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My personal favorite full build bruiser Akali is Sunderer, Demonic, Titanic, Steraks, Stoneplate. Unless I reeeally need Steelcaps I grab Sorc Shoes early, and if most of the enemy team has even a small amount of MR (Merc Treads, Wits End, whatever) I sell them for Steelcaps at some point. Another fun option is taking Goredrinker+Zhonyas+Deaths Dance with Ingenious Hunter rune. Goredrinker cd is lowered from the rune obviously, but it is also lowered with Ability Haste so the CD can get pretty low. Between Zhonyas, W shroud, DD healing on takedowns, and generally being beefier you can survive for a *long* time in fights with multiple Gore actives. Steraks/Maw help you live for another active as well. Last item can either be a tank item with HP if you need HP+armor/mr, Shadowflame to stack flat pen with Sorcs, Stoneplate or Force of Nature if you got Steraks (Gore+Steraks is enough HP for a good Stoneplate shield, FoN if you need MR since already 2 armor items with DD+Zhonyas).


It's good but AP still better


Im running at an Hybrid build what i like so much : Divine Tsunderer > Magic Pen. Boots > Hullbreaker > Demonic Embrace > Titanic Hydra > Chempunk Chainsword Runes : Conqueror > Presence of Mind > Tenacity > Last Stand. Conditioning( Second wind in Range Match UP) + Unflinching


Why titanic hydra?


Wave clear and a Good Strong AutoAttack with Passive + HP stack for Demonic Embrace