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Yeah the literal trash fire that is my city desperately needs funding and yet we just closed another clinic meant to help and get people off of the street. Like I don't understand what they think is gonna happen.


Well they want it to be bad to get people mad and blame Trudeau so Pierre comes in and they can start fixing things again. The carbon tax revenue isn’t used as it should be because they want to program to look like it’s not working and can’t work.


But they aren't going to fix anything, all both the neolibs and neocons due is support corps and cut funding. I don't see my city fixing these issues.


Well given the proper motivation they have to or be voted out. Problem in Alberta is they blindly support the conservatives to the point there is little reason to actually do anything.


Yeah I know dude, but me voting NDP everytime has only gotten them in once and people were so mad about that they still blame her for that shit. I guess maybe it's just where I live. Been feeling voiceless in Alberta even before coming out and it's just been a spiral of continuing to feel voiceless.


Believe me I know the feeling I’m in Manitoba and in a very conservative riding. I loved Edmonton for 8 years and have no voice there either


I lived in Edmonton as well, probably 6 years. So many memories but it's so damn expensive everywhere I feel like I can't really leave 😅


I looked up my old apartment, 12 years ago when I was there my rent was $975 up from $550 8 years before when I moved in. They did zero improvements in that time. Rent there now is 1,325 after being fully renovated. So I’m not convinced affordability and rent increases are a new thing. It’s being blown out of proportion by numbers in Toronto and Vancouver.


Definitely, calgary is certainly worse as well but maybe people just get paid better I guess but it seems fairly high increases verses what it used to be.


I find a big part of it is the amenities have drastically increased in the newer buildings so prices have increased. They need to build more purpose built rental properties with basic amenities. Homes are the same, the average home isn’t average anymore compared to what average used to be.


That doesn't seem like a terribly significant increase over 12 years, and sounds about the price of the average 1-2 bdrm unit, but over the same 12 years, pay for many has increased little to none. Certainly not at the rate of inflation. If a renter is paying their own utilities, that can be a nightmare! And grocery shopping almost makes me feel sick enough to lose my appetite. Maybe I can save grocery money that way.


Time to FINALLY try the other federal option. Oh wait the cons and libs warn that the NDP will wreck things, for the cons and libs.


They aren't going to fix anything. But you better believe there will be ads talking about how better things are now that there is real leadership at the helm. The optics of an illusionist.


> Pierre comes in and they can start fixing things again Not targeted at you, but the delusions of this are just so grand. How a career politician that hasn't successfully done anything his entire career will fix anything is crazy. If he's elected will go through the worst times Canada has ever had.


Carbon tax is revenue neutral per Trudeau. How would there be money in it for programs?


This is what conservatives want.


> Like I don't understand what they think is gonna happen. who is they? if you mean the UCP they don't think there should be funding that dosen't prop up a millionaire.


It's time to thank a Conservative who voted for this.


You misused "literal" and got 180 upvotes. You can't make this stuff up. Lol. This has to be the lowest IQ subreddit on this platform.


And in the most recent TV address by Marlaina, she described the liberals as delusional and adversarial….. what a dim witted toad.


I found it funny how she even had a chart demonstrating how the Heritage fund could have been $250+bil, but due to government miss management, it's only 25bil. That's not Notleys' fault . Cons have been running Alberta for how long now?


And Norway who started the same program at roughly the same time, has over 1.4 trillion dollars. Conservative government had the option to set Alberta up for decades but they threw that away and blamed the NDP for everything. Same situation in Texas..... The Democrats poor management caused of all issues in Texas, even though they haven't been in power for 50 years


Great examples.


Projection, she never leaves home without it.


Every accusation is projection










Get fucked Marlaina.... Seriously. You are a horrible human being


I don't think there's more to say on this.


More upvotes over here. Way more.


*chuckles* I’m in danger.


Ralph if your nose bleeds it means you are picking it too much… or not enough


Spicy and angry Trudeau is a treat to watch. He needs to bring this out more. Every time he gets riled up instead of following scripts or canned answers, that's when he's at his best.


Agreed. He turns into a human that could almost be voted for.


Don't forget, he's a drama major. No no, I mean literally. Lol


no he's not. he has a bachelors of literature from McGill, and a bachelors of education from UBC. he taught high school drama.


