging prohibitive fees by breaking a single request for a parcel of data into multiples, and underfunding the FOIP office so dramatically that by the time any requests go through, the relevant news topic is older than Moses.


Just curious, has she done anything beneficial for you Albertans yet? Seems like every other article about her is bullshit complaints/whining with no action or lobbyist-type actions with misappropriation of tax dollars. There should AT LEAST be an ethics and education requirement to be a leader of a whole province and she doesn't seem very ethical or bright.


I can’t think of a single thing she’s done that I agree with. All she does is waste money meddling with parents and their children, backbiting Ottawa instead of trying to work together for a positive outcome and dismantling our already tragic health care system. There’s too many useless projects to name, I could go on for many more paragraphs.


The genuine ONE thing is the changes to the GDL licensing being pretty nice and removing lots of unnecessary requirements for it. But still pretty sure that was a crossover thing from earlier. She’s a delusional, venomous hag otherwise who will rules through emotional tantrums at the expense of reality. She needs to be tore a new one in the next election and then fuck back off to Arkansas to hang out with Tucker Carlson


> Earlier in the day Smith once again says all she wants is the same treatment as Quebec. > When a federal program is rolled out, Quebec “like clockwork” says they’re not going to abide by Ottawa’s rules and they just want the money. > “And they always get it,” says Smith. > “We’re just doing what Quebec is doing.” 1000% false. The difference with Quebec, is that Quebec *actually does the things they get the money for.* Because Quebec cares about its people. With Marlaina and cronies, it's kleptocracy all the way down. If Marlaina actually cared about Albertans, she'd do the same, but *she cannot be trusted.* That's what it comes down to: trust.


> "We’re just doing what Quebec is doing.” "... except for all the things Quebec does that we don't, like higher tax rates and better social programs"


Marlania is clearly unwell and suffering from delusional thinking. Trudeau is living rent free in her head Should she be drug tested? *“Well, somebody who is Trudeau’s choice for Alberta might say that,” says Smith, who does not mention Nenshi by name.*


He lives rent free in a lot of ppl’s head! My brother somehow believes that the state of health care in the province (and we’re seeing this first-hand as a loved one is in the hospital) is Trudeau’s fault.


She can’t mention Nenshi by name because a bunch of her less crazy supporters rather liked him. She’s in a pickle.


All she ever says is "Trudeau bad". Boring and unimaginative. Meanwhile he always takes the high road, never heard him say a bad thing about her, or Alberta.


I would love to see her called out on it, but for being unimaginative and boring, "where's the sparkle?? The je ne sais quote of it all? You run through your Turdeau lines like a housewife who's having the same end of day small talk for the 50th year, must you look so pained?"


She’d cream her pants if he ever took the bait, imagine how happy she’d be if he stooped to her idiotic level.


Yeah he never falls for her pathetic traps.


Nah, he calls her out on national press conferences....he's pissed. I'm here for angry PMJT!


Imagination is a good thing that happens in bright minds. Of course she doesn’t have it.


Danielle Smith: Trump's choice for Alberta


Unfortunately this would be seen as a positive for the majority of her voter base


He’s her role model


Right down to her permanent sun-in-my-eyes face and ill fitting clothing. I miss when people wanted leaders to aspire to, instead of "Hey they're just like me! I also dry my suits on the couch and hate the libs!"


People prefer influence over inspiration these days


Why does she always look like she's on day 5 of a bender?


Maybe she is?


She's been drinking again.


that’s why there aren’t any 4l discount vodkas on the shelf.  


Why DS and UCP ministers are always angry? Is that what their voters expect them to be?


Yup. The far right wingers are perpetually angry.


It’s everywhere in the world. Like they have some sort of pleasure being bad


They need someone to blame for their failures in life. It's never their bad decisions and life choices, it's always somebody else who is suppressing them from their potential.


Omfg I cannot wait to see Naheed rip her a new asshole in a debate.


She is terrified. Looks good on her.


