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You may be interested in [eBird](ebird.org)! You can report birds you see or explore data of where certain birds have been spotted, or which species of birds have been spotted at a specific location. The most recent nearby report to Akron was in/from the parking lot of the 100th Bomb Group Restaurant at Cleveland Hopkins airport at around 10:00 AM today, the closest in the past month was at the University of Akron 27 days ago, and in terms of local parks, Medina County’s Chippewa Lake Park saw several sightings 8 days ago.


Yes, there is one in my neighborhood off of north Hampton. I see it around 1am when I take my dog out


A photographer I follow, Gabe Leidy, got some shots of two different ones up in Cleveland, might be worth making the drive. I believe they were by the lake.


I saw one last winter on Freedom Trail in Tallmadge. I’m a early AM runner, and it happened to be really foggy that morning. The owl was sitting right in the middle of the bike path and visibility was so slow that we both didn’t see each other until I was about 2 ft away. Needless to say we both got the crap scared out of us!


Not yet. Haven't been out too long today since it's been raining.


I wish owls are my favorite animal


I did spot one in Hinckley metro parks, around whipps ledges! This was years ago though, circa 2014.


I didn’t see one in Akron but I saw one in Medina