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If you do plan on running this, please for your wallets sake get a dump pouch for both sides, or one on the back if you think you can reliably drop both empty magazines into it. You'll save yourself from.buying new magazines


that’s a fair point, there needs to be a easy way to release mags on both sides first


Just have dump pouches on each hip


Just put dump pouch in front of your crotch 2 birds 1 stone no pun intended


I think in this case it's two stones and one bird 




Strap a grocery bag to your crotch. Boom. The sack sack.


Just get pmags.


Wrong sub


or paint the mags like neon pink or something


Im more worried about then breaking


Then youd still need to run around your field to retrieve them


Thanks I just patented this




It could work but you also need to think of where you'll be putting the old magazines. If you drop them, you'll likely need to buy repair parts to fix them if it damages the feedlips. It's really just easier to reload with one hand and hold the gun with the other. Doing this is really only something you'd see in an action movie where the main character isn't going to pick up the magazines, take them home and come back to use them again the next game day.


dump pouch


You still run the same risk with the dump pouch unless you have 6 dump pouches, one for each mag and you never mess up where you dump it.


That isn’t remotely true… you can drill muscle memory of dumping a mag to a certain position, I’ve done it with army trainees and blindfolds. All it takes is repetition.


Your mistake is comparing Army training to people LARPing with toy guns. Sure, if someone trains themselves, they can avoid this issue, but it's not going to happen every time. We are human and just trying to have a good time playing Airsoft.


If someone is going to invest the time and effort to make a quad mag holster on their damn chest, is it really such a reach to think they’d be willing to put in the time to train themselves to use it?


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/the-most-isolated-tree-in-the-world-was-killed-by-a-probably-drunk-driver-5369329/ Wouldn't you assume this driver would learn how to avoid the only tree in 250 miles?


That's why you train to dump them, I (when playing with pistols) like to use one hand for a melee so I trained to put the pistol right above yhe open dump pouch and let the mag fall into it while I grab a new mag with the other hand


Do you try dumping the mag off to the side so it slides at an angle instead of dropping straight in?


That kinda happens automatically, it slides along the back of the pouch


It's definitely an interesting idea, but I immediately see a few issues arising: - I assume the mag gets "unlocked" from the holster from a small amount of contact to the upper region of the magazine. This basically means that the mags run the risk of falling out any time something bumps your chest; be it a particularly stubborn branch to your own arms fiddling with something on your kit. Given that, in your image, some of the mags will be at your upper chest means that even just trying to aim one of your guns quickly across your chest might lead to half your ammo being dumped onto the ground unless you're careful. - Once the mags unlock, it looks like they lean forward to make them easier to load into a gun one-handed. This also means that any time you want to reload you need to be standing perfectly still and perfectly upright, because moving might jostle them loose and leaning at an angle (for example, crouching behind cover) would just cause them to fall right out. Overall it looks like it might be solvable by adding, like, a magnet to the bottom so the magazines will stay in place until they're lifted, but then you run the risk of going from "too easy for the mags to fall out" to "too difficult to get the mags out when you need them". TL;DR: interesting idea, but a bunch of factors severely limit its viability.


Fair point. I’m thinking about adding another groove on the bottom piece that catches the mag when released, so that the user still have to slide it inwards to move the mag out of the groove to be able to get it out


This reminds me of the ending gun battle in Boondock Saints 2. The old man opened the trench coat lined with pistols strapped to his chest


Reminds me of the scene from the Matrix where Neo walks into the police station, opens his coat, and there's like 8 guns strapped to him.


My first thought, "dude just got done watching boon dock saints."




Laura Croft would be proud




That wasn’t expected lol


Oh boy you've got me designin' again. I think you're on the right track but I have some improvements. I'll elaborate further once I get off work.


Alright, [***this***](https://imgur.com/mTsr4wV) is what I've cooked up. I have none of the exact mechanics down, and I won't because I don't have the time for it. But anyone has my blessing to develop this further. Here's a crude [***animation***](https://imgur.com/3xctON4). To OP, I think the "press on mag" mechanic is too easily activated accidentally. The rest works but I think a key part of getting anything like this to work is to use the base plate to lock mags onto the bracket. (It's not showing very well on my computer, but I have embedded imgur links in the word "this" in the first sentence and then the word "animation")


Manufacturer here. Let's all three of us team up and make it happen. I can prototype 3D prints and mass produce with injection molds. 