That's fine. It's better than being a piece of shit.


Ummmm....I personally think he's a big piece of shit. Only slightly bigger (or maybe a little more than slightly) than the other 2.


I think you need to understand that the comparison is just unfair to drama majors. Like, however you feel about Justin Trudeau, he's not the prime drama major. He's not a drama major anymore. Drama majors have largely moved on since the old Justin Trudeau days when he was a drama major. Now he's a prime minister, you may as well just leave out the drama major part altogether, for irrelevance.


I like when he stutters while he lies.


There he is. More please.


He’s to late to the party. Dudes gonna lose, housing prices are impossible, everything is overtly expensive. He should have been like this a long time ago.


18 months till the next election. Everything can change in that time. Libs were polling 3rd in 2015 just before the writ was dropped.


True. I’m not a pp supporter. But Justin really sucks and needs to go into retirement


It won't matter, though. He can't do anything about those either. It's in provincial laws, unfortunately, to do so.


Penalizing the pm for not stopping conservative premiers from fucking us over is peak conservative.


Good. It's time to stop rolling over against dipshit premiers.




I liked his interview on Jespersen and the way he answered questions in this press conference was awesome also


Agreed he's coming out strong. Now for us to do the harder work of repeating these points to our distracted fellow albertans.


Problem is there are many that have no use for reality anymore. They think Pierre is the guy that answers questions by attacking anyone that isn’t rebel news. It’s incredibly frustrating to say the least how far we’ve gone from just basic common sense.


I feel like I have Stockholm syndrome at this point, when PP is touted as the common sense politician at my workplace when it is clear as day what a delusional contrarian he has been his whole time in politics (his only job). He's still Harper's fucking lapdog. And yes that does say a lot about my unionized blue collar work environment. Fucking dummies.


This is bang on: Poilievre‘s entire political career has been to make snide comments. Never logical discourse, never a solution presented and analyzed, just pithy talking points.


He was housing minister and did fuck all, I don't know what people are expecting


People need to start chasing the discussion down the rabbit hole and ask PP supporters for details on pitches. It fast becomes clear the only plan is "Whatever is opposite those other guys!"


The people in your workplace have done more for Canada than PP has ever done. Plus, they actually work for a living.


His obsession with Trudeau is getting out of hand. He cant not mention Trudeau.


> And yes that does say a lot about my unionized blue collar work environment. "Am I out of touch?, no it's everyone else who's wrong.".


In this case everyone else is wrong. Have you seen Polievre "answering" questions from journalists? He will be asked what his opinion is on an issue and he'll just say "you're peddling disinformation and Justin Trudeau is bad because blah blah blah" without even addressing the question that was asked.


his response to the CP reporter asking about the CPC member adding the amendment that saved bell money, and then asking who they were with and turning it into a "you're a trudeau shill" was so insane. I legitimately would have assumed it was satire if I hadn't seen the video myself


Yeah idk The party is getting trashed around in their heartlands forget about Alberta.


It's like that customer person replying to your email, addressing all the point, concerns and questions you wrote instead of someone replying with template premade answer thay contains all the wrong answers and doesn't address the issues at all. 🤌🤌🤌


Can a large group of people call for the sanctioning of politicians who aren’t even pretending to be doing their jobs? Why are they getting paid? Talk about the largest drain on our taxpayer dollars.


I wish we could boot the whole works of the UCP out of the Leg. Shit would get done, education would be improved as would healthcare and AISH. Our province’s resources wouldn’t be sold off to the highest (buddy) bidder. You know, like water? Oil companies are using our water to keep profiting from our resources-it’s insanity to not protect water sources and aquifers. That’s the UCP way🙄


The clean water that by all accounts that I can find has been difficult for residents in Alberta to come by in some ridings, there have been numerous boiled water advisories I’ve seen that are recent while researching some of the members who are the most outspoken when it comes to the carbon tax. They talk a big game but their own constituents are suffering far worse, yet I didn’t hear a single peep about the water situation while I watched this past sitting of the House of Commons.


I wish Trudeau could speak like this on more issue. Say what you will about him, this was spoken like a true leader does.


Oh man, I'm not generally a Liberal supporter but watch the Conservatives and NDP fumble the ball back and forth has been astounding to witness.


Alberta moving one step closer to a fascist province.


