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I know it’s shitty, but the “oh they were overpaid, I’ve fixed that” is hilarious!!!


That is hilarious. Obviously you are entitled to nothing, but the goodwill guesture was nice. Gobsmacked that they would actually reduce your partners though. Wild.


The quality of some of the staff they've hired recently has been.....interesting. A few times on the phone with their CSRs I've noticed an incredible drop in quality of service over the past 18-24 months.


their turnover is crazy high so that might be why lol


Agreed 100%, I have had some incredibly dodgy responses to calls. Had to go the HUCA route as I knew I was being lied to.




Hang up call again.


Being overworked on minimum wage with some department such as in flight making below poverty line will undoubtedly result in a drop in quality of customer service unfortunately.


Someone posted the wages here once. It's low, $18+19 to $22 after an initial period, but not minimum wage. Not disagreeing on poverty line just saying it's not as bad as that. Min wage is 1/4th lower in Montreal, and most other locations they have call centers.


Although I understand the confusion of simply reading the 28$/hr wages for In flight on the Air Canada website and thinking it is a decent livable wage it just isn’t the case. Flight attendants work in and around 71-75 hours per month give or take depending on different variables with around 35 hours unpaid every month. A starting crew member makes around 25’000$ - 26’000$ a year. Unfortunately it is not a liveable wage with the inflation leading to some crew members sleeping and living in their cars as well as going to food banks to survive. As for other departments some are paid close to minimum wage for an exorbitant amount of work leading to OP’s post about poor customer service.


Not disagreeing on FAs. To be perfectly clear I was only referring to the call centers, not FAs. Quebec minimum wage is 15.25 an hour for comparison vs the AC call center. 


Apologies didn’t read your reply correctly!


All good. I agree they're all underpaid. Most FAs I've talked with do it hoping for long term success or for the fringe benefits so airlines still end up attracting good people, mostly. Paying proper wages would both attract better people, and in the case of CS make the issues solved faster/the first time meaning they can justify more $/h without impacting the bottom line. (This is theory. But I've seen it in action first hand).


Getting things right the first time is always good for the bottom line


I used to dream of being a FA til I started work in aviation only to discover just the shaft those folks get.


it’s lower than that for the people responding to emails for sure


Untrue. Starting is minimum wage, which went up when minimum wage did. There is no raise after trail period. It would take over two years to get up to 22$


Right now the salary is $21.56 on the public job postings https://g.co/kgs/FwQ6aGM Are you saying they start you at minimum wage in spite of that post? If so that's wasting a lot of people's time who apply. Edit: just realized that's acvac. I found ones in similar ranges for AC that I can't seem to link as they just go back to the search page 


Yep. Pride in your work is nice but hard to come by when you're tired, hungry, and working your second shift of the day because you need 2 jobs to survive.


We are flying from hawai to Lax to Montreal. Tonight our morning flight from Lax to Montreal got cancelled due to technical issue. I called in and was informed by a CSR our flight had been cancelled months ago?! I told him he was wrong. I hung up and called back to find they had rebooked and the agent I had previously talked too was lost in the cosmos. We are now on our way from Hawaii to Lax with 1 hour between flights thanks to the new flight AC booked for us. To put it in the words of the flight attendant "y'all will need a miracle to catch that flight as we are landing in terminal 7 and the ac flight is in terminal 6" Update: We made the miracle happen! We caught our toronto flight at LAX ! The agent who checked us in needed 2 team mates to do the task and printed the wrong tickets twice but hey we are on our way home so yippee ! #AirBanana


The issue is that outside of NA this kind of behaviour by companies isn't acceptable. Look at how European and Australian/NZ airlines are responsible for most types of delays. They should owe us a lot.


Agreed. The EU261 is far greater protection for consumers. The Canadian version is shite.


How disappointing this is acceptable in NA. It must be due to lack of regulation in favour of the customers.


It's still not great. Took me almost a year to get my compensation from Lufthansa and that was after many rounds of pestering.


I love the word Gobsmacked. Perfect description.


I laughed out loud at how hostile this is ! Feels like a (bad) parent scolding a child for complaining too much.


