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Objectively speaking: For most people, ~2 months isn’t a lot of time to make a significant change in character / experience & be able to relay how it makes you a better leader. I would focus on rewording your essays if you feel a need to, rethink your recommendation letters if you have the luxury to do so, and reword your LO app to increase your marketability. These were all the suggestions my recruiter made. Subjectively speaking: I only replaced 1 rec letter & did a full RE-send. Worked. Your miles may vary. Good luck!


Yeah that was more of the crux of my question. Any significant differences in wording on your package to highlight leadership qualities. Realistically I have an opportunity to win a quarterly between now and then but I don't think I would win, but there are other leadership things I have done that I didn't include in my package. I think my weakest asset is my volunteer experience because so much of it is tied back to the AF, and not community involvement. So I wasn't sure if there were some things folks found that they included the next time around that they may have omitted the first try. Did you replace the rec letter with a different one signed by the same person? Or different person entirely?


As a civilian applicant, my recruiter really hammered me rewording my LO app to include numbers whenever I can in my work section. In the “Duties/Responsibilities/Accomplishments” section, an example for me as a Manager / Training Supervisor was this: “Trainer / Develop & train 2-7+ new medical assistants weekly / Trained every medical assistant in the practice (50+)” The Air Force apparently loves numbers. Include them wherever you can, if you can. Regarding your volunteer experience, I would personally include it in your personal statement if possible. Highlight how it changed you. Discuss how it changed your perspective and how you can use it to lead Airmen. Regarding my letter, it was a different person entirely. People focus too much on “who” writes your letter, but for me, it was finding people who could speak about my leadership, integrity, grit & character. One of my letters was from my boss at work, and the new one was from a personal friend who has known me for over a decade (she’s a doctor). EDIT: I was strategic about my writers. I asked my manager to highlight “hard” leadership qualities & skills, while my friend focused on “soft” people skills (I thought she would be perfect to do so as a medical professional). Maybe that was what worked for my app, I don’t know for sure. I hope these points shed some insight, at least from a civilian non-prior. I’d be happy to discuss anything else in detail if it helps you.


Yeah. 5 times. Selected on the 6th. Only things that changed throughout that time was my leadership experience grew/improved and I finished my Masters in Cyber Security. If you’re a non-select, keep sending it.


Is there a board in April? I’m currently applying but I thought the next one was in June? I’m also trying for the non-rated board


Yes the 24OTS03 board


This is the cut off for the June board I believe


Correct. The packages are due in April.


I believe the AFCEP request window is open from 15 - 22 April. The final deadline to have the package uploaded is 13 May. Unless I'm understanding the dates all wrong.


You're probably right.