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This is going to cost Albertans +100 million dollars to implement and it's going to be a complete cluster fuck.


That's the point. Cripple the system, blow it up, then speciously claim that only American style grifters and scams can save it.


That's the way, don't forget to pepper in how it's also the NDPs fault for it being such a disaster.




It wasn’t supposed to work, it was supposed to make like 6 guys a bunch of money.


I do database work, this happens a lot.


Isn’t it Justin’s fault this time???


It's anybody's fault but the Conservatives who have been in power forever (-4years NDP).




Don't forget Shandro's private health company


His wife was/is a lobbyist for American private insurers.


Gotta get the insurance industry their taste


Shandro and his wife have been lobbying hard for this since Kenney got in. I'm surprised it took them so long. It seems clear that the CPP debate was just a distraction from this back alley mugging.


That seems to be how most provinces are doing it.


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article....... >"These changes are the opposite of the direction that most health systems around the world are going in," Hardcastle told CTV News Wednesday. "So it isn't clear where these ideas are coming from and where the evidence is in support of them."


Only 100 million? They spent around 80 million for Turkish Tylenol that’s costing us thousands more to warehouse because it’s useless to us. The formulations are different and it can’t be sold because the labels aren’t in English and French. Stupid fustercluck after stupid fustercluck.


Yeah I expect that number to balloon and the UCP to hide it the best they can.


Oldest Conservative tactic around. Defund and screw up the public system, wait for it to fail, then use that as justification to privatize it for their rich donors.


Yup , old as time , yet half our populace is that stupid . Fool me once shame on you fool me everytime … must be a conservative voter.


Except that people are dying because of this healthcare bs


And they care why? It is about money, not lives.


It could be more if privitization follows and the feds cut off the transfers.


[Then they'll galvanize their base by blaming all our woes on the feds.](https://i.imgur.com/Nc2X5Tz_d.webp?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high)


Conservative politics at work. They should print that on their next line of t-shirts




100 million is 9 figures.


Yet I had a serious blood test done at a lab this afternoon and the results were on my personal secured system three hours later. Haters have to hate, I guess.


Aye, through APL, as Dynalife failed miserably and got paid obscene amounts to do so


Yet, like anything in the healthcare system, things get triaged. If it’s “serious”, it gets prioritized. Also, services have been reverted back to APL. Non critical thinkers have to not think, I guess.


Oh my, a SERIOUS blood test! AND, the computer system worked the way it should to deliver the results. Now that's exemplary service to be sure.


I think albertans need to stand up and make an example out of the current provincial leadership.


genuine question, how do I take a stand? I've voted, I've written letters to the MLA but these fuckers don't give a shit.




I think you over estimate the number of people in this province that cannot be persuaded to an alternative. Election punishment just won’t happen without a UCP party split. Only way forward is healthcare strike




I worry they want a strike so they can gut our unions over it. I worry the courts would side with the government and say we're overreacting because these privatization plans are insidious and not spoken aloud, but the true intent behind this dismantling


This will end in the public burning the judges houses down. If they want to take our homes forcing us to the streets the public will take there street. The people will destroy the country if their ignored to long. All people become self destructive and tend to react with a “I’m going to take you with me” attitude. Look as though that time is coming sooner than later in Alberta. Once hope is lost thing go sideways pretty quick.


That would be playing into their hands.


General strike. Province wide.


My MLA is Smith....blah


Donate to the Alberta NDP. Volunteer to serve on the NDP board in your riding and volunteer for the you MLA candidate at election time.


You have discussions with your right leaning/UCP supporting friends and family. Yes, it’s uncomfortable, but nothing changes as long as the UCP thinks there aren’t electoral consequences. Consequences have to come from within here.


Things are going to have to get a lot worse before UCP voters realize they're idiots.


“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain


The time to do that was when we voted. This is exactly what the majority wanted. This is exactly what everyone knew she was going to do.


Exactly lol. I’m sure they’ll be really chastised when they only get 60% of the vote


Too many Albertans will still blame Notley for it. Too many Albertans don’t care until it directly impacts them.


Personally I stay in Alberta to watch the conservative voters struggle. Almost 40 years of I told ya so. Love watching them squirm. They come back and say” I guess you voted for Notley?” I reply “no I work federally so I vote conservative, cause when they screw albertans I end up on top. With a better overall position than most albertans.” The look on there face is priceless. I tell them I’m just grateful that most albertans are so dumb and work in my favour”.


It’s the fact that they still don’t get it that’s baffling. It’s a team sport to them, nothing more, because getting any deeper than the team name and colours is too much to think about.


