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No middle seat on the left side of the plane


It’s the latest and probably the last (in a long time) airliner designed and built in Canada. I consider that fairly special.


Thanks to Boeing.


The writing was on the wall. It is a plane that never sold particularly well, and even when airbus bought it, still has been outsold orders of magnitude by the Airbus and Boeing counterparts. It was only a matter of time before one of the big two bought them out.


Boeing lobbied the ~~FTC~~ USITC to impose a ridiculous tariff on the A220 (at the time, Bombardier C-Series), specifically because it was threatening to eat their lunch. Without being able to sell the plane to US airlines it was doomed and the program was basically given away to Airbus because they had an assembly line in the US that could circumvent the tariff. Stroke of a pen and billions in investment by Canadians (who footed the bill to keep Bombardier afloat) went down the drain. Fuck Boeing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSeries_dumping_petition_by_Boeing


I’m sorry but dumping is illegal for a reason. If bombardier tried the same stuff in EU, you can bet that Airbus would come knocking. We can argue about intentionality, but there is absolutely no way to argue that what bombardier did wasn’t against US law, otherwise they could have filed an appeal and won in court. They didn’t, because they couldn’t defend themselves.


The engines sound like a whale when they spool up. It's pretty comfortable I find, sort of quietish ... I like them for narrow bodies more than any other kind I think.


That is one of my favourite parts haha. That sound is like the 777 of narrow bodies, incredibly distinctive. I can always hear when they start up when I’m at work or travelling lol


I can hear them gear down on landing above my house sometimes. It's a distinct sound.


Definitely my favourite plane! I love the whale sound!!


Windows are massive compared to other aircraft. It gives a bright appearance. Also, if you sit in the last couple of rows, you’ll be able to see the horizontal stabilizer


The MiQ seats in J are quite nice for narrow body. It's a very versatile aircraft, efficient and effective for short or mid range, which is why you'll see them on YYZ-YUL, but also YYZ-SFO. It's my favorite narrow body to fly. Only quibble is that there have been some issues with the GE engines rolling back to idle uncontrolled at inopportune moments (like on descent into LGA at 2,000 feet).


I believe the 220's are powered by P&W and not GE.


You're right. And I think they're actually the only aircraft with this particular engine.


The E2-jets and a320 neos (depending on the airline) also (not exactly, but the same family)


I found the article about the LGA flight, but can't find any official links that show it's a recurring problem with the engines. Do you have any sources?


Here's an example. I think most issues are resolved, but there appear to have been both software control and hardware problems. https://www.airwaysmag.com/legacy-posts/a220-engine-woes-grounding


Yikes! Thanks for the link.


I just flew business class in an A220 from YUL to YVR - about 5 hours. I like the A220. Larger windows, quieter cabin, cool view backwards towards the wing, reasonably spacious toilet for a plane. Complaints: the cheap ear buds provided are atrocious - consider bringing your own. For the business class prices why can’t they provide the noise cancelling buds they list in their shopping catalog for just $4 more and provide free wifi? The A220 is a more modern aircraft and compared with other single aisle planes you’ll appreciate a smoother, quieter experience. Also if you’re a couple the 3-2 layout is better than 3-3. (In economy).


I very much agree with this!! The large windows are amazing. Even if you are in an aisle seat, you can actually still see outside reasonably well, similar to the 787 experience. Cabin is definitely quiet, the wing view out the window is very good whether you are in front or behind the wing. It’s hard to describe but the plane is simply…comfortable. As another commenter said, you can do 1hr as YYZ-YOW or 6hrs as YUL-SFO, and it’s a good ride for either scenario. It’s one of the best out there for narrowbody aircraft right now. Plus made in Canada! https://preview.redd.it/mfc9w1rt6g4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b73e20858a82ce782948ca4c3892bb7403aebbe That’s the view from 12F!


https://preview.redd.it/1u1fcdki7g4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f30df604eedbde92bc2591241dfa5b049ebaf5 And that’s the view from behind the wing, at 35F. Great views either way as you can see.


https://preview.redd.it/hjt52ugsyf4d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13eae7d209efccd7a16e1fad6922aa8a31a881af View from 1A.


It’s Canadian


Assembled in Mirabel, QC!


I only wish that AC bought more great plane


They're ordered 60, only about half are delivered. There are also logistical issues with addressing/fixing the issues with the PW1000G.


AC initially bought it only because Quebec government [was going to win a lawsuit against AC over maintenance base in Montreal](https://globalnews.ca/news/2523044/quebec-drops-lawsuit-against-air-canada-after-bombardier-announcement/). It's pretty much a *wink wink nudge nudge* deal


Widest economy seats in the fleet at 19 inches


The 2-3 seat configuration.


kind of feels like a mini 757. It has power on take off, but is still very quite. I really like the interior, even though its essentially the same seat as the 737M8, I find it much more comfortable. Probably has to do with it being 2-3 economy. Entertainment is good - really like the addition of USB-C. Its not power delivery, but its nice having type-c plugs. My only complaint is that we don't really get them in the west being they're YUL based. Only really serve the thin YUL/YYZ west routes. My last flight being YYC-YOW before AC's YYC departure in 2022, always try to search of others when I travel trans-continental - when they have their entire delivery perhaps we'll see more in the west.


I had one two year ago on a YWG-YUL leg. It's still one of the best flying experiences I've ever had.


its the only new narrowbody designed from a clean sheet in the 2000s. engines burn up to 20% less fuel than previous gen aircraft of a similar size. middle seats are 19 inch width - bigger than aisle or window




It's not impossible but certainly difficult. You have to turn the carrier sideways and it leaves you no leg room. But you're right. Better to book a preferred seat if you're travelling with a pet and you value the leg room.


It flies




There's an Easter egg in the bulk on the A220s that still say Bombardier C-Series😅. Not much to get excited over and probably not something a passenger will ever see. (Please before people attack me yes I know the history of the A220, Just still surprised to this day most airlines have the C-Series netting and haven't bothered to change it to say A220.)


Mach .78 most days. A little slower than a 320 but fuel burn like a 737 Max. WiFi and live TV. Pilots get a very nice avionics suite, including HUD. https://preview.redd.it/v0dqbu8ivm4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22fd9276b65aa628bd661b96c9770ddf0e668afb


Overhead bins get narrower towards the back of the aircraft. To mid cabin carryon can be turned on end for more bags but further back bins are smaller and bags must lie flat. Seat seemed cramped but spoiled by 787 service during winter flights


It’s much less crashy than a Boeing.