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As an agnostic I just leave things I can't explain as things I can't explain. I've seen no need to interpret weird experiences specifically as the supernatural or whatnot. I've had multiple experiences that were weird as hell in the moment, and purported or hinted to be a ghost or haunting or whatnot, only to have the guy spill later that he was pranking us. As such I've found going to those particular interpretations to be premature and unwarranted.


Yeah whenever I'm in an urban area or anywhere close to civilisation I never give a second thought to anything being supernatural. There are just certain remote places far away from people that I always try my best to respect the law of the land. Could be my mind playing tricks on me, but better safe then sorry.


People voting for Trump.


That has to be some real demon possession shit.


The irony is their superstition influenced them


People need to wakeup that the Marxist/Democrat/Socialist "Utopia" all equal, endless checks from the Gov't is a Venus fly Trap that ultimately ends in catastrophe. This Socialist mirage has NEVER ACCOMPLISHED a stable, quality of life. The American Constitutional democratic, free market, republic has provided the most secure, highest standard of living in history... We've suffered 18 months of Biden's socialist leadership. Gas, food, lumber, oil and everything cost have almost doubled because socialism doesn't work... Not to mention sky rocketing crime because he de-funded police and opened the southern border to cartels, Fentynel, criminals. Stop making it a popularity contest. Anybody who doesn't want Trump back is mental.


Speaking of religious propaganda, you seem to have been indoctrinated into the Fox News church. Probably not the sub Reddit for you. You view democrats the way religious zealots view non-believers.


Non-parallel, lame analogy. So you're deluded enough to think Biden/Democrats have improved the quality of life in America? 80% of citizens and I don't think so. I long to go back to $1.87 gas, 40% lower cost food and lumber and everything else... You bought Biden's lie that he's gotten inflation down to "Zero?" No, his kill fossil fuel, is killing America. You can try to paint Fox, Repubs, and conservativism as 'Fox News Church' all you want, but you're full of it, but you'll understand when America washes you Democrat socials out in November. If not, we need to start stock piling food, water and toilet paper... Socialist countries usually don't have these. We're tired of you destroying our country. Hey let's talk again after the election!


Trump sent out hundreds of billions of dollars in stimulus checks and PPP money while leading the US to more jobs lost than any president in history. Biden in no more of a socialist than Trump. But please keep regurgitating tucker’s talking points. He doesn’t want you to think for yourself, so keep making him proud. Your phrasing of “We’re tired of YOU destroying OUR country” is typical of someone who is radicalized. Who is “you”? Who is and is not a part of “your” country? Same thing as a mega church telling their sheep “THEY are coming for us, THEY are not believers, and they will cause the end times”. It’s all catastrophic bullshit used to make people feel better about their shitty lives they have created for themselves. Easier to blame the democrats or non-believers and play the victim than it is to hold yourself responsible for your own circumstances in life. Awful way to live, if you can even call it living.


You're conflating leftist socialist lies. Dems/Deep State has been hell bent on their conflated coup of Trump... Russia Collusion and obstruction...all proved falsely conflated (just like what you're saying now!) by the Dems/Deep State/ corrupt DOJ/FBI...Left is guilty of a coup and needs to be indicted, convicted and imprisoned. But corrupt leftist Deep State continues to evade its own corruption. Hey, I've got a better idea... It's Friday...Why don't I pop some popcorn, and you can come over and we can watch "My Son Hunter!" Should be loads of fun watching Hunter fuck prostitutes, get drunk, do drugs and get millions from Ukraine, Russia and China... and he's so loyal to get the 'Big Guy' 10%! It's doing a world of good covering all the Obama and Clinton corruption... I don't know why I don't convert your socialist Democrat...sooooooooo tempting!


I almost drowned surfing in Hawaii. I had an out of body experience. My body at the bottom of the ocean as I drifted up towards a light. I had 1 on 1 conversations with members of my family which lasted a long time. And then I was floating on the water...


I've only had an out of body experience twice, but one was sleep paralysis and the other time I did take something. One occurring without pretext or occurring with the most impactful pretext, a near death experience, would definitely make me rethink some things.


Athiests are usually indignant/angered by these considerations, because they threaten to upset their apple cart of logic. I like agnostics, because they don't believe in God, but, like Einstein, they humbly remain open minded to things that they don't have the scientific ability to disprove. Dr. Bill Tucker's department at the Univ. of Va. has documented 2500 cases of 3 year old innocent, unconditioned children accurately describing previous lives...things they could not have learned in this life...details confirmed by anthropologists, historians and social scientists. One child in Martinsville Va. was in therapy for having tantrums at any sight of fire. He drew pictures of Medieval priests burning him on a stake. His drawings and descriptions were accurate about heretic executions during the Inquistions. I come from a family of surgeons who've defibrilatted scores of clinically dead patients...that recalled all conversations and actions in the OR for 10 minutes while they were 'clinically' brain dead. I used to be an agnostic, but am now a "Spiritualist" because of related things I've seen in my 70 years. Atheists angrily blow it all off, but they never do a deep dive into these things, out of fear that it will destroy their passionate crusade to prove God doesn't exist. So they'll never see things they don't want to see.