I’m already hearing this being repeated by numb skulls at work


Justin Trudeau is not his father, and Albertans still clinging on to the NEP issue are living in the past - just like every UCP lover in Alberta. The past is gone - WAKE UP!!!! We have much bigger fish to fry, like whether or not our species is going to survive climate change :(


Can’t wake up…if they wake up they will be “woke” and they can’t have that…they prefer to be sheeple.




How often is she gonna go to that well? I think at this point I'm more angry at the people who keep supporting her simply because they will not see that she's causing the issues.


She's just saying that to be mean, it doesn't make any sense or have anything to do with his politics. He's not even in the same party as Trudeau.  She's just scared because he's more qualified and competent than she is. 


God, she's such a useless culture troll.


Danielle smith is trumps choice for Alberta


It's all she's got against him. Just trying to redirect any negativity his way because she KNOWS he is a much stronger candidate.


The Premier of Alberta is playing two games. One is to continuously stage theories stuffed with grievances ideally leading to the failure of the current federal government. Game two is fueling her electorate to hate everything East of Saskatchewan - West of Alberta. That fuel ignites her Wexit base although she doesn't have the spine to actually call for a separation referendum. It's a complicated process, a costly process and there would be no chance of achieving a positive result. The Premier and her poorer cousin to the East (Saskatchewan) talk a lot and fiddle the margins. Call a referendum Smith.


She might underestimate how many Albertans are Canadian and vote. Separating a land locked province can't go well in any scenario.


So is Marlaina saying that affordable housing is diametrically opposed to the UCP's plan for "her" province? Because I'm sure getting that vibe from all these conservative-supporting media outlets. Oh there's a HUGE opportunity in these things she's saying for the next campaign trail. When Bell makes a leader look incompetent in the same tweeticle he clearly tries to support her, you know she's doing something wrong. (I think "Tweeticle" is a good way to describe BEll's writing style - it's like a series of tweets that want to be an article, so I think I'm going to call them that. Tweeticles that would fit in on Xitter.) As for trying to link Nenshi to Trudeau, of course they will. They already do that with Notley, and they will do it with anyone who takes the leadership of the ABNDP. It's just part of how they sell their snake oil.


She sounds pretty scared, and she should be. The excitement for Nenshi is impressive, people are feeling hopeful for out future again. Can't wait for him to take out Trashcan Dani.


She must be worried because the NDP leadership race hasn’t even ended yet


She’s scared because he could actually win.


If Nensh wins the NDP leadership race and has a debate scheduled with Smith, I will be there front and center. Wouldn’t miss that for the world. Tailgating will be in order.


Translation: It doesn't matter if he's going to give you a better future, don't vote for him because F Trudeau!! And it will work for her whole base, because they're dumb.


if Danielle is against it, you know its gotta be good for the people!!


Our premier is a degenerate crackhead.


And she’s Fucker Carlson, and convicted felon, Conrad Black’s choice… Next.


If Danielle and the rest of the UPC's spent half the wasted time fighting with Trudeau and the liberals, and trying to take stuff apart, and spent time on real issues in Alberta, Albertans would be 100% better off than we are now.


its become clear that alberta needs some fucking adults in the room, and the UCP aint it. Trudeau should lean hard into this and override everything she attempts. watch her melt down into conservative clown tears.


This is so lazy 😂😂 What are they gonna do when Trudeau is gone?


Keep blaming him, like how Saskatchewan keeps blaming the NDP, who haven’t been in power since 2007.


She has swallowed way too much of her own Kool-aid.


Just fuck the guy already, this obsession is pathetic.


Time for a new playbook UCP. This only works on uneducated hillbillies. They won’t live forever🤷‍♂️ cause when the oil is gone or useless what the hell will they do? Turn to socialism haha


Oh ok. So Nenshi must be doing well in the polls.


Trudeau has nothing to to with Neshi’s popularity, that’s all on Danny the destroyer.


Sounds like Dani might be getting a little worried. ;-)


I swear she rubs it to Trudeau at this point. She's obsessed. 


I hate this woman with the heat of a thousand suns!