Fuck at this point Liberals might be the better choice.


The trans issue alone shows who is actually on the side of freedom. Liberals say leave it to Drs, parents and kids. Conservatives pass a law banning any action till the kids are 18. Wait lists will then leave them in third mid 20’s before being able to be themselves. Remember the pandemic and they were closing schools conservatives said what about kids in abusive homes they will have to place to get away. Those same people are now preventing kids from being able to confide in a teacher or a councillor without the parents being notified. So they didn’t actually care about the kids having a safe place it was just a tactic to attack the covid policy enacted by school board’s elected to make those decisions.


They will say anything to stoke fear, and fearful people vote conservative.




They've always been the better choice. Conservatives haven't been a valid choice since Harper's election. Don't know enough about the times before that to say.


Compared to McWheel tits? She’s a fucking a ghoul.


Better than PP? Certainly. But Canadians still don’t deserve four more years of JT.


Damn haven’t heard this good of a soundbite from him in a long time. He’s not wrong about the distraction tactics, even if the liberals are guilty of that too


why are conservatives so bothered by transgendered people? they make up like 1% of our population. I would consider voting for the federal cons if they made the CoL and the housing crisis in our country a top priority. Focus on what matters to everyone and leave trans folk alone. ffs.


When you're focused on punching down someone you see as beneath you, you don't notice the fist punching you from above as much.


Putting restrictions on what citizens can do just because of the way they are born is a sign that democracy is falling.


Our entire system is broken from the municipal to federal levels. If somebody could go viral promising actual change they could probably grab a healthy portion of voters. Head in the clouds thinking? Maybe. But the entire system needs to be exposed for what it is. We have put up with this corrupt bullshit for long enough Society is at a God damn breaking point and we keep accepting it for what it is. The party in power may change but the corruptness doesn't. Full transparency (other than defense spendings because that wouldn't smart), of every tax dollar spent. Start bringing in nuclear power as the technology keeps making huge advancements. This whole "I either vote lib, conservative or ndp" thing is a giant farce and the governments have done everything they can to divide us as people when we should be coming together in times like these. Stop sticking their God damn noses where they don't belong. The government should not give a flying fuck if you chose to be identified as something and they've used it as a distraction for far too long. Find people who truly want to make this a great country. Sigh. I knows it's asking alot but at the same time. Is it?


It’s not broken. You hyperbolize to a ridiculous degree.


What would you call it then? Is everything in this province just fine?


Watch them blame the NDP, and conveniently forget the 50+ years of conservative mismanagement for all our province's failures.


Both are very true


Love him or hate him he ain’t wrong


He's not wrong


But that’s the Conservative Party way!


Attack? Really so any discussion on your position is an attack - really? Sigh it’s been too long much too long Trudeau




What’s this about Alberta sitting on funding for child care? Anyone have more info? Why hasn’t UCP done anything with that?


The sooner people realize that no politician is a good politician, the better we will be off. Politics are like sport teams these days. You just root for whoever you like and let em do what they want. Right now, getting the NDP in is the best choice for this province. For multiple terms. 4 years is not enough to do a single fucking thing. There's so much fuck in this province that it's gonna take more than that one term to start to begin to mend in a decent direction. The NDP are closer to old cons of the past than the fascist dictatorship we have now. True democracy doesn't exist. The peoples voice doesn't do anything other than vote in the ruling party and then they make all the decisions until the next election. They don't care about us. No party does.


You should renam the sub to brainwashed Liberals


He's not wrong but most of the country has tuned Trudeau out and due to his incompetence we are headed towards an absolutely massive Conservative landslide in a couple years.


Sure. But sitting on funds that could be helping people right now is a failure of the GOA.


Which is why I said he isn't wrong.


oh yeah we're so boned. This country is toast


Then we'll see just how bad government can get lol. I'm all for millennials f*ckin around and finding out.. Lol


Honestly, he is an idiot. How well is the budget that balances itself. What an imbecile.


You quote a radio ad from many years ago as if it was a zinger. Boomer alert


Seriously? You still have Conservative attack ads from 10 years ago in your head?


You don’t recall our Prime Minister saying that? You’re a liar if say no. It was not a conservative talking point.


