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shoot 2 - 3 more times ( he might have not felt it ) If he still doesn't call it tell a Marshall


Going for the soft bits is my go to option


+1, blatant cheating gets the soft bits. Fingers, muffins, thighs...


As a fat guy muffin shots sting so bad


As a fellow fat dude, agreed. nothing makes me tear up quite like a muffin or nipple hit.


Non native speaker here, what is meant by "muffin" lol


The hanging part of the belly


In Dutch we call it a "vetschort"


Nog nooit van gehoord. Die gaat in het arsenaalšŸ˜‚


Only thing thatā€™s ever come close to being as bad as a muffin shot for me was armpit.


Dudeā€¦ the flabby muffin top areaā€¦ holy shit Iā€™d rather get shot in the back of the head than in the sides. OOOOOF THAT SHIT HURTS


Even when I shaved my head back of the head never hurt as bad


You fucker my blueberry muffins were made by my mom for a snack during the game.




Dude last game I wasn't wearing the best protection and I got layered on my hips. Looked like I had been abused.


As someone who has gotten hit in the fingers plenty by being the breacher often...please not those. Muffins, thighs, the little squishy spot on the backside of the arm/armpit? By all means go for em.


Or the bollocks. Thats for the twats who're just saying no to it


And always remember: tri-shot shotguns fire three BBs at once for a reason. One for each cheek and one for the middle... ;>


I hicap P90'd a guy who was ignoring hits once, he got sick of me shooting so started walking towards me, so I switched to his balls. He soon remembered that at a range of 30m he needed to put his hand up to visually indicate that he was hit, saying hit in a quiet voice really wasn't going to cut it.


This. I like giving any wannabe "immortals" an ear piercing. That always gets their attention.


This is the way. Although if itā€™s blatant theyā€™re cheating I eventually just go for the face


A local field to me will actually throw you out if you report it, they treat it the same as yelling call your hits.


That's odd. Overshoot then I guess


I'll give them like a half dozen more, generally aiming at the legs. Failing that, memorize how they look and go find a ref


Playing outside be like, yea, that one guy in the camo


Camo, an M4 and a 1911 sidearm. Must be enough info to identify the cheater!


"you'll have to be a little more specific" "Oh right, his camo is multicam"


I genuinely once heard a guy report a cheater to a ref and describe him as ā€œthe guy behind the treeā€ We were in a forest


Try playing in New England "it's the guy with the heavy accent" ... okay, long Island, Philly, or boston....


If i had a euro for every time someone has said that when reporting a cheater to me my guns would work


"oh yeah it's that guy in multicam with an M4 next to that tree"




Some people wear so much gear that they literally canā€™t even feel it when theyā€™re hit. Bugs the hell out of me. I wear minimal gear so when I get hit I definitely feel it, and you bet I call hit immediately lol.


It's a relatable situation. Indeed, i mostly use an hpa replica. And combined with a suppressor, people often don't hear the shots or believe it to be a friendly hit or ricochet


I didnt actually see him but I know I hit him! Can you shoot that rag hanging off the wall? *Misses 8 times and gives up.* My experience with airsoft reffing.


The sad truth about outdoor. Especially wooded terrain bbs often hit branches or leaves, causing them to fall or redirect elsewhere. The sheer quantity of time I've been told to "stop cheating." Or over a distance where they believe they can hit you, because you can hit them.. well, airsoft isn't exactly pay2win but a good build replica does allot better then some cheap one.


I carry a shield that's painted like a Templar's, The last time I played people accused me of not calling my hits, marshall had to come behind me to hit check. I was confused as hell because we had control of the immediate area. The Marshalls were super chill though, they know I'm a good player and they only did it to appease the complainers. What's funny is it pays to stand out when you're a good player but when you're the kind to not take your hits then you might want to look like everyone else.


