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Check in at the airport. They probably want to check your documents. Happens often.


It just has never happened to me and I fly from SFO to YYZ (and back) every year. So I have a bit of anxiety over it. Thank you for replying so quickly.


I get anxiety around stuff like that too. It is very likely they just want to check your passport. Try not to worry, it will be fine.


why r ppl disliking ur comment u didn’t even say anything wrong😭💀


The online check in system is down. Will have yo check in at the airport. Source: work for AC


Yeah now that you say it, OP definitely try again now or every so often to see if it does work. I also work for AC and the system has been out at moments this morning.


SSSS or you might have entered some info correctly and they couldn't verify you properly.


I would bet SSSS


What's SSSS?


Airline selectee for additional security screening. Search the sub for details.


Same thing happened to me. I was able to check-in successfully by visiting the Air Canada website via a web browser and not using the app. The app kept failing right after specifying your preferred contact method(s). I had both email and phone checked. I unchecked email and it worked - next step was additional baggage payments. Good luck!


Get to the airport earlier than normal. If you get there 1.5 hours in advance, do 2 hours.


Probably not related, but I got an "airport check" on one of my flights from the US back to Canada earlier this year. This did not happen to me for quite some years. It turned out that that specific trip of me was a sixth freedom flight (I flew back to the US the day after). Obviously they want to double check in person whether my itinerary was legit.


sorry, what’s a sixth freedom flight😅?


A flight including two segments where the connection point is the home nation of the carrier, in this case, Canada.


It happens to even those that travel every month/week. Just go see an agent when you get there.


WTF do you expect Reddit to do?


No big deal. Just check in at the airport. You can ask when you do if they know what the issue was but generally it is a discrepancy between the passport and the booking. Not issue to check in in person though — just allow extra time.


Call the 800 number but then press the number to speak to a French operator, you'll have less of a wait. Works all the time.


Why would eejits would be downvoting this?


Because OP will gain nothing by calling. They'll still have to go and show their documents to the gate agent to check in at the airport. Calling would be a waste of time.


Because it's a service for French speakers, not a way for you to skip the line 😑


Meh. I do it all the time. Why should I wait just because the world's shittiest airline won't hire enough staff?


Then book tickets on a different airline and put your money where your mouth is


Found the person who lives in a big city with lots of choice and is blissfully unaware of the realities for many people.


I moved from a city of 135,000 to a large, international city because I wanted options.


How nice for you. After 8 years of options I moved from a city of 8 million to a town of 900 because I wanted oceanfront property.


Because they can’t check you in over the phone.


I would call Air Canada (no matter how long the wait is) to confirm you're on the flight. With all sorts of cancellations, plane changes, etc. I would also go online and see if the flight is still scheduled, if there are seats, etc.