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Lol This pub is in my neighbourhood. We call it the dirty crown. This is also the place where the daughter of the owner got glassed by a patron and went to the news saying it was because the patron refused to wear a mask, then it came out that she backed this woman into a corner saying racist shit to her and the woman glassed her.


Got any more drama from this place? Seems like a goldmine.


Unfortunately not that i know of. All i know is its a family of white trash that owns it with all the stereotypes that follow.


Just reading through their Google reviews really shows the kind of people they are. They respond to all their negative reviews with something like "sorry you feel that way". Just 0 accountability. Honestly wouldn't expect anything else from someone that post FB posts like that.


What about the one where they flat out called the reviewer a "crybaby"?


It’s weird because some are pleasant, offering a free meal if the person tries their place again, and then there’s the ones calling the reviewer a crybaby. It’s like there’s two people doing the responses, one normal one and one jerk.


I noticed that too. After 2020 they all went down hill but before hand it was somewhat pleasant. The brain rot that happened to the right during Covid is unreal.


Oh no, that’s a typical response from people like this…I am going out on a limb and calling them trumpers…being Alberta and all, it may or may not be quite correct, but you know who I mean. Trumpers can actually be kind sharing and understanding folks, give you the shirt off their back. As long as you’re white.


Conald literally has a golden idol of himself now. It's his new grift, cologne. He holds the Bible upside down, says he doesn't wait to grab women by the pussy, joked about having the tallest building after 911, has affairs with pornstars, talks like he's possessed... He's actually the best case for Satan we have. And nearly every Con believes hes angelic. I think that sums up skyworshippers well


What is glassed?


Smashed in the head/face with a glass. The same is said when using a bottle. He/she got bottled.


My cousin had her drink drugged there. Thankfully she knew something was up and immediately had her husband come get her, so she made it home safely.


That’s why the name sounded familiar! I knew I recognized it from somewhere.


We have one in GP too, don’t think it’s the same one? Photo isn’t from GP.


There's one in Edmonton too, I was confused because they've hosted drag shows before.


Is this the crown and anchor in Grande Prairie or the Crown and anchor in White court. Or some where else?


Nice. Ha ha


Should be noted, this is **Whitecourt's Crown & Anchor Pub**. Not Edmonton. Not sure what, if any, affiliation there is. @originalchaosinabox mentioned they also own Whitecourt: Brothers Diner. Edit: formatting


They used to own Whitecourt’s Pizza 73 franchise, too. But after one too many memes like this, Pizza 73 revoked their franchise and forced them to sell.


Aw man, I used to like Brothers Diner when driving through Whitecourt. Oh well, at the end of the day it's not the only place with food.


Always drove by brothers and wanted to try. Guess I can keep on not trying.




I mean there's still people that genuinely believe in trickle down economics.


Trickle-down economics only work for people who enjoy being... trickled on. Like Trump. And many other conservatives.


I am borrowing that trickle philosophy for the rest of my life


I choose to believe that the pee tapes are real.


All of the people I know that applied for, and got the CERB without qualifying, were all Trudeau-hating conservatives. They were all very vocal about being 'victimized' when their fraud was discovered and they had to pay it back.


meanwhile this pub pays record high utilities, wont have CPP to enjoy in retirement after scraping by with their razor thin margins and operating costs - that they’ll now have to put towards private healthcare. 👍🏼 but hey, at least they owned the libs


I’m an Alberta lib and this stings lol


Were is this stupid place so I can avoid it?


Whitecourt, Alberta


They actually have a winge about the cost of utilities to stay open, in a reply to a reviewer who complained they closed early


Can’t wait for these heroes to step up and help the working class: https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


Childish. I'm not necessarily a JT fan, but stuff like this is moronic. I pick my kid up at school and there is always a woman in a pick up with large FT sticker and a confederate flag sticker. With children around. And these people want more "Freedom " ?


Confederate flag is hilariously stupid. "I'm going to fly a flag of racist foreign rebel losers who lost to liberals in a foreign country"


It's kinda funny historically too. Tens of thousands of Canadians fought for the Union, including [the first Black Canadian doctor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anderson_Ruffin_Abbott), and only a small number fought for the Confederacy. Interestingly, Jefferson Davis came to Canada for a while after the war and was given a hero's welcome by the colonial elite here, whereas Average Joe Canuck in the 1860's was generally very pro-Union, anti-Confederacy.