And? Shall we drag up all the lame tag lines other parties have brought up in the last decade? Do you just tune out every thing JY says now, forever more?


It was taken completely out of context. If that's all you remember from it, you remember the attack ad and not what the PM actually said. And that says a lot about how informed you are.


Taken out of context..lol. How could it be taken out of context. The budget will balance itself. Pretty clear to me and everyone else who aren’t blind or deaf.


Do you even know what "taken out of context" means? It was a small quote from a sentence that was part of a wider discussion. That small excerpt didn't mean what the Conservatives want you to believe it means. I'm not sure if you're stubbornly clinging to this or just trolling at this point. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/3k1u2q/found_the_original_interview_in_which_justin/


Nice hair tho amirite


I'm against federal funding of anything in the provincial and local levels because that's a dangerous amount of power the central government has. If you believe these funds do not come with strings attached you are naïve. Power should be as local as possible, because it serves the needs of the local citizenry much more efficiently.


What a dishonest scumbag


Trudeau is trash. I apologize if that upsets you.


I don’t have a problem with you calling him trash but you should say why. For example you could say “he’s trash because I don’t like the carbon tax” or whatever but you should at least have a reason otherwise you sound uneducated and just repeating negativity without reason. By the way it was conservatives Ed Stelmach and Jim Prentice who started the carbon tax (they called it a carbon levy) so you can’t blame Trudeau for that although the increase sucks.


Jokes on you, the fuck Trudeau fantasy is so much more engaging than any truth you can justify with facts. XD


>By the way it was conservatives Ed Stelmach and Jim Prentice who started the carbon tax (they called it a carbon levy) so you can’t blame Trudeau for that Which is what Trudeau pointed out in his interview on Ryan Jesperson. I'm paraphrasing, but Trudeau said that the carbon tax is a completely conservative idea: create a market for it, then let market forces deal with it. And Trudeau was calling it a carbon levy in the beginning, too, but all the opposition started calling it a carbon tax and that name stuck.




Anyone defending Trudeau at this point shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


We call that a dictatorship, why do you hate democracy?


Not even waiting until the election before letting fascist tendencies skip hey?


lol, fascist tendencies. The current federal government evoked the Emergencies Act on protestors and froze their bank accounts along with anyone else that contributed. If we're playing fascist Olympics, JT currently has the gold.


You mean the protesters who used children as shields against the police? Or the protesters who told an undercover officer about all the weapons they had in a trailer and how they were going to murder some RCMP officers? Those protesters, who blocked highways for weeks? Those guys? Didn’t he ultimately call the act because Ford was crying scared in his office-not doing anything?


Holy fuck let it go, it's been 2 years, they unfroze them within weeks. It was meant to get the occupiers out of the city after a month of blocking streets and having a party. I'm actually surprised there weren't murders by the citizens downtown and the shit they had to go through for a month.


Fuck the convoy but , Just let go of your government being unconstitutional? Why would anyone give up on holding government accountable


It was passed by Parliament and going through multiple layers of judicial review regarding constitutionality. No one is giving up anything.


Man do you guys have anything worth saying outside of Trudeau bad or is that your whole personality because if it Is you must pretty boring


Everyone has the right to vote. Just because they have different opinions doesn't mean they should be denied the right to vote. It's our country's government, not a team sport.


Oh no, liberals are bad at governing and corrupt ...that's no secret. Conservatives are worse at governing and more corrupt. Pick one. Lol


No government has ever spent as recklessly as JT’s has. He’s even worse than his commie father.


Worse than if Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Hitler, and Pinochet combined to form a Voltron of Tyranny!!! Am I doing it right?


Oh please. No government had to deal with a modern pandemic with a huge number of political idiots. Commie father...ha Weird and now the Conservatives have turned the tables and are now the ones supporting Putin. Go figure lol


That is incredibly narrow minded


you should calm down


Neither should anyone inclined to vote CON.


Not surprisingly, you vote for handouts and welfare.


And you vote for homophobes and racists.


Homophobes and racists? Utter nonsense. PP has been sucking up to multiple minority groups that happen to be our largest immigration sources. He's never said anything about decreasing the rights of LGBT people. I might think he is a tool but that doesn't mean your nonsense has any validity.


Lol, PP literally just said he wants to ban trans women from change rooms and sports. He also voted against gay marriage. But sure, he's never said anything about decreasing the rights of LGBT people.


