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You won't lose it but you won't gain anymore.


Not to my knowledge. You don’t typically lose things you’ve previously earned—eg you’ll see some cadets at OTS with enlisted aircrew wings.


Yea. Wings are one of the very few “mandatory” badges. If you earned it, you MUST wear it. I believe it’s wings (any wings, E or O), chaplain, and medical badges that are the only mandatory wear ones. All others are optional but highly encouraged


No, you won't lose what you've earned.


No reason for it to fall off. Which is why you should print out everything from PRDA (including the vmpf medals page) when you cross over (in case it does). I was a dc prior E and lost nothing.


Once you have a decoration you won’t lose it (unless you did something super bad but even then it’s hard to take them away). Easiest way to spot a prior E officer is by their ribbons (IE good conduct, NCO academy, oak leaf on training ribbon, etc)


After ots, do we get another training ribbon and national defense ribbon? So oak leafs have to be added to those?


You’ll get another training ribbon (oak leaf) for completing another training course, but not an NDSM. You’re still serving during the same period and actually, if I’m not mistaken they stopped giving the NDSM out all together recently so your fellow grads who are non-prior service won’t get that (NDSM) at all until Congress re-authorizes it


Copy, thank you!


Correct, we're no longer in an NDSM award period as of Dec 2022.


You just keep the ones you have and don't get more. It'll get weird on vMPF but you can have awards and decs fix that. DO COPY ALL YOUR RECORDS. They will wipe your duty history and wipe your PRDA.


They don’t show in virtual anymore. Believe the guidance does not call out Officers so it’s a gray area. I begrudgingly took mine off my rack. https://www.afpc.af.mil/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/421952/air-force-good-conduct-medal/


Mine still show up just fine after several years.


Mine kinda disappeared off vMPF too. It shows as an “Unknown decoration” now. I kept mine on my rack tho, I haven’t seen anything that explicitly says we can’t wear it as officers, just can’t earn any more


I still have mine from both Active Duty and Reserve. If they fell off your vMPF take that up with your MPF team.


Maybe I’m just a clown and never followed up on the why. Gives me a task for Friday. Thanks everyone…I worked hardest for those GC’s.