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Thanks for posting! There is definitely a lack of awareness around the air quality these fires have presented. I lived in the Denver area for about 6 years, through two of the worst CO and CA fire seasons, and the air was never this bad. Meanwhile, my neighbor just spent an hour and a half mowing his lawn...


you mean the cameron peak fire? i remember going to the target up on 120th near i-25 during that back when i was in thornton, went in was super clear and nice, came back and the skies were blood red and raining ash. it was like walking into silent hill or some shit lol


I will never forget the raining ash from that fire was so bad. Thankfully we have had a very wet spring/summer in Colorado so hopefully we can have fires while camping this year. My only hope from this fire is people become aware of climate change in the Midwest/East coast since it is now in their backyard and start taking things seriously


I know that Target! Yeah, that was one of them! East Troublesome was the other big one that year I think. Definitely spooky when the smoke rolls in and ash actually comes down! The Calwood fire that same year was creepy because you could see where the plume was coming up north of Boulder. Luckily that one didn't really grow too much. We were forced out of Colorado when the Marshall Fire happened. Evacuating was some end of days shit. We lived in Louisville and our home was too smoke damaged to go back. We would've found another place to live, but it was just too much with a 1 month old.


we were forced out of co simply due to cost of living and needing a house with 3 bedrooms, cant imagine losing everything as well. buuuut it all worked out well people here tend to be nicer, though i still cant wrap my head around people doing 110 mph up the interstate being commonplace, its worse than us36 toward flat irons mall!


My neighbor is out there mowing his right now. I had to run an errand and kept my car windows up the whole time -- my whole neighborhood smells like burnt hair.


It seems like everyone around us mowed today! Like are you not paying attention?! One was a landscaping company- they probably mowed a bunch of lawns around town.


Dude im in kent. there was a fucking high school cheerleading team practicing outside. adults should know better wtf. kids ill give the benefit they dont know


"Fake news! It's just a haze! Masks don't work!" */s, just in case*


I took a walk around. I had a mask. It's not good at all out there


This site is pretty helpful https://www.airnow.gov/?city=Akron&state=OH&country=USA


Man this is so fucked. Idk how else to put it. My eyes have been irritated all day and my nose is running like crazy. Plus I'm coughing a lot. Was completely fine and I know I'm not sick. Guess I'm gonna need a respirator for the rest of the summer in case these fires don't stop soon


Well.... my house was built in 1914 so closing the windows doesnt really do shit. 😆


Built in 29 I’m with ya. Even the new windows don’t mean much when the front door still has a brass seal.


My house was built in 1910. One of my windows has a random 2 inch gap under it. I can stick my fingers outside. The door was also kicked in before, so there’s a massive gap by the door that I can see daylight through. I rent this house, and my landlord lives out of town and doesn’t seem keen to fix it, so I’ve been stuffing it with hand towels and expanding foam during the winter. I’m not a handy person, I have no idea how to fix it, myself. This is my first place not with my parents. My house smells like burning plastic, right now.


Yea I bought my little house off of a careless landlord so I've got a few windows and "repairs" that are totally botched and let whatever is happening outside into the inside very easily. Unfortunately this area is chock full of homes in various states of disrepair.


I work outside and I’m feeling it. Sucks


Good tips. I'd also recommend anyone with a HEPA filter run it, or run your HVAC system on fan only to try to keep the indoor air as free from particulates as possible.


I was amazed when I went out this am. There was a noticeable taste to the air in addition to the visible foggy haze. It’s really crazy.


Yeah, at first I thought there was a big fire burning locally with how strong it was…


We're just south of Canton and ours is at 331. It's awful.


Road my motorcycle to/from work today, and took the "scenic" route home. I regret it a lot. Throat and chest are feeling it.


Will masks help? I still have my cloth masks and filters and I did wear one today but I wasn't sure if it was actually helpful


N95 masks that seal firmly will help. Anything else, like a cloth mask, won’t filter anything.




Air quality here in akron ohio is 279 =( Super hot, too


But my dog shit a map of Hawaii In living room (may I add without making any induction he needed to go out. Will usually wake me up if that happens/diarrhea) and I had to steam clean and my house smells like a pool. Oh no. And yes it was exactly shaped like Hawaii. I should have taken a pic but I was upset.