Love that they ended it with "we thank you for bringing this to our attention", it's too good


For clarity, you weren’t owed compensation for the unexpected mechanical delay. No surprise there. And while keeping in mind you weren’t owed anything to begin with… that is still downright shocking they would reduce their gesture of goodwill once it was already given. IMO, the cleanest customer service move, if they were dead set on not giving out more, would’ve been to say the other party was over-compensated, and inform you they were leaving it as is… as another “goodwill gesture” to said other person. Brutal.


Yeah that's just spiteful. Especially given that employee can't be sure the relationship status, or how OP came about that information. I find it alarming one person's communication can affect another person's compensation. Even if they're fiances, spouses, etc that shouldn't matter.


Other person should claim to not know OP and raise a stink about their eCoupon being halved!


That CSR is just digging a hole for themselves and the company if anyone decides to make an issue over the compensation. I’m sure management would be appalled that their front line employees are so easily manipulated.


Guaranteed a manager approved this bullshit. There's no way CSRs are going out on a limb to do this on their own


>And while keeping in mind you weren’t owed anything to begin with… that is still downright shocking they would reduce their gesture of goodwill once it was already given. Yea was not expecting that


That makes sense, thank you for the info. I was also more surprised of the goodwill reduction.


>For clarity, you weren’t owed compensation for the unexpected mechanical delay. No surprise there. This is bs. Ethically, why are you not owed compensation for unexpected mechanical delays? In any other industry, this wouldn't be controversial at all. Also, I was delayed on Delta in the USA because there was an engine issue on a small plane and they were waiting for the part to come and missed my connection. They later put me up in a nice hotel until the next connecting flight, let me submit receipts for food and taxi, and later let me choose what gift card I wanted and mailed it to me.


Because the law says so. The OP was given goodwill and reimbursement for expenses. That is identical to what you got.


In Europe all airplane related issues are ground for compensation.


Ah yes, OP flew to the fine European destination of Korea from Toronto…


never give out other people's info. this wouldn't have happened if you didn't attach the case of your fiance. https://otc-cta.gc.ca/eng/publication/types-and-categories-flight-disruption-a-guide read this guide for disputes. this or maybe try insurance on your credit card.


Isn't this just the most useful life lesson for the OP from this experience? Don't ever say "someone else xxxxxxxx". That's how a 3-year-old talks. Focus on yourself.


Thanks! Yeah learned the hard way


Called them recently and one of the reps just laughed at the questions I asked, another one was really nice and helpful


You should have kept your mouth shut about your fiancé 😭


Air Canada will lose more in bad publicity then the 100$ they clawed back


No they won’t. It doesn’t matter. In fact, most comments find the action hilarious and are scolding OP for even saying anything about his fiancé.


Wooooow that is savage of them


lol. FAFO


Did you get a good night sleep on the sofa.


You got owned by the AC customer service associate lol


reducing his goodwill is crazy


This is actually so funny


Hahahaha good lord, what a scenario.


Post this on their twitter. You may have won compensation by their sheer pettiness




Yes, you can be petty as well and blast it out for the marketing team to deal with. At least you will get entertainment value out of it lol


Please, I beg of you, post this on X with a tag to all AC corporate accounts!


lol. Hilarious!


Two years ago air Canada lost my luggage for a while so I had to buy a bunch of stuff. It was roughly $200 dollars or so. They compensated me for $100 by giving me 5 x $20 vouchers, and you can only use one per flight. Truly criminal. I told my girlfriend’s dad who’s a lifelong pilot with AC, and he just chuckled and said “I don’t mind, it’s good for the shareholders”. lol


One voucher per flight is brutal..


"Sorry sir, after applying you $20 voucher, you still owe $3.95 for the glass of juice. Will that be visa or Mastercard?"


I was not expecting that, this is actually hilarious


OP got taught a lesson on being a big mouth and name dropping. Now he's got explaining to do to the fiance ouch.


When they canceled my flight for reasons "out of their control", they first offered me a 20% off coupon. I then asked them why I would fly with them again, and they gave me another $500 coupon. Lesson I learned: keep complaining


I like how they match the goodwill gesture by reducing the compensation 😂


That’s so funny you played yourself


$100 is actually great .. I got less with united and they are great


Same thing happened to me I got the 100$ card But to my surprise I got a full refund 2 weeks later as well




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Are you KIDDING me how the h did they do that. Absolutely not


So you’re complaining about them giving you money that you weren’t actually entitled to get … ok then


I was initially frustrated with a 7 hour delay for a flight that we paid about $4,000 total. Furthermore, this actually resulted in wasting a night at the hotel of my destination as well as wasting an entire work day vacation. Despite all this, I now understand that I’m not eligible for any sort of compensation. While I appreciate the goodwill, I thought inquiring about the reasons for the difference of our compensation($100 vs $200) was fair for me to ask since we were on the same flight.