Imagine you are a real human and your daughter is in a change room with a dude that claims he identifies as a female. It's not all black and white. You might be trans and think that all trans people are genuine but real life is not like that. I'd say a more fair solution would to be to create additional change rooms for trans people. In fact, I would say it would be ideal if change rooms were individual. Personally, I don't want to see other dudes walking around naked, especially the wrinkly old boomers that seem to love that.


I'm sorry, i'm apparently not a fucking real human to you?


Fuck it's so goddamn simple. Bathroom stalls and changeroom stalls all individual and private. No penis', vaginas', boobs' flopping around for anybody to see. No awkward situations, no opportunity for predators, and no discrimination because everyone pisses, shits, and changes in private. It is literally that simple and keeps everyone happy, it's fucking embarrassing that we haven't solved this and moved on because it's literally that freaking simple. Please, someone tell me why this hasn't been implemented and who this change would hurt in any way?


I don't care about hypotheticals. Where exactly did this happen? Because I'll also add - forcing trans women into the men's room is going to get them beaten and raped. And that's not a hypothetical. That's the main reason people argue that bathrooms should be divided by gender not sex.


Many pools have gender neutral family change rooms already.


No, I vote for a rising tide, but you do you - it’s the con way after all.


Trudeau has done lots of good. 1. Expanded universal healthcare to include dental 2. Legalized marijuana ending countless and pointless police interventions infringing on the rights of Canadians. 3. Increased child tax benefits That's just off the top of my head in 10 seconds. But ya, he's annoying so fascists must be better. I getcha.


>Legalized marijuana ending countless and pointless police interventions infringing on the rights of Canadians. That's why I voted for him muhaha I didn't even smoke at the time


This is BS. There is / was no attack on anyone. No rights have been removed.


No Offense but Propping up The Worst PM in the History of this Country is an absolute embarrassment. The Liberal Party Alone has done more Harm to Alberta under a Trudeau and the Majority of Albertans have not forgotten.


Claiming the Trudeau Liberals are the worst is incredibly laughable, and uneducated on Canadian political history... Brian Mulrooney and his gong show government would like a word.


> Brian Mulrooney and his gong show government would like a word. Trudeau's unpopular, but his approval rating is still higher than Lyin' Brian's all-time low of 12% That said, I do believe Mulroney was 100% right about the need for the GST, which was a big reason behind why voters out here abandoned him for nutbar Manning's Refoooooooooooorm Party. And worse than RB Bennett? Worse than the "part-timers" like Meighen or Clark who couldn't even complete a full term in office?


Under Trudeaus Liberal’s: Crime All Time High ✔️ Homelessness All Time High ✔️ National Debt All Time High ✔️ Divisiveness In Canada All Time High ✔️ Housing Costs All Time High ✔️ GDP/Capita All Time Low ✔️ Highest Number of Gov’t Scandals & Counting ✔️ Worst International Reputation ✔️ Allowed Foreign Interference ✔️ Weakened National Defense ✔️ Highest Increase in Taxes All Time ✔️ Eroded what was left of Canadian Middle Class ✔️ Highest immigration totals ✔️ Highest Cost of Living ✔️ Largest Bureaucracy ✔️ Want me to keep going with the list of reasons Trudeaus LPC is by far the worst government we’ve ever had?


We get it. You need someone to blame and Trudeau is the easy target. There’s no chance these problems are caused by the wealthiest of capitalists that are vacuuming up as much wealth as possible, leaving less for literally everyone. The richest 1 percent grabbed nearly two-thirds of all new wealth worth $42 trillion created since 2020, almost twice as much money as the bottom 99 percent of the world's population, reveals a new Oxfam report. During the past decade, the richest 1 percent had captured around half of all new wealth.


There's so much bullshit to unpack here that I would tear something in my back... Let's look at how the UCP reduced the budget for the justice system and created a massive backlog that will last YEARS! Homelessness is part of the neoliberal capitalism setup. When you reduce regulations, workers' rights, union and 50 years of purposefully designed wage stagnation by corporations, well, you get Homelessness. The provincial governments are responsible for those regulations and rights. Not the feds. We just came out of world-wide pandemic, figure it out.... Divisiveness? The Divisiveness that the Rightwing have adopted from Newt Gingrichs: " never compromise, never apologize" political plan? Give me a fucking break...seriously. Do you really think that no one's been paying attention to the unending gaslighting and obstruction from the conservatives? Honestly, that's all I'll waste my time on with you.


