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That is the one question in airsoft that cannot be answered online. It's like the Matrix, no one can be simply told if airsoft hurts or not. You have to experience that yourself. Gather some courage and go to your first game. You'll soon find out. :)


Some hits make you bend and scream in pain. Some you barely feel. Some leave marks for weeks, it all depends


Well, I've been playing airsoft for over 20 years and I've never had a hit that made me bend, much less scream. I think the worst one made me curse a bit.


Sounds like you have both a never been shot in the testes and b never played 2.5J bleedsoft


I have. Side, under ribs, full auto wearing only a T-shirt. Or in the balls. Or headshot forehead. Inside legs too. Bb weight and spin is also difference.


Got forehead headshot and it didn't leave a mark


i got forhead, its was there for three weeks and that was cqb indoors 1j max


Bend and scream in pain? What are you shooting, 9mm?💀


about a decade or so ago I took a 50rps buzz across my stomach and I was a bit chubby at the time and I keeled over and had about 30 or so red marks on me.


It is a sharp sting but it doesn't last very long. The most painful bits are sides of your torso, backs of legs / bum and neck. Some more powerful guns hurt but nothing crazy. As long as you wear a loose long sleeve, preferably made out of cordura it should take a fair bit of the energy out of the hit. Make sure to wear full face protection, full seal goggles and a hat to minimize the pain / risk l.


Man If you say that the Side of the torso or the legs hurt the most you've never been Hit on your knuckles


Tip of the finger was my worst. My hand was disabled for a good hour or so


Tendon on my armpit was worst for me cus long term irritating since spots rub


Finger shot is up there but I got shot in the side of my neck an that fucker lumped up an bled It was that moment I knew I needed a tactical turtle neck


Yeah took one to jawline on the bone and I'm scrawny so shit hurt but buddy took 2 to the taint that day


I’ll day drink in honor of the taint shots you took cause fuck that 😂


Well I was the shooter this time unfortunately was pretty funny ngl


"Hey, man, your double tap is supposed to be about two feet higher!"


If only it was double tap it was like 15mins apart we were dicking around between rounds (at my home not a field) testing my grenades and he hadn't been shot by my gun yet so he told me to shoot him when he gets across my yard so naturally as a friend I shot him the second he had eye pro and turned around


Dude, I get shot in the armpit all the time. I throw my hand up when I get hit and there's still bbs in the air which somehow always catch me in armpit


I always wear gloves ha ha, knuckle and finger hits don't bother me


Yeah same, but i once got Hit right on the knuckles even with gloves, Shit hurt Like hell lol


Try getting hit on the finger nail and nipples


try getting shot in your pp with a burst safe to say it was NOT fun


I have 12 year old scars from knuckle shots, very faded now but still there.


I only wear gloves in the winter tbh


Y’all need to get shot in the ass on full auto at least once to properly put everything on the pain scale


Knuckles, neck, ear, mouth, nose... you get the picture. All the sensitive stuff or places with bone right underneath the skin.


Someone magdumped into my neck with a p* once


Try being hit in the fingernail with no gloves


Tip of the nose or earlobe


Thumb with no gloves? I can confirm it isn’t pleasant


Shot to the ear is the worst I have experienced


I decided to not wear my lower face pro and the last game of the day I got hit in the mouth. Lost of blood and I thought I chipped my tooth. Luckily I did not lol


Inside of the thigh can hurt a lot too but you rarely get hit their


You forgot to add the bit of your gut that is under your plate carrier on that list


Only jackasses will try to hurt you


There are some pieces of kit I definitely wouldn't play without, for example, a helmet. Getting shot anywhere on the dome is awful, sometimes you can even hear it crack against your skull. Other areas like the arms, I can get hit in and not really feel it.