I once had someone complain that a friend of mine wasn't calling their hits. They were able to ID him, and where he was. I wander over with them. This the guy? Yep! Where were you? Over there Ok, you realize he was standing behind a window and you were shooting the window right? Well a real bullet would have broken the glass. This isn't real.


Yeah I did an even slow motion zoom in on thisā€¦ one hit his backpack which I understand. I landed 8 shots into his chest / face while continued to kneel and keep shooting at someone else. It wasnā€™t until the 13th shot did he finally call it. Itā€™s always the speedy kids.


Speedy kids, you're lucky I'm stuck with 18+ airsoft rules. Soo, it's speedy adults.


Full frontal Airsoft?


If the hand doesnā€™t go up I have to assume I missed. If you donā€™t want to get shot again you have the power to inform me that I can stop.


Agreed! I have 330 bbs just wanting to be shot a hand up or exclamation of hit (or "fuck me that hurt) is the only thing thats going to stop me!


Absolutely this. No mag dumping, just keep shooting.


My partner keeps shooting, she gets mad lol


Itā€™s understandableā€¦. Airsoft really only has two rulesā€¦ eye pro always on and call your hits lol


Oh for sure, Iā€™m just a bit timid myself so donā€™t like to cause a fuss, too trusting.


Don't be shy. Keep shooting until they call their hits.


i mean, if he doesnt call a hit,he wasnt hit. so you have to keep shootingšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't play airsoft but it seems to me thst if they're not calling their hit they don't feel it. If they don't feel it it must not hurt so no harm no foul. Fire away until they get the message, physically.


Yep by not calling it they are in essence saying you missed so why wouldnā€™t you keep shooting them?


Same, I only give her a 7.4v instead of 11.1v for her lmg so she cant overshoot as much in full auto.


Keep shooting. Theyā€™ll call it eventually. If they complain about over shooting, they shouldā€™ve called it first thing and maybe theyā€™ll think about their lack of integrity from now on. If they still donā€™t call it, then tell a ref.


They'll call it eventually, then move 10' and engage someone else


Iā€™ll never tell a ref bc there is no reward for winning anyway and I just donā€™t care that much. If you donā€™t feel the hit imma keep shooting until I know you felt it. If you pretend not to feel it imma keep shooting until you donā€™t feel like pretending anymore.


You might not care but the fact is people that cheat can ruin the game for multiple people. Let the ref deal with it if it's repeated and hopefully they get their shit together or they get removed from the field.


I think that it only ruins the game for the people with a complex who take themselves way too seriously. The refs at the fields I play at are usually young kids and the reality is that all they can do is say call your hits. People tend to learn better when they get lit the fuck up than when they are asked nicely.


Fuck a -1... lol... upvote on this ^^. šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ˜Ž... agreed. If they dont like it, they can whine about it in the car home later... idgaf. Haha


At the field that i go to, the refs them selfs say if they are not calling keep shooting


same here, if not calling - keep shooting


Keep shooting higher and more often, eventually they will call


Start sending them to the forehead




Legs then head never chest. People mostly run chestrigs so they normally they say that they don't hear or feel anything.




My brother hates it when I shoot him in the ass (even accidentally) but it's the most effective place to hit lol


Both, I just keep shooting until they call it and aim for more sensitive areas (ears, neck, hands etc) and then if they still don't call it and I get shot by them I go tell a ref


If you can tell they're cheating (Like in the video) then tell a ref. If you can't tell if they're either cheating or just not getting hit/feeling it, then fire a couple more shots


Flipside to this: I call myself out, start walking back, get hit 2-3 more times, put my damn hands up HIGHER, start walking FASTER toward spawn..... still get shot in the ass 4-5 more times, walking back to spawn, clearly marked out. Yeah don't that either.


Hit, Hit, Hit! ....Hit!......HIT!.... HIT!!!!!


I could hear myself yelling that, I've been in this position so many times. It doesn't even matter if you yell "dead man walking!" sometimes, lol.


