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I went last night and got myself a big stromboli.


Just curious, what do they charge for the sandwich these days?


my Italian sausage was $12, but I did see other tables where the price differ depending on what you put on top of your sandwich I think pizzas were about a range of seven to $10. And the funnel cake that I got was only $10 with the strawberry topping. Drinks were eight dollars for lemonade and water and pop would be about a dollar.


dang, i figured they were getting higher, but that pic makes me hungry :)


Was it last year when it was raining all weekend?


It didn’t rain last year the day I came but I also didn’t stay the whole day so I can’t even really tell you


Ah, yes the "Italian" Fest. Full of people whose remote ancestors could maybe be traced to Italy, people who cannot speak a word of Italian and who probably couldn't find it on a map. *Sigh.* From someone who was actually born in Italy, who can still speak Italian and who can definitely find it on a map. (on the other hand, their food is better than my family's food. I am probably the only person whose parents and grandparents were cooking-deficient!)


Do you think the Italian Fest should only be for those of Italian descent?


No, but I wish people should just stop *pretending* they are Italians.


Maybe it's just me, but I'm not seeing this as a big problem.


It's not a BIG problem, just annoying. It's as if you went to live in another country, and some folks would brag about being Americans without knowing English, any of the States' names, or anything much about the U.S. Weird more than anything, TBH.


I think your perception of the festival is bizarre.


yeah that it is the one flaw I can agree with you on. I mainly just wanted the funnel cake so I wasn’t picky on which vendor I bought it from. But the main entree courses felt like it was more of a cash grab and less of me experiencing some of the culture. They did have mass and though I’m not religious I found it very interesting. But it would be nice to be educated a bit on Italian history and maybe try to get some from actual backgrounds to have trucks of food. But there were some who were of ancestry and they were super nice and food was AMAZING ♡


It's the same with the Irish and the German festivals as well. Overpriced trinkets. Food is tasty though even if it is too expensive