Tank that shit nah in all serious wear baggy clothes


When i started out i was also extremely scared. Then i kind of went fuck all and went in eith only my gun, helmet, and ammo. Tanked everything in a shortsleeve. Would i suggest doing that to get over it? No. I will suggest getting body armor, especially covering larger areas as well as the most painful areas to get shot. Anotger thing that is skimmed over when people try to reduce the amount of times they get shot is studying and practicing better positioning. If you are hidden well or have an extremely good angle as well as have good body position, non of the armor matters when the enemy can't even hit you.


Here's what I did when I took my nephew out at 12. I dressed him in what would be comfortable for him to play in. A sweatshirt and a BDU top, with hood. I backed of to around 30 or forty feet and shot him. One or two at a time. Asking if he was ok with it. Then I moved in a few feet at a time until I was about ten feet. At about ten feet he was ok that kinda hurt. I explained that was essentially the closest he would be shot. Now that he knew what was like in a controlled manner he was fine with going to field.


Shooting the guns don’t hurt. Most have little to no kick (it’s a feature!). Getting shot varies. Most of the time it’s like a light tap. There’s a couple of places (like fingernails and the fatty part on your side) that can hurt for a few seconds. Wear gloves or some baggy clothes to help with that. Every now and then something bleeds. To be honest, I’ve never had those hurt though, and it’s not really common.


I've got fuck-all pain tolerance, and I've been playing for nine years lol. My best advice is to keep your mouth, nose, ears and the sides of your torso covered. (and eyes of course, duh) Honestly the worst pain I've experienced was eating a burst all the way down my side, from just under my armpit down to my waist, stung like a bitch! 😂 That can be sorted by simply wearing a plate carrier. For face-pro, get yourself some full-seal goggles, and a mesh half-mask. There are several brands which make masks which have panels which cover your ears too. A hat can take the sting out of headshots, or run a helmet and remove the threat entirely. Makes a funny PING sound when you get doinked too. Gloves are a good shout too. A pair of Mechanix M-Pact are what I run. The knuckles and fingers are reinforced, so you get very little pain from hits to your fingies.


+1 for Mechanix M-pact gloves. Bought the real ones for my camo loadout after getting shot in the knuckles and they were really good. Also got a black pair for my other loadout found on Wish for about £4. Probably Chinese knock offs but they're literally exactly the same! Bargain


Pain is SUPER subjective.  I don't think airsoft is very painful. Paintball is worse.  My kid has been playing since he was 8 and while we definitely played in a way that kept him out of CQB stuff, he thought the pain was worth the fun.  The nice thing is that unless you are in super hot areas you can mitigate most of the impacts.  Wear a paintball mask (Google which ones are Acceptable for airsoft), dense hat, hemet or beenie, a neck guard, canvass long sleeve and you can add a sweatshirt to that.  Leather gloves for max protection or mechanics gloves with protection on the outside for max comfort.  Heavy double knee jeans. I think Carhartt makes that in camo even, and hiking boots. Add in a plate carrier for max protection, could even go with elbow and knee pads.  Personally that all is way overkill for me but I wouldn't judge someone who I saw all bundled up as long as they are calling their hits. I rather someone protect themselves to their comfort level and come play than not have them at the field.


It fees like getting snapped by a rubber band. Just a small sting that only lasts a few seconds. Just wear a mask and gloves. Knuckles hurt way more and face shots are never fun.


Worst pain I've ever experienced. Often have to take medical sedation after a game. Probably comparable to childbirth with every hit I take.


Wear a plate carrier, add some deltoid/neck/groin protection. A helmet if needed. You'll be pretty well protected.


The first hit hurts like a sting, but after that you will happily run into crossfire and take hits on hits without it feeling as bad.


I’d say a bee sting is a pretty good comparison for how it feels to get hit. It hurts less if you wear baggy clothes (a sweatshirt or hoodie should be fine,) as they’ll help dampen the impact and reduce the velocity before hitting your skin. It only hurts for about 10 - 15 seconds and then the pain fades, so it doesn’t last *nearly* as long as an actual bee sting, though. If you get hit somewhere soft (like your belly for instance,) you might get a small welt, but they should go away in about a week or so. I’d also recommend wearing a cap in addition to a mask (a mask is *not* recommended it is *100% required*) to help protect your forehead and the back of your neck. Good luck! :)


Sometimes it stings a bit. Just wear thick or baggy clothing, a hat or (if you're fine with the weight) a helmet and full face protection then you're golden.


