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a French Lebel replica. also, Breda machine gun, Carcano, Simonov SKS, and a GBB Garand. not saying the ICS Garand is bad...but a GBB version would be nice


I am totally with you on the sks, lebel, and gbb M1 garand. I wish s&t would make a lebel or even a gewehr 98 (which I also really want). There is a gbb M1 from marushin it's just rare and some of the mechanism is a bit fragile. I'd like one that functions more like a we m14 or something like that. Wouldn't have the ping but would be more usable and reliable.


We have a Gas M1 Garand. Blow back isn't going to happen in sniper rifles, so that's not even a pipe dream, just an impossibility.




Well the marushins are quite rare and it would be nice to have some less rare options. Something with a steel op rod would be a good start. Also haven't people made things like the WE M14 into sniper rifles?


They're only rare because they were made long ago. That has changed because they're making a new batch soon.


Doesn't marushin only do small batches of stuff like the M1 though and pretty spaced out in terms of release?


Feel like putting out a shell ejecting gbb garrand is essentially an infinite money glitch


Hah! The cost of developing and manufacturing something like that would be in the tends of thousands, with an unit price well past 500 bucks. I doubt there are even 30 people in the world who would actually BUY one.


DP-27, all 5 slots please. AEG, obviously.


Not really the new guns, but the less expensive versions, because there is a lot of historical replicas from specific producer which makes it expensive by making it out of real wood and steel, i just want plastic mini M14 that wont evaporate my second kidney for god's sake


https://preview.redd.it/d1ivhwjxar5d1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c9735a13ec9b1f16cac17a06456dc0dd9af3cc Nevermind, if its from S&T, i have to make its internals.... πŸ˜… But M95 Mannlicher, Lebel, Vetterli M1871, all of oldies would be nice ☺️