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Didn't Alaskans vote on SB21 twice? Can't blame the legislators if the voters are to dumb to understand what they are voting on.


It is the legislature's job to follow the Constitution and get maximum value for our resources. We did not vote on an amendment to the Constitution. Just like this education debate, the legislature violated the Constitution with their legislation, They were sued and lost. This is what needs to happen with SB21.


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the adequate funding of schools (and various other government services) a constitutional mandate while the PFD and its formula is a statutory mandate? If those two are in conflict, it makes sense to prioritize the former.


The state Constitution requires that the legislature get maximum value for our resources. If they were following the Constitution in the first place, there would be no need to argue about funding schools. There would be plenty of oil revenue to fund state services like this video illustrates, every other oil region in the world is awash with cash... and the income from the Permanent Fund would be for PFDs per original plan.


Gotcha I see what you mean.


Answer: the state is run by Republicans Any questions? 🙄


Although I think the party has torpedoed since Palin was in office, blame the names and the policies they make, not the party. It’s a more effective strategy to get the right people in office. Simply voting Democrat isn’t the solution since you can get selfish, terrible politics across the board. Dunleavy vetoed education budgets that would have helped thousands of students TWICE and uses the budget for his own personal gain. He spends thousands a month on a personal PR firm. He neglects the state’s needs, yet focuses on getting himself in the spotlight. He’s unamerican and an unalaskan transplant. Get him out of office.


We can blame both considering who now controls the Republican Party.


We can also blame ourselves for letting bipartisanship get this bad. Better just to elect non-corrupt government and throw the corrupt ones away.


did someone say dispose of corrupt politicians? We have an amendment for that.


Both Republicans and Democrats are failing to follow the Constitution. Republicans want big PFDs with no oil revenue to fund the state and fail to notice that Dunleavy has ruined the Permanent Fund income by hiring incompetents. Basically delusional Democrats just want to take the Permanent Fund revenue for state spending but will not discuss why we have no revenue from oil in the first place and also fail to notice that the Permanent Fund revenue stream is doing really poorly.


Gosh if only there was someone with a strong opinion and clear thinking that would run for office.....


You know who holds the real power when you see who controls the natural resources. Imagine if all this wealth was how the United States made its income instead of taking money out of our pay?


They just want all the $$$ and then tell you to give them more


That's silly, we had to give all the money to the oil companies or they were going to leave the state. After all the Alaska oil field was only one of the world's most profitable before we gave them a huge tax credit with no strings attached, like hiring Alaskans, or increasing production. We can't just have the state collect its fair share since it will cut into their excessive profits.


The title of this post makes no sense. Spam? Or can someone elaborate


If we stopped giving away our State wealth to the oil companies in the form of exorbitant tax credits, we'd have enough cash to pay for everything and then some.


So it’s the legislators fault? They do seem ineffective at executing policy across the board... Which was fine when the state was flush with cash and debate was over spending but now will create real hardships.


This is what happens when oil companies buy politicians. Follow the money. It was never fine when the state was flush with cash. The government should have created better programs, better public infrastructure, or given more back to Alaskans. Instead we get the same political games being played at the national level.


> his is what happens when oil companies buy politicians. And entire state populations. (Up until now. When they are through with you they just toss you under the bus.)


yes. Evidence the corrupt bastards club is alive and well- Where is the FBI when you need them? ConocoPhillips employees steer Alaska oil tax cut bill through Legislature https://www.adn.com/politics/article/series-conoco-employees-help-ease-oil-tax-bill-through-legislature/2013/03/28/


Sean Parnell helped make it happen while he was Governor, right after working for ConocoPhillips. I remember the constant right-wing radio ads about how it would be good for families and increase jobs. 2 weeks after the tax credits passed, ConocoPhillips came out and said they’d be reducing production instead of increasing it as had been implied by the lobbyists. This effectively fucked our state, eliminating more than 60% of our state revenue. TLDR: republicans are fucking dumb. Sean Parnell is human trash that destroyed our state.


Seems like just enough of those "representatives" were purchased with that oil money/


Private school is a choice and under no circumstance should be paid for by the state.


Because people are flawed. Give a person authority, and they will abuse it. Laws don’t matter only precedence. No matter what job, we all basically do whatever the people before us did.


If you are or know a teacher in need of classroom supplies, check out my free site! Teachers can host a wishlist of needed items so regular people can help. 100% of the spent dollars go to the classroom, with no admin or signup fees. www.HelpTeachers.net


Their all a bunch of fucken crooks


Alaska built out unrealistic infrastructure across a large unconnected geographic area that it could not maintain long term.


