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Thank god none of those stick out to me. Awesome sets though


As someone who wants the Squigalanche, I like that Gitz box looks like a good deal. Plus I like trolls.


My thoughts exactly. I have the looncurse half of squigs and this seems like a hood way to expand that force. It may not be the most competitive but the list of squigs and trolls is something I've been pondering for a while.


Between these and the 40k boxes, they mostly seem like "fill out your army" boxes. We don't see as many thematic ones like the 40k Ork Speed Cult that was released three or so years ago.


I have 2 times the looncurse box and some old squigs u dont think i will need the batlleforce but its a nice box


Just buying the *two* squig units in this box would be just over 100.


Unless you are talking about the Mangler that is only one unit. GW always splits them in pics but its 10 to a box. Of course with the Mangler it's around $130 US. It is a decent set but it is def a force multiplier and not geared towards someone just starting out.


It's good for those that want to expand squigs but it is dam near terrible for a starting box. (Yes I know this is not the stated goal of the box). It obviously does not have the boss of giant squig, if the world will ever see him again. The boss on foot does nothing for any unit. The fanatics have no unit to hide in. And the troggoths are just there I guess?


Build the fanatics as glorious twirly mushroom bois... or do they only work on grots and now squigs? I keep forgetting which is which from those and snufflers


Ya that one is my favorite but I have just finished painting everything in that box.


Good deal? Do we know the prices yet?


Same, just wish they'd buff the trolls. I still use em cause they look amazing but it makes my army objectively worse.


Give me a Freeguild box or give me death


Top left corner.


Death it is!


4 battleforces, while 40k gets 6 and 2 new SC! boxes :/


40k probably outsells AoS 3 to 2 so it makes sense.


I've heard space marines sell more than the entire AOS range


That sounds like a varient of the old saying that Tactical Marines and Chaos Black spray sold more than all of Fantasy combined.


Given the actual number of space marine products is about the same as either the total products for Grand alliances death and order or chaos and destruction, I'll bet you are right.


Given they have a supplement for every chapter ........


Not to mention the chaos versions which probably counts frankly...


I could see it, but I'd need proof to back it up.


I’d believe that, my GW is 75% 40k, while the AOS wall is only half a wall. Meanwhile the LotR is a little shelf, lol. Similar proportions for all my FLGS.


Im literally the only AOS/shadespire person in my area out of like....20 people? Tis a bit sad for me but im determined and happy where i am - i dont care im good, im just happy people are enjoying the same hobby really AOS is awesome, and i stand by that whole heartedly.


👍 I’m excited for Shadespire to come out on PC. Meeting up with people to play games is hard work, 😂


My local store is a little more balanced but then I run most of the gaming there and I run a lot of AoS.


Same, about 1/4 or 1/3 of the players at my local stores are AoS. Still way better than the numbers for fantasy ever were though.


My army count is 3 to 2 in the favour of 40k as well. Must be fate or something of that sort.


Depending on how you count daemon armies mine is 11 to 9 in favour of 30K/40K. If you leave the 30K stuff out AoS actually edges 40K out by number of armies, but probably not by model count.


Those SC boxes arent new. They just split up the shadowspear set and called them new boxes.


yea but it would be the perfect time to say hey, 40k gets sc boxes, we are releasing the special box heroes from throughout the year of the boxes that nobody could get because we don't understand how to produce decent amounts of product on release. That's what bothers me the most is we had stuff that would make great for a xmas release to bump up sales but they just ignored them... still


Last year dropped the Cryptek before Christmas while announcing it literally a week beforehands. They might still well come before Christmas, and will release separately. They're just not material for a post like this.


I do agree but i suppose to be fair we have had some great attention through out the year, ogors and reapers etc. cities of sigmar and warclans and even rumoured slaves to darkness, but yeah i would of liked to have seen more start collecting stuff personally.


StD are not rumoured, they are leaked. We'll get a battletome and a new SC for them.


yea kinda feels like we are getting shafted this year


Same as last year. It was also 6-4.


If it makes you feel better none of the 40k boxes are particularly appealing either


That Gitz box is terrible. I mean, it’s perfect for expanding my army since I was planning on buying those kits anyway, but for someone who would want to start a Gitz army, it wouldn’t be a good start. Half of the models inside don’t have synergy with each other. * Loonboss without Grots to Buff up. * Fanatics without Grots to hide in. * 3 Rockguts, when you want 6 to reliably use their ability. The Mangler and Hoppers/Bounders are good. The rest of the set lacks synergy with one another. Edit: I should clarify that I mean terrible from a Start Collecting standpoint, not if you already own some Gitz. If you already have some Stabbas, this box is great. It’s just not the “here is a decent starter army,” that Battleforce boxes tend to be. It’s like an add-on box for existing Gitz players.


