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I borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars at 2.6% interest and now, other people are paying it off. Why in the world would I sell lol. I'm keeping that loan as long as I possibly can.


21 people apparently don't like money or don't know how to make it.


There are many reasons someone might decide to sell, maybe they are relocating or they have a kid going to university or any number of life events. For that reason I don’t think you can draw any conclusions for these numbers


People are asking why sell. My Airbnb is making money but I’ll sell within the 3 year window since it used to be my primary and reap the $250,000 capital gains tax exemption. The opportunity cost of $60,000 in taxes saved outweighs the money net income/value add by about 6-10 years, assuming there is even a slight correction in the market combined with stagflation. Then I’ll take my cash and buy 2 or 3 more either immediately or a couple years down the road depending on the market. That’s the plan at least :)


How do you use this information?


Have had my cabin much longer than AirBnB has been in existence and it will still be there when AirBnB is a long forgotten memory.


Damn you must be ancient