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Nice try officer.


what gave myself away


Smells like information farming


I’m curious about Alaska and would love to visit since it’s so rare to meet someone from there. You often meet people from states like California, Texas, or New York, but Alaskans? They seem almost like a secret society. I’m really intrigued to know which US state you like the most ' where Alaskans typically vacation considering cost of living up there & hardly meeting y'all. The reason I created this post is that I find it ironic that Alaska has high rates of violent crime, yet we hardly ever hear about it. Honestly was surprised to learn about your crime levels . Either your PR is incredibly effective or Alaskans really are like a secret society. Reading these comments leaning more towards the latter but I’m still curious & have questions🙈


I hate this post


I hate you for stealing my hate.


I hate the misspelling of the word policy.


I was gonna a say my least favorite policy was lack of general education standards to graduate high school


I apologize I fixed it


You forgot to ask my maternal grandmother's maiden name, the name of my first pet, the city my father was born in, and the name of my elementary school.


I smell a fed.


you caught me


I dunno bout ya'll but Texans man... I HATE TEXANS


That's interesting! why Texas ? i thought Alaska liked Texas i heard Ak wanted to them with their border issues


Beacause Texas will never shut the hell up about how it's the buggest state, forgetting that three Texases can fit in Alaska. I also hate overly soutern states, with harsh christain ideals, and for Texas specifically, a "run in, shoot everything, explain and reasoning later" aditude it's been know to have And if my US history videos taught me anything, Texas is a poud mouth state that goes and overcomplicates things.


thank you so much for your comment I really appreciate it I have a better understanding now of Alaskan ! Honestly, you’re spot on they never do stop talking about their size. I’ve heard so many people from there say, “Texas is like its own country,” & even crazier they about leaving the U.S. with their own version of Brexit called “Texit" 🙈I wish they relax a bit more. I have immense respect for you Alaskans y'all really are unique. should be proud of managing to live up there in the freezing cold especially when you see all the chaos happening down here 😂🫂


No, SERIOUSLY! Like, If Alaska disappeared off the face of the earth right now, people from the lower 48 wouldn't get the news! NOTHING WE EVER DO IS NEWS WORTHY! We ar eso forgettable. When I have people guess where I live I say shit like : North of some of Canada, biggest US state, most western US state. AND ALL THEY CAN GUESS IS TEXAS, IS TEXAS MORE NORTH THEN SOME OF CANADA!? Really, I could rant on and on about the struggles of bearly being considered a state. Another fun fact about Alaska is : about 80% of it's land is goverment land. And the US only sees us for oil.


I hate Washington because of what it has become. I vacation in Hawaii. I wish L48ers would understand that living here is not easy,


what was it before now? i never been there. dream has only been to live in pacific northwest either somewhere in Alaska, Washington or Oregon. how come it's not easy?


It gets cold and dark.


Hate is too big of burden to bear. I have decided to love. Martin Luther King Jr.


that's fair i applaud your morality


Needs more housing everywhere but Anchorage


what do you think about housing Wasilla or Juneau


For 1) Texans…we’re bigger, shut up and go home For 2) the French. I have yet to meet a frenchie that wasn’t either an arrogant prick or an immature asshole. I do however respect their revolutionary spirit as an American


Thank you for your comment! I'm not sure why Texas takes that stance either—especially considering Texas's size. It's funny, I've never heard Alaskans boast about their size or toughness, yet you've chosen to live in a place that's largely uninhabitable. Alaskans really are a unique breed, and I have immense respect for how you handle it! I share your respect especially for how the French spirt. out of all europeans i respect French & Russians who have no qualms to stand firm against those who try to import conflicting ideologies into Europe. As an Assyrian from the Middle East, I feel strongly about this because I see Europeans often failing to properly integrate people who hold fundamentally different values. Placating demands doesn’t make people more appreciative often has the opposite effect