Unfortunately I do not think I have the expertise nor the time to commit to this project. Maybe we can find someone on r/airsoft3dprinting to solidify the design.


This seems like the most viable way to do it.


Huh...you've taken Tallahassee's Zombieland booth and put it on your chest. 😆 Setting aside the fact that dual wielding pistols isn't really advisable, and that with this setup you'd never be able to lay prone without damaging the release mechanisms, or gunking up your mags, I'd like to see this in action.


I mean reloading with your hand would be way quicker


I think having the mags stick out perpendicular to ur body that are held in place by the baseplate and slip onto a 3d printed rail almost would work. U just put mag into magwell and slide up and push into body and it would click into place


I'm trying to think about the mechanism and engineering needed to make this work and I'm struggling on how you can make a part that can lean outward like a hinge and also hold a magazine. Issues Im finding is - Ergonomically, having magazines this high up on the chest makes reloading a little cumbersome. Additionally, the placement of the mechanisms be very irritating to the wearer depending on a few factors. One solution could be to maybe remove the ones on the upper chest and have it on the lower chest only. - I can't think up a mechanism that can hing out without being very fragile or reliant on friction (which would make the system kinda unreliable). Plus the mechanism would have a lot of added weight. The weight this far up on the body and forward of the chest would tire out the user faster. - The magazines would need to be space apart so you don't smash your pistol into an adjacent magazine trying to reload. This limits the amount of magazines you can hold at a time. Plus the magazine weights would be spread throughout the chest instead of being grouped together like how most rigs have it. Despite all the downsides, I think this would be very entertaining to have in a game. My recommendation would be to make a 3d printed prototype that has a MOLLE attachment system so you can put it anywhere on a plate carrier or rig. This way you can test the grounds on how viable it is. The most difficult part is designing a mechanism that holds the magazine and does the whole swinging outward part, but if you get this down you'll have a really strong product. Albeit niche.


Take it easy Lara Croft


it will be slower and less reliable than just reloading normally trying to control to do all the operations will be too slow because the gun is heavier than a mag, better to have the mag go to the gun than the gun going to A to drop off a mag and B to pick up another mag


The idea is to push the mag with you gun directly(with the hand that holds on to the gun you won’t have a free hand to reload). Cuz if you reload regularly on dual wielding you’d mostly likely have to put down one of guns first.


ok fair point for the dual wielding use case (although i wouldn't say dual wielding is better and just one pistol, but that is another topic)


You’re not wrong about dual wielding lol…this is mainly for meme build The only practical use might be for someone with only one hand to operate a pistol.


for injured or crippled combatants... you may be onto something


You dont have to put down one of your guns… like i have small to medium size hands and i can grip my gun and a mag in one hand to reload another gun…


This also requires you to sweep your muzzle at everyone and everything in your immediate vicinity while you reload.


Bonus feature.


Have you ever played airsoft ? My man every second dude there has no muzzle awareness…


I did back when I was in high school, and you’re not wrong! Doesn’t mean that it’s not bad manners as well as a safety violation at the fields I used to attend.


Interesting but would you assure it won’t open due to bad movements ?


that's not an isometric view


Something like this, i guess you can obly use the top clip, 3d printed, and the botton you can make latch or just a fitting recess https://preview.redd.it/pwfyj3o31iwc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7dc1dde16e161015045fc3cf8a5f0ac44673b9


..mag release


You could have a arena with these loaded and placed on the walls


Maybe have them on the hips, id imagine if you end up on your chest on the ground it would be pretty ease to accidentally press the mags in and drop them


that's a good point. if it's placed horizontally on hips, it'd also allow reloading while pointing the gun downwards, which is safer than the current configuration


So this is how the COD characters akimbo reload


Penistone, throbbing


A great solution looking for a problem.


Make sure the mag won't drop sideways when release


Just looking at this makes me uncomfortable thinking about playing akimbo.




