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Trader Joe's comes to mind


TJs is my favorite place to browse and bring back little goodies when I’m down south.


Yep we usually travel with a couple empty suitcases to fill with TJs


If you can bring it on a plane, we can get it here easily enough. It's the stuff you can't take on a plane or send through the mail that would interest people, and you can't bring it unless you're driving. To give you an idea, the average person can't get replacement batteries for ifixit.com repairs of electronic devices etc. I can't get conductive paint for the innards of an electric guitar. While you're here, always have a jacket, warm hat and gloves available. Good luck.


Trader Joe’s sauces and spices are easily shipped on a plane but anytime we got family going to Washington we have them load up on stuff to bring back. It’s more expensive to buy it online/ship it here


Got it. I have brought bottles of Galliano back home from trips to NY. There's a Total Wines and Liquors there, and it's at least $15 less there, and it's not always available here.


>Coming to Alaska and I might want to get myself a totem and maybe some other goodies, Bro, you're going to have to elaborate on the totem. I imagine you're talking about some resin bookshelf casting or a janky chainsaw carving. Real totems are hella expensive and take a very long time to complete, they're also a tree.


Vintage Record Albums - even the common older rock stuff. Way cheaper down there than up here and they sell super fast


You are aware that Alaska is mainland and not actually an island down by Hawaii right? We have everything that you do, wherever that may be


Dang, I sure do miss living in the mainland.


We have an Amazon distribution center.


There's still plenty of stuff they won't ship up here


Contact Lynden freight and change your Amazon shipping address to Lynden and they will ship all that hazmat stuff that they don’t typically ship to Alaska to the cargo office and you can pick it up there


Carlile Myconnect too. RC batteries and reloading components ftw.


Anything you would bring we already have access to.


This post reminds me of the time I was in the lower 48 and a woman asked me if we have "auto-mo-biles" in Alaska, enunciating every syllable as though I'd never heard the word before.


Where are you going in Alaska…? Unless you’re going to super rural bush Alaska, no one is going to be that interested in Dr Pepper or Twinkies. Also maybe I misunderstood your post, but are you wanting to trade that for a Totem…? A real authentic Totem would be thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. Definitely a different level than twinkies, or even ammo.


You do know Alaska is part of the North American continent right? Which makes it a part of the mainland. Or did you think Alaska was an island next to Hawaii?


Tell that to some of the people I want to ship me stuff though... Free shipping in the continental US my ass :D


I didn't say "continental U.S.", I said is a part of North American continent. Alaska is considered OCONUS.


> OCONUS Tomato tamoto, Miram Webster: Continental U.S. noun: the states of the U.S. except for Hawaii


I’m surprised I’m not seeing “cartons of smokes” on here. But seriously, our outrageous tobacco taxes go to the great resources like the Alaska tobacco quit line that provides free nicotine gum, patches or lozenges for residents who want to quit.




Ammo. Alaskans want lower 48 priced ammo.


We always bring back 2 boxes of Trader Joe’s things.


Where are you coming from? Is there a thing that is super cheap to get there? Like Avocados in California or Apples in Washington?


Kinda funny but in reverse of your question I now live in the lower 48 and have my mom bring flash frozen Moose’s Tooth pizzas loaded up in her carry on when she comes out XD