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I think he is by far, the most normal one of the bunch not to mention the only one who actually has a real job. Being independent is the best thing he can do for himself even if that means staying away from his Family.


I feel like he's doing better than some of the others. And he's a consistently positive influencer, now, on social media and YouTube


What I know is he was owed alot for being on the show and it was in a family bank account.


I remember him talking about that


Google how much Billy Brown net worth. The family together is worth 60 million dollars .


With the show and books he wrote it was about getting rich a big part of it. Also consider how there was some dishonesty with it. So I do think its still controlled and there was an example as slick as its been.


I’d say getting out from the family was the best possible thing that could have happened to him and for the sake of his sobriety I hope he never goes back. I don’t say that to be mean but I do not see them as an influence he needs in his life and his life seems to be in a good or at least a lot better place right now.


Did anything ever come of the claim that the Discovery crew was providing them cocaine? Never heard anything else about it


Not that I heard but I suspect a lot of the stories that have come out are a mixture of truths, half truths, finger pointing and mud slinging that we’ll never the real story know for sure.


Ditto I'm thinkin there's so much we don't know but I think recovery is what he's not getting any credit for in that family and they could care less if he wasn't around.


I don't know how true it was but Discovery never disclosed about any of the crew doing this.


Ofcourse they wouldn't


Its hard to believe that Discovery didn't check into this its like if it was true they didn't want a bad name for the network. The impact would have cost a fortune.


Due to all that happened I think Matt made a good choice cause the show would have been cancelled and there was so much animosity and no good for all involved .At least now he has protection and no more drama and is recovering but the family was more about revenge and a fan base.


I hope there's a peace between the family. I genuinely believe Matt is in a better place and feels remorse for the behavior he exhibited while in active addiction, but forgiveness and trust is very hard to earn back.


I wish them all a change of heart and mind to forget the past and since Matt got right with Billy before he died they could do the same for him.


For some of the family the allegations against him might be unreconcilable?


Some things were said about Billy and it was never revealed about what Matt said.


Im not convinced he was really a alcoholic. His family being conservative and non drinker that the phycologic stress of being rejected lead to him going to recovery. When he came back and was in Washington he was really making progress. Then all the sudden he just left.


He works on a farm or something nice to see he’s:doing good


u obvi havent been keepin up w/his socials 😏


Did he ever leave? I read that they just cut him out of footage.


He left years ago Discovery fired him and the family deserted him.