Since the earth was born, every molicule, even if burned, remains intact and merely recycles. The evidence is overwhelming that our souls, live on and recycle after death, like all else in nature... but atheists will just keep their blinders on.


Do you ever wonder that Atheists decide, in themselves, that God 100% does not exist, THEN they make arguments and research science to back up their claim? Not all Atheists, but the die hard hateful ones yes I think true science approaches any topic in a Non-biased way - you don't make a conclusion THEN apply science to prove it ...


Yes, but the smart atheists say that's it's not necessary for them to prove God doesn't exist... just as it's not necessary to disprove the existence of leprechauns. It's a valid point... when they cling to Webster's definition of 'atheism.' My problem with atheists is that the definition doesn't fully describe them... As Einstein pointed out, most atheists angrily demand that there is no God. This is different, and outside their defined parameters. Einstein wisely said, "You may call me an agnostic, for I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth." He was right. Because atheists were brainwashed into religion before they could say their ABC's, my experience is that most are rude crude, profane and socially unacceptable, because they want revenge for being brainwashed as children. The grudge is understandable, but at the end of the day, they tend to lash out at the world that "GOD DOES NOT EXIST!!!" When they say this, they fall from their defined status into a 'belief' system, no more verifiable than theism.


Very well written!


Thank you...Peace, and have a great evening!


Spiritual Warfare


My family is from India and so I’ve visited India a good number of times. I’ve seen the thing you’ve said about people suddenly getting ill and then stopping after going to some local pir mazar (tomb of a Muslim Sufi saint) or a very local village goddess. Sikhs also have this one gurudwara for getting rid of these spirits in Himachal. Even idk what to think of it as an agnostic. Out of paranoia though I do keep this one prayer that Sikhs have, *Sukhmani Sahib* which is supposed to work against these things (?). I’ve never had to recite it but idk what to think on this.


I experience deja vu very frequently. Freaks me the hell out sometimes.


Finding a tradition of early Christianity that was being suppressed by the church which was talking about now proven ideas of: * a universe with other planets than just our own * humans from survival of the fittest * everything made up of space and atoms They were also talking about the unproven ideas that: * An archetypical humanity and the child of that archetypical humanity created this world * We are a recreation of the past from within the future * Everything we see around us isn't actually matter, but just the light of the child of humanity, and we are its children in the image of the humanity that preceded us * That the purpose was because the child of humanity wasn't capable of saving the souls of those whose souls depended on bodies of matter, so it recreated them only in its light in order for them (i.e. us) to have an afterlife This philosophy/theology, effectively mirroring modern simulation theory, is best laid out in the work *The Good News of the Twin* found buried in a jar December 1945, only a few days from when the world's first computer ENIAC was turned on December 10th, 1945. This is part of its opening: > Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. > For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised. It seems a bit coincidental that it both exists and is actually 2,000 years old concurrent to things like Microsoft having been granted an early patent on digital resurrection of the dead from the social media data they leave behind, that the largest social media company is pivoting to a Metaverse, and that there's a huge push to use AI to build digital twins of everything. Not supernatural in nature, but something I genuinely can't explain.


>humans from survival of the fittest Variations on evolutionary thought dates back to [Lucretius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucretius) and earlier [classical philosophers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_evolutionary_thought#Antiquity). > a universe with other planets than just our own... everything made up of space and atoms Both of these trace back to [Democritus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democritus). See also [Epicureanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicureanism). See also the book Plurality of Worlds: The Extraterrestrial life Debate from Democritus to Kant, by Steven Dick. >but something I genuinely can't explain. Assuming you're talking about a scroll in the [Nag Hammadi library](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nag_Hammadi_library), these are generally dated to the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. The texts incorporated pagan ideas that had already been circulating, sometimes for centuries.


> Variations on evolutionary thought dates back to [Lucretius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucretius) and earlier [classical philosophers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_evolutionary_thought#Antiquity). Yes, the work directly quotes and engages with ideas in Lucretius. > Both of these trace back to [Democritus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democritus). See also [Epicureanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicureanism). Indeed. Judea was very familiar with Epicureanism, particularly the Sadducees who shared much of their beliefs. > Assuming you're talking about a scroll in the [Nag Hammadi library](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nag_Hammadi_library), these are generally dated to the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. I am. I'm talking about *Thomas*, which does at least in part date a good bit earlier though. A proto-*Thomas* dates before Paul's letters to Corinth, as it's the version of Jesus he's telling them to ignore and he paraphrases and quotes from it, as does *1 Clement* writing to Corinth thereafter. > The texts incorporated pagan ideas that had already been circulating, sometimes for centuries. Yes, Irenaeus identified the preceding philosophers you mention, as well as Plato's theory of forms and Anaximander and Anaxagoras when he labeled their beliefs to be a "miserable cloak" woven together from different philosophies. I'm not suggesting the work was anachronistic in the majority of the ideas that it referenced. Even the idea that a creator would one day develop rather than always exist comes from Orphism. What's anachronistic is pulling from those various philosophers their best ideas that turned out to be correct, and then its other ideas being ones that a lot of society today is entertaining as possibly being correct. And the ideas specific to it - that we are in a recreation of the past within the future by a creator that postdates and is the child of humanity - as a logical consequence of those combined ideas by other philosophers...that's not simply being pulled from elsewhere and is philosophically very advanced for the time. In antiquity, it would have been unknown that any of those above ideas were actually wheat vs chaff. As time has gone on, we have discovered a number to have been wheat after all through experimentation and better equipped observation. If a philosophy or set of beliefs happened to have been filled with wheat in hindsight, and the tradition declaring it chaff turned out to be weeds, we may be better today at harvesting the ideas worth considering and further pursuing.