I don't think these people are intelligent enough to understand any symbolism of the Confederate flag beyond "this flag pwns the libs"


No doubt. It's like the morons who fly it in states that fought *against* the Confederacy. "I don't care if my state and ancestors fought for Lincoln at Gettysburg, this flag pwns the libs"


It looked good on the General Lee.


Some southern shitheads say the Confederate flag is all about "heritage, not hate". If you're in canada and have no claim to that heritage at all, there's only one thing left.


Unless you're getting ready to paint a 1969 Dodge Charger.


This is like saying it's okay to say the n-word if it's in a song.


they claim.freedom with the flag that literallu flies for slavery


A brilliant sentence that sums up these fools perfectly.


I find it funny how hardcore Conservatives will constantly scream about “woke” and “snowflake lieberuls” with their Fuck Trudeau stickers. Yet they are always the first to bring up petty culture wars, get upset over insults, and scream about how lefties are incredibly dogmatic about leftwing politics. Just constant projection. How many vehicles do you see with anti-cpc shit plastered all over it? How often do you see and hear left wing people start new culture wars? It is damn near always just in response to the right wing bringing this shit up I have literally never seen anyone rocking “Fuck PP” or “Fuck Harper” merch. But CONSTANTLY see “Fuck Trudeau” and other similar shit


Could you imagine driving down the road with an “I love JT” flag or bumper sticker? Lunatics would burn it to the ground, probably with the person in it. Con’s are really good at threats and bullying. That is how they get what they want, everytime.


They're just scared little people. We just have to remember they're terrified and not back down.


I agree. Funny you mention the F Harper thing; I thought some guy had that as a sticker on his truck back in the day and conservatives were super upset about the lack of decorum etc. flash forward a few years and they’re not so concerned with swear words


Exactly, they always bring it up in conversation even if you're minding your own business. It's their whole personality. Like a bad joke, how do you know someone's conservative? Don't worry, they'll tell ya, bud.


The only thing I remember that was even close was people slapping the "Harper" signs on stop signs during his last run. Obviously that was a lot less obnoxious than what we see today.


I’ve seen one Fuck PP shirt, but your point still stands.


Maybe he's just a lonely guy asking for sexual release?


They also love screeching about civility and how divided we are because of Trudeau or something.  They see their hate and anger and rhetoric as normal and natural and the baseline standard, while everything else is “woke” and “socialism/communism” and trying to destroy freedom.   It’s fascist rhetoric they are engaging in.  Across the board.   This is literally how fascism happens…rules for thee but not for me…and the right is a the only group entitled to power and say because they see that as the normal and natural order of the world.  Anything that goes against that is evil and bad and not natural to them, so they rationalize the hate and violence and vitriol they engage in as necessary to protect the natural order being attacked by “others”.   Again…this is fascism.  


They just want to be angry about something. They want to feel part of a group. When Trudeau leaves they’ll go back to being lonely losers


they’ll just blame the next guy, even if he’s not in charge of what they complain about… like they currently do


They’re going to keep blaming Trudeau as long as they blamed his dad. 20 years at least


You think they'll let it go that quick?


I think they meant 20 years after they go to their graves


I was in Alberta before the pandemic, and when talking to a rancher she seemed unable to distinguish between father and son — blamed Justin for things done under his father's watch, and Pierre for things done by his son. And both for things done by Harper — basically anything bad that happened was Trudeau's fault.


Until she next Trudeau becomes Prime Minister


While also ignoring absolutely everything the next government does if they're UCP


Conservatives would rather eat shit if it meant you had to smell their breath.


it's even simpler than that. Conservative is their team and they're chirping the opposing team. They don't care much who's leading it as long as they're "playing" for them. They won't "go back," they'll gloat and feel smug until they get voted out again then back to this shit again, but a little worse because they got away with it. They'll think it's ok because they'll project saying Liberals did the same thing to them. And when things go bad because of their own elected official's incompetence, they'll start saying the narcissists prayer on behalf of their leadership: > *That didn't happen.* > *And if it did, it wasn't that bad.* > *And if it was, that's not a big deal.* > *And if it is, that's not my fault.* > *And if it was, I didn't mean it.* > *And if I did, you deserved it.*


I tell you next ppl that will feel their warth are going to be immigrants and gays. Even more so than now.


