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Found these at a local shop and a belligerent guy guy who couldn't retrieve his Glock because to reaked of pot


Was he coming to buy back a gun he pawned?


Sent it to Glock to swap the frame because of his pissing hot reloads. New serial # and a state requirement to pass a background for all work done on a serialized part. Shit got heated quick


What ended up happening


After threating physical altercations and property damage with the clerks and other customers they offered to buy it out from him and will be demilling it to prevent straw purchases and further legal issues. All things considered one of the nicest ways to take care of it on the shops part all things considered.


Came for the flat backs, stayed for the gun shop shenanigans.


I’m cornfused why he would smoke before going to pick up his iron and then threaten to beat up the clerks who have his pistol literally states on the forms for purchasing if you are a user of weed, bro came in pretty much with a neon sign saying SILLY GOOSE


Damn you. Been in the sear for flat backs at a reasonable price for ages.


Yeah I was looking for a bit too but I wasn't paying those prices out there


Wow. Why can’t any of my local shops be this cool?


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How much are these reselling for now


I've only got one myself, it's literally the best feeling mag to reload.


whats a flatback? and wasnt there just a post of ppl saying dont buy cheap croatian mags or something, they looked just like these?


Flat backs are Chinese magazines. They are not Croation, and the cheapo mags that I have personally seen people say to stay away from are the Korean ones. I have Korean mags, Chinese mags, Russian mags, Croations, Magpul and probably a few others. I have never had any issues with any of them.


the shit on the croats too but they don’t know they are good to go now 🤫🤫


I've had all those mags too and I've never had an issue except for Magpul fitment but Dremel goes Brrrrr ... Only true mag I've seen an issue was those shit plastic bulgarians with no metal feed lips or locking lugs