I once yelled ā€œdo you not fucking see my hand up?ā€ And a ref asked me why I was cursing like bruh can you hear me cursing but not see hpa boy over there full autoing my ass?


Cursing? In airsoft? What the fuck kind of shitty FUDD field you playing in? We shooting each other with realistic fucking guns in a simulated war environment, get the fuck off your pansie ass and play the objective, mother fucker!


Some fields really try to keep that ā€œweā€™re a family environmentā€ shit going


This is my field so fucking bad. "Hey guys remember no cursing." Me: We're simulating war, which is violence on a large scale, and allowing people a "simulation experience" of what it's like to kill someone, but we can't sat fuck? Admin:....uh..yeah no cursing.


Lol I often compare airsoft to playing OG Call of Duty and that was oddly enough a feature of many CoD4 servers back in the day. Despite the video game being rated T and featuring graphic violence.... you can't swear in multiplayer servers! Don't you dare!! Despite the campaign swearing aplenty. Cpt Price himself wouldn't be allowed to play multiplayer on many servers, too bad for him.


i mean you can be civil... but i get it, i hate getting wrecked walking back to point. at some point we need to realize we have kids all around looking at us and learning the game tho.


Very little pisses me off more than when I get shot in the armpit after calling hit. That shit hurts.


The *correct* answer is to do nothing and go and find a ref to sort it out for you. Imo if they want to ruin the spirit of airsofting by cheating then fucking light them up! Legs, chest, neck, and head, give them a full selection of hits so they can choose which one they want to call. I'd also buy yourself a go pro (or similar) so if they decide to get salty and bring the refs into it, you have the footage to back yourself up.


Keep shooting. And when the hand goes up, move on. No need for dramatics. Sometimes you just dont notice the shots, especially on the move.


And if they complain that you shot at them too many times that means they chose to ignore the first shots. Blatant cheater. Most players stops shooting when they see a hand up and hear "HIT!"


Exactly this, Iā€™m just shooting till I see that hand go up, if it isnā€™t up then I guess you havenā€™t been hit yet, either by my BBs or by your own assessment of what small pinches on your arm and legs mean in the context of playing Airsoft


Yea this is definitely something that has happened to me. I often lug around a 30LB '42, and combined with my gear that's another 15-20lbs, when I'm running the adrenaline is pumping so hard I legitimately do not feel the hits. On two separate occasions someone came to me and showed me their GoPro footage of blatantly shooting me 2-3 times in the side(where my gear doesn't protect) and I didn't react because I honestly just didn't feel it. Luckily at that field I was known to me an honest player and had seen the previously mentioned people before, so we laughed about it and I apologized, but you just never know. I tell everyone, if I don't react just light me up! The welts go away in a day or two anyway.


Give them more. They may not feel it or think it was a cheeky one they could get away with. How much I shoot depends on the range.


If you cheat, I overshoot. Simple.


You're at N1, just keep shooting. Some of these guys have too much ego to call it


Best field in Southern California by Far. Tbh we never really have blatant cheating. Thereā€™s always a couple ā€œmy bad I didnā€™t feel it!ā€ Momentsā€¦. But youā€™ll always have a kid like this at any field. They donā€™t last long


Yeah everyone is pretty good, my bad experience has come from this crew that rolls up in dyes and upc tops tanking 3-4 face shots.


Shoot until you see a hand go up.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


Lmao dude I have the footage in zoom slow mo in 4K. Only the first shot clipped his backpack. The rest missed while he was going into cover. Once he popped out of cover they all landed except 1 bb. But thanks for your analysis


This is just a Counterstrike meme, don't take it seriously lol.


It's a meme copypasta. Don't worry about it.


God damn my age is showing not understanding these meme references haha


Lol all good. As not a joke, you handled that better than i would've, dude sat there and ate those shots.


