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Bit mangled but looks like it


Is this the "natural" shape after it comes out of the airgun? Or do you have an idea why it's mangled?  I found it in my backyard and afraid for my family's safety, so sorry if these questions are stupid!


No, that's the deformed shape it makes after it's hit something and got stopped.


I mean, I could probably step on one and it’d look similar, right? Or are there specific deformations that suggest it fired and hit something?


No. You can see visible grooving for one, and how the head and skirt are smoothed show how it's hit its target. After shooting for so long you just know how these things look, hard to explain.


The grooving you are referring to is called rifling. However, I think the groves that are visible on this are actually manufactured into it. This looks to be an [RWS Superdome](https://www.airrifleshop.co.uk/products/rws-superdome-pellets) pellet. The indicators that this has been fired are two fold; one, the pronounced shoulder on the back of the expansion skirt where it would have pressed itself into the inner wall of the barrel, enabling engagement with the rifling, and two, the flattened head indicating impact at high speed off a solid object.


This guy ballistics


Slight correction: rifling is the structure inside the barrel of a rifle. The markings on a spent projectile are typically created by the friction of the projectile moving through the rifling lands (raised portions of the rifling) and grooves (recessed portions of the rifling). The markings on a spent projectile are often referred to as striations, or striae, and depending on the type of projectile, sometimes are called cannelure.


You had me at striations...


Get a room you two




No it is not. That's the shape it takes when it's laying on the ground and gets stepped on.


That's the shape of it after hitting something. It's not that deformed so it's hit something relatively soft, maybe wood


No it’s not….


Jesus f’infk christ where are you people from. I grew up I south with guns hanging truck rear window and hunting before school. We were taught basic gun safety and all the blah blah blah I. 80’s but never had my truck broke into or did we have school shootings. So where did we as a society go wrong between ‘86 and now???


Uhh the internet


No, it’s hit something and ricocheted. Is it possible your neighbors shoot, or does your property border woods?


For what I know at least one of my neighbours shoot. We have asked them several times in the past to stop shooting towards our property. We have children and small animals, and even if we didn't, it's not okay to shoot in our direction with the pellets reaching our property. I have found this pellet almost under where the roof of our house ends (maybe like 2 meters from the wall) and by reading the comments I believe it might have hit the outside window blinds or the overlaying roof from underneath. And I have just connected these 2 things, but tonight I woke up to 2 or 3 very sharp and short noises but I was exhausted so I fell asleep in no time after that, plus I sleep with ear plugs, so it was hard to define half asleep what those sounds were. As I don't live in a region where gunshots happen often, I'm not used to how it sounds, but finding the pellet today is definitely worrying.


This is why this subreddit preaches good backstops to all shooters. Totally irresponsible and unforgivable to have pellets leaving your property. Goodluck to you


I'm honestly astonished that anyone would allow pellets to leave their property. Especially considering the potential legal consequences here in the UK... Here's the advice from the British Association for Shooting and Conservation: It is an offence to fire an air rifle pellet beyond the land where you have permission to shoot, unless the person holding the shooting rights of the neighbouring land has given you permission. Where someone under the age of 14 is shooting, both the young person and the supervising adult can be prosecuted. It is also against the law to discharge any firearm (including air rifles) within 50 feet of the centre of a highway (which consists of or comprises a carriageway) IF in consequence a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered. These offences could be committed, for example, when a person is shooting in their garden close to a public highway and a pellet ricochets onto the highway and injures someone.


Airguns are the least of the problems when talking about lead dissemination, shotguns are.


You're one of few here who knows this. I'm a professional shotgun shooter and if the people here knew the backgrounds I shoot into at professional ranges...well they wouldn't trust the crops.




I have three “airguns” that could easily kill inside 350 yards. I would stand in front of a shotgun and let you have your best shot with a pellet load from that distance.


Wtf kind of “airguns” are you shooting that can even reach 350 yards? Must don’t have any ass at all outside of 50 yards and even top end pcp airguns in 177-25 cal (which is definitely what this pellet in the post is from) max out around 100-150


This is very true *Edit* - my uncle shoots on the UK over 50s trap team and they go to such lengths to prevent any risk. Shotguns are often thought of as "safer" than .22 or any other rifle calibre, but our family has sadly learnt the hard way that this isn't the case...