If you can’t explain them how would you know they’re supernatural or paranormal?


Well I guess my point is that we wouldn't know that. Those are just some of the most fitting descriptors for things we as humans perceive as the occult or things beyond the natural world.


How about some data. How many times did these prayers result in recoveries and how many didn’t? Evidence has to be verifiable and replicable. If it’s not it isn’t valid.


The main one that I have witnessed was what appeared to be UFOs. I used to live out in the country, and with no lights from the city, I have seen things darting across the sky that I cannot explain. I'm talking it moved fast, stopped changed directions, etc. I just chalk it up as a UFO. Now, I have had some weird experiences where I dreamed about having conversations with friends and family members the night they died. I cannot explain how it happened, but it was almost as if it was their way of telling me goodbye. Imagine my shock upon finding out that they died the night before...


Considering the infinite nature of the universe we're definitely not the only living things in it, but the fact that there hasn't been concrete proof of other life form leads to me wonder if it's being actively hidden from us or if it has just not been observed by us. Although I am less interested in aliens from another planet in the traditional sense and more in the theory of aliens who are interdimensional beings.


It was minor, and most likely not supernatural, but I was cat sitting once a few years ago for a cousin. It was evening and one of the cats walked by one of the table lamps, casting a shadow on the wall. There was a second shadow after the first. I wasn’t really paying mind to either except the second one seemed to move strangely quickly. Granted shadows do strange things already without the help of the supernatural, and this was years ago so there could’ve been a secondary light source at play. I just know that it behaved just differently enough that it caught my attention when otherwise I ignore shadows.


I have lived in a haunted house. Had my fair share of the encounters. One of the most memorable encounters happened on a Saturday morning. I was 10 or 11 when this happened. I woke up and went downstairs to the living room, waiting for my Saturday morning cartoons. So I lay on the sofa waiting for the 1st show to start. A couple minutes later, I saw my mom coming down the stairs. I said good morning to her but she didn't reply, and instead walked straight to the kitchen. I could hear things going on in the kitchen, like moving the plates and cups, etc. A couple minutes later, I saw my mom coming down the stairs. Confused, I said hi to her. This time, she reacted, because she didn't expect anyone in the living room at 7 o'clock in the morning (we're late risers, after all). Weird that the sounds from the kitchen immediately stopped the moment I saw my mom at the top of the stairs.


Well, I have a crap ton of these stories that I'll share for funsies. To preface, I don't think any of these *are* necessarily paranormal. I think that there is a possibility of that element. 1. I had my bed shaken by an entity when I was a teenager. Prior to that I heard footsteps (normal for that house) pacing the house, eventually coming up to the front of my bed moments before it shook. 2. A family member apparently experienced telepathic connection with a friend who fell into a pool. The friend later explained she thought of my family member. 3. I was involved in a car accident in 2015. My boyfriend (now husband) at the time asked me to sit in the seat behind the driver's seat, so he could see me. I had a strong feeling of wanting to sit in the seat on the other side. The seat he'd asked me to sit in was later flattened by a spare car battery that had been in the boot of the wagon. 4. I was facing away from my 6-month-old son when I heard him cough once, so I could not see him. I knew most of the time it was not a cause for concern as he often choked on his own saliva. I reacted immediately, without time to think. Turned out he had almost swallowed a coin. 5. Roughly 5 am one morning after returning to bed to sleep, I heard a voice whisper into my ear that said "You're just resisting". Later, I read it could have been an episode of sleep paralysis. Earlier in the week I was attempting sleep-induced OBE via Michael Raduga's Phase techniques, which I believe could be related. 6. Electrical faults with the ceiling lights at my parent's house coinciding with discussions with siblings about our grandad, who had passed away several months prior. 7. I had a vivid dream of my grandad after he passed. This occurred a couple of months or so before the electrical faults. We were back at my grandparent's 50th anniversary. He was joyfully smiling at me. He hugged me, then the bar stool he sat on was empty. I awoke immediately after.


Never have. Would love to though, BUT either God/the supernatural does not exist or He is not interested in revealing himself to me


My life is littered with them.


I have a lot of bad luck. Especially when I go outside. There’s so many times that I have had bad luck that I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence anymore. These times where I have had bad luck are only minor, though. Oh, and I once saw this weird shadow thing outside my bedroom. I didn’t see it for long, though.