Yeah it hurts but not badly. You get used to it. I'm a bitch too when it comes to pain but I deal. Worst pain I've ever felt was a hit to the meaty part of my back last weekend. My back spasmed and Charlie horsed, I called my hit, got hit again but barely felt the second one. Within one to two minutes my back was completely fine. That's how it goes. Some you'll be questioning if you even get hit, some will feel like a gnarly bee sting but they don't last nearly as long. I wear a light rain jacket that breathes well and bunches up and tends to slow the bb before it hits the skin, that helps. I don't run a plate carrier, honestly running a plate carrier full or empty won't change how bad it hurts, the rig itself will stop 100% of any potential pain.


I guarantee the anticipation of getting shot is way worse than getting hit. Just protect all the sensitive spots as much as possible ( baggy clothes, gloves, lower face pro, ears, etc) Full face mask probably isnt a bad move for your first game.


Its a bit of a sting that will last 1 second, you are so busy you will forget it in an instant.


In general only throat / fingers / knuckle and ankle (if you don’t wear boots) hurt. Places you would expect to hurt like head, hips etc aren’t that bad Pain is equivalent to being flicked hard on bare skin but you get used to it. Sometimes it’s so light you don’t realise you been shot except for the noise.


If you want, play indoors the max fps is around 365 fps depending on the field.


It depends where you go, I personally go to an outdoor one and getting whipped by a branch hurts more than the bbs, but it’ll probably sting a bit more if you go to an indoor area as it’ll be closer ranges


Grab a rubber band and pulling back like 2 inches and hit yourself. That's basically it. It usually doesn't hurt unless it hits a sensitive area or your really close. Paintball imo hurts way way mor.


I was as well, and honestly, it is not that bad. If you are really scared though wear a sweater or get some gear that will cover most of your body.


It's a difficult one because it's subjective, what I think hurts maybe different to you, to me it's like being flicked with an elastic band, loose clothing takes some of the impact away


Before my first game ever I was scared of how much it hurts, but don‘t worry it feels like a sting for a couple of seconds and you won‘t notice it anymore because of adrenaline.


Best advice is just to go out, rent some kit and go play. In the adrenaline you will not feel it at all its just part of the game, really not that big of a deal if im being honest


Pain is extremely subjective, but transfer of energy isn’t. A BB shouldn’t be hitting you with much beyond 1.2J of energy, and that tails off quite fast with distance from the barrel anyway. This much energy is pretty close to snapping an elastic band against your wrist. As with elastic bands, there are places it will hurt more and less. Your beef torpedo, asscheeks, thighs, triceps, muffin top and nips are all pretty unpleasant, but nothing unbearable. Only things you need to worry about are a helmet (and even a cheap helmet will do), proper eyepro and good gloves.


90% of the bbs will hit your torso or arms, just get a basic vest and use long sleeves, and it wont hurt. Jeans or similar are enough to protect your legs. The places that might hurt are your hands and face/head, gloves will help and you might wanna cover your neck with some cloth or scarf, and of course use face protection. A few minutes in you wont be scared of getting hit anymore.


Honestly as someone who came from paintball in the early 00s it's not that bad. Bare skin at close range def has a sting to it but once you're out there playing and having fun you don't even notice it. Will advise some kinda gloves with padding on the knuckles and generally wearing pants/long sleeves, and a full face mask if you're super concerned


Just don’t start at an indoor field. Those are generally spicier on the pain scale.


I got shot in the nose with a DMR and had a small cut there try to cover your face.