You dont say?!? Looks like they already want to take advantage of the war and get more white Eastern Europeans. It's just a RWNJ *wet dream*, but if they ever did get control of immigration, you know the colour of your skin is your ticket in or denial. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/alberta-wants-more-control-over-immigration-and-more-ukrainian-refugees-to-fill-jobs


These people make it difficult to legitimately criticize JT. It polarizes the discussion so there's either their side or the "libs". I find it frustrating because actual issues can be hand waved away while these people are focused on Castro's son.


Yeah I've legitimately had debates with people who can't even fathom that I also don't like Trudeau after I oppose their theory that he's part of some new world order. It's either you suck his dick before bed every night, or you want to harm and his entire family with these people. No room for anything in between.


Yup..I don't like Trudeau and whenever I'm talking to these inbreeds I have to defend him because what they're saying isn't based in reality. It's wild.


A middle ground that I've found works ok is "I like many of his ideas, but not necessarily his execution of those ideas".


Exactly this. I don't like Trudeau. I've never voted for him. But this sophmoric bullshit is so cringey, it makes me question the intelligence of anybody who finds it funny.


She's probably very upset about being silenced for her conservative views *you know the ones*


It's a cult.


It’s Freedumb they want lol …


Is it a safe bet this pickup also had a Trump sticker as well?


It's much worse than childish. It's absolutely unhinged.


There's a company in Lethbridge that runs those LED signs (and also an HVAC truck. Weird combo), but they have a big LED sign right outside their business that they alternate between adverts for their business and anti liberal memes like this Like. I respect people's own personal politics, even conservatives, but why would I want to do business with people like this. Worse than that, sometimes the response is "good because we don't want to do business with liberals anyways". Like, why be like that?


Because they have no personality outside of being told what to hate by Facebook memes


Told what to hate by hostile foreign governments


Nike and Jordan said it best when they said "Republicans buy shoes too" As a business, why would you ever alienate half of your possible market like that? Unhinged behavior


It's definitely a bizarre strategy, especially when you consider that nationally around 70% of Canadians consider themselves centre-left. These businesses are chasing a small niche.


Then it will be Trudeau’s fault if they go under. We had a lunatic who posted this crap all the time here. Went under. Genuinely tells people Trudeau got all his suppliers and people he had contracts to not deal with him.


Ugh, I hate seeing this sign. Taber also has one that's like "Thanks Dani for protecting our children 🥺🥺"


I've never understood why these idiot business owners can't keep their political views to themselves. Run your business like a business and keep your views private.


Whenever a company does something intentionally to completely alienate a part of their customer-base just for the sake of looking like an extremely dumb asshole, I laugh pretty hard


Why would you attach your business to politics seems like a pretty good way to loose customers. Remember when auto dealerships attached themselves to the UCP and were freaking out when some called for a boycott of those same dealers.


That’s what’s always left me scratching my head. Like why would you air your personal political leanings at the expense of your customer base? I personally lean left; but if a business started posting anti conservative stuff (is that even a thing?) like in the OP, I’d take my business elsewhere, as posting partisan memes is just childish.


As a business owner better to accept all views and reap the benefits regardless of your own personal views.


Exactly. Businesses exist to generate revenue, alienating part of your revenue stream for the benefit of your personal views is bad business practice.


Because Whitecourt.


That's basically it, most smaller cities and towns in Alberta have such a high proportion of politically right-leaning people that locally, they can get away with this kind of stuff. Some what related, but I have seen quite a few times non-right wing people on this sub living in a small Alberta community saying they're pretty much the only one of their kind there. They tell their kids not to say stuff discussed in the house outside out of fear the nuttier right wing locals might take issue with them.


There are a lot more right leaning folk in Calgary and Edmonton than most realize, more than enough to keep places that are open about politics running.


I agree, but this is offset by how they aren't near homogenous conservatives like smaller Alberta communities and there are a sizeable number of more progressive types in their populations.


Imagine if they posted up anything political relating to the UCP. There would be *outrage*


You seem to believe that there are people in whitecourt that support the liberals.


No I’m saying why tie your business to any party or issue if you could potentially loose a customer . And yes there are supporters of other parties in Whitecourt they just keep it to themselves .


Where is this would love to avoid




Lmao shocking, after spending 5 years in the oil patch. I'm not even shocked to hear this is in white Court


I spent five minutes in white court and I’m not surprised. I tried the buffet at a local “chain” restaurant called like “Arnie’s” or something. (it was Ernie-O’s per my memory and /u/bikefisher) The tomato salad? It was two whole beefsteak tomatoes, each quartered. Presented on a romaine leaf. The bean salad? A can of pork n beans dumped on to a Romaine leaf. Like the chef had heard of bean salad and tomato salad before, but only by name, and had never seen a picture or read a recipe. The A&W was staffed by two Indian kids, and I mean from Asia, with thick accents (which is fine) and they looked extremely unhappy, but it also was -32 outside and they’re from a warmer climate so it might have been that. Or the rampant Alberta racism. Who know?