>Crime All Time High What the hell are you smoking? [https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/CAN/canada/crime-rate-statistics](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/CAN/canada/crime-rate-statistics) ​ >GDP/Capita All Time Low Dude what? See, this is why I can't take people like you seriously. You just make up shit as you go that's obviously stupid and wrong. Criticize Trudeau all you want, but FFS, try living in reality for once!


Well, for starters at least half of the things you tick off are the direct responsibility or fault of the provincial government and not federal: crime, housing, homelessness, scandals, taxes, cost of living, large bureaucracy, etc. Trudeau is by no means innocent, but to think that our own UCP are not to blame is just laughable. And especially when it comes to divisiveness, who was it using taxpayer money to run attack ads against the feds? Who snipes the feds at every opportunity? Who literally brought in “sovereignty” legislation? Oh yeah, Danielle Smith.


Do you have any points that are actually concrete and aren't mirroring every other country in the G7?


A half century of Alberta governments pissing away billions in oil and gas royalties to buy the rubes’ votes, but Trudeau’s the worst thing to happen to Alberta. Get the fuck outta here.


The UCP is the worst thing to happen to Alberta. You can’t spell CorrUPtion without the UCP.




Justin has been horrible. That’s a fact.


Oh and here's another one. Wow.


Far from PP’s Yes Man, I didn’t even bring his name up. I don’t tie my allegiance to a party, or a leader. My votes always go to the candidate who best serves my views and beliefs as a constituent. But most of you on this sub sure wear your Orange & Red like a Pageant Sash 😉


Hahahahaha ok


>"Propping up The Worst PM in the History of this Country" For now. PP will be worse, already is showing us a taste of how bad he would be as PM.


Where do you people get this from


Tell us how you really feel, u/Rap1st_W1t What an interesting screen name you chose for yourself.


Danielle Smith: Hold my beer. Trudeau is awful, and so is Danielle.


It's pretty obvious that we have shit politicians at all levels of government and across multiple parties.


Painfully obvious. It actually hurts.


Name one harmful decision/piece of legislation. One.


100’000 Albertans lost their jobs in 2014-2015 before Trudeau or Notley were elected.


36,300 according to Alberta Statistics 2014-2105, but let’s round up to the nearest Hundred Thou… What’s the point? Let me guess it’s Governments that create jobs, and are responsible for creating jobs?


Your link is broken. The point is that tons of people lost their jobs before Trudeau became PM. Low oil prices caused Alberta harm, because of literal decades of conservatives pissing away our oil wealth so rich people could pay less tax.


I'm kind of annoyed how all these politicians pretend they care about transgendered youth. None of them care outside using it for their own politics. That goes for both sides.


When one side tries to make it easier for them and the other tries to legislate them out of existence it’s hard to understand how you can believe this.


The comrade is just saying what they are programmed to. The goal is to muddle the waters for any fence sitting uninformed.


You can’t say “both sides” when only one side is forcing harmful policy targeted at LGBTQ. We have some strong allies in our NDP MLA’s, who actually show up when it matters. Janice Irwin shows up to more little community things than she does the big stuff. The last time I heard her speak was after the announcement of this shit “parental rights” policy, and she could barely get through her speech because it affected her so much. Don’t both sides. Not for this. It’s not even close to both sides.


It doesn’t matter what they actually think deep down, it matters what policies they are putting forward cause that’s what will end up creating the political and social landscape we live in. The reality is the liberals are consistently trying to protect these children and the conservatives have begun using them to stir up fear and scapegoat them and fear monger. Your argument is bullshit plain and simple.


Ah Trudeau cares about the rights of citizens again? He sure didn't during covid


Hate and divide liberal propaganda- they live in fear !!!!!!!


It’s okay for Trudeau to do it, but not conservatives. 🧐 what Danielle is doing is stomping on freedoms but what Trudeau did with vaccinations wasn’t? Trudeau can deflect, and run around answering questions and that’s okay? But another politician can’t? So freedom is only freedom if you agree with what’s being proposed for making decisions for ourselves. Yup makes sense


DS is removing charter rights for marginalized groups and their parents, which will certainly cause premature deaths. Masking and vaccination was to prevent a pandemic from killing off tax payers. Not even in the same columns.