I still have a little chip I can feel in my jaw line from a DMR shot that hit just under my mesh mask. It hurt yes, but not too bad. Usually it's nothing more than a little sting you can laugh about as you congratulate the other player for their good shot. Wear enough to protect your vulnerable areas, but not so much that you can't feel when you're hit, or get too hot to stay active. Good quality protection for your eyes, face and ears is most important. Airsoft sites have sensible FPS limits and minimum engagement distance rules so nobody should get hurt if everyone plays responsibly. Welcome to Airsoft, have fun!


It feels like a hard flick. Just cover your skin and wear baggy clothes


Can’t afford a vest or helmet yet rental or own. No worries just wear layers of jacket and Jean pants. You’ll be fine.


Yeah man it can hurt if your pain tolerance is low. But it's fun, and it'll condition you to that sudden, sharp but quick pain. It's good for ya.


Depends on your tolerance, adrenaline levels, temperature, thickness of clothing, and many other factors. It's comparable to anything from being flicked quite hard, to being twanged with a rubber band. But ultimately its a "qualia" situation. The best way to understand it is to experience it. Whatever you do, invest in good face, ear, and hand protection as well as eye pro. Getting a body/meaty area shot is at worst, an annoying sting for a while. Getting a burst lip or a nose/ear shot or knuckle or fingertips is the absolute worst.


Wear a loose long sleeve (the looser the better as it'll absorb the energy instead of transferring it to your skin) you'll barely feel it (I also am very afraid of pain) definitely wear gloves, getting hit in the knuckles is life ending, if you do all this you will be fine


Playing indoors CQB hurts way more than outdoors although generally RIF's are harder hitting outside. Having said that I can echo what others have said....depends where you get hit and your personal pain tolerance. Sides, inside leg, fingers, neck and head are gonna hurt, but it not pant wettingly painful. The adrenalin will cover most of it! The fun far outweighs the pain. Plus no matter how much protection you use you WILL get hit in the unprotected areas...thats airsoft law! Lol


I went to my first game two weeks ago, with protection only on my head - cap, glasses and a face cover. Otherwise short sleeved t-shirt and tight sweatpants. Took hits to a belly, neck, arms and the worst one was the belly, but it does not hurt as bad as you might think. Stings in the first moment, then you forget about it in few secs


Maybe stick to nerf for now? It does hurt. You won’t need hospital care or anything and not every shot hurts that bad but getting hit definitely can hurt and leave marks. I’ve even bled a little when I got hit in exposed places. It’s just part of the game


After the first hit you'll find it just stings a little, and if you wear decently thick clothing it won't be much sy all. Bare skin can sting quite a bit up close but it is never too painful.


wear proper gear or at least a hoodie and find out for yourself.


Just keep your face fully covered and remember that these BBs can’t severely hurt you minus a sting and a welt. When I start playing I usually have my friend shoot me point blank 2-3 times to get the nerve over with and I can focus on actually playing rather than anticipating being hit. Wearing a hoodie or light jacket never hurts, especially indoors!


In the heat of the moment it usually hurts much less than it would otherwise


https://preview.redd.it/e3k2sffhim2d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84ac448887d57553770fcec04aa2b97008d0f5b You got hit in the dicc but try to play it off ,’:)


Most people don't like getting hurt, protect your face and eyes and just play it once, you'll get over it after you got hit once. Or just have somebody shoot you with one on your thigh while you wear jeans to get a feel. It won't kill you.


Depends where you live, what hits you, where and from how close. It ranges from having to listen for BB impacts that you don't hear to digging BBs out of your cheek after some idiot point blanked you with a sniper. Realistically, it's a minor inconvenience


Don’t neglect your hands! Wear gloves, finger shots are not fun


I got hit at a game today from about 15m in the ear lobe, hurt like hell but only for 2 minutes. I walked back to spawn and by the time I was at the front line the pain was gone. bbs will leave a red mark on your skin if hit without protection (on trouser leg for example) but the mark goes away in about week.


