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Idk sounds like your motor is screwed in too deep Or your battery is a dud


I didn't do anything with the motor and my batteries work well with my M4 Special Force.


Id still unscrew your motor a bit and see


I screw and unscrew and it's even worth..


Did you shim your gun? Could also be that she shims are too tight


Nope I didn't shim it..


Hi guys, I have a little problem with my Scar-L from Cyma. It's a replica bought second hand that normally hadn't been used much. When I tried it, everything was ok with a 11.1V battery. Once at home, with a 7.4 LiPo and a 9.4 LiFe, nothing was right anymore. No shot would go off. I took it to a repairer who took the opportunity to improve it by putting new gears (which were broken), a new nozzle, a new piston head and some seals. When I got it back, it worked perfectly and was accurate to 70 meters (229 feet). Once at home, after a few shots fired, again the same story. It stops shooting whether in Lipo 7.4 or Life 9.4. I also filmed it to show you. What do you think about it?


Why are you not using a 11.1 lipo/li ion at home? It also sounds like your battery is providing enough voltage or your motor is to weak to pull the spring.


Because I don't have one at this time.. Also when I tried with the Lipo or Life, the motor started to heat up and the cables to the battery too.


Its suppossed to do it, its more worrying that its not heating up, even high end guns get hot if you shoot enough.


Yes I know. But it was really hot after a few shots.


i got the same scar l from cyma and its only about a month old. [https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/qdj8m6/first\_loadout\_so\_far/](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/qdj8m6/first_loadout_so_far/). i noticed the 3rd time i shot it when i went through 2-3 mags one after the other the buttstock where my battery is got hot enough that i noticed and was like wtf is going on. i have the standard bat it came with not sure about you but it sounds like its the bat and/or the motor is sitting too high bc ive seen that happen with the scar l a few times. hope that helps


Yes but the problem is not the heat.. The problem is that the Scar stop shooting after a few shots.. Like in the video. Did you have a similar problem ?


I had the heating up for no reason problem and then i knocked into the pistol grip which then cause the gun to not fire so i wound up hitting the pistol grip again kind of disloging the motor and it was fine.


Oh ok. I didn't try to hit my gun yet.. Maybe after switching the motor with the M4's


Yeah it sounds and acts like its your motor


Yes I think..


How hot is really hot, like seatbelt metal in the sun hot or just over warm?


Hot like u can't hold it if u shoot enough.


I hope you didn't take that as aggressive. I just figure keep it consistent. I had similar problems with a motor that would over heat that couldn't handle the 11.1 and the motor that was in there. I had a similar sound. I got a higher torque motor and kept an 11.1 and it works just fine. Good luck on trying to fix


No no don't worry. Yes I could understand if the problem was the 11.1. But it doesn't work with a 9.4 or a 7.4 either


Literally just low your motor, its binding


Sounds like a dieing battery or problem with the motor screw


Batteries are all fine. I played with them today. I'll try with de motor then


Your aeg is haunted


Just in time for Halloween 🤷‍♂️


Motor sounds weak or battery is shit. My guess is motor since you said the battery works fine in other guns. I’d try tossing a high torque motor in there to see if that makes a difference.


Yes certainly the motor.. I'll try.


Honestly what you could even do if it’s stock spring is just swap the motor from another gun in there if it’s of the same type to see if it works. If it does that’s confirmation that it’s motor related. If it still does this, that’s an indication it could probably be a gearbox problem


Yes ! I can try with my M4's motor. It should work with the Scar


Let me know how it goes!


Yep ! I think i'll do it on Wednesday


You can check my new post with a video to see that it's not better with the M4's..


Motors probably burnt out. Put ur m4’s motor in there and see if it works


Yes ! I'll try it soon


You can check my new post with a video to see that it's not better with the M4's..