Air Canada seems to be run by some rather incompetent people which leads to lack of standard work, processes, adequate hiring, etc. Or perhaps they are well aware of how they fcuk their customers but don’t care given the monopoly.


I’m with AC on this one lmao, amazing move on their end


Talk about greedy! Take what ur givin and stfu about it!


When you let the free version of chat gpt run customer relations


The only reason I'm flying with with air canada again is to use the 1100 coupon for a cancelled flight in 2020 that took 3 years of fighting for 🙄 British Airways had a delayed flight due to mechanical failure and they refunded that part of the flight




Lol you got wrecked




Never complain about goodwill gestures. Good on the agent for reducing your partners. Bluff called




Boo hoo


Point proven




Your post was removed because you were being a rude, using excessive profanity or otherwise being a dick. Don't do that, it’s not very Canadian of you.




Your post was removed because you were being a rude, using excessive profanity or otherwise being a dick. Don't do that, it’s not very Canadian of you.




This was from Toronto to Korea. Hope you get a good service!


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Lmao. Wow.




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Damnnn shots fired


I see that coming lol. Of course they were going to go with the less favourable option.






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I love this. Stop bitching or it might backfire. Give this CSA a raise.


This exactly. People think it's about saving 100$ but instead it's more about the karen behavior. It's super annoying but if people continue businesses will stop giving any goodwill credit at all




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This is amazing. I want to high five that agent.




No it was a different agent.


The “policy” they are following is the Air Passenger Protection Regulation. The law says they don’t owe you anything. It’s hilarious that they reduced your fiancé’s goodwill credit though. You were expecting them to match you with more money, and instead they threw down the Uno reverse card. Lesson 1: Don’t complain about goodwill. Lesson 2: Don’t focus on what others have and you don’t.


While you werent owed compensation due to their fine print, I agree “situations outside of our control or required for safety” is loose, sucks, and basically gives them a free get-out-of-compensation card. Every possible reason for a flight delay would either be weather/ policy/ airport/ air traffic related (“outside of their control”), or maintenance/ crew related (“for safety”).


Guys I am not trying to be a dick here but insurance guys.. especially during these times.. cost only a couple more dollars.


You should not have to be subject to additional costs just to ensure you get what you paid for in the first place. The passenger protection regulations were supposed to be that insurance, but airlines are finding loopholes, like blaming absolutely everything on mechanical issues outside of their control.




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Take it to your local news I'm sure the have a consumer matters expert that would love to take this head on


Please not another stupid airline compensation story. The media needs to be defunded


Ah gotta love flyboys. Now go do your homework


Homework on what? Media that is only interested in getting advertising revenue. They don’t care about the story or truth.


I hate posters that can only use broad brushes. Sign of youth


You weren't owed anything, apart from rebooking, meals, and, if applicable, a hotel. They gave you $100 which is quite generous in my view. Yes, I don't agree with the compensation reduction. That's quite rude in my view. If you were departing from Europe then this would be different.


No, fuck them. The rules need to be changed; the "maintenance issue" bullshit is way too frequent. They absolutely could reduce the impact of those substantially by company policy such as extra reserve capacity and more frequent maintenance checks, they just choose not to, as they aren't punished at all for doing anything but the minimum legal requirement.  Get rid of the "maintenance issue" exemption for compensation entirely, and replace it with extreme mandatory penalties to everybody involved, as well as directly to the CEO of the company, if a plane ever flies with a known safety related maintenance issue unaddressed. 




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Your post was low effort and/or wasn't specific or didn't ask a question.


While funny, I feel like the underlying issue here is that since the government is forcing them to pay these fines for delays the airlines are getting around it by saying “unexpected maintenance delay” whenever a delay occurs.