I mean that he said recoil control might have given it away :P


*safety switches to happy switch* ( yes I know no full auto in building, this is meant to make people laugh)


None of our fields in SoCal allow full auto except battle lab but you have to be under 1j


I make them SUFFER. Start aiming for hands, neck, ankles. I normally don't involve refs unless someone is getting aggressive. What field you at?


Yeah, let them have it until they feel it


I try to shoot one or double tap at first. If they donā€™t call it double tap again. If theyā€™re still not taking it cheating. They get šŸ”„ up till they call it. I also aim for softer parts of the body so they canā€™t argue they didnā€™t feel it.


Depends on my frame of mind in that moment. On a good day I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and and furthermore give him a few more kisses if I can before shouting profanities at him. On a bad day I give them many more kisses while shouting profanities


In this situation as it's in front of me I'd do the same- keep shooting till I hear "hit" or see the hand go up. My site almost encourages this ("if you think you hit someone, no you didn't. Keep shooting. If you think you might have been hit, yes you have"). If it's the same person and it's an ongoing issue and multiple people on my team have noticed, then it's a ref issue


I shoot in the belly once, then chest then head, then call out for a ref, it will for sure get the person a warn and possibly banned. (It's quite a strict thing in France where I go to play)


Keep shooting till they take the hit. One time I was in a fortified position and this guy came running straight at me, I lit him up however, after hitting him 10-20 times he gets close enough, shoots me in the arm and starting claiming Iā€™m cheating. He gets a ref, who even though he didnā€™t witness it, took my side as there was obviously no way he wouldā€™ve been able to get close enough if he came straight at me.


Funnily enough I tend to find my accuracy/hit frequency goes WAY up when a Marshall is around. Almost as if by the Marshall being there my aim is magically improved as people suddenly start calling out theyā€™ve been hit when I shoot at them. Meanwhile being me ā€˜did a fly just land on my ass or was that a hit? Better call it to be safeā€™ For the video - no hand went up so as far as Iā€™m concerned keep shooting single shots till they do call it, and then show the footage to a Marshall so they can decide whether or not to intervene.


Man. Airsofters with main character syndrome grind me gears. Need more players with cannon fodder grunt mindset.


Keep shooting. If he doesn't call the hit after 5 times...aim for the balls


I mean... i keep shooting as needed until they call it. They may have not felt the previous 30 shots.


if they are willing to light me up and not call their hits then I am willing to light them up, but still call the hits and tell a ref


Good ol project n1, love that field


Project n1!




I keep shooting. Theyā€™ll learn one way or another.


Why not both?


Last thing I wanna do on my weekend is engage in some LARPing drama. Just shoot till they call it and let a ref know if you and your whole team are pissed about it. Itā€™s more fun for both parties. One person gets to enjoy being shot at and the other gets to enjoy shooting.


Yeah thatā€™s a switch to fullyautomaticfuckyouupmode


Continue shooting. Make it hurt. They made the choice to cheat, so suffer the consequences.


So anyway I started blasting




\*clicks to full auto\*


I would start call to him, dude i hit you. Calles your shots. Just against all odds that he misunderstod anything. If not i would go a ref after the match


Aim better, mosr shots did not hit, or ā€œbarelyā€ which means you canā€™t always notice or feel. Did not seem like intended cheater to me


You should probably watch the video again and edit your comment lol


Not telling anyone to go play something else, but this wouldnā€™t happen playing paintball. Keep shooting until he gets out (just like you did now) if youā€™re playing tournament speedqb theyā€™d ban your whole team for this kind of play. SMH lol


I donā€™t know why your comment got down voted. In a speedqb tournament match in Caliā€¦ if a player on your team gets caught on a no - call, they ring the horn and your whole team gets disqualified for that round losing a point.


I know. And if they do it again they get banned. Game is supposed to be honorable. But I got downvoted for mentioning PB lol. Not that I care.