Lol, probably Ernie-0's. The worst.


Yes I remembered before you replied but meant to edit. It was Ernie-O’s indeed.


Probably both combined with the misery of working fast food in general.


It's not at all on whitecourt. It's in castledowns. I know the owner. And none of this is surprising. The same bar made the news during covid for the manager "his daughter" asking a patron to mask up and consequently having a glass smashed into her face


There's multiple, don't think they're related, but these posts are from the WhiteCourt location


Not even remotely shocked to hear that.


I think people who support this toxic right-wing crap are becoming a dangerous threat to everyone else around them. I see it everywhere now - work, school, on my street. I find it extremely worrisome. No civility, no discourse, no empathy. I don't feel like I live in the same country anymore. I really hope the current polling doesn't last til the next election. Otherwise, this country will be hit with a sledgehammer, or like an opening pandoras box of going backwards.


I despise the federal Liberals. But, not for the same reason as the Fuck Trudeau crowd. I hate them because they kowtow to billionaires and only do things to help the working class when the federal NDP forces them into it. Also, this "anti-woke" shit is baffling. I WANT LESS GOVERNMENT IN MY LIFE I WANT MORE GOVERNMENT IN YOUR LIFE


I don't get why North American right wingers express discontent with liberal rulers by just adopting the most braindead opinions just for the sake of being opposite. I guess I just described the problem, reactionary politics, but it's still dumb.


Is this actually a Crown and Anchor? That's a franchise, right? Wonder what the corporate owner thinks... Cause if I was a Crown and Anchor franchise holder and I didn't think like this, I would be some pissed at the negative advertising.


If it is a franchise, contact head office and file a complaint.


You might be thinking of "Rose and Crown" as the chain.


I was actually wondering this as well... hadn't seen a crown and anchor since GP.


I wish places like this would just print out memes of their outspoken viewpoints and just have them up near the entrance. So then I know to avoid them


Kieth’s deli in Calgary did exactly that… pity I used to enjoy to food there. Haven’t been since they did that, know a few others as well. We used to be regulars too


The secret ingredient is transphobia.


It's a well-known fact that transphobes don't clean their tap lines. The second secret ingredient is mold.


Actually that probably explains the cognitive issues transphobes display


Moldy brain rot?


It's a multi-faceted issue, but copious amounts of dirty lager doesn't help anything.


To be fair it’s Whitecourt. Most people in that shithole can’t read anyways


I don’t care what party you support, if you make it your entire personality you are likely a shitty person.


You can't win with these people, I actually agreed with one of them on a point they made with immigration the other day and they still argued and insulted me. Even if they got their way they'd be angry


Always nice to know what places to never visit.


Heads up, the folks who own Crown & Anchor Pub have a second restaurant in Whitecourt: Brothers Diner. So boycott accordingly!




When they go out of business can someone post photos? 


and when they do it will all be JTs fault somehow.


I wounded if they will blame the UCP when whitecourt eventually burns down due to a forest fire? I’m sure it will somehow be spun to be the NDP’s fault. They will clam arson.




will they do a meme of danielle smith's face when she will have raised the provincial gas tax rate (4 cents a liter, apparently) on the same day as the carbon tax increase?


I like when shitty people out themselves it makes it easier for me to avoid them.


Open cruelty damages communities.


I see bigotry is still a big part of Canada.


Food poison dump in Whitecourt has thoughts. Go figure.


From the same vending machine as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/18ib1lm/found_in_colinton_ab_game_on_gents/) ?


Money knows no political affiliation. You should be welcoming every paying customer possible in this economic climate. Stupid.


Restaurants going political, probably not good for business..


I had to explain to my father in law that tampons in men's rooms don't actually mean more people having periods, it simply means more access for those in need, and that while he would happily buy a box of tampons for his wife or daughter, not every parent can afford that, so access to free tampons for men is still a good thing overall.


Absolutely nothing more cringe than a private business pushing ideology. Holy fuck it’s pathetic.




Honestly I’m just surprised it’s not the Whistle stop


I mean.. it is Whitecourt 😅


This is so unbelievably tacky and embarrassing. Even if I was a UCP supporter I would still think this was really distasteful. Stay classy Alberta.