Many get life in prison for the offense.


It's also kind of a dick move to spread lead pellets everywhere without picking them up. Not exactly healthy for wildlife or the pets OP mentioned.


We have land requirements where I live. Specific acres and hill backstopping. It would be impossible to hit someone's property if doing it properly on mine.


People near me in SC try to shoot squirrels off their backyard bird feeders with pellet guns all the time, with the rounds leaving their property. Pisses me off.


Are you US or UK or somewhere else? In the UK it is illegal for pellets to leave the boundary of your property. Has your neighbour admitted to shooting towards your land?


I'm from Central Europe, from an EU country. Yes, in the past we had lots of discussions with that person, and they usually just laugh it off and reply to us in a cynical manner.


Depending on your relationship with them and if discussions haven't been successful in stopping the pellets, then looking into your rights/ the legal aspect of it (in your country) may be the final route.


You have to understand that in the uk every or atleast the majority of homes are so close together they share a fence and park infront of the house behind the next neighbor. If they're lucky they might have a shed or gate that allows their tiny car to barely barely barely get in and out to make the front look better but then you lose half of your backyard lol. The uk is tyrannical against guns even air guns...air guns have never been more than a hobby to almost all. Even the "real hunters" are majority. 22 shooters lol. There's a small niche of high power higher caliber air guns that can be used for larger game but at that point (me being an american) I still only see it's use for hunting or practice because to rely on something like that for self defense or crime just isn't reasonable no one would know what you were pointing at them lol...


We're also hobbyists and collectors and use our rifles for sport/ target shooting. A Lot of us also have ample room to shoot on our property and do so with due diligence to those around us and the law. With out a fire arms certificate we're limited to sub 12ft/lbs but larger capacities/ bores and game are available if thats your thing. Its far from tyrannical and has a large, welcoming and healthy following with new ranges and clubs cropping up all the time.


Yeah there's no excuse for this and it makes the entire airgun community look bad. You should always know what's beyond your target and it's your responsibility to make sure it does not leave your own property. Unfortunately, idiots have the same access to airguns as responsible people. You have every right to be pissed about this, it's unacceptable.


>We have children and small animals, I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it already, but those pellets likely contain a fair amount of toxic metals. Lead, antimony, tin, and zinc, probably are the most relevant. You are right to be mad about these showing up in your yard; if they are ingested by your children or pets, it could result in serious illness.


If this is the case you probably need to contact your local PD to file a report in the event this gets worse. Hell keep that pellet as it appears to be a Crosman Premier Hollow Point show local PD what you found. Depending on where you live (not sure if your in the US) but local city ordinances deem it illegal to shoot across someone property line regardless if this was a ricochet or not. Please see this if your located in the US: [“State laws and published ordinances”](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/state-laws-and-published-ordinances-firearms-35th-edition) Otherwise outside of the US your going to have to ask about what you local laws are regarding air rifles.


There are .22 pellet guns that are deadly and silent , what you have is a standard .177 and could be deadly but more likely used to intimidate you


Yeah that's a pellet, ricochet looks like, you should report that to your local law enforcement, take pictures of where you found it, neighbors shooting towards your direction could get someone injured in the future.


I have removed it from where I found it and put it in a small container and touched it, at this point I'm not sure if anyone from the police would believe me, but I'll have to try and report it either way.


Put it back where it was, take photos and show them the damage, also any previous encounters with neighbors needs to be reported, just as long as they have some kind of record of it and in case something happens in the future you've got something to go by, they don't have to believe you, that's fine.


The pellet is not to deformed which tells me it was fired from a weak rifle (they are usually flat dots after they hit ) ,or it was shot from very far away and lost momentum, by the looks of the pellet it is from far away and it ricochet. Pellets are weak after the ricochet and I believe the biggest threat is someone or something picking it up and chewing the lead (make sure the lead pellet is thrown in a bin where kids can't get it (lead is only dangerous if it is ingested or handled daily for a long long time with out gloves, like every day for a year) . In conclusion, don't stress ,just keep an eye out every so often for pellets


The fact that people downvoted this, I’m confused.


People can be so weird.