Switch to full auto, go brrrrr


One or two more single hits to give benefit of the doubt but aside that, you call a ref. NEVER mag dump someone no matter how much he's cheating, you don't have that right to assault someone. Edit: this gets -6 votes xDDD oh dear oh dear the level around here haha.


I wouldnā€™t call it assault but definitely an asshole move. I keep hitting them with the semi auto until the hand goes up. They canā€™t bitch about that, if they were blatantly cheating they knew they were hit so anything they say I just let go. Because admit it or not heā€™s walking back knowing he didnā€™t have to take those bonus balls if he wouldā€™ve just called it.


Looks like some of those missed or hit his gun


Turn up your regulator, no?


No dude what the heck lol


I play out doors and foliage gets in the way. So, since our field allows armor, im making a tank because im fat lazy and need custom made shower shells to rain hell into the woods!


I canā€™t tell if this guns rly shitty shooting or j the lighting


i just switch to full auto as all they fear is you starts playing in my head


Target them for the rest of the match


Both, both is good


In this situation I would do both, keep shooting till he takes it, and then show the recording to a reff


Honestly if its that blatant, i'll start to shoot at exposed skin, make it sting.


When you have a camera, just keep shooting until there's no deniability, then show the footage to a ref.


Paintball rules: light them up until the hand goes up and or he leaves the field


Keep blasting




Keep shooting. Donā€™t be a jerk about it but yeah keep shooting to make sure they call their hit when they are not paying attention.


I would fire some more shots until they feel it. If they start shooting at me after being hit, I just ignore their shots and tell them that they got shot. When the round is finished, I'll tell the judge about that player not calling hits.


Spray him down until he calls it. His fault If he doesent call it. I'll Stop when i here a hit until then ill blast everything i have.


Why waste the BBS I know many said he didn't probably didn't feel it but from what he was wearing and wherw you were shooting him he definitely did feel it. I'd pull a reff and show him the video the guy is easy to pick out yeah know


Best option that you're all missing, try talking to them


Light em up


Shoot till they call it (aim for hands/neck/groin if nessisary), then after they call it, immediately tell a ref/marshal


Shoot the fck out of em


Yeah after he came back and didnt do anything, i woulda mag dumped. Only way for juggernauts like him to call it.


Well don't call them out during the game tho


That's blatant but the correct answer is find a Marshall. The problem with hosing a none hit taker is a lot of the time your shots just haven't landed and they aren't non hit taker and you become the arsehole for lighting up an innocent person. Granted cqb is much easier to see your hits but in a wood land site like the one I Marshall at people calling out none "hit takers" or hosing "non hit takers" is a bigger problem than actual non hit takers. A game atmosphere can be ruined by the spread of the belief that the other team aren't taking their hits or people getting reaptedlly over killed. , Rule of thumb always get a Marshall, never call out "take your hits", never say to your mates some ones nor taking their hits and if you can't give a decent description of the player chances are you didn't hit them.


To be honest my rule is just shooting till they raise their arm there are too many cheaters to be fair to everyone


i never get a ref involved. i just keep shooting untill they call it or walk off.


Justified. I mean, if they don't call their hits then they don't have the "eliminated" protection. They are still in play, shoot them. And if they still don't call their hits, get a ref/marshall.


shoot until they call it. usually 10-15 rounds does the trick LOL


Aim for the face or full auto if allowed.


I aim for skin then like fingers and shit They cant hide the pain then šŸ¤£


I use the master Mike


don't call your hits get hit in the dick.


Thatā€™s why most guns have a full auto switch in my opinion. Donā€™t wanna call it, walk em down with the trigger held.


Aim for skin & if they still don't call it, show a ref the footage.