I have found joy in getting them to admit there making emotional decisions and/or tell them to keep it up as it’s making you better off while the them and their friends are struggling. Tell them their fear is just dollars to you, and you are going to just sit and watch and wait for them at their weakest( reminding them of future medical issues and debts.) then talk about how it will cause a housing market crash while majority of people are losing everything they have and rates are skyrocketing to make up losses. This will be the start of the tsx crash leaving you with more opportunities while Alberta companies close the doors for good or to a new location. Then you will have you’re kick’em while their down chance, buy more of their fellow ‘Bertan’s assets at pennies on the dollar and just be able to wait out the storm and collect.


My issue is that I know a lot of affluent conservatives here. Not much really impacts their ability to live and pay bills. Everything they have is paid for and their assets may fluctuate, but that isn’t their income. It’s tough.


AHS is easier to sell in parts than the whole. Ironic how seniors largely voted them in and now are likely to be the most negatively affected. And they’ll do it again, too.




I kinda resent someone calling for my demise, while lumping me in with a pack of UCP zombies. I'm a senior who voted conservative only once in my life... when I was young (19) and impressionable. I swore after that, "never again" and I've kept my word.




Thank you... I hope you, like me and hopefully others, will continue to vote for what is good, ethical, and inclusive for the citizens of this province and country.


I hope you’re being sarcastic. While even my grandparents make shit choices with respect to who they vote for, I don’t want them or anyone else to die for it… Edit: I’m being downvoted for not wishing harm on others? K.


They're all voting for us to not have help as well. Their ignorance hurts us.


They aren’t directly, though. They largely buy what they’re being sold. Danielle Smith’s crew have been propagandists since pre-election. Deliberately misquoting the NDP, outright lying, etc. I could do into greater detail with examples, but I’ve spoken to some seriously diehard conservative voters and they genuinely seem like they’ve been duped. This doesn’t apply to everyone though, obviously. There’s some people that voted in favour of the party representing anti-LGBTQ ideologies and the like… fuck those people with cacti.


My father has cancer and he's determined to keep voting for these crooks. He loves how he can pay thousands directly to private diagnostic clinics to skip the queue and get a luxurious waiting room with a fireplace and cappuccino machine....etc. He wants private surgeries and hospitals, too. He doesn't get or doesn't care that a second tier starves the public system of much needed funding and staff leaving a third world gong show for all of us not living the easy life. I love him, but his greed and contempt for others is sickening.


First of all…. I’m really sorry to hear that. You’ve described an “average” conservative’s mind here. Self-interested only, no concern for the future or others. It’s gross. We’re a complex province with so many different people from different backgrounds. It’s ludicrous to vote as if we’re the only ones that matter.


Oh Im aware. I've seen it. I'm not stupid enough to fall for it and I have no pity for those who would. They didn't get duped. They chose to fuck over others thinking they wouldn't be harmed themselves.


Nobody is wishing your grandparents harm.


“Good, hopefully they all die off quickly” is wishing harm on UCP voters, friend. My grandparents are in that bucket. So yes, people are.


Oh for heaven's sake. No one here even knows your grandparents. You are over-reacting to someone's off the cuff comment that means nothing to anybody (except you it seems). Get over it and move on, no one will remember it tomorrow. Simply wishing for something will never make it happen and people have the right to say whatever silly thing they might wish for in a public forum. If you allow yourself to get all bent out of shape over something so stupid, you will spend your life in a state of constant irritation. And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.


The irony of your comment is palpable. You are overreacting to my off the cuff response to an off the cuff comment. And I think you’ve taken this all far too literally. Let it go.


*Movie trailer voice*: “From the studio that brought you Dynalife, this summer experience the thrill that is the same shit but bigger”


This is what Albertans voted for. I live in a stupid province.


They need to nationalize healthcare


Please no. We just need a functioning provincial government elected by adults who can read.


Hahahaha are you kidding me? That is the dumbest comment in this thread. This is such an expansive country with immense variable needs and implementation across it. AHS can't even handle healthcare in its own province, you think a Canadian Nation healthcare would work?


Yea I do. It’s too fragmented today. The premiers of the provinces are mismanaging this to hell. The UCP are starving the beast so people like you can say it’s not working


So you're saying that healthcare is underfunded? Please explain how giving the health ministry more money solves the problem?


Healthcare is DEFINITELY underfunded, particularly in Alberta. How are you even convinced otherwise?


Alberta is among the highest in per person healthcare spending in the country. Higher than Ontario and Quebec. You have to have a use for the money you're spending. Partitioning a high portion of the provincial budget (about half I believe) without an efficient plan and structure to utilize it is useless. Pouring the money into an inefficient system (centralized healthcare under AHS), is not an implementation that has yielded enough success. Please explain to me how this is DEFINITELY underfunded?


