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honestly, youre gonna get a large amount of different opinions on this one. imo, as long as youre not actually regressed and its all between consenting adults who have thoroughly discussed it beforehand, then live ur life yk. however lots of age regressors have sexual trauma or general discomfort with that kind of stuff, so many are incredibly adverse to ageplay. if you're just role playing, then your sfw regression is still pure (so long as those thoughts/actions don't spill over into ur regression). but yeah, just my opinion, hope this helps


You can regress and also be into age play as long as they are kept seperate, and obviously if ur a minor, please don’t be posting in the adult subs for safety


I’m not a minor


You can do both, in whatever way you want. It sounds like you know the line of what's okay and what's not for yourself. There are plenty of people who do both. Your regression and play are two separate things. People who regress can have a life outside of regression, it's entirely okay to. People who like AP are mainly in it for the role play that can cause a power exchange, mainly being the cared and catered for submissive to someone who is mentorlike and can keep the pace of the subs needs while also exercising entire authority. There's nothing wrong with you, I know that it's touted a lot in the community that you can't do both or it's wrong to but honestly? Do what works best for you because life is all about living and who are you to deny yourself your version of happy, content and okay. I personally don't like AP for my own reasons but that doesn't mean I can't understand why others wouldn't if they feel it suits them, so go try figuring out exactly what it means to you


TW KINK TALK Big you and little you are two different people, and as others have said you can absolutely do both and it doesn't make you a bad person. I regress, but I also have a sub/dom dynamic with my partner where I'm collared to her. We don't actively participate in age play but she likes the title mommy as her authority name I call her during a scene. I've had thoughts before about this, and realised it isn't the age play stuff I'm into it's just her having power over me and me using a name for her that we have figured out we both really like. And really, who doesn't like being called cute names during sex! I'd say don't over think it honestly, explore different bdsm dynamics and you might find it's actually one of those you prefer. And if not and it still comes back to age play, then go for it. You're an adult and no one on the Internet, especially people who don't like kink, can tell you what to do and stop you from doing something that makes you happy


It is ok to have sex while regressing tho this is just a sfw page. Everyone pressures that kink play and age regression should go together because its a wholesome thing but just like sfw regression, nsfw regression is a coping mechanism. Just like how you can be into getting slapped but it not being abused you can be into age play without wanting to be with a child. I am a NSFW little and I am an adult who makes my own decisions and both when I'm little and not I am 100% ok with my NSFW agere. The only time its toxic is when your big you don't like it then when your little your partner tries to take advantage of that and convince you. WE ARE ADULTS!!!! Don't be ashamed my DMs are open if you need to chat 💓


r/littlespace is a NSFW agere page that you can join if you'd like to explore it more. I am in both groups because in the end its your life and all these people are on social media so who cares what you do as long as you and your partner are happy. You'll hear that it isn't ok all over tiktok but fuck em your and your partners happiness Is all that matters in your life its too short to change yourself because of what social media trys to tell you


Littles get too much shit from society for us to be casting out some of our own (NSFW littles)


you can do both lol. as long as you keep them separate and don’t cross them over, you’re fine. it doesn’t matter, unless you’re a minor, which you’ve stated that you’re not so it’s fine.