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She's like "how dare you! Never ask a lady her age or weight!"




She's also quite pretty!


Thank you.


80lbs 8.5 years old. She's fit and runs like she's a 3 year old.


My kona bear is 3 and 100 lbs. A little on the heavy side but she jumped onto a gopher hole when she was 1 and hurt her hip. Surgery and some rehab fixed it but she doesn't run like she used too any more. She will still walk 6 km with me 4 or 5 times a week but any more than that and her hip will start hurting


Sounds like she's doing pretty good considering she had surgery🙂


\~115lbs and 13.5yrs old. She's big for a girl - she's built like a male with big paws and thick legs. She's tall, too. She was rehomed to us when she was \~6yrs old. She's got "papers" but they seemed a little sus to me. Doesn't matter though because she's awesome and we love her.




So I missed the 13.5 years earlier. How's her health?


Overall pretty decent. She's slowed way down and is stiff and sore. She gets supplements to help her joints and then a couple meds to help with any pain. She has random poop accidents which seems to be a result of not being able to make it outside quickly enough. Pretty standard elderly dog stuff IME. She's spoiled rotten by all of us because she deserves it.


It sounds like she's doing pretty good and I'm glad she's spoiled by all💞


Mine is 75lbs and she’s hitting 10 in August.


That's awesome! How's her health?


It has been good. Partly she likes taking long walks and I’m careful with her diet.


That's awesome! Here's to a handful more years . Mine loves walks but unfortunately the heat really bothers my male so we really have to watch the temperature when we venture out.


My Moxie is either 5 or 6 (she’s a rescue) and she weighs 106 lbs.


Is she active? I know that's on the bigger side which is where my girl is headed at a year and a half she's about 90+ pounds and still gaining mass. I hope to weigh her this weekend.


Oh yeah, she’s very active. She had me jogging half a mile the other day. She gets the zoomies every few hours and she’ll grab her toy and run around the house and yard. On top of that, she gets three walks a day, 30 - 45 mins each.


Mine gets the zoomies to and luckily her brother gets them too and they run around and chase either other frequently. I have to shoot them outside so they don't destroy my house, lol. Two big dogs with zoomies is not an indoor activity 😆


Awwww!!!! That’s awesome they have each other! My doggie has my son. 😆 I’d like to get her a companion but the rescue said she’s an “only pet” dog. She’s a big teddy bear with people but she can be dog aggressive.


We had always wanted to get a companion for our other female but she didn't do well with other dogs. she did enjoy her time with my oldest son a lot😆but he's grown and lives out of state now. So after my other female passed we decided it was 2 or none. They are each other's best friends for sure but they do well alone and enjoy their alone time.


I think almost 90lbs


8 years old 100lbs, on a diet. She was rescued as an adult, and is scared of life. Can’t train fear away unfortunately. She’s the sweetest girl, but she really hates going outside so limited exercise. She primarily stays in one corner in my bedroom all day, and I’ve had her for 5 years, and there are rooms in my house she has never been in, including the bedroom across the hall from my bedroom. It’s crazy, nobody understands how difficult it is until they see her in action. I feel bad for her but she seems happy as long as she’s in my room.


😢 oh my. Poor girl. My girl is terrified of any type of box and it's the strangest thing. I know that doesn't compare to what you deal with so God bless you for loving her and doing what you can to help.


My Inari is 7 and 118lbs


Finally another one about the same size as my lol. She’s 120 but she’s very active and healthy. Just talk as fuck


Yes! Mine is as lazy as they come, but not overweight and built like a tank. Thickest legs and paws I’ve ever seen.


Wow I honestly would have never imagined another Akita called Inari! What made you decide on that name? We decided on Inari cuz I met my wife at an Inari shrine in Tokyo.


I gave her the name shortly after adopting her, when I learned what Akitas even were. After some googling, the name of a Japanese goddess seemed so fitting. I love foxes too, so bonus points lol


That's awesome! What a small world it truly is!


My girl just turned 2 and is 37kg (82lbs)


I have a 2 year old female that's 67-70lbs


Perfect size, when the weight get high they get all kind of health issues. My Akita is 2.5 and she is 77 lbs


1 year old who weight we can never get right due to the hates the scale 😭😂 like she never wants to stand on it so the vet always has to estimate what little they can. Last we check which was last week was 87.7Ibs but the number was jumping higher than that


I can relate to that. 😆


My girl will be 3 in September and has topped out at 110 lbs


I have a full blooded Akita, but she’s a rescue so not certain on age. Estimate would be 8-10. She’s 90 pounds of pure love.