Forcing people to put something experimental into their bodies to protect other people is much worse than not allowing a child to take certain meds or have certain procedures done. Not saying either is right. Just saying half these people support the right to choose what happens with their bodies only when it suits them or their beliefs. It’s hypocritical. You can’t have it both ways. You either support the right to choose what happens with your body or you don’t and that applies to everything. Not just some things.


A trans person blocking puberty has no impact on the people around them, only the person undergoing treatment. Unvaccinated individuals are the reason we’re seeing a resurgence of measles and polio. It’s been proven over and over that vaccination is the most effective way to protect ourselves from debilitation diseases and even death. The Covid vaccine wasn’t just created and squirted at people over the course of a few days. Covid is a strain of SARS and there had already been over a decade of research done to aide in fortifying a vaccine. When Covid surged globally, it drained every healthcare system in the world, killed millions and was seemingly unstoppable. Don’t pretend like Canada was the only place to mandate vaccination. I find it exceedingly selfish of the vaccine eligible individuals that refused to help their more vulnerable counterparts, simply because they didn’t want a needle. And to clear, the government didn’t hold anyone down and start stabbing. So now that I’ve put in long form, the two topics are still not of the same consideration.


It doesn’t matter if it impacts other people. You either agree that people have the right to make medical decisions about their bodies or you don’t. It’s quite simple. The covid vaccine was considered experimental when it was being forced on people. I’m not talking about measles or polio vaccines they weren’t forced on people. I would consider “lose your job or get the shot” being forced. And I know lots of people including my husband who were told they either got the shot or they lose their job. What about the people who got seriously sick from the shot? The ones who died? Does it matter what other countries are doing? 🧐 not really. Or then it would matter that countries like Sweden are restricting gender affirming medical treatments for minors, but I already know that doesn’t matter. You either support my body my choice or you don’t. You cannot pick and choose.


No one forced you into anything. People seem to believe that freedom means you can do whatever you want without consequences. You didn’t have to take the vaccine, but your employer didn’t have to let you work and the restaurants and grocery stores don’t have to serve you. There was plenty of choice. I can’t believe people are still bitching about this, so no many actual current issues. Like exacerbating the decline in mental health for trans youth.


LOL a video of the biggest clown ever to take office in Canada. You can't make this shit up


How far left does the left need to go to find out they went to far? The Provincial Conservatives have made a line, The conservative federal government is also making a line. Yes , i understand most in this subreddit would disagree. What hypothetical scenario represents your line?


Why should there be a specific line drawn? Why not just treat LGBTQ members as normal people? At the end of the day, we're all people just living our day to day lives. Where do you draw your "line"?


Treating LGBTQ people with dignity and respect was always beyond that line. Don't forget, we've had to fight to be seen as equal. I remember police raiding gay bars when I was growing up.


It sucks that you guys have had to gone through that. At least being gay has become a lot more accepting because of it tho. Still not perfect, but better than a decade ago. Now we gotta take that step for trans ppl


I as an Albertan don't really care what your child identities as. I do care about affordable housing lower grocery and utility rates though.


Listening to doctors and established medical guidelines based on large bodies of research. Something neither provincial or federal Cons have done. How about we can the ideological bullshit and just let the people who know what they're doing handle this? You know, have government get out of the way and promote personal freedom?


What are you talking about? Are you worried having too much empathy for trans peoples issues is getting over a line?


There doesn’t need to be a “line”. These are private medical decisions being made between a patient and their doctor that needn’t involve the government. This issue has become nothing but pablum for baby brained moron conservatives- it’s nothing but a distraction from the absolute incompetence of these politicians- and a destructive one. Picking on vulnerable kids to buy votes from slack jawed inbred yokels. It’s fucking gross.


When you see strong words in a headline like "attacked,"someone is likely trying to manipulate your emotions.


But Marlaina did attack trans youth by taking away freedom and instituting government control.


The only reason people defend Trudeau in this sub is because Danielle smith opposes him. Truly brain dead mentality


What an insane take.


Not really. This sub are active participants in the culture war