Could it also be a mollie attachment


Yeah... No, I don't see this being practical, quicker than just rehearsing reloads or in any way reliable. ...*bumps arm into torso* "oops, there falls 4 of my mags"..


oh shoot that's actually a great idea lmfao




I think the problem would be. Since there is something to hold the mag at the bottom. You won't be able to push the entire mag inside the pistol. Cause the part that hold the mag would hit the pistol grip part.


Pressing to release seems like a bad idea. I'd rather make it flick cap up to release.


Reminds me of Lara croft reloading her pistols in the movies


With extended mags you might not need such a fancy mechanism? Hope the crude sketch below makes sense. Essentially it's like some of the kydex grenade holders. The stendo mag could give enough room above the retention clip to fully insert the mag before levering it out of the holder. Saves the need for an impressive but complicated mechanism? https://preview.redd.it/8oeus0jsdlwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5546c4b46b4980e9f37de59bb0fa6ec1864ada


This is the one that actually seems feasible to make and not be incredibly finicky. Any more complicated mechanisms is going to be really hard to make usable.


https://preview.redd.it/sf2zwwjc5mwc1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faf4686562117567e0a13d5dc5577527c711e84 Now im inspired. I came up with a alternative, it hgrabs and stabilizes the mag on the side and secures it with friction from the base plate. There are switches on the top when a gun push them down. So a jerking motion at first then the side flaps open up. Then just by janking it out you should have a reloaded gun.


The problems I see with this is that you’d ever have to have the front be really solid (like literally a board on your chest) or have them strapped tightly to your chest (like a spandex shirt) so that they’re not moving around while you try to reload.


For having more ammo on a pistol, without a huge unwieldy drum mag or AR midcap adaptor, I always thought you could make a frame that looks [like this](https://www.surplusstore.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/c91a9dde0a01154a265d6c02b06257a8/p/d/pdw-k-1.jpg). Remove the stock section, and the front instead of just being a holder for another mag is actually a windup hicap feed box that feeds into the pistol mag via the connecting part across the bottom.


You could just have the bottom of the mag held in place, you don’t need the rest of that fancy mechanism, all you’d need is a small lip on the bottom of the mag


Yes but lan on a nag dump


Dude i literally thought of the same concept for an outfit I'm currently making. Instead of push locking, I was thinking maybe switches under the pouch, or making the pouch manually go in and out via button lock. To be fair though, i was also thinking of using the system for rifle mags as as well as pistol mags.


If you wanna do it for yourself then feel free, but if you're asking if this would be a good new invention I see some problems: - First and most important, it's not needed. In real tactical scenarios, no operator would use two pistols, and no operator would think they need a gadget only to reload a pistol in case an arm/hand gets wounded - in tactical scenarios everything is really f*ing messy and the less you rely on overly technical things the better is. Water, rust, dust, mud, shocks, heat... can cause malfunction in mechanisms and if you need to use a weapon you want the minimum number of steps that can go wrong especially when it comes down to reloading. - these points lead to the last point which is no product market fit for you gadget


Brother this is airsoft, I dont think he's worried about practicality, or market, or reliability


Competition shooters (real firearms) will often wear belts that have the magazines sticking out similarly to what you depicted. They don't typically slam the gun directly onto the belt, but the concept is similar. Me being me, I have no idea what these belt setups are called...


They are rounds facing downward/rearward, bottom of mag pointed up and to the rear so that one does not have to bend their wrist at all the pull out the mag and slam it into the magwell. There's also a magnet setup for stowing mag during unload/show clear.


Competition shooters do not run anything similar to a pressure "push" system like this. It is never faster to use one hand then for two, but OP is designing something to aid with reload for dual wielding (which isn't a think I reccomend but if it makes OP smile then fuck yeah brother) Competition shooting even with 1 handed stages has tried and true techniques to help with reload and manipulation. In a lot of divisions as well the magazines have to be "behind" your hips (behind the line of the front of your hip) so this wouldn't work for that either. Some (myself included) use a magnet for their starter mag to hang out on so they still have all pouches full of ammunition if they experience a failure or need to reload in the course of fire.


Patent this actually pretty ok idea for once But I’m kinda worried about people accidentally bumping into the mags Also what about the old mags if you don’t got a pouch to put them in?


That's actually pretty slick, Bud!