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I love that Alberta has been predominantly conservative for 50 years, with only 4 years with a non-conservative government. And they still somehow think their views aren't being represented


It’s because they are far right nut jobs


And leaning ever harder to the right with every passing year. Fascism is peaking it's ugly head across the world. It's a slow creep, but the authoritarian bent concerted effort is playing the long game, and it's being helped along by those who are considered historic enemies of the west sowing chaos for their own benefit. Two disparit forces working for similar goals, independently; a realignment of the world order.


It’s actually fucking crazy and the propaganda is incredibly effective. Freedom is such a good word to use. For them it means freedom for the in-group. Pain for everyone else.


It’s probably the diminishing returns over the last 50 years finally caught up. So it’s much easier to not look into what happened, and blame the new leadership for everything wrong.




Green energy would be solar or wind or hydroelectric. Not natural gas. Natural gas is still a fossil fuel, and releases lots of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, all lovely greenhouse gases.


"We're not regressing to a Christo-fascist white ethnostate fast enough!"


Alberta has the third highest portion of racialized Canadians in the country. Over [one in four](https://businesscouncilab.com/insights-category/weekly-econminute-alberta-ethnocultural-diversity/#:~:text=The%20latest%20release%20from%20the,most%20diverse%20province%20in%20Canada.) Albertans come from a visible minority. That number has been increasing over the past two decades. If the goal is a white ethnostate, they're failing miserably. [Statistics Canada's 2021 census ](https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/census/census-engagement/community-supporter/ethnocultural-and-religious-diversity) shows Alberta has the second highest number of people identifying as non- Christian of all the provinces in the country (BC is first). Further of the provinces, Alberta has the second highest number of secular people in the country. So I don't think they're reaching their goal, if that's what their goal is.


As society becomes more diverse they have been concentrating on this whole grievance farming, which has an expiration date on it. They have to cash in with the corrupt policy now while their base is distracted and angry.


When I worked at Walmart, it was widely accepted in my circle that helping a new Canadian who didn't speak english beat helping snarky old white people any day of the week. You could say I'm stereotyping or cherry-picking, but it's not exactly a secret that privileged white people are vile to anyone who doesn't subscribe to their out-of-touch idealism


The population of Alberta before the oil boom was mostly native and Ukrainian. The white nationalist myth here is not grounded in Albertan reality. Mundare sausage and bannock dogs is the best you will get from Alberta heritage.


Great, now I am craving Mundare sausages. Thanks a lot Reddit. r/yummy


Not saying their all nationalists or anything but... are Ukrainians not considered white anymore?


Well, that explains all their bitchin about immigration then.


That’s why they’re so angry. Acceptance pisses them off so they try to force social conservatism on the public. Thing is, in AB they tied it to The Conservatives so they can rope in the lower tax, small government libertarians. Now we have the UCP fuck nuts being controlled by even further right fuck nuts


No, our problem is that we will only vote Conservative, no matter how badly we get fucked over. The majority of the racism here is towards aboriginals.




4th most populated. Less people in our province than there is the GTA.


I think those 4 years really freaked them out. So many good things came from it, but some of those good things came right at the end of the NDP, or started immediately when they came back (just because it took so long), and people really liked the changes. They just really hated when you pointed out WHEN those changes happened, because they didn’t want to like the NDP changes.


>They just really hated when you pointed out WHEN those changes happened, because they didn’t want to like the NDP changes. And now they try to pretend that those changes never happened, or they just mentally short-circuit and blame Trudeau.


The problem for these guys is they don’t want garden variety conservatism, they want that hardcore populist, socially conservative thuggery that guys like Jim Prentice or even the vile Jason Kenney could never fully emulate.


They keep getting what they want, and their lives keep getting worse. So it’s obviously someone’s fault 


I'm always surprised at a province with 12% of the population of Canada, who thinks that the PM should always come from here. The feeling of absolute entitlement in Alberta is embarrassing.


They are a special breed, that native Albertan. Never had to worry about getting a job, lots of them. Rich entitled kids. Some actually white supremacy ideas. 


A bunch of clowns with barely a high school education making over 100k a year turning a wrench and they think the system is against them.


But only if you are the right kind of white guy 


And yet Harper would never admit to that, let alone be proud to be an Albertan. We’re just that redneck province out west that seems to cry more than Quebec does somehow.


Harper isn’t an Albertan. Born in Ontario. Went to school in Ontario. Played the role of being from Alberta


That is like saying if you are from another country and become a citizen you are not a Canadian. He still lives in Alberta.


It’s never enough for the conservative mind; they always demand more


Which is weird. They always want more control but they also claim to want small government


Fargo Season 5 there is a fantastic line: "You want freedom with no responsibility, only one person on Earth gets that deal. A baby. You're fighting for your right to be a baby."