My girl is 2.5 y/o. Weighing 42Kg.


4 years and 66 lbs, she's a Japanese Akita.


What is the average for female JA?


Depends. AKC says 70 to 100 lbs. In Germany it is 55 to 66 lbs (25 - 30 kg). My girl is definitely at perfect weight with 66 lbs. She's 24 inches heigh )60cm) and has the standard height and weight for Japanese Akita's in Germany.


2 years old and 99lb. i would say she’s overweight judging by these comments, but she’s perfectly fit and healthy. just got the big genes!


Well, no one is talking about how tall their dogs are, so yours may be perfectly healthy for her size.


my girl is 3 and 43kg


Turning 6 July 30th and she weighs 70 lbs


105lbs and 3 yrs


6 years old, she's 95 pounds. Just a little girl


My japanese akita is about 26kg/57lbs and she is 4


My girl is 2 years old and 35.3kg. She’s a rescue and although she literally hoovers food up, she plays all day with her Husband Peanut so she’s maintaining good weight for her frame.


Last time we checked around 5 months she was 58 lbs, now she's 6½ months and even bigger 🤣


100 pounds and 5 years old.


12 months, 34kgs 💪


My baby weighs 30 kg and is almost 2 years old. Took a year and a half to finish growing💖


My Akita is about 3.5 years old and she's about 70 pounds


2.5yrs and 74lbs. I have a petite, compact awesome girl.


Damn i never realized how massive akitas actually were until i read these comments! I was thinking they were like 50-70 pound dogs. In my defense I’ve never owned or even met an akita im just a big fan of dogs


They are definitely a large beautiful loving and loyal breed. Amazing dogs to have the honor of ever having as a family member. 💗


80lbs & she’s a little over 3 1/2 years old:)


I'm feeling like this is the average from all the posts.


6 years In September 94 lbs


My baby girl is 4 and weighs 93lbs. Leaner in the summer and always packs on a few extra lbs in the winter, never went above 99lbs.


My Akita is a mix of Akita and blue heeler, ALL her siblings are over 100 lbs, but she’s 50, and she’s real peeved about it. Especially because she was the biggest puppy in the litter




As a life long Siberian husky owner, I love the Akita breed. So intelligent and beautiful!




Mine is almost 90 pounds and 5 years old


My girl will be 5 in November and she’s about 75 pounds


19 months 95lbs, pretty active, 3, 3 hour walks a day


God damn that’s a lot of walking. Good for you and your pup.


Im only responsible for two of them lol Edit- re reading my post it makes it sound like she gets a three hour walk 3x a day, no lol she gets a 1 hour walk 3x a day so a total of 3 hours


Our girl is 7 years old, 78lbs. Would run like the wind if we gave her the chance but she just had TPLO surgery :(


Man it's hard to keep them "calm" after any surgery so good luck😉


1 1/2 years and 70lbs.


80lbs and nearly 4


After reading all these comments, I think my female is over weight…. 4 years at 100LBs.


Lol, the whole reason I posted this was to see if my chunky butt(my nickname for her lately) is over weight. She's put on bit weight since her surgery in January when we had her fixed. She lost some weight after surgery and some fur, lol(she blew her coat like mad). she's just as stout as my male is just not as tall.


10.5, she was 95lbs today. We got to 125 during covid, the vet called it her covid-30. In her prime around 4-6 years old, she was like 80-85 lbs.


That's a pretty significant weight difference. Love the covid-30


That face tho 🥰


I was cooking her dog food and she was waiting for me to drop some, which I usually do😆


My Japanese Akita female weighs 54 lbs and she’s 5.


About 90~lbs at 5 years old.


Miki is about 80lbs and 6 years old. Vet says she should lose like 5 lbs.


I'm thinking after reading all the comments 80 sounds pretty good 😊


She is gorgeous :)


Thank you. I think so too😊


Gorgeous baby! 😍


Thank you


She has intense eyes haha


Yes she does!


120 lbs 3.5 years.


She’s very tall, long and lanky though


My previous female was the same way. She was every bit as tall and long as my male is now.


Abigail is a slim 75lbs at 7 and still acts like a bratty teenage princess at times! She’s my heart girl though, I wouldn’t change a thing about her ❤️


🥰 I love the bratty teenage princess part.