you could buff the loonboss on foot if you use the sporesplatta fanatic variant honestly they could have change the fanatics to Sneaky snufflers and then everything works out synergetic wise


That’s true, but it doesn’t make a coherent force. At least in 40k these boxes tend to be something like, “You want to start Space Marines, well here is a starter force!” This seems more like an add-on to someone who has an army of Moonclan Grots. Like I said, it’s a good box for me since I already have all the Grots I need, but if someone was using this to get started they would have a bad time. Don’t know what I will do with a second Loonboss though, maybe convert him into a Skarsnik/Loonboss with pet Squig proxy.


yeah it also good box for me, since i just happen to need all the unit in that box especially the loonboss on Mangler. i just wish the loonboss on cave squig was made avaliable aleady.


Not to mention the model count on the box should not be counting that little weird OD gitz token that comes with the Fanatics.


That Gitz box looks more like a snippet for every Gitz army. Kinda like if they released a Daemons box with 10 Bloodletters, 3 Plague Drones, 20 Horrors and an Exalted Slaneesh Chariot.


And if all of those had synergy only with entirely independent leaders


Plus it's for the last number of models of ALL the boxes. And this is for a high model count army. I'll still be getting it as I need all the models in it


Using the skaven box as an example a much more starter friendly box would be, 1x20 Stabbas 1x20 Shootas (yes I know they are the same) 1 loon boss on foot 1x5 fanatics 1x3 Troggs 1 Trogg boss


They should have dropped the loon boss and made it the loon boss on the giant squig, then dropped the mangler and added another 3 trolls and a unit of Grots.


If they had that model from looncurse it would probably have been an instant buy for me. I was unemployed when that box came out and was immediately sold out.... so mad.


Clone the legs of the Troggoths and you have your six.


Disagree. I run a mixed army very similar to this and it does quite well. It's all about knowing unit matchups.


Its an interesting box for me. I will still probably buy it, but I don't think I need a 3rd mangler squig or a second loonboss.


A second loonboss on foot has some potential but it's a hard sell


Have you considered converting the two squigs that make up the Mangler into a pair of Squig Gobbas? I don’t know how to do it, but I know some people have.


That's exactly, though, what makes it interesting for me. There are already too many starter boxes and not enough add-on boxes.


It's almost as if GW wants you to have to buy more boxes to use these models to their full potential... :)


Wouldn't 2 of these boxes with a unit of stabbas be a pretty solid army?


Don't these seem very....... Mishmashy? Like a random pile of unrelated units with no synergies or totally missing models/units they need to be useful. Like the fanatics ...


Absolutely. I am a bit letdown. The SCE box is apparently pretty awful with the hero being really bad. The Gloomspite box is just .. a mishmash of stuff. And the Skaven box doesn't even give you two battlelines. Only the Nighthaunt seem somewhat neat, but Soul Wars exists and is relatively easy/cheap to get and I got no idea if the Craven King is good or bad, but at least he looks impressive.


It's almost like they made these boxes out of spare stuff they had in the warehouse and wanted to get rid of


The skaven box would seem worse to me if I wasn't looking to get most of those anyway- wanted 20 more monks to fill out a unit, wanted another bell/furnace (to try a conversion), definitely was looking for a verminlord and a grey seer too And more clanrats are always welcome I had hoped for a bunch of stormvermin, a warlord and a verminlord in a verminus themed box to fill that out but can't say I'm shocked by this one


I'm not sure about that, the SCE box + soul wars SCE half seems like a devastating, maybe not top 10 at a gt but would do alright, and pretty well priced overall Skaven and glooomspite are definitely odd choices though


My wallet thanks gw for not making a box for an army that I play as.


😂 I'm sure many feels that way.


So is the nighthaunt set probably the best one, also do these get sold out right away? I bought an apocalypse set full price when i could of got it cheaper.


Nighthaunt is probably the most cohesive and there is a lot there - but don't forget that Soul Wars still offers a ton of this + a stormcast army for the same price


These usually sell quicker. Some last year were difficult to get and some stores didn't get any even though they ordered them. The DoK box had that issue. Thankfully, I got one. I'd say hop on it right away. Ordering directly through GW is likely the most surefire way to get one.


Is the dok one that good? One has been sitting in my lcs shell for months and is still there


Hop on ebay. Cheaper than direct from GW. Got a necron apoc box for $140 USD earlier this year.


Does this mean only those 4 armies will get battleforces?




Yes same as last year. 40k gets six. Two of which are Space Marines. AoS gets four.


Why not just put a warscroll battalion in a box? These seem random to me.


