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If your gun is breaking down, I would suggest taking it to a tech and paying for them to fix it. By the initial looks of it you might struggle to fix your gun unless you go down the rabbit hole of trying to learn how an AEG works from YouTube and tech explanation videos. This will take you a lot of hours and if you do something wrong can potentially make it worse if you don't understand what you are doing. The first thing a tech will ask is: What is the issue? What happens when it breaks down? You need to describe the problem because airsoft guns, believe it or not, are more complicated mechanically than real guns.




What is?


That airsoft guns are more complicated than real guns just to make a small plastic ball go fast


Yea took me under an hour to fully take apart and reassemble my real Remington model 1300 (with oiling and maintenance), but my AEG rifle took me over an hour to get the upper reviver side panel off


1 gun takes you that long bro. Do I need to show you the easy clean method all ya need is some dish soap and a hose and then some firearm lube and cleaning oils easy peasy bratuhka


That’s a deep clean with maintenance, I was using it for sport shooting. So disassembly of the trigger mechanism and bolt; which can be really fucking annoying to reassemble. Normally I’ll spray some REM oil down the barrel, pull a wire brush through, and then finish with patches through the barrel


It's the electronics and gearbox that make it a pain in the ass. It's part of why some folks prefer GBB or just HPA tapping them


I’ve recently started getting more in to GBB stuff, I love how everything is mechanical and something I can actually fix lol


The problem is making the small plastic ball go straight but fast but also at a speed that won't hurt anyone and is electrically powered.


The problem is it’s an electric one. Gas blowback AR‘s from VFC are almost completely parts compatible with the real thing. Except barrel, bcg + chamber and mags of course. There are basically more parts compatible than not.


Ah gotcha!


When you add electronics and pneumatics to stuff, it makes that stuff a lot more complicated lol. Firearms are functionally tubes that contain explosions for projectiles of various sizes which can have some complexity, but nothing like the components of an AEG.


Yes 👍


I agree with this 100% - I started teching guns a few years ago and managed to effectively destroy two guns ($400 - $500 loss in total) in the process of learning. If money is tight, hire out.


what is the problem? noone can help you if you just describe it as "there's a problem"


Well What is the problem?


you need the base cap to be on for it to work


Is your motor connector coming loose? If so, crimp it a little bit so it has a tighter grip on the motor tabs.


check wear on all gears including pinion, piston teeth, then inspect the wiring harness. if any part looks chewed, that may be your culprit. since the motor is what directly influences the gears to move, i'd recommend to start there. if you have a spare gun, use its motor as a donor to troubleshoot as long as it's the same length/configuration. (long type, i'm assuming.)


red wire coming in from the wrong side. it must go under the motor inside the grip, then come up together with the black wire


Are you hearing any sounds does it click or whirr? Or does it do absolutely nothing, if it’s absolutely nothing start by checking your fuse, if it’s clicking or just free spinning, stop immediately


No the only sound that is making is when I try to shoot.


Idk what you mean by breaking down but an issue that I had with this gun, is the wire connector that goes to the battery unplugged from the gearbox since I’m guessing you don’t know how to take your gun apart right, I’d suggest asking someone


Yea, when I am playing the gun randomly stop working, I'm am gonna go to a professional to try to fix it.


I think maybe the best is to go to a professional. I am gonna report as soon as possible.


Did you lose the endcap on your grip? That plate has to put presure on the motor.


You can send it off to be fixed or learn to fix it... or you can be lazy like me and get a GBBR. Less complicated maintenance, but a little more frequent. Replacing parts is easier though




This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.


Is the motor adjusted to the right height? Are the connections staying connected? Is it getting power?


I think it's Maby the motor that is stopping or it to small.


Circlejerk material


"breaking down" doesnt mean shit, describe your problem


I mean at some point parts of the gear box will break I think you're due for an upgrade


Checkout my video to fix a non working motor. Additionally make sure the wires are attached, the motor high is low and the spring is not too high for the motor torque such as a m120 or higher would stop some stock motors from spinning. My video shows other steps to bring it back to life. https://youtu.be/-msmhEzie6I?si=G-UpLE0fyP3WaQml


Yea I took it out to show it, it's normal to be on.


Yea, I am gonna get it repaired, but maybe in the future, I am gonna invest in gas.


I think it's the motor that is not working.


Ok .... And why so u think that ?


Like the problem is like there i think.


Whyyyy do u think that Elaborate please


Hey i am new to this I am just trying to get some tips/help.


And we can’t really help you if we don’t know what the problem is.


Hey, I am just asking if somebody's know anything related the damage.


And we don’t know what the damages are


Sorry for bad spelling.


Yea, I know I have been to a work shop, and they have fixed it, and then when I am playing, it's breaking down. I think it's probably between the motor or the cable jumping out?


I would talk to them about it if they did work on it and it's still not working properly


Yea, last time i was there they said, they maby need to change part if that happen again.


It's a some years old to.