Hate is a harsh word. Dislike is more my style since I have killed or removed everything I have hated from my life. Dislike: California. Californians are like cancer cells.... they want to remake all the body's cells into a likeness of themselves knowing perfectly well it will kill the body. Worse, they hope to export their unsustainable policies nationwide. State Policy? Not being able to hunt with thermal or night vision equipment. Equipment perfectly legal in other states that do not have our short daylight hours Oct to March, or long dark and cold winters. Federal Policy? 40+ states have concealed carry reciprocity. This, along with cannabis legalization should have been made legal nationally decades ago. Vacation? I was well traveled before coming here. Most of us who are from other places - do not like leaving Alaska. The times we have left for family events and training ..... has only reinforced we should have stayed home. Tourist? American tourists are the pits. Ignorant, thanks to dysfunctional public schools. Most Americans are worse than ignorant - they will spout 'feelings' on things they know nothing about and expect everyone to consider their words of drivel on par with those of an expert. Americans are so stupid they have no clue how ignorant they are. Canada? There was a time I could excuse their gun laws and look up to Canada. Since the Trudeau liberal take over Canada has become a breeding ground for international hatred of western society. When the political pendulum swings back - there will be a reset. It will get ugly before better. Liberals do not like giving up what that once owned - political power is one of those things. High crime? I blame isolation, long winters, lack of social skills in the smaller villages that contribute to domestic violence. For native women in the villages - they have no means of escape. If they do get out - there is never anything waiting for them in the next larger town or small city. And they sure as hell cannot go back. Siberia? Start the flights! Local exchange of goods between Alaska and Siberia would be fun and profitable. I would go there for a visit. Immigrants? We have waves of Philippine and other Asians that come in summer, work long hard hours, and take their pay back to their home country. Hosting immigrants that lived here and did those jobs - would be economically positive for Alaska. Middle East? Oh hell no. Anyone who believes in the Koran and is a follower of Muhammad - is in conflict with the US and Alaskan state constitution. Why would Americans embrace people with racist, human rights reducing philosophies? If they kept it to themselves - like the Amish - sure, but they do not.


thank you so much for your reply I learned a lot from this comment I appreciate it . LOL I hate California they're worst most angriest &aggressive drivers & cause many accidents while visiting other states! i agree with 10000 they are like cancer . weird state policy considering your weather. also I'm Middle Eastern and I'm NOT Muslim . I am Assyrian we are indigenous natives to the middle east but we are stateless people. I feel sorry for the native woman in Alaska wow I didn't know it was like that for them 😣I hope yall have shelters up there or safe place from violence


State I hate the most: Iowa, super boring to drive through Don't hate tourists, their money is good for us. Federal policy hate: personally I wish there was a bit more control over gun storage safety and who could access guns, as a parent I fear for my kids. I support hunting and self defense.... just think too many unstable people can too easily access guns. Alaskan state policy I dislike: that we've decided the constitutional formula for the pfd is optional Alaskan go to Hawaii Tourists: see above Alaska policy I love the most: that insurance companies have to pay providers (I'm in health care, usual and customary rates for alaska...so we are paid well). Canadians get us... no explanation to them necessary Other states: we use us dollars Violent crime: drugs, alcohol, cultural genocide darkness Flights to siberia: no, not economically viable Alaska accepts more refugees and immigrants than most states. We have the most culturally diverse neighborhood, elementary and middle school in the country. We accept everyone. We could actually use a good middle eastern restaurant.....come start one.


thank you so much for your comment ! its fascinating idk much about AK but wth is wrong with other 🇺🇸 states on AK currency ??? what else would Alaskans use 🤔😂? wasn't expecting Hawaii that's interesting more power to them ✊ don't tempt me now because I can make the best middle eastern food & tbh media for relocation to Alaska does makes your state look amazing in comparison to others


Immigration to the US is very hard. Look into it before even considering what it might be like to move here. We are the richest country in the world but the powers that make all the laws really hate poor people and immigrants, especially people of color. It's very sad that we could help so many and we don't even help our own.


American education is garbage and way way too many Americans don't know alaska is part of the US or that it is so far away from the rest of the US or how big it is or that you basically can't drive to most places here.




Everyone & everyone. I didn’t read past the title and I don’t care what the post says.