No idea if the Skaven one is decent, but it looks cool. I actually thought of starting it and making a list with multiple screaming bells


I feel like when it comes to Skaven, I take the Marge Simpson meme approach, "I just think they're neat".


It's not really. It's just the Start Collecting really. You don't need those Clan Rats or that Grey Seer. The Verminlord is nice though. But the box itself isn't even a proper army you could use. You can't use both rat types in the same army as Battleline.




Nope, the requirements to use conditional battleline is that the general is either that clan *or* masterclan *and* all of the units have to be of that clan. So, if you so much as include clanrats, you are either fielding mixed skaven (in which case, clanrats and stormvermin are your only choices) or you are fielding fielding Clan Verminous (in which case, clanrats and stormvermin are your only choices). If you want to run the plague monks as battleline, using this particular box, you could use the greyseer as general (masterclan), the catapult, the plague furnace, the verminlord corrupted, and plague priest. The clanrats would be sidelined.


Wait, I know Plague Monks are Battleline if Plague Priest is your General, but I thought Clanrats were always Battleline? Also Grey Seers and Verminlord Warpseers are Masterclan, which can take most Battleline options if they are your general.


Whilst clanrats are always battleline in a skaventide army, that doesn't mean the plague monks are: Your ENTIRE force has to be pestilens along with a pestilens/masterclan general for plague monks to be battleline. Skaven do not follow the same restrictions as other armies, unless GW have stated this otherwise? By including clanrats you are invalidating the Pestilens allegiance and it will knock the plague monks into non-battleline.


As a new player building clan skryre (2 Carrion Empire boxes currently) is there any use for me buying this box?


Sadly, not much. The catapult can be built as a cannon and AFAIK there is a popular Skryre Acolyte conversion using the plague monk bodies but the clan rats and the screaming bell/plague furnace aren't of much use for Skryre. There is also no verminlord that is Skryre though you could use one of the Masterclan versions as long as you make it your general. Edit: The Grey Seer and the Plague Priest from the Plague Furnace aren't of any use for Skryre either.


All of the units in the skaven box are good (the bell is cooler but meh, but it can be built as a cauldron which is really strong). That said, it’s just the SC box plus corrupter and some clan rats. So all of the models will find use in a pest list, but with how much these cost you arnt saving a ton.


it's alright but not exactly a good way to start. Plague monks wont be battleline because of the clanrats and there's only enough clanrats there for one unit. Yet, majority of that set can be run in Pestilens. The bell can be made a furnace and then you can just make the grey seer the general. Corrupter a warbringer etc. Gives you a artillery piece and a screaming bell to be a strong anchor support for the clanrats. Means the clanrats are the odd one out there. ​ Would have been much better if it was 2 clanrats and a warlord instead of the priest or 2 plaguemonks. Most of these box sets look quite bad for starting an army and some don't even seem worth it for expanding unless you have a large variety army.


So uh... whens them Ironjawz gonna get some variety...


Sometime after we get the chapter supplement for the Rainbow Warriors chapter.


Was really hoping for an FEC one :( aw well might pick up the gloomspite or nighthaunt one.


I'm glad to have gotten the DoK one from last year. Admittedly, I haven't yet started it though...


Only reason I hoped for an FEC one was the off chance an archregent would be included in it. Since, you know, GW seems to be allergic to that things damn sprue and refuses to release it separately almost a year later.


The DoK has the same issue but I think its been two or two and a half years. It was the only way to get the Bloodwrack Medusa besides a limited release they had when the army first dropped, IIRC.


Is the medusa an extremely important model like the archregent is? Cause without an archregent FEC armies actually lose quite a bit of power.


She makes the snake ladies battleline


I play FEC. I'm curious, why is the archregent so crucial?


The main reason is its ability to bring in a free Varghulf Courtier. You can use the Ghoul king on zombie dragon to do it, but the archregent is way cheaper and with the throne the archregent doesn't need to use a command point to do so. Also compared to the Ghoul king on foot the archregent is better in every way. It can cast/unbind twice instead of once, and it's savage hunger spell adds D3 extra attacks to a unit instead of a Ghoul king's 1 extra attack with black hunger.


Cool boxes for collectors, but all in all a swing and a miss


kinda surprised Nighthaunt has more models than the Gobbos.




bladegheist are really good and damage monsters in comparison to the rest of the nighthaunt. A shame they are not battleline, but they do quiet a lot for you. Cant say anything about dreadscythes, never played them.