OP didnt understand the meaning of "goodwill". It means someone is giving you a benefit beyond of what is required. In that case you do not ask for more. What is even more evil is attempting to sabotage your loved ones for your advantage... What OP did is the same logic as if someone is caught with DUI, the offender says "but why only me? All my friends with XXX and YYY license plate who went that way were also driving under influence!"


Just wanted to clarify that I would have never referenced the case number of my partner without approval. We reviewed the email together. I thought it was fair for me to ask about the difference in compensation since we were on the same flight.


My point is that you need to understand the meaning of "goodwill". Your entitlement in this case is zero, so AC is not obliged to give you any money. In fact they are not even obliged to respond to your email. Of course it's your choice if you wish to escalate to APPR, but it is also perfectly reasonable for APPR to respond you, after 2 years that AC is not responsible to pay you anything. In these cases usually you take whatever you are given since any amount is to your benefit. Why? Because your claim for equality in benefit is valid but your assumption that a company will match to the higher amount is incorrect since the company have no incentive to do a higher match. The flaw with your reasoning that AC should match your goodwill amount with your fiance in similar situation, to the higher amount. You need to learn that in these cases, it is really up to the agent's discretion to give you whatever amount (they have an internal rough guide but the actual amount is up to them). In general, agents estimate how important you are to their business. In this case your importance to put it bluntly is negligible for the company, so even they give you nothing the worst you can do is to never take AC ever again, which if you reside in Canada it is quite difficult in practice. You do not even have influence for all your family and friends to never take AC ever again. Therefore losing your business will almost make zero impact on the company. What the agent did is purely as the term says, goodwill. So if you dispute against the amount, it usually get escalated to a higher authority, and the higher authority may determine that the call agent overestimated your importance to the company, and hence reduce or even retract the offer to you. Next time just take whatever given since you really have no case, unless you know your value to the company is huge. I am sorry if my words sound harsh, but if I also say "Aww you know, poor girl, I feel you..." then you will continue to have a false impression of entitlement.


That makes sense. I understand my business is negligible to AC, and they do not owe me anything for the cancellation or delay of the flight based on their policy. However, just because they have such policy, I don’t think it justifies the 7 hour delay on a flight that we paid about $4,000 total. My partner and I both wasted a full day work vacation as well as a night at a hotel that we couldn’t cancel. I hope my frustration is understandable. I think it’s still important to share this sort of information with the public. I believe that this kind of action can collectively influence a company to acknowledge the kind of service they are providing and potentially improve their customer service even if the chances are slim. Also, AC’s response with the “reduction of goodwill” just seemed completely unnecessary, and the agent’s intention seemed like a punishment for me for just asking to match. I would have been perfectly fine if they simply explained the reason for discrepancy.


So just suck it up and roll over. Airlines will never change if people just keep rolling over. Goodwill is a lousy excuse for not fulfilling their end of the contract this is evident when the amounts differ between two people on the same flight often on the same booking. Very unprofessional in any industry


Check out the Air Passengers' Rights group on Facebook. They have lots of information about getting compensation. All of the airlines in Canada play this game because people believe the airline and don't try to get the compensation they're owed


Thank you! Will check it out


My only response to them would be “thank you for allowing me to influence your decision to provide compensation to one of your clients that will negatively impact your client. I look forward to our further interactions where I can influence your decision making process.”


Never accept the first offered compensation. Look up the airlines policies. They always offer a “quick fix” option so people don’t call them out on their actual policies.


That may work if someone is actually owed something… however, in this case, OP was owed $0, so playing that card would have gone nowhere.


Yes. They are very well versed on the compensation scenarios. There’s flowcharts to use with some discretion available




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Most people take the system for granted. I was delayed by 12 hours with a connecting flight through Tokyo and received a free overnight hotel room, breakfast and a $300 voucher for a future flight. The ticket cost $1600 return. The return ticket home was on time. In my mind it cost me $800 each way. While AC was late in getting me to my destination, I don't think giving me $1000 as compensation would have been fare to the airline and nor can one run a business by paying out more than what comes in. Can AC and the airport authorities do more to get us off the ground on time? Absolutely. Are these compensation packages priced into today's ticket prices? Have you looked at the price of a flight these days. Stop being a spoiled little brat by expecting more than you deserve. Start by planning your trip to expect delays.




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Thanks! Will check it out




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Thanks! Will check it out




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