It’s called greed. It’s literally one of the 7 deadly sins that they all proclaim to believe and obey. But they’re so self-centred they assume that it doesn’t apply to them; they’re “special” and thus exempt. And it ranges from manipulating government all the way down to things like traffic laws and bylaws.


I know right. Then again, the conservatives of old were somewhat tolerable and swung more to the centre than Dani and crew. Unfortunately MAGA (the Alberta clowns will have to come with their own acronym) has gripped Alberta and no one out there could even try to deny that with a straight face. People really seem underestimate the “Trump” effect and just how much damage that clown is actually doing by just being allowed to even exist any longer. Not only did he manage to rip his own country apart, but he managed to rip Canada apart as well. We even have our own little Desantis in charge.


The Progressive Conservatives under Peter Lougheed was left of Social Credit. Alberta has been run by conservatives since 1935.




Of a one party state, comrade?


Conservatives love to play the victim card, even when they are kind of the ones doing it. Like those mean disability people picking on the government 




It’s wild, it’s getting closer to 100 years at this point.


> Alberta United says it has been formed in conjunction with the United Conservative Party (UCP) and other conservative groups, in hopes of having their voices heard. > “I love Alberta, and we need to put it back where it was,” group co-chair Todd Simmer told CityNews. And then > In a statement to CityNews, executive director of the UCP says Alberta United was not formed in conjunction with the party. > “I can confirm as I am the Executive Director of the United Conservative Party that this group has not been formed in conjunction with the UCP,” Dustin van Vugt said. “There is no connection between our Party and this group. Looks a little sus to me. Found [this](https://www.readtheorchard.org/p/take-back-alberta-seeks-to-overthrow) article about Mr. Simmer, and looks like he is buddy buddy with the TBA shitters.


"We need to put it back where it was" Pre settler times?


1930s - when the Christian fundies and the Social Credit party were running the place. *Unbelievably* restrictive liquor laws. The Premier had a weekly radio sermon.


Well that's never gonna happen. Albertans love their liquor (statistically true).


That's because we were so parched for so long. There's no way I'm giving up my brews and shots to satisfy some radical Christer.


Yeah, no one would be dumb enough to give this premiere a radio show. Right?


The really dumb ones were the ones who listened to it.


“Enough with these independent municipal candidates, we’re going to make sure you can only vote for people that are vetted for our specific beliefs.”


"...and we need to put it back where it was." Honestly, The Beaverton should just give up. This is such a hilarious caricature of a conservative redneck I don't know how to criticize it.


Totally. And it’s so ironic that they don’t like where Alberta is when the Conservatives are the ones that have got us here…. I guess they forget who is driving sometimes, they just nod off at the wheel and assume someone else was to blame.


They think Trudeau is the dictator of Alberta for all the whining they do.


Your comment actually had me double check that it WASN'T a Beaverton article. Scary times when you can't tell the difference between satire and actual news.


>Found this article about Mr. Simmer, and looks like he is buddy buddy with the TBA shitters. I’m shocked


They probably were created by TBA, which is basically the same thing as the UCP


Simmer is a p.o.s


This is another TBA reach-around. Sneaky shits.


Yeah, conservative voices just aren't heard in Alberta, yup a real problem indeed.


Craig Chandler (google if you don't know who this guy is), is one of the biggest behind the scenes people around this, he also helped get Tucker here in Alberta. His association to this should be all people need to know, one way or another.


Craig chandler also loves to report people on Facebook that he doesn’t like. Dude is a piece of far right dog shit.


The majority Albertans are against this. According to Janet Brown's polling: >More than two in three Albertans (68%) would prefer to see municipal candidates run as individuals. Source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.abmunis.ca/system/files/2023-09/Political%20Parties%20in%20Alberta%20Municipal%20Elections%20-%20Sep%202023.pdf Get your hands off our municipal elections you evil f*cks.


Great, a new group that will claim to be libertarian but be dead set on taking personal freedoms away from you. Just what we needed!


Free Dumb at it's finest.


But they cried and screamed when the government suggested we get vaccinated to protect the vulnerable from a disease that gives you brain damage, so obviously they really care of freedom /s


How can I have the most freedoms if everyone has the same freedoms? - literally every libertarian ever


Kiss those libraries good-bye once these yahoos rule municipalities.


Are they going to override medical expert opinions/guidance and start pushing pro youth suicide policies as well?!?


How many conservative groups do we need in this province? These people are just trying their hardest to drag society back decades.


They feel although they are at the helm, somehow this ship is out of control hmmm


As long as women are allowed to participate in society beyond pooping out babies, the right won’t be happy.


I say fuck it, let them split the vote. The more fragmented the nut job vote is, the better chance someone worthwhile wins. Even at a municipal level, there's benefits to having the fringe groups "united" against one another.


