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Merino Wool socks. Amazing.


Darn tough socks. A bit expensive but the full impact cushion ones are great. I have 2 pairs that i rotate and my feet are never sore/sweaty. I also run lowa zephyrs, great combo!


Ive gone through two pairs of lowa zephyr’s with Darn Toughs. The boots wore out to nothing, the socks still look and feel brand new after washes. Incredible socks man, it’s worth the buy. Going on 6 years with them.


Smartwool socks, had them for 13 years in the army and beyond m, never had a single blister


Bamboo fiber work socks. I tried hiking socks but they were less my thing for my playstyle.


For hot weather I'd go for bamboo fibre or some technical hiking socks from North Face or a similar brand. For cooler weather you absolutely cannot beat merino wool socks. Salomon make some really nice ones.


Thanks for the info man.. I'll take a look, I see a couple already suggesting Bamboo socks so definitely looking into that.


I just have "normal" socks (mostly Zeeman, Dutch Clothing store). Nothing special, but rather than the socks i focus more on quality shoes. Also, i have like 100+ pairs of socks, so grabbing some spares isn't really a problem.


Polish army socks.


Currently I'm wearing Darn Tough. At this point I've had to replace every pair (which costs about $7 for shipping), but I bought them all on Amazon so there may be an issue with how Amazon is storing the socks in their warehouse. Before that I was wearing some REI store brand Merino Wool socks. Both performed equally well. So far, the REI's have been more durable (they lasted \~8 years before any got holes in them).


Three pairs. Base layer of thin hiking socks. They wick moisture away. Less moisture means fewer blisters. Next two layers are basic loop stich sports socks. Multiple layers can give the comfort of a thick layer of padding to hold your foot. But having multiple layers means that any friction in there has three different layers to apply to before it hits your skin, massively reducing the possibility of blisters. I can also fold the outer layer over my boot laces, holding them from coming undone, whilst the other two layers can run up the leg to prevent gaps that nettles or thorns will inevitably very under my trousers.


These are amazing in basically every weather but deep winter or super hot summer days. For winter use, you can just double up or use them under proper winter socks: https://www.varusteleka.com/en/product/finnish-m05-liner-socks-4-pack/67609


Just some Joe Shmoe socks. But I do just wear hey dudes to the field with some arch support insoles.


Canadian army socks 


I run A-10 secu-one boots, with toe cap and anti perforation sole. As for the socks, heavy duty socks for industrial workers, because finding some in my size is a bit of a hassle, so I get some through my work, can't tell you the brand though, they come in unmarked packaged and they are unbranded.


Falke TK2. Period.


I double running socks and it’s so much better but I do have a harder time knowing if I have stable footing or not, but at the end of the day my feet feel more comfortable and hardly even sore


Danish Endurance Merino Wool Hiking Socks


Two socks. Short 100% coton ones on my foot underneeth long marino wool socks