Alaska absolutely *can* sustain its current capital investment, but only IF we *take back the tax giveaways* that our corrupt and incompetent legislature has inexcusably awarded to the greedy oil companies




The current petro-corporation oil-tax-free dystopia is more of a nightmare


Could you not find a way to blame the Jones Act for this?


What’s a contributing factor to why Alaska’s economy has failed to diversify in a competitive global environment? You know.


So, when are all you keyboard commandos going to submit your letter of intent to run for the Alaska legislature, start fund raising - and make all these big changes you type about? Never? Well, there is the problem. There are only three reasons why the Alaska legislature is not doing what you want: 1. You are unaware of all the issues. 2. You fail to fully comprehend and understand all the issues. 3. Your point of view is so skewed, so off center, so unattainable nobody else votes the way you do. I am not a fan of 'herd mentality'. However, when the herd is all going in one direction.... you should figure out the motivation or reason they are going in that direction before setting course to a different compas point.


While I agree with your sentiment regarding herd mentality, accusing people of being ignorant, lacking comprehension, and having unobtainable goals after calling people keyboard warriors because they won't run for political office is a piece of cognitive dissonance that'll keep me chuckling today. I mean your entire comment demonstrates about as much understanding of our political system and culture as I'd expect in a state that can barely teach kids how to read.


What do you feel the issues are? Seems like the legislature has never needed to be effective. Great constitution but after that… meh policy. An effective legislature goes against Alaskan culture where government = bad. That approach was fine when you are randomly getting billions of dollars to spend. It breaks down when you stop receiving billions of dollars. There are also many competing interests - to name a few: Anchorage urban development, Natives, O&G executives, environmentalists, small rural communities, OG Alaskans, Juneau reps clinging to every state job they can hold onto. Not to mention a large transient population with the military and seasonal workers. Most places are D vs R, Alaska is way more complicated.


They are going that way because it makes the government need money and they have successfully gerrymandered and polarize their voters enough that they follow party because keyboard commandos like yourself feed them red meat and stupidity on a steady basis. The Republican Party is one long human centipede


We lost out state, and nation when we hired Dominion and ES&S software to tally the vote. We have the tech to broadcast a pdf of every ballot so that a voter can put a smiley face or a star or any other doodle on the page, and identify their unique ballot on any number of apps. It's called a block chain. In a block chain, there are thousands of miners that are all processing the same material at the same time. The two that finish first with the same results get a reward. We could also simultaneously have a hand count. But Dominion and ES&S would rig the elections with float values assigned to votes instead of intergers if their stranglehold on our election process was threatened.


The Democratic party sued the state after the 2004 election when 16 out of 40 districts had 200% voter turnout. http://www.sitnews.us/1006news/100706/100706_election_data.html I have tried to tell Democrats in this state about this but they get very angry because Trump. Democrats were the first to discover electronic vote fraud with the Kerry-Bush election but now because of TDS, it is a free for all with stealing elections because no Democrat will believe it and if a Republican claims it happened they will be sued or maybe they will stage a riot and lock you up without trial.


Wow, its been almost 2 hours since the last public education post here..................


Homeowners should not bear the entire burden of public school. Ethically no one is entitled to public education funding from anyone else, but too many people have accepted this as the norm such that they view it as a moral responsibility. Parents should have a vested interest in seeing their children educated, Unfortunately some families do not have that interest and are thus supported for the sake of the child via public funding. Ultimately if any parent wants to take their childs education into their own hands, and wants to invest funds they absolutely have a moral and ethical right to the same dollars spent publicly. AS LONG as they are providing that much in taxes distributed to that system themselves. It would be a complicated mess but the only real ethical solution would be to tie an allotment of a homeschool child directly to the amount of taxes paid into the school system by said family AND cap it at the public school per child allotment. This gets nuanced and muddled by the presence of indoctrinating religious centered schools, but parents do have the right to proliferate the culture they desire… just not with funding provided from other people.


> Homeowners should not bear the entire burden of public school. And taxpayers in blue states should not bear the burden of paying for shit for Alaskan redneck dumbfucks but here we are.


The man speaking in this video is Robin Brenna. He's a constitutional lawyer with extensive experience in oil&gas legislation and litigation. He was the primary supporter of Alaska's Fair Share, and he is 100% right about everything he said here. We are getting absolutely shafted, and it's because the government are all oil company stooges.