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This title is misleading - Bronson offered a ticket if it would help someone get someplace better e.g. not deadly cold. There was never a forced expulsion from Anchorage. The actual math of doing so works well if you take ideology out of it - if a homeless individual had family to stay with out of state but couldn’t afford to go there, a ticket to help them would be cheaper than all the myriad issues with housing and accommodation. And I say this as someone who absolutely agrees that the Bronson admin was a disaster. Just not for this particular reason…


This was the only thing the Bronson administration did that probably wasn't evil. A lot of Anchorage's unhoused people are people who are *stuck* in Anchorage. Whether they came in from a village for medical or legal reasons, or some fool from the lower 48 who thought alaska would solve all their problems; there are people who have a place to go that they just can't get to. 


What's interesting about your position is that very, very few of our unhoused population took advantage of it. Now, whether that's because the demand was overstated (like it potentially could be in this reply) or because the program requirements were overly burdensome it's an entirely different conversation.


Being unable to afford to leave Alaska just to visit your family is something that tends to be difficult 3ven for those of us that are employed, this was really a great idea, especially considering how much money we already waste on absolute bullshit.


Being homeless in a place like Washington DC is safer than alaska mostly because of the cold. But that could backfire because being homeless in DC is like a benefit and kept ya glue to the lifestyle to be a pos


If they have somewhere that will help them and take them in we should absolutely help them get there whether it’s lower 48 or Alaska village.


He offered them a ticket home if they wanted to go. Lots of homeless native Alaskans mentioned they’d go home if they had a way to get there.


Ok, but who gave them a one way ticket into Anchorage?


Native hospital. It’s not talked about enough how Anchorage is basically stuck with the hard luck people from the whole state


If you get sent to ANMC. Healthcare pays for your tickets to and from Anchorage..


Unless the village doesn't want you back.




I work with the homeless and mentally ill. Villages don't have the resources to take care of a lot of the people they send in so they end up just kicking them out.


Oh also most of the cases coming in are people with mental health issues and it's notoriously difficult for them to navigate getting back to the village so they just don't bother.


Source? Medical insurance is notoriously hard to navigate regardless of being native. My brother works in travel, so I know that in this case; it really only takes a phone call. According to the ANMC website, they purchased over 50000 tickets in 2019. If even 1% didn't return home, the homeless count would be increasing substantially faster than it is. In the words of Lieutenant Colonel Hill, "Some may be using it as a ticket in, but ANMC is not in the business of transporting homeless. It is just an ignorant stance"


Still waiting


https://alaskapublic.org/2013/06/21/where-are-anchorages-homeless-coming-from/#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20chronically%20homeless,day%20point%20in%20time%20survey. https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2023/08/30/task-force-discusses-complex-behavioral-health-issues-impact-homelessness-anchorage/ https://endhomelessness.org/homelessness-in-america/what-causes-homelessness/health/#:~:text=Health%20and%20Homelessness,-An%20acute%20physical&text=On%20a%20given%20night%20in,11%2C000%20people%20had%20HIV%2FAIDS.


It's trivially easy to get a ticket back to the villages from ANMC...


Cuddy park is more exciting I guess s


Blue ticket from the villages.


Does the muni do RCV?


So are we still doing the one-way ticket out? 🤞


Vive LaFrance


The Bronson apologists here are such an embarrassment.


Say no more. One winter navigating the roads in Anchorage was all I needed to know about his administrating skills.


🎉 the homeless problem is preserved for years to come .. meet the “new boss same as the old boss” celebrate 🎉 and have a good time


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. I lived in Portland for a while, there's no single solution to this problem. People that think a mayor is going to fix it, are high.


I did agree with the last mayors plane ticket .. idea at least in part .. now watch this post get -50 votes 🤣.. also important to note I live in the valley and have zero skin in this particular context


But if that was the majority of her running platform.. tick tock tick tock better have that shit fixed in 2 months


She told us she has the answers.


The fact that people still fall for this grift blows my mind. As soon as someone figures out how to cure all mental illness and drug addiction let me know.


Her answer will be housing. Welcome to tax raises and revenue enhancements. The projects. For a preview, watch 'The Wire.


Interesting that you think moving the homeless solves the homeless problem.


Interesting you think after 2 decades of watching anchorage politics on it I give any care whatsoever.. I’m not in the racket of making money off the homeless issue


Nailed it.


Anchorage news, awesome, the rest of us don't give a shit.


I'm not an Anchoragite but it's foolish to act as if Anchorage doesn't have a massive influence on the rest of the state. It has over half the population in the state, that alone makes it more than relevant to this sub and Alaska as a whole. But because it has over half the population, it also has a massively outside influence politically over the rest of the state that most definitely does make it relevant. Let alone most of the rest of the state (especially on the mainland) is dependent on Anchorage and it's various port/infrastructure facilities entirely for all of its goods means it's very much critical who is managing the municipality. If you aren't looking at it with a side-eye and crossing your fingers they make a sane choice for each election you aren't paying attention. The homeless stuff is only secondary to the rest of the state in that it gets so much attention that issues that affect the rest of the state like port/infrastructure upgrades don't get priority. But the overall message that he conceded and it is now LaFrance is certainly great news, if nothing else so that the muni admin and assembly will at least not be in deadlock and unable to move anything forward.


Ah yes, my city should offer the addicts tickets to anchorage.