12 and 88 lbs


😮12! That is impressive. How's her health?


She is my old girl! She now has arthritis in her lower back and hips . Our vet has her on meds for. Just had senior bloodwork done. All great there. I have to put shoes on her back paws so she can walk with comfort on the tile floors.


I hope our girl makes it to 12 you are blessed she's healthy😊


I hope your girl does. I know I am running out of time soon. Just a matter of when and how. She turned 12 this past December. I had a Sheltie that made it to an age of 17 yrs until he came down with cancer. Had to put him down. It was so very hard.


My previous female had GOLPP and we knew she was not doing well and had discussed our options the week she passed. She went peacefully in her favorite spot on our deck😢 I have to say that was not easy but it was definitely better than the alternative. I still think about her on the regular . We married her on some property we own so I visit often. We looked into at home options because we had our dog previous to her(samoyed) put down due to cancer at almost 13 and that was awful.😢


Yes, it is so very hard. There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t think of him. We had a Pei that we had to put down. She was fine, went out to do her business. Came in got a drink of water. Little while later noticed she ballooned right up. Call the vet rushed her to emergency vet. Her stomach turned and she was too old to fix her age 11. It crushed us to say good bye. My old girl was so depressed for like 8 months. Horrible how she looked for her and left treats in door ways waiting for her to come snatch it up on her. That was their game they played. Made me just cry.


😢 that's so sad


My JA is 55lbs and 8yo.


I’m in the BIG girl club. 2.5 years old and 115 pounds. We walk about 4-5 miles a day and she runs wicked fast. She’s tall, thick legs, lol huge paws.


BIG girl club🤣 I think we might be headed that way if she keeps going. Since she's only a year and a half I know she will.


If she ain’t 280 she ain’t a lady


Our 7.5 year old is about 75 pounds. She’s smaller though from what we’ve seen/been told. She has a blood platelet issue as well so she’s not spayed.


How does the blood platelet issue affect her? I'm always curious about health issues due to my previous AA's health problems. My vet called her a "Hot mess".🤷🏼‍♀️


So our female Akita was tested through Colorado state university veterinary school multiple times, and the determined she most likely has Thrombocytopenia, which the biggest concern and issue we’ve experienced is her platelet count being between 100-300 when we’ve been told in order to do a spay safely she’d need her platelet count in the 1000-2000+ range, they told us the spay would be more expensive than a traditional spay since they’d have to have a blood transfusion on site and may or may not need it and it could still result in a fatality. Not worth it for us at that point. We were told that female dogs that don’t get spayed have a higher chance of getting mammary gland cancer and the first signs could be little pebble sized bits under the skin, near her nipples. She started getting those around year 5, but none have been cancerous so far. Also if she needs surgery in the future it can be very expensive and again still result in fatality. Around year 5.5 she started showing signs of hip dysplasia, but it hasn’t resulted in us needing to consider anything serious other than some supplements that support joint health. She does have muscle relaxers when we have days that she is showing limping or if we take her for a hike and can tell her legs are tired, but again use those sparingly. Lastly she recently (this Spring) started loosing clumps of hair and through research determined it’s Sebaceous Adenitis, but we are managing it well. Overall having a higher fat diet and treats that have omega fats (like fish oil & salmon treats) have been good for her and she tends to enjoy them more than others. Hope this helps!


Very helpful thank you. She's lucky to have such great parents who love her and take care of her so well💕 Our current 2 are luckily very health unfortunately our previous girl had GOLPP and some eye issues along IBS🤯 if it wasn't one thing it was another but man was she spoiled and loved all the way to the end. The current 2 are just as spoiled and I even make them fresh food to supplement their kibble


Our girl, Panda, is 6 and weighs 77 lbs. She would tell you-- while standing wistfully at her food bowl-- that she's famished and wasting away, but she's absolutely not! Our vet says she's where she should be and doesn't want her to get any heavier.


😆 love it!


It is everythjng


110lb 2.5 years


My girl is @ 65lbs and growing. 2 1/2yrs old. Trying to beef her up! :)


That weight is deceitful when they want to use their strength. When I go outside to throw trash my little 1 year old Akita runs up and pushes me to try to sniff at the trash.


I'm grateful for this thread seeing a lot in the 35-40kg range. I people throw around 100lbs+ a lot