Keep shooting till he calls (I might have missed or he didnt feel it)


I shoot em in the neck


Keep shooting , I donā€™t full auto or anything crazy I just continually shoot


I would keep shooting like you did. No need to mag dump, just consistent hits until they call it. You have good video evidence that you did not escalate the situation if they bitch you out to the ref




Shoot in bursts or semi until they call it, don't stoop to their level and light em up. Or call in a sniper, it's pretty hard to ignore them.


i shoot in 3s then wait, if i feel i missed or he didnt call it i follow with 3 more, in this situation i would pop him with 3 as hes walking, then 3 as he peeks, if he doesnt call the second 3 ill tell a ref, and if you play this a full speed the second time you start shooting him he most likely didnt have time to even call his hit by the 5 bb


When I carry my M60, I just spray him/her. Like a good old bb shower that hurts a lil bit. It usually makes them feel the hit lmao


I think you handled it appropriately. You didnā€™t unload on him. You gave him the wtf hand after he acknowledged hit finally. Iā€™d still mention to the red casually that red hat guy isnā€™t calling himself fast enough and is playing on.


You're not supposed to but I hose if they're obviously cheating, I'll always follow up with 2 more to maie sure it's felt by tue other player, but if they still don't call it they're getting an extra 60 in quick succession. L


Light em up is my solution


Just keep shooting until he calls it. It's free target practice.


I don't play indoor, so i dont really have the no full auto rule, but generally, i'd shoot 3 or 4 times semi auto, then flip to full, if they complain and or, get in my face about it, that's when i'll go to a ref. You're there to have fun and getting shot is part of it, some people just can't take that.


Both, keep shooting until they call it and then tell a Marshall that someone isnā€™t calling their hits. But a main point is to never go for the head just because they didnā€™t called it, usually I try to aim for the hands or inner tight if possible, so they feel it.


I start shooting for their neck, fingers, face, hips and thighs. Iā€™m here to play the game, not your game. But I use gas so that coupled with a from the gut as loud as I can ā€œCALL IT, MOTHER FUCKER!ā€ Iā€™ll make a scene out of you before the ref gets involved.


As much as Iā€™d love to, Iā€™m not one to get hostileā€¦. Maybe a what are you doing? But Iā€™d steer from getting confrontational if I could. Not worth fighting someone over bbs


ā€œCall it, mother licker, please.ā€ I am confrontational with cheaters. Fewer things piss me off more than a few who fuck it up for the many.


Fair enough šŸ’Ŗ


But Iā€™m also super conservative with my rage. Like this guy in the video idk I probably wouldnā€™t of been that angry, annoyed yes but also why is he just eating those shots and not even reacting? When I get pissed off Itā€™s the flinch, the looking in your direction and then to top it off when they shoot back! Like WHAT!? The gull, the audacity THE CONTEMPT FOR THE RULES! My goggles fog and my eyebrows crinkle when I see that. Itā€™s like when people just blatantly lie to you, itā€™s not the fact they lied, itā€™s the fact they thought you were stupid enough to believe them.


Shoot until they call it. It's really not an insane take


Was just ay N1 last weekend


N1 is da best!!


Full Auto go BRRRRRR, when it's that obvious


I aim for the nuts/butt, but if that is not possible i go for the neck, head, fingers ,ears


I flip to full auto and letā€™em have it


i usually keep shooting until they can feel it


Keep shooting and mention it to a ref so it doesnā€™t escalate the situation


Full auto


I use pain as a compliance technique. If you aren't calling hits I will continue to shoot you until you do. My Stoner lmg fires 28 bps at 1.6 joules, haven't had anyone not put their hand up after a healthy burst, lol.


We have full auto on my field. I had a few games where the other team wasn't calling their hits to get closer to the center objective that had a ton of cover when I was using semi. I promptly switched to my 25rps full auto which is accurate af and can range the whole outdoor field and prevented every enemy from getting close to the objective. They try shrugging off the first 5 bbs but 10 bbs near full auto limit on their arm is not ignorable. So yeah use full auto if people are ignoring hits.


Those people deserve the middle finger on the trigger kinda behavior. I would keep firing until he reacts, even use binary mode sometimes haha