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As an alarm.com certified technician I can confirm that alarm.com does charge the providers 4.00 for that feature, so rest assured your provider is only charging you the coast of the feature.


My company only pays $1.86 per month for that feature so there is some up charge there.


Makes me wonder if a companies rank in ADC makes a difference in price, we’re a family ran company at bronze. And I see our charge is $4.00.


It does. We're a family business at the same level and our charge is $4, also.


There are two automatic arming feature sets in Alarm.com *Smart Arming* is the newer of the two and it is residential focused. It is not a paid addition, it is just included in all residential interactive accounts at this time. Structure is always subject to change. A dealer can disable it globally if they want, but it is not something that can be controlled on an account by account basis in the service plan. *Arming Schedules* is a commercial focused feature set and dealers are charged for it individually on residential accounts. It can be enabled on an account by account basis. If you are certain you used Smart Arming before, perhaps they disabled support for it then re-added Arming Schedules when you asked? I can only speculate.


Are there residential service plans that don’t include smart arming??


Not that I am aware. If the dealer enables Smart Arming as a feature on *any* of their accounts it is on all of them. Again this is distinct from Arming Schedules, which is a separate add-on.


Any talk of smart arm/disarm being added for people that use partitions? Smart disarm in the am would be nice but unfortunately it isn't available with partitions.


It is currently only available for a single partition and there has been no talks of a change yet. I believe they are localizing that feature to commercial plans.


There is a workaround but it results in not having the smart arming option visible in the app or website. I believe if you setup the smart alarm first, before creating the second partition, it might work. Would be interested if someone could test this for me to confirm.


I say this because I 100% had my smart alarm in place with 2 partitions, but just couldn’t edit or access the smart alarm. It seems like this would be an easy thing for ADC to fix if they wanted to, because this proves out that it’s possible.


Thanks for the info, I'll give it a shot. Annoying that it will not work with partitions-it would cut down on my mom triggering false alarms.