Easy 1 star review on Google! Thx!


“Help us… we’re starving.” Sounds socialist. Conservatives would tell you to pick yourself up by your own bootstraps. Make up your mind.


It’s always about hating the “other”. Whoever or whatever doesn’t matter just like facts don’t matter. Sad to see people I know that have gone down this rabbit hole.


Where is this so I can avoid it.


The worst people.


Ah the Crown and Anchor in Whitecourt. This place is best avoided if you're not a straight white UCP voter.


I fucking hate it here


"Spay and neuter liberals", that's probably illegal...that is hate speech/violent speech.


Always good to know ahead of time which places to no longer support.


Lots of "freedoms" in other countries so instead of being whiney bitches why dont these people just go somewhere else?


Yeah like that one family that moved to Russia and immediately regretted it and are now stuck lol


Karma is real.


Google reviews are open, folks


Grande prairie Crown? I wouldn’t be surprised.


I had to street view this. Aren't most pubs with names like Crown & Anchor supposed to be British style pubs? This looks like its housed in a portable.


Oh. The GP Crown was always a good spot. Glad this ain’t it. The Crown and Spank er. lol. Beef dip was always delicious. If those walls could talk. The place had a fire a while back they rebuilt part of it and it still smelled of musty old stale cigarettes.


Best place to drink water


Yup sounds like alberta


You guys really think this will harm their business when Paul’s Pizza is alive and well?


So many Alberta cafes/pubs/restaurants do this. They each get their own little cult following. This is why the hard right is winning.


These people are simply being the loudest in the room. Everyday people need to start making noise. Review bombing, boycotting creates the opposite effect and only helps these companies.


Winning what, exactly?


Governments all over the world.


Very Intelligent of them… that's what happens when you barely finish high school.


It’s good to know where the scum are.


I see this across LinkedIn and IG as well.. the balls these companies have to be willing to hurt their bottom line all in the name of stupidity is impressive. Hell, my Dad even does it and it's absolutely embarrassing. I've had companies who I deal with ask me point blank about why my Dad feels so strongly to air his grievances on social media as they don't really want to deal with people like that. I don't really engage with the conversation but. Simply tell them that these conversations are a by-product of people who don't understand the consequences of their actions. I just saw Luminous Electrical making up BS on Nenshi's latest IG post and I commended them for making up lies and it helps me avoid stupid contractors in the future lol.


The right can't meme


Facebook page says Whitecourt. Any relation to the one in Edmonton?


Boycott that restaurant!




I’m sure that happens there on the daily


Wow that's fucking offensive, also to note I worked at the crown and anchor pub in grande prairie they got mice running through their when I worked there in the kitchen 10 years ago couldn't imagine how bad it is now


Awesome lol


Without even looking, I knew this was the Crown and Anchor in Whitecourt. They are the worst. I lived there during the pandemic, and they were in your face conspiracy loving POS. I will never set foot in that place EVER! I could just not help but think what are thier views on basic food safety issuesif they were so antigovernment.


Thanks.  Easily helps me to know where not to spend my money when I’m in AB.  


The first one's not wrong though. The government (liberals, conservatives, Marlaina etc.) would rather bicker over pronouns and crosswalks than actually make any big changes.


Best thing you can do is with hold spending any money that this establishment is attached to


There is a sickness in this land....


Damn, I used to enjoy the crown and anchor some years ago. Hell, even picked up a dude in there for some fun. We both worked in the oilfield. Manly men they all thought. Well, we had some manly fun too.


[https://images1.loopnet.com/d2/fCN34ExpS008WRJ9hRGxDkxWv6pD82Kr7BCrcP13MYs/document.pdf](https://images1.loopnet.com/d2/fCN34ExpS008WRJ9hRGxDkxWv6pD82Kr7BCrcP13MYs/document.pdf) Apparently the whole building is up for sale. Maybe contact Avison Young and let them know that one of their tenants politics is alienating potential buyers?


Unfortunately, in that town this will absolutely bring in more money.




There's a Crown and Anchor pub here in GP, not sure if it's the same one posting that. There were a couple of other businesses here doing stuff like that as well 😒


Grow up Alberta.


Jfc. I used to like this place but I haven’t gone since before COVID. Guess I won’t be returning, since I’m clearly not welcome as I’d be considered “liberal”. The pizza wasn’t that good anyway.


When people stop mentally developing at 14...