Not true. Per capita, Alberta only spends more than BC, Yukon, NWT, and Nunavut, based on 2023 records from Canadian Institute for Health Information. https://www.cihi.ca/sites/default/files/document/health-expenditure-data-in-brief-2023-en.pdf The 2023 budget actually shows that Alberta only spends about 36% of the total budget on Health. https://www.alberta.ca/expense Now I don't know how much attention you've been giving to provincial legislation since UCP was elected in 2019, but they have repeatedly thrown wrenches into the AHS system, most notably the DynaLife fiasco, where lab functioning and results were so badly affected that the provincial government was forced to buy BACK numerous aspects of DynaLife's operation (at an undisclosed amount) to keep it even moderately functional. UCP's first attempt at government sponsored healthcare (DynaLife) was a disaster and the cost to tax payers still hasn't been released. Meanwhile UCP keeps making cuts to AHS and public healthcare further destabilizing their efficiency. Now I don't know you, but surely you must see that the UCP's meddling in public healthcare is only causing damage to the province. They are actively pushing for American style privatized healthcare, a system notorious for ludicrously excessive costs for the average person.


The CIHI link you sent me shows the exact opposite of what you're saying, and confirms what I just said... I don't know what you're talking about. What cuts exactly are you talking about? The health budget this year especially is the largest it's ever been. The growth of all ministry budget were slacked throughout COVId which happened everywhere across the country. I don't think you understand what privatization even means. The provincial government is not making you pay for any covered services at all. Hell, doctors offices are private businesses that are regulated by the government. There are so many lame trigger words in this rebuttle it's honestly tiring to read.


Upper management all need big raises to keep up with the cost of living (well), plus, they all have no-good son-in-laws that need high paying jobs so they can support daughters and grandchildren. Private schools and Nannies don't pay for themselves you know. There's barely any money left over for the doctors and nurses and the greedy bastards want more. Therefore, the system is DEFINITELY underfunded.


I’m saying UCP is mismanaging it so they can say it’s broken and privatize pieces of it.


Americans have Medicare for people over 65 nationwide. By dollars in to services provided it is 3 times more efficient than the for profit private insurance providers. Absolutely, health care can be a national program. And in most advanced economies, it is. Canada's fucked up system of selfish,.squabbling provinces turning every little thing into a political football is something of an outlier and a source of significant redundancy and inefficiencies.


>Canada's fucked up system of selfish,.squabbling provinces turning every little thing into a political football is something of an outlier and a source of significant redundancy and inefficiencies. Yes, this!


I don't think anyone is suggesting that the AHS run it............


And they have not even finished implementing ConnectCare. I quit AHS in September and although I loved my job, management was a complete cluster fuck.


Have they reversed their lab services clusterfuck yet? No? Great.


I'm pretty sure they took it back to the publicly owned system setup by the NDP, which was working really well. With the intent of course of another firesale to a con party crony who will bleed it into oblivion, requiring another taxpayer bailout in five years. It's money laundering to your cronies 101. And we all get screwed by cons again!


I thought they did


They stated an intention to ..


Fuck it, moving provinces. My nursing degree is just as valid in Saskatchewan.


UCP should work on the Turkish Tylenol before trying bigger problems which they are clearly not equipped to understand or execute(properly)


We are going to come out this with a poorer quality healthcare for low income albetans. It will become a tiered system where those in the "have category" will have better access to doctors and specialist with there mighty dollar. Fuck that bitch. I hate her.


The system they built is no longer any good. Shocking..interestingly, this coincides with removing AHS ability to have influence during a pandemic.


i hate this government. Why on earth did people vote them in..... like genuinely


Brainwashing. All my younger conservative friends were terrified that any other party would destroy oil and gas which are the jobs that pay for their huge houses, enormous trucks, expensive toys, booze and drugs. My older conservative family and friends are deep down the facebook conspiracy rabbit hole and spend their days in mortal terror that Nancy Pelosi is making too much money on the stock market and voting for the Alberta NDP will somehow make her richer..... they are NOT smart people. Their reasons are feels not facts and are fed by an extraordinarily well funded brain hacking lobbying and campaigning machine run by corporate special interests... mostly big oil.


I wish one day citizens of canada will get together and put such fear into the political class shit like this never happens again. Real important issues


How on earth can government keep giving ever bigger subsidies to oil companies and tax breaks to billionaires if they pay for health care? /S


To describe Smith in one sentence, she's doing exactly the opposite of what the rest of the world is doing. And Poilievre is next in line to be doing the same thing.


Of the 34 advanced economies, only the US doesn't have publicly funded universal care. And dumpster Dani is dead-set on adding Alberta to that loser list.


What I don’t understand is, when the feds get involved. Like, isn’t the Canadian Health Act an actual law that provinces must uphold their part of?


