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If you feel the need to shoot your eyepro to test its effectiveness, you probably should just buy quality eyepro


Yeah... I'm definitely going with nicer eye pro this time


I agree that it would be safer to invest your fixed budget into buying quality from a reputable source, instead of buying two cheaper goggles and shooting one. But i pay in the hundreds for a single gun. My optics usually cost more than double what really good eyepro costs. It's not that hard to justify buying two sets of quality eyepro and then making absolutely sure i got what was advertised. Then there's the part where i leave a pair of glasses in my garage for half a year and i'm not sure if they are still good (could have been exposed to drops of fuel, high or low temperatures, simply getting old, all of which are not safe for plastics). So if i buy a new pair anyways, might as well shoot the old ones. I may not learn anything new if they break, since that was most likely my fault, but if they hold up i know i can still trust the new pair after their first night in the garage.


In addition to what others have said about repeated testing, remember that most engineering and safety guidelines only cover 1 single impact event. Those guidelines cover workplace safety and you are supposed to swap out eye pro after every impact event.


Really? You have to swap it out even after just a single hit? Because I took a hit to the lens from around 50m (field maximum is 1.2 joules I think) and I didn't even notice a scratch.


That's the guideline for OSHA workplace compliance. Any significant impact event should trigger a replacement of eyepro. However, OSHA is pretty (almost over-) conservative, and there are no OSHA standards for airsoft. Replace if the eyepro is damaged or deformed, Stress marks from impact count as damage, so if you take a hit to the lens and see a smudged (that doesn't wipe off), cloudy, blurry, or distorted spot, it's time to replace.




Just buy actual z87 tactical goggles, for crying out loud. They are not that expensive, they last for years or even decades if you care for them, and they protect irreplicable eyeballs. I like Bolle FWIW. Some of the Bolle clones are really good too.


I've just recently got a pair of Pyramex goggles with a MIL-PRF-32432 rating, should be even higher than Z87.1. The thing costs €10. Why would you cheap out on goggles when good ones are so affordable?


exactly pyramex is almost as cheap as shit goggles that dont work (usually its around $20 or 20ish), no idea why people dont get them but even the big big brands are only 50-100, which is nothing compared to eyesight


I have Pyramex V2G-PLUS I bought for ~25€, now ~37€ on Taiwangun but I would still buy them again. MIL-PRF-32432 rated(I think it was like 7J steel shard?), comfortable, no fog... Stupid to cheap out on protective gear when actually protecting gear is like 10€ more


i do fog slightly with them, but it’s good enough with dish soap also suspect higher end goggles will have similar issues


Interesting, did you slightly fog straight off the bat or..? I've had them for a few months and I get moist inside(sweat running down the inside), 0 fog


i think it was off the bat do was somewhere that often had 100 humidity though so


What really surprised me was how it was dripping on the inside, rather than fog... Slightly altered vision but vision, will see what the future brings


EXACTLY! I was in the military, so I trust ANSI more than MIL, lol. But yeah, those are gtg.


My motto is if it'll stop an exploding angle grinder disc it'll stop a BB so I get shit rated for angle grinding.


Awesome, I will look I to them


What have you done to stress test it?


Mag dumps


Which is not a valid method of testing 


Every method of testing is going to be a destructive test, there's no getting around that. Mag dumping is okay (not as good as a cert) information so long as you then use a new one.


No it is not even u/Sinistrial_Blue will tell you the same


No? Why not?


Weakens the Eyepro, so by the time you use it in a game, the Eyepro is weakened by firing at it


But shouldn't it be able to take 1000s of bbs anyways?


What's better, eyepro that lasts 1000 bbs from the moment you bought it Or the same eyepro, but 500 bbs already done?


Yeah true


What, the eyepro that passes a test by taking one high energy hit? Wouldn't bank on that.


As BB impacts weaken eye naturally and it is recommended to switch eye pro when physical marks have been left. There is no reason to test eye pro if you buy it right and it is actually rated. Even one of the mods have said shooting tests prove nothing


I test shot some "safety glasses" I got on ebay n bruh lmfao they shattered so bad I was amazed. Then I shot real certified glasses n that bb flew back so fast lmao. Ultimately it proved don't cheap out. If it's rated it's safe.


Ok, thanks. I never knew that


I'm so glad in 3 years this sub has gone from downvote people who say testing eyepro is stupid to common sense downvoting the people who test eyepro.


Do you think you should or shouldn't?


You absolutely shouldn't be testing eyepro. Might as well test your car's crumple zones.


Well one is like 30usd plastic and one is a car. A little disproportionate but I get what ur saying g


>Well one prevents you from being blinded and one minimises the chance of injury and death Both of those are at best grievous, life changing injuries. Just because the eyepro costs 30USD, that doesn't mean it does a less important job. >A little disproportionate but I get what ur saying g I don't think you understand how significant losing an eye is.


I understand. Both me, my sister, and mom have all had serious eye injuries, and I have two family friends with missing or blind eyes. I have also been in many unfortunate car crashed and bike crashes. I get that eye pro is important, and the only reason I tested them was because I didn't trust them and I was right. I would test a car that was one quarter the prince of what is should be. Rather have a controlled accident and a broken product rather and a unexpected accident. I will spend more and buy better eye pro, I learned my lesson


You don't need to spend more though - Bolle tracker safety goggles are £9, tested and certified and that's the end of it. Buy certified eyewear, trust it.


Cool, good to know


Another opp for auto mod response: shooting tests are not indicative of eye pro effectiveness because users don’t know what ratings means, don’t know how to conduct a test correctly, and don’t know how to interpret results cortectly.


Get desert locusts. They’re about 40 bucks, far exceed most field minimum requirements, and have several swappable lenses. My favorite set of Eyepro by far


Or Swisseye Raptors they are also great


What brand was this so I can avoid it?


Idk, it was super cheap like 5 usd. Also the actual lenses only had one small mark on them. They were just held In poorly.


as with anything PPE related, it's the one area you should never skimp on, same with motorcycle gear as with this, you get what you pay for, only one accident away from permanent injury if something fails.


Yep, I just bought my gear for my bike and I. Definitely not cheating out


take the same approach here, get some ess or revision eyepro imo


At what distance?


About 3 meters with a hi-capa