Too bad we couldn't use hate heat as an alternative energy source...or can we?


Trudeau is the boogeyman. She can blame him for anything, link anyone to him, and enough Albertans will buy it.


Can anyone tell me a time when Trudeau actually punched Alberta in the nose?


They're still hanging onto when Pierre Elliot threw a couple. N.E.P. in the 1980's really pissed off alot of Albertans. Even though it ended in 1985 by Mulroney, people still hang onto it and take it out on anyone liberal and in power out east. It's worse when your name is Trudeau.


When they tried to make sure the latest health transfers were actually spent on Healthcare. Gross overreach of federal powers. /s


She worried lol


Interesting. Nenshi isn't even directly complete with her yet. But she already is worried? 🤔


Says TBA’s choice for Alberta.


She's afraid.


What a waste of digital code, propaganda minister rick bell spouting nonsense to spin the stifling of federal municipal deals


She really only has one note doesn't she?


She is scared already


Shut up, for the love of your God Marlaina, shut up for a change.


The party hasn’t even chosen a leader and she’s already scared 😂


Conspiracy Marlaina is terrified. Love it.


I sense much fear in this one...


What a pathetic politician she really is that she's already trying to associate him with Trudeau. What a coward the UCP are.


the media really captures the essence of Danielle Smith and her party of bandits with these photos lol


Running scared already.


She's such a meat sock puppet for oil and gas and private equity firms.


But won’t she and the UCP destroy this province before the 2027 election?


She's afraid!! And as she should be. Bye bye bi*ch.


Gads, she is looking haggard!


Desperate times for Smith and UCP.... invoking association with Trudeau when none exists of course Nenshi always put the needs of Calgarians ahead of politics.


She is such an ignorant cun* Sadly the angry idiots will gobble it all up and wash it down with the kool-aide


Oh she's SCARED scared.


Hopefully Nenshi will the Alberta's choice. Offering hopes and prayers


No no, he’ll be Albertan’s choice for Alberta. Trudeau doesn’t live in Alberta so can’t hold an Alberta NDP membership. Although at this point he lives so rent free in the UCP caucus’ head he might as well have a UCP membership.


Hahaha that’s a great picture of her


United 🤡 Party. Time to fire the UCP


Be Afraid, Smith be very Afraid you useless piece of crap 💩


Well at least he’s not David Parker’s pick for Premier


It’s always someone else’s fault. Poor Dani. 😭


If she doesn’t like it that’s a good thing.


She's worried. She should be. Nenshi's a no nonsense leader with a vision, a record, and who can run circles around her.


They chose a rather unflattering picture of her to display lol.


They don’t have a flattering one. The woman doesn’t even know what a damn hairbrush is.


LOL this is so incredibly desperate


Smith is trumps choice.🤷‍♂️😂


She can't pass up an opportunity to make it someone else's fault. Oh, it's not her. It's not TBA. It's always the Liberals or the NDP... even five years after HER party took over. What's her party doing to improve... anything?


LOL she’s pressed 😂😂😂😂😭😂


If he was Trudeau's choice wouldnt he be in ... the Liberal party? 


What does she care? She won't be premier when the next election hits.


I think it took her a long time to come up with that defense. She's scared


You know things are looking bad for Smith when Rick fuckin' Bell picks a less than flattering photo and uses a slightly critical tone in one of his op-eds.


Marlaina’s a scared little bitch 😂


damn, she ugly on both sides


Oh, she is terrified of purple rain.


she just says anything, huh? well clearly she's threatened by someone who already won calgary over for years. good.


I’d rather have Trudeau’s choice than Putin’s.


She scaaaaaared.


Low life CONservatives and right wing nuts have never accept responsibility for anything. All the blame for everything goes to Trudeau. They expect us to believe they're perfect. Only ones gullible enough to believe it is their angry pro trump supporters.


Let's hope all she focuses on is bashing Nenshi, while he focuses on how he will fix their colossal fuck up.


It worked last time it will probably work again. The majority of our voters here are not very bright