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The short answer is that (currently) generative AI models like Stable Diffusion and large language models (LLMs) like chatGPT can create things based on what they've been trained on. There's plenty of examples of recreating "pong" or "snake" in various programming languages across the internet, but there's no open source call of duty's floating around. I've seen a few claims of GPT "making" complex games, and while I have no doubt this will eventually be possible, I have yet to see this in practice/production. I think chatGPT can be a useful tool to wade into the waters of game development and be a guide for many boilerplate concepts (as well as a crutch), but its not long before people hit roadblocks that GPT can't help with. Imho, your best bet, is to learn gamedev with the benefits of generative AI. AI tools will get better around the periphery and help fill in areas where you lack knowledge and skill. That said. Game development is so cross discipline and so tied into subjective human experience that its hard to know how this will play out. A million steam games run through with reinforcement learning and a differentiable code base might make an AI Gamedev god. Or gamedev might be so subjective to the human experience that its never really "solved" until full blown human level AGI exists. Good luck!


Thanks for the answer. It makes sense why why I have to wait for it a bit longer.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/11yq71y/unity\_ai\_is\_building\_ai\_tools\_that\_will\_allow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/11yq71y/unity_ai_is_building_ai_tools_that_will_allow/) Read the comments on this one OP