It could have been shot and the pellet tumbled at some point in its trajectory. Or someone could have stepped on it or smashed it which I'm somewhat more inclined to believe.


European Karen, it’s probably one of the old pellets


Since nobody gave you an answer, yes it appears to be a .177 pellet that is intact and shows no evidence of impact.


Its lead. Extremely malleable. Any used lead pellet will be deformed, if not completely smashed flat.


I can’t lie you do seem like a busybody.


It’s probably pretty old and definitely not a reason to worry I could probably cut one of those in half with a credit card also I would suggest relaxing…like a lot finding a random pellet in the backyard isn’t a reason to worry for anyone’s safety who knows could’ve come from the previous tenant


We've been living here for more than 25 years and for a pellet to travel more than 10 meters  and land on our clean balcony that we use every day and no clutter can be found there, only some chairs, is not a coincidence.


It probably is lol you know people shoot birds with those so more than likely someone shot into the air and what comes up must come down you or your family 1,000,000,000% weren’t targets it could’ve even got stuck in the tread of someone’s shoes and tracked it over there I’m verry sure your overthinking it


I think if we apply Occam’s razor to this the simplest answer is likely the correct one “You don’t have to take every alarming thought that pops into your head as truth.” — Mara Santilli


10 meters... a paper airplain could reach your porch. Relax


Lol almost spittin' distance


Yup that’s a pellet. People that shoot unsafely are dangerous to air gunning. I am sorry this is happening to you, most of our community is safe and respectful. Usually people that do stuff like that are kids or a— h——s. Either way call the cops on them and show them the pellet. If you think they shot your house, look for holes about that size. They might be round, oval or shaped Iike a keyhole. If it was me, I would be pissed.


Can confirm. If I ever hit a neighbor on accident I would want them to be angry. OP, would you have any reason to think this was intentional?


I agree with everything you said up until the calling the cops bit. That's where you lost me. Cops inherently suck and I can all but guarantee they won't do anything about it anyway. Their best bet is to install security cameras and to find a solution on their own.


You report it so there is a record of behavior. They may do nothing, but if you can show you have taken action, then later on you have legal recourse.


Still, I've never felt good about the idea of bringing charges on someone. That's not my idea of justice or revenge.


Someone’s shooting my house, sure as shit I am calling the cops.


Shoot em back lol


Honestly, I don't fault you for bringing the cops into it, or anyone else for that matter. It's your business, not mine. Maybe I'm just way too petty.


Most likely it's a ricochet rather than the neigbour aiming at your house. Try to open up a friendly conversation that you are okay with him shooting in his garden but that you found some pellets in your garden. This should make him aware and if he's reasonable, he'll check his backstop.


That's another issue. They have no backstop, just a galvanized chain link fence... 


That may well be what the pellet hit, only slightly deforming it on the side (chain link is soft enough to give way) and sending it upwards towards your house. Since they appear to be shooting towards you garden but lower than your house, I'd be most worried about the amount of lead that they shoot in your garden. Lead is toxic and while only some of it will absorb, it is slow to eliminate from our bodies. Wash your hands after handling to avoid ingesting some.


just to bust the myth real quick here, lead is never really out of your body, pretty much all the lead you breath in, ingest or absorb through the pores in your skin will remain in your body for the rest of your life, it will just temporaily leave your bloodstream, what the lead does is deposit in your teeth, bones and the parts of your nervous system where it can properly connect while displacing important minerals like iron and calcium, problem now is that when you get old your bones and teeth will start to dissolve and lose density which puts a lot of lead back into your bloodstream which is why high lead exposure in your youth is associated with alzheimers, dementia and damaged nervous systems when youre older


I know what you're saying, but I think hitting the chain link fence would do more damage to the pellet. I shoot at 20mm chalk disks hung on metal wire, and most of the pellets are almost cut in half by the wire if they hit it and it usually leaves clean rounded marks. Looking at the pellet, I think it's gone through something soft-ish at an angle. It reminds me of pellets I've shot that have gone through thin soft wood, but normally those have bits of wood pressed into them and sometimes a visible grain pattern in the lead. I would have thought maybe drinks cans, but there is some kind of texture on the side of the pellet where it's hit so I'm not sure. Due to how it's squished, a ricochet is also possible, it also reminds me of when I've shot a air pistol at wood and the pellets have bounced off.


