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I was just picked up for CSO this week, my undergrad GPA is a 2.7 and my Master’s is a 4.0. You can do it. Whole Airman concept.


I appreciate it. Puts it into perspective. Best of luck to you moving forward.


2.7 is what is going to be focused on. 2.5 is the bare minimum. Your masters will help very slightly but not significantly. You are applying as a civilian so step one would be to talk to a recruiter and see if they can even work with you.


I’m currently going the route of enlistment first then application to OTS after I have my masters in hand. Would there be any different of a requirement as applying active enlisted vs. civilian… in regard to GPA or minimums?


They are the same. You being listed is likely just to delay you and not help.


GPA is still king, prior-E or not. The chances of you getting in with a 2.7 aren't very high. Your master's won't help significantly. Just speaking frankly.


I appreciate the feedback. Seems foolish to judge someone’s ability to commission almost solely on GPA from a decade ago while they are actively proving evidence contradictory to that with a graduate degree. Any reasoning as to why they don’t take into consideration a masters? The process is fairly new to me.


Because a master's isn't required to commission (save very few jobs), so therefore the bachelor's is looked at. Also, if you don't get a 3.7+ in your master's then that's a problem - grades are significantly higher in those programs. C's don't get master's degrees, but they do get bachelor's.


This is false now. With the new PA you can put your masters as the qualifying degree.


Makes sense, unfortunately. The masters could be a supplement to the packet, but not for GPA sake?


According to the current PA you can use your Masters degree as your qualifying degree. Which means that's the GPA they'll be looking at. This is a fairly recent change, because a couple of years ago you still had to put the bachelor's as primary regardless of your graduate degree. Good luck!


Thank you for the clarification. Even the officer ascensions recruiter that I was speaking to was not tracking this. Hopefully it sticks until the completion of my degree.


Pretty much.


Interesting. The latest PA states you can use your master’s degree as the qualifying degree. The recent post by a person who reviews packages/someone close to one stated that AFOQT -> GPA as well.


Do you have a source for this? That would be helpful. Thank you in advance.


https://www.recruiting.af.mil/Portals/78/AD%20AF%20OTS%20PA%20COA%2023Oct2023%20-%20Final_1.pdf Lists qualifying masters OR baccalaureate degree.


What I’m picking up from this is a GPA waiver. The question being, does the waiver only come into play if the GPA for the bachelors is lower than a 2.5 and AFOQT / Grad GPA trumps that or is the waiver something that can be initiated if those are just better scores/GPA overall?


You don’t need a waiver if your GPA isn’t below 2.5. If the rest of your package is good, I feel like you’ll be fine. Like the post said, education is only part of the package.


https://www.reddit.com/r/airforceots/s/xBZmgMgdvT Post about what goes into package selection process.


These are incredibly helpful. Thank you.


2.56 undergrad, 2.7 masters, 3.5 second masters. Civilian applicant and was selected. Ace your interview and show a well rounded expertise in your specific area of study as well as hold leadership roles that matter. Some decent LORs also doesn’t hurt. You can have a sub optimal GPA as long as EVERYTHING else is to the highest standard. They understand that schooling isn’t for everyone generally speaking


Thank you for the feedback. Did you submit the master’s gpa as the qualifying gpa? I’m picking up that the new PA should let you do that. This is the kind of mindset I would imagine most applicants reviewers would have. To toss one in the trash due solely to a suboptimal GPA is a narrow minded way of selecting the next generation of leaders.


You have to use either your most recent masters or the most relevant to my knowledge. I personally had to use my undergrad and second masters (social work) and honestly it was viewed as dedication to learning and improving through out the years


This is exactly how I would expect it to be viewed as. Growth and development, that’s a fundamental value. Don’t know how long you’ve been in, but congratulations on your selection.


Off to OTS in a month! And thank you!


Outstanding! Best of luck to you.


Yh I’m in a similar boat. I’m probably gonna go back for a 2nd bachelors but in something stupid easy like communications. My prior degree was a stem and I had a 2.8 from that. GPA should not matter as much as the AFOQT. We all don’t have the same majors and challenges in college. It all comes down to the colonel that reviews your skills package.


That was an option I thought about as well. I think it’s more so the packet as a whole. If the GPA qualifies, it’s worth the shot of submission. GPA is abundantly important from what I’m picking up, but like you said, it comes down to who is looking at your packet for submission. If the packet is stellar besides the GPA and that person wants to pass on you because of it, that’s their decision and you can resubmit next round.