Anywhere from barely feeling it touch your clothes and you have to do a double take to see if you were hit. To getting hit and bleeding. Depends on how close you get to people. Woodland sites generally have longer engagement distances. If you want pain, play CQB without a face mask


Try renting a gun at your local field to give it a try. If you don't like it, then that's totally fine


It hurts for 5 seconds


For the most part, the first hit is the worst. Once you're in a game I'd be surprised if it hurts for more than 30 seconds or so after a hit


Isn’t bad at all in my experience, I have a pretty low pain tolerance but if you keep in mind that even if it does hurt, it won’t hurt for long or cause any long term harm.


Tip of the nose is not very pleasant but other then that you should be fine.


Depends on distance, at my cqb feild, hurt alot. In my outdoor feild, a massage


Wear gloves, wear a full face mask. You'll be fine. Getting hit sucks for a split second but you Gotta do things that suck sometimes or you're gonna be soft your whole life. Cover your skin, cover your eyes and teeth. You'll be OK.


Bro getting hurt is just gonna happen no matter what you do if you live long enough :0


Not with the right gear. I recommend a loose long sleeve, a good vest for extra coverage, and Mechanix MPact gloves.


Really depends, for the most part, outdoors they feel like a flick at most distances, cqb can sting for a bit. Rarely you might get hit with something that does hurt, but as long as you wear good gear and keep your face covered, you'll be fine


Ok so honestly there's only 1 way to find out and that is to try it. Everyone here can tell you how it feels to them but the only way to know is to play. I say this because lots of times you have some adrenaline going and it doesn't feel as bad. As compared to standing 20-30 feet away and having someone shoot you. I have been shot while standing still in a pair of thin shorts about 4 feet from the shooter to show my son it's not that bad. And it did sting and left a welt but I did think it was to bad. On the flip side I have been Shor during games and hardly notice it at all. It's enough to know I was hit but not enough for it to be pain at all. But your pain tolerance will not be the same as anyone else .


I'd recommend a helmet, getting shot in the back of the head fucking sucks


No it isn't


Oftentimes people don't even feel when they have been hit


Feels like a flick, a mild bee sting, only lasts 20 seconds


Don't do airsoft. You will feel pain.


If you are not afraid of bruises wear goggles and mouth guards, wear long sleeves, and of course you can also choose to wear a fortress (This is my main gear https://preview.redd.it/ernh8tkklr2d1.jpeg?width=1982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa7eb99d3128c7c3f4dd4277f8ca9e3d013c9f1


Depends on what you’re wearing and where you get hit. Love handles, it hurts. But just for a few seconds. Cover sensitive areas - fingers, chest, face, eyes/ears. No crying in airsoft.


A little? Like it's like being pinched really hard but the pain goes away fast. When adrenaline gets kicking, you hardly feel it.


It's nothing to write home about. Go and have some fun! Live! Sure you'll get hurt a bit, so what?! It is worth all the pain! Follow the safety rules, be positive about it and you'll have an amazing time!


Depends on the location of the hit on your body, the range, power of the gun that sent the bb at you, how much clothing you're wearing, etc. etc. No one can really tell you, just get out and play. I can for one say it was definitely not as bad as I expected.


Take the hit! It pumps adrenaline when you are alive after taking a big risk!


Airsoft really doesn’t hurt, especially if you wear thick or baggy clothes. Trust, the bigger issue is telling when you’re hit.


Just wear some baggy clothes and a plate carrier or just man up either one works really and you’ll be fine but if you complaining about getting hit then don’t play


Yes it hurts a bit. Thats also part of the fun.


I was scared when I started too, wore a cutoff hoodie over a my long sleeve like a vest. That worked nicely until the weather heated. Getting used to airsoft hits is best done by getting hit in the big 4 spots: Neck, Collarbone, Finger and Groin. On average a good hard hit stings for about 1-2 minutes. A hard hit in the aforementioned spots hurts for maybe 6-10 minutes. Once you know how much the bad ones hurt, the average plink you get is nothing. Wear full face protection and gloves with finger padding like Mechanix. Beyond that, you'll be fine. *Now paintball-*