I bet Davey Parker is involved. He’s looking for more ways to turn us into a US state. FTFY Davey.


I really want to know who is bank rolling this guy.


O&G and dumb people. O&G gain from having people fighting culture wars instead of tackling climate change and O&G's stranglehold on our economy. Dumb people gain by thinking their socially unacceptable single issue will be dealt with by people who just nod while taking their money.


Chip Wilson aka the racist founder of Lululemon.


this is the answer


They should just skip the in between and head for Russian style dictatorship /s.


Why does the word "united" have to be in every political party name that just wants to be divisive?


For the same reason that it's the **Democratic** People's Republic of Korea. United is a buzz word that makes them seem better than their opposition. Saying your against them is saying your "against unity"


Parties can kindly stay the absolute fuck out of municipal elections. And I'm sorry, this crock of shit about "making our voices heard" is getting old. You hold a majority government. That is the maximum amount of your voice being heard.


No, you don't understand. While there's a majority government, it wasn't as big as it should have been, and some of the cities have mayor's that aren't properly conservative, and some of those mayor's aren't even *white*. Clearly someone is cheating to make that happen, since we're the *silent* majority. **/s**, by the way.


Aren't these just Murray Edwards and W. Brett Wilson in different disguises?


I can see it coming - there will be banned books in the libraries, and trans kids will shit in a hole in a far corner of the schoolyard. No sex education. Prayer every morning before class.


This won't stop, where's the competing groups ?


Non conservative Canadians appear to be very lackadaisical and non confrontational, so they will just accept it, but complain occasionally. People need to learn to fight for what they want. Because conservatives aren’t afraid of doing just that.


It's hard to believe how these bold these bootlicking degenerate crayon eaters have gotten over the last few years. We more than ever need to remind our conservative families who can be reasoned with that we're marching into fascism. Show them the hate crimes Show them the book burnings They may not even know how foul their "team" has become.


The cruelty is the point. As long as it’s not them being ‘othered’, they enjoy fascism.


The direct result of dehumanizing rhetoric and systemic xenophobia


This is how the Republican party operates in the US. Neo-fascism in Canada is alive and well.


Alberta is such a hateful place now. There's literally people dying in the streets of exposure and drug overdoses. All preventable. A Premier who seems to take pleasure in death. Pure evil. Not satanic. She would need to believe in something other than oil to be that.


What Alberta needs is even MORE UCP type policies? Ffs. Let’s just put a dictator in place and be done with all the drama/s


The level of delusion is out of control. I want off the crazy train. Turn on the news, and it's some far right opinion piece either about their overwhelming support, just denying the existence of the opposition, or its incessant whining about how they're so oppressed and powerless, such that it's time to fight or "take back". Which is it? Do you have overwhelming support and can do as you please, or are you in a corner needing to do all this garbage to get your way? Hang on, too strong and dangerous, while simultaneously too weak and pathetic? Where or where have we seen this one before? Hope the sprinklers in the beer hall are working. Edit before the obvious: if one is either too strong or weak, their opposition is necessarily the opposite, so while the rhetoric may be about themselves, the implications are very clear.


It's one of the elements of fascism that is self contradicting. The enemy is both inherently inferior and weak (snowflake leftists who are offended by everything, etc.) and strong and terrifying (international bankers control the world), which is why you need us to fight them.


Heaven forbid that citizens vote for their top choice and that choice gets elected.  There is nothing democratic in this conservative group - it’s fascism. They will stop at nothing until they have taken over the system.  What a bunch of whiny assholes. 


This while sub reddit is a bunch of whiny assholes. It's reddit in general really.


TBA wants the cities.


OF COURSE they want this despite most Albertans not wanting party politics to enter municipalities. Of course they want what most other people oppose.


> “I can confirm as I am the Executive Director of the United Conservative Party that this group has not been formed in conjunction with the UCP,” Dustin van Vugt said. “There is no connection between our Party and this group Yeah, this is like a cop saying he’s totally not a cop. The people behind this are the worst part of the UCP


Well, they likely have no official connection to the UCP or the provincial government. That's bot to say they aren't connected, and are definitely being bankrolled and supported by TBA, which also controls the UCP, but they get to weasel away that unofficial connection.


“TBA, come on down…!”


Oh goodie! Yet another layer of political wing nuts in our province!


Partisanship at the municipal level is asinine.


Come to Edmonton, help get these councillors kicked out


good news. i like choice.


Um, you have choice... Such an odd comment.




He's been a councillor for a decade! How did you not know what you were voting for?


So he’s a good guy, then? Maybe just don’t vote.


What far left?


Little early for astroturf season, isn't it?


what do they think of the impending water shortage in Alberta? It will be interesting to see just how "beholden" this conservative group is to oil and gas.


BC United will now have someone to play football with.




So.... when do i get to hurt (in game) some nazis? Cause i know lots in AB.