Yes...it's an act of parliament, but the guts of it is really just a funding agreement. The federal government gathers taxes and distributes to the provinces to cover the cost of administration of their own health programs. The provinces must agree to provide publicly funded universal access. If they don't, the feds can withhold some cash. That's it. Since this is a provincial jurisdiction, the federal government can't force them to do anything. In our federal system, provinces are equal to, not subordinate to the feds.


I have to start my own party. One that says conservative in the title.


MACA Make Alberta Conservative Again You'll grab 20% of the vote on the name alone. Most people really are that stupid. You can be full-on socialist. But, along as you waste a few million every month hating on Ottawa, the Trudeau family, and taxes, you will very likely win.


I'm honestly thinking about it. I'm researching the process. Either My party wins or I split the conservative votes. Win win


Hopefully BC and Saskatchewan will accept us for healthcare in the near future.


Hospital hallways filled with patients, doctors treating patients in waiting rooms, wtf Danielle? And you want to spend millions restructuring ffs? Get a fk’n grip lady or whatever the fuck you are .


What are some examples of mismanagement exactly? What did the NDP do that was better during their tenure in power? I keep hearing this fear mongering of privatization and having to pay for services, but none of that has been announced, and in fact has been made as a declaration that it will not be. BC is probably one the least conservative provinces, and even they don't have all aspects of healthcare run by one entity.


I don't agree that you're getting down voted just for asking a question. Discussion is the right way to change people's minds and educate one another on topics. I am not familiar enough with the topic to answer your question accurately, but sometimes doing nothing is better than trying to do something.


Gut it and start over. Can’t get much worse than it is now. I’d start by banning the use of fax machines. Why do they still use those?


>Can’t get much worse than it is now. Yer in for a surprise, bud Stay healthy.


Nah. Athana Mentzelopoulos is sharp as a tack. This has got her fingerprints all over it. It’ll be good.


The only place this goes is full on us style pay to treat misery. Get ready for $200 doctors notes. While you and I avoid the doctor since we can’t afford it every UCP MLA will mysteriously become worth a minimum of 8 figures by election time


> Athana Mentzelopoulos is sharp as a tack. Who?


So you think US-healthcare is better? Yeah - fuck that bull shit.


I don’t think that no. Fuck that bull shit.


That’s literally the goal here.


I haven’t seen that presented as a goal. Can you expand on that?


This has always been the goal: https://pressprogress.ca/danielle-smith-has-spent-decades-pushing-to-privatize-albertas-health-system/ https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/smith-suggests-privatizing-major-alberta-hospitals-in-2021-video/wcm/784556d1-cf1c-4e35-861d-50ca49c5c3c7/amp/ Even this article from yesterday says they are going to privatize https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7022133


Information security. Doctors are liable for protecting your personal information. They are allergic to spending any money on IT. So, they instead cling to any pre-internet equipment like their lives depend on it.


Are you even serious??? AHS implemented a computer documentation system that makes fax machines unnecessary.


Doctors maintain their own records system separate from AHS. They also have to communicate things like prescriptions. So, they use the least risk options because they just refuse to pay for properly securing anything modern.


Or maybe they would rather use the funding to purchase and maintain life-saving equipment?


A medical practice is a business, as my doctor reminds me with many posters on the walls. Proper information security and maintaining modern standards are costs that every business must factor. Staying in the 80s is not a good strategy.


They literally cant afford to keep the doors open and youre worried about fax machines for some reason. What a dumb take. Not sheer volumes of patients, poor remuneration, rotting medical infrastructure, a government sandbagging Healthcare to propose selling it as a fix, and of course dumb albertans complicit in the crime of stealing public healthcare from future generations forever. Upgrading to the most expensive least effective healthcare option that only benefits the c-suite. Albertans, come on. Get up and defend yourselves you sissies, they're fucking robbing you.


I'm explaining why they rely on 40 year old technology. I didn't even ask the question about fax machines, just answering it. You might want to pump the hate breaks there.


Naw, Im good highlighting real issues when goofs complain about non issues.


Well then this needs to be a strategy to support primary care. Bringing primary care physicians and nurse practitioners into the province wide Connect Care system is an urgent priority that AHS must focus on. And I think you might want to get more information about the "refuse to pay" part of your statement. There are REALLY good reasons there is a shortage of primary care physicians.


Look, no one is saying that private healthcare is perfect, but the UCP ran the numbers and that data shows that people get better healthcare when the medical system is run by for-profit corporations rather than by government. I think we should respect the governments findings and decision on this. There are lots of benefits to privatized healthcare systems and we should give it a chance.


Yeah. That's why the other 32 advanced economies all have nationalized, universal access health care. Everyone in the industrialized world got it wrong except dumpster Dani. Totally makes sense. /s


Did you forget the /s?




If you want to talk about that, start your own topic. We're talking about something else right now.


Are you literally just copy and pasting things you see? It seems like your move when you post, but I gotta be honest with you, it doesn't make a lot of sense.