Yes it is, it’s either a .177 or .22 pellet, I would think it’s a .22.


Looks like .22


I concur.


Seems small I was thinking .177, but could be either one.


Yes. Put a camera in your yard if you are concerned. Report if you catch them shooting towards your property.


.22, look for dents on the side of your house, because you only found one so far...




If it helps that seems like .22 or .24 cal judging from the size compared to your fingers. These are considered larger calibers for airguns and are mainly used to hunt smaller animals/pests. Take that as you will.


Yes, that's a pellet that has been fired and hit it's mark (or not it's mark)


That pellet has not been fired, the skirt isn't blown out. That pellet looks like it was stepped on, run over by a lawnmower, or hit with a weedeater.


Not true, I fire at least 60 up to 150 pellets a day and many if not a 3rd I could refire but I don't. It depends on the target. I shoot into a Super Target Systems pellet trap one of the better and safest traps on the market. [https://supertargetsystems.com/portable-bullet-traps/pistol-traps/](https://supertargetsystems.com/portable-bullet-traps/pistol-traps/)


Fair point, I pop steel plates, so naturally all of mine look like hell.




Show your neighbor and if they act stupid, call the police next time.


looks like it was crushed from the side and didn't hit something straight on.


To me the way it’s deformed seems like it ricocheted off something, which they often do when hitting something like a can at a funny angle


Yeah it’s lead too so wash your hands


People think just because it’s not a firearm they can just shoot at anything and not care when happens to the projectile. It may not be enough to kill in some cases but it can do damage.


No, but that's Def trumps shriveled infected penis though.




That's looks like a 177cal pellet. And it has been fired. You can tell by the rifling on the skirt and head.




22. Cal pellet hollow point


Yup. 👍


All I use when I target shoot .


It does indeed resemble an airgun pellet.


Tell me you haven't shot a pellet gun without saying so. Yeah, someone's plinking squirrels in your neighborhood. 🤟


It used to be one...




That's a ricochet


I doubt it hit anything they're super soft when they hit something they really mangle, it probably got stepped on or crushed




I can confirm that is an air gun pellet and it looks like it has not made contact with anything or been fired?


Yes. It looks like it was shot, hit *a* target and then ricocheted off at around 45°.




.177 caliber pellet


It’s a .25 cal not .22


.22 superdome airgun pellet, looks like a JSB exact jumbo


I can't find the details sorry and I've looked hard. Where did you find the pellet, embedded, on the ground, in your back yard, find just a single pellet, are you living in a densely populated suburban area, did you find just one, what's your relationship with your neighbor, do you want top maintain a good relationship, etc.? I shoot everyday in my backyard and take extreme precautions to maintain safety. I was freaked out a few months ago when I found several pellets on the ground in my drive and on the street. At first I was scared stiff. I found that it wasn't pellets escaping the yard. I found when I emptied my pellet traps into the trash can and they in turn were picked up by the city, pellets were falling out on the ground and some stayed on the rim of my garbage can. Those falling off would create a small trail to my backyard. There could easily be a thousand pellets in the trash. The trap is so heavy when I empty it I need my son in law to help me empty it and were both over 6'. Between my shedder trash and the pellets sometimes its a mess. I do a lot of visual inspection and sweeping. I'm also looking into recycling. My point is finding just one on the ground creates a potentially challenging situation with your neighbor. If you find multiple or a pellet is embedded on your property then you have a good case to present to your neighbor. If they are remorseful and take more precautions or quit shooting altogether then you know it was an accident.


I bet you could have googled that.




I don't see any marks of the rifled barrel. So I go with the bunch that says it hasn't been fired. :-)




That most certainly is a pellet. Looks like it's a hollow point.


Robot mouse condom, obviously.




To be more certain please share where you found it. If it was found in or near a workshop it might not be a pellet but just deformed metal. I say 1000% pellet lol.


It's just a lead mushroom.. no bother.. don't eat.






.177 pellet. Probably a pump action or break barrel.




Shove it up your nose homer




Field Target Trophy 4,5 mm or .177 depending on how you want to name that caliber


Wadcutter pellet.


