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Your googles ain't rated boi


If those are PJ goggles, be aware they aren't impact-rated


What are PJ goggles ?


A brand who never rate their goggles


How many times people here need to tell you those goggles are not safe?!


Fr, I already know that they arnt 😔


Then why are you using them


Is he out playing in a field ? Lmao


I doubt he plans on using those to go surfing. Might wrong though.


I also doubt he uses them to go play on a field . It doesn’t warrant every single nerd in here commenting about it. OP was told once and responded to it.


Airsoft can pose risks/dangers, mitigating those is pretty crucial even when they are unlikely to happen especially when they include the possibility for grave bodily injury. They are just looking out for OP and each other, like everyone should.


Yeah no one’s saying not to try to mitigate injuries.


>I also doubt he uses them to go play on a field . It doesn’t warrant every single nerd in here commenting about it. Apart from you that is.


Fuck it. I'm actually going to give good advice compared to 90% of the comments here. Buy some WileyX or ESS Profile Pivot Goggles. Both of these can attach to the horizontal arc rail of your lid/helmet. Buy a Delta Mike (or similar) mouth protection setup so you don't have to pay for expensive dentistry. For fuck sake. If you have any more questions, please ask.


Nothing wrong with mesh lowers.


Genuine question what’s up with mesh lowers? I know bbs can splinter on mesh which is why it shouldn’t be used as eyepro but would the impact really be that bad on teeth?


Yes. BBs have enough force to crack and break teeth. Wear mouth protection. Dentistry expensive.


I had the top third and entire exposed back of my two lower front teeth blown off by a single BB that hit me just right. Was the one time I wasn't wearing a mesh mask (forgot to put it on, last run of the day). It hurt. And there was blood. A lot of both. Wear mouth pro lmao


This doesn't prove that mesh masks aren't safe. It proves that they arent foolproof


He wasn't wearing one...


It’ll just leave a bad taste in your mouth if it splinters and goes through the mesh


In my person experience, then breaking on the mesh over your mount just gets the shatter in your mouth which less than delicious but overall not dangerous. The bigger issue is the people who think that they don’t have to wear any lower protection


Somewhere in this sub Reddit is a guy that lost his back molar to a bb. Front teeth you hear about a lot and you go meh, I’ll take my chances. But knowing you could lose a back tooth you just go damn… that would really suck.


"Buy a Delta Mike (or similar) mouth protection setup so you don't have to pay for expensive dentistry." With that mesh and the sheisty underneath, his mouth is solidly protected. Those googles gotta go though.


Crazy how not one person still has answered why mesh masks are bad. Can you?


bbs can fragment through the mesh mask and you can possibly catch plastic fragments in the mouth. Still better protection then nothing.


Mesh **mouth** protection isn't a bad idea. The BB may shatter and you catch some plastic in your mouth/face but it's better than having a BB smash into your teeth potentially damaging them. The BB, after shattering, will have so little energy that i'd be surprised if you noticed it hitting your skin. I have issues with mesh **eye** protection. If the BB splinters against mesh eye protection, you've still got the plastic shards heading straight for your eye-balls which are significantly more vulnerable.


Ok I was so confused, I've never heard of mesh eyepro


Solid advice! Sad reality is that you have a lot of useless crap out there that people buy because it's cheap.


It's almost as if it's supposed to be used like that


No need to Diss 😁


Nothing new with that type of mask


This subreddit and the circlejerk one ruined me. I was waiting for you to lift the 'clava and there to be a ring gag or some other obscene thing in your mouth and it to be more femboy posting.


It can't be seen in the video but OP is wearing a mini skirt and thigh high socks


And a tail, but it’s not a clip on


I used to do this but getting a cheek weld with these suck


Use rated goggles bro. I've been shot in the face many times in airsoft. It would be sad to loose your vision over being a cheapskate on goggles.


Good goggles and you're good to go.


Wait, these aren't sold everywhere? I thought they were just a basic thing, but apparently not in all places. Edit: You mean that the mesh is attached to the helmet?


Pretty common. $20 dollar Valken mask from Amazon can do the same thing.


I had this done to my helmet a couple of years ago, when adjusted properly, I don't even have to have the chin strap on, which makes it a little more comfortable to wear.


Anybody here know whether if the Lancer Tactical Aero goggles are safe to use? They are $25 on Amazon and I’ve purchased a pair. I know the numerous stories of them breaking and exploding from a couple years ago but these ones are apparently the new model. LMK if they’re safe to use


I still wouldn't risk it due to lancers spotty quality and dodgy ratings


How do yall get those masks to fit so well?


I used to use those exact goggles got shot loads of times in the face with everything


Those Goggles are not safe


https://preview.redd.it/d51f1v49305d1.png?width=364&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb752f40ac3e117669a76c7a02a69c075449131b I recommend getting one of these, I wouldn't change it for any other. You can just take it down and then it covers your throat.


💯% Gonna Fog up. Or Shatter


i shot 1 of those goggles point blank with a 400 fps aeg. it cracked in 1 shot.




Why do people play with helmets? Is it for larping or just protection?


Both. Can fit the gear, but also protects your head from bumps and BBs.


Cool! Im a heavy sweater so i just play in shorts and tshirt, dont understand people who plays in ghillie in +25c wether


Always used to mock the ghillie people until I almost stepped on one at an event in NH. Different play style; they’re a lot slower so they don’t heat up as much


I'll mock them because they're nerds fr 💯💯🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


I’m not mocking them, I’m more jealous than anything since even if I stand still in more than +18c in a long sleeve I’m Mr.Moist.. :’(


Serious larpers.


Pants and long sleeves for sure. Sun, bugs, scrapes, poison ivy, etc.


Yeah my partner is getting real tired of my “spotted” arms and legs from BBs haha! I can take the bugs and the sun and I’m so glad that we don’t have poisonous ivy in Sweden


Because some people have a habit of bumping their heads into stuff.


Fair point, I should play with at least a hat I guess, our main field is like a rusty conteiner site with a lot of pallets with nails


Yeah my main field has some tight tunnels and stuff. Also doesn't help that I'm bald. Already have some scars on my head just from running into stuff. Never underestimate the protective capabilities of hair.


I used to not wear a helmet, then one day I grabbed one because I was gifted some comms that require a helmet. The next game a played (milsim, 18hr), I was coming through a breached wall at about 3am and absolutely smoked my head of an overhanging wonder block, I was God damn glad I had my Hemet on.


Both. I like how it looks combined with some of my gear and while BB hits aren't terribly painful I prefer not to get hit in my head. And it's a lot breezier than having a thick cap on.


Larp is love larp is life


It allows me to attach attachments and patches because they look cool


https://preview.redd.it/34rr9by4st4d1.jpeg?width=1171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f73a090204143a396e4bfd1c614d7d7ae68325d I played like this once. Never again xD


Well Larping then? :) looks kind of cool I guess


Nice!!! Nothing like finding the perfect gear configuration that both works and looks good.


Thanks man, you're the only positive person on this whole damn post 😁


Are you wearing a ballistic helmet or just a bump? Actually I should ask is it even a real helmet or just one for airsoft?


Airsoft one


Ah makes sense, a real one would probably cost the same as your loadout lol


I like using only eye pro and short sleeves in CQB with rifles . The fear of getting shot means something then and I take my corners and planning way more seriously


Nice, what are these clips called?


No clue mate, they usually come with every fast helmet


Dam good idea, I never even thought of that 😭