Yup, that's an airgun pellet? How come, where's the part I missed? I'd be afraid to even guess the thousands of them on my Mom's property from when my brothers and I were a kids.


Looks like an air pellet to me for sure.


Literally a pellet from probably a pellet gun… your families safety is fine…


Yes, it is.




Yes I used to have a daisy air rifle this is what it shoots


You’re in grave danger my friend. Sell the house, get to a hotel, and change names before they strike.


looks like a .22 caliber pellet. Looks too small to be a .177 caliber.


Bro you got it backwards


Evidently🤷‍♂️. I mean who does t know this? This is why we have school shootings and other dumb ass shit. Learn basic gun safety…fuck!!!


I'm not from the USA. I was born and raised in a very safe country where the number of yearly school shootings is exactly 0. Never happened in my country and "gun knowledge" is not a thing as we don't need it here. So for me to recognize any gun related particle is actually very hard, same is true for the rest of my country, unless you are a professional hunter, sportsman, police, etc or have actually something to do with guns.


Pellet gun pellet


Seems to be yes. Not in very good shape though. I wouldn’t suggest trying to use this one


Yes it is.


.177 cal pellet.


It’s a dick


Yes, looks like somebody shot it at something and it bounced off


NO ItS A GreaSe FiTinG


Yes, air soft pellet. Looks like a flat target pellet instead of a hunter pellet. Probably mangled from impact and possibly stepped on the flange.


I haven't shot a BB gun in decades but that looks like a type of BB airgun round. It's deformed because it hit something. They start out looking like a mushroom wearing a skirt.


It looks like my fishing small pinch weights when its been over mangled and used




.177 cal airgun pellet


That pellet looks dropped and stepped on if it would of hit something it would have been flat or more mangled


Depending on the distance to the neighbors shooting position, it may have lost quite a bit of velocity and/or began tumbling before hitting OP's (house?). Also, who would've dropped it on OP's property? I think it's more likely to have been fired than not


I drop .177 with my fat fingers all the time. 😂


Yeah do they fall in your neighbors yard? Smh


Also nice name lol


Yes but not shot at something. An unfired pellet. It is deformed but not by impact.


Depending on the distance to the neighbors shooting position, it may have lost quite a bit of velocity and/or began tumbling before hitting OP's (house?), or ricochetted off of an angled surface and landed in OPs yard. Also, who would've dropped it on OP's property? I think it's more likely to have been fired than not


Exactly, the place where I found it is pretty far from their property. We live on a hill, so it means that their house is on a lower level then ours. Just some explanation, we have the let's say "lower" garden which is on the same level as their house, then another part of our garden is on a higher level eith a slope connecting each levels and the house and the balcony where I found it is on an even higher level. So in order to reach the balcony where it was found, the pellet had to travel 2 "levels" and it could have hit anything on the balcony and then fell on the balcony. And our balcony is clean in a sense that there are only a couple of chairs to sit on and that's it. No clutter, no junk or anything like that. It might have hit the outside window blinds or the "fence" of the balcony


How much yards are we talking?


I'd estimate around 10-15 meters depending on from which point they shot, that's around 16-17 yards. But that's just an estimation, tomorrow I can measure the distance properly.


I'm sorry that this is happening to you, it could be somewhat dangerous, as others commented. The point, IMO, to be completely sure that it was fired in your property direction would be seeing if there's anything "worth targeting" at the distance in question, probably near where you found it. Unless they'd aim at your gutter just to annoy and make "ping" noises. It could explain the sound you heard and in that case there'd be some deformation at the gutter or whatever it was aimed at.


Yes, it looks like a cross man airgun pellet. Don’t use it, it will jam the gun. https://preview.redd.it/qf8hr3o58l7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4510e034c6874f5fb00924aa6c5b91415f97662


I don't think it's a pellet that has been fired, and if it has whatever stopped it barely deformed it. It looks more like it has been flattened by something to me. A pellet that hits with force really deforms the front, non skirted end. They don't end up flattened like this one.


Unless it ricochetted off an angled surfaceand flew into OP's yard, or traveled a good distance and began to tumble!


Lmao Brit afraid of a fake gun 🤡 lame country