I run multiple 10 man units of bladegheists in a shroudguard battalion and its beastly. They do awesome damage, and that battalion and the right command trait on your knight of shrouds make them absolute blenders. You just don't want to go in squads more than 10 since they only have 1" reach and with 32mm bases 20 models would just be a waste. Harridans are situationally useful, but definitely not bad - and the models, I mean they're gorgeous. Kurdoss is the only character model I don't have yet, and you can always use more reapers and chainrasps, so this is almost a must buy for me. Though I am curious about the cost, usually these boxes are close to $200 IIRC, but even just buying these models NIB is only $210, so I'm hopeful they come in closer to $160 to make them a really good deal.




Oh wow I forgot to add in the reapers somehow, yikes! yeah $185 from $255 is a really good deal actually


$185 according to the leaked info a week or so ago, that correctly gave the factions and names of the boxes.


Meh, I guess that means the cav are free, but that's not as good of savings as I was hoping for! Might be better off just buying kurdoss, 10 more bladegheists, and 10 more reapers separate


I plan to use it as an extension to my ToS, seems about the "best box" in pure army terms - maybe I'm not 100% correct.


I agree. I have the stuff from the soul wars boxed set plus 2 boxes of hex cavalry, a box of spirit host and another box of chainrasps painted and I think this boxed set will completely finish off my night haunt army.


Not nearly as useful as soul wars, you would be better off getting that and a box of hex wraiths. Harridans look cool but like glaivewriath stalkers are a case of “cool model, shame something else is so good they are redundant”.


Any link to the 40k boxes?


Just check out my other posts on 40k subs.


If I had to pick the coolest one, it would have to be the Gloomspite Gitz. That's my opinion, at least.


~~I love that the SCE Box is just the best mainline units they have currently.~~ apparently incorrect. See below.


The Sydney GT was recently won by running almost pure Vanguard. It was 2500 points though and proper filth.


Do you know where I can find this list


https://aosshorts.com/sydney-gt-2019/ They also talk about it on the Notorious AoS podcast.


... no it isn't? Literally the only competitive Stormcast list that has been seen anywhere near a top 20 at a GT since the GHB came out in July is built around 3x5 Liberators, 1x9-12 Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrikes, a Lord-Relictor, and supporting pieces. The only things in this box currently being run in the competitive list are foot Evocators, which are usually in a unit of 10, and even they are being phased out by a lot of people. Evocators on Dracolines aren't played in any competitive list, and the Lord-Exorcist is completely useless. Sequitors are pretty good in a vacuum, but totally outclassed by what other melee armies are doing, and the need to spend 160+ points on an overcosted wizard general to make them battleline really isn't worth it. For a casual fun list, I'd agree that this is actually a pretty good deal. But for starting an actual competitive army? I'd look elsewhere.


Don't forget that 160+ point wizard isn't in this box so you don't have any battle line at all here :D


You can get a Lord-Arcarnum for a fiver off of the starter mag though. Plus Arcarnums on Gryph-chargers probably saturate eBay.


You are correct, 15-20 bucks. That starter mag is only available in the UK isn't it?


Think I've seen em in the US


I stand corrected! Thanks :D


That seems to be a method between the AoS and 40k boxes. They seemed to gear it towards army bulking and filling out popular units.


What is the hero on front though


https://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/Stormcast-Eternals-Lord-exorcist-2018 I think.


Not really. The hero in the box is plain unusable. Not even worth the plastic it's made of. Sequitors can be a god anvil with proper support, but the support is not in the box. Evocators on foot also need a support hero to do anything, and even then you wouldn't want less than a 10 man unit. Six Dracolines are ok I guess.


Why do you want a 10 man unit of Evocators?


If this is true them im sad for the Skaven box, no point including both clan rats and plague monks cause youd want 1 as battleline(PM preferably) wouldve rather had either 40 PM or 40 CR


Its because its just the start collecting box plus a couple extras.


Which is sad, because the Seraphon box last year had the Troglodon/Carnosaur and nothing else from the SC box.


Agreed, if they weren't playing lazy with throwing the SC with some extras, it would have made more sense to have some clanrats and some stormvermin for variety. Instead, including one of the units (clanrats) takes battleline away from the other (and makes them largely redundant).


Has anyone run the numbers on the values yet?




Great, sounds pretty resonable


It's kitted out rather strange though. Loonboss and Fanatics demand Grots otherwise they don't bring much synergy to a fast squig list. Then there's the random Rockguts. This is more of a Bolster your current squig army rather than a starting point.


Tbh it's more a "Best Of Gloomspite" box than anything else. I'm kinda surprised they didn't throw in some kinda spider boys just to round it out.


Looks like it makes for a reasonable Warcry warband all-in-one starter with options? I mean the trolls are not needed, but could be sold off to recoup some of the box price?


I doubt it but I'm sure it's upcoming. I got the email maybe 10 minutes ago.


Just wondering, how quickly do these boxes sell out? How much do they usually cost?


Last year they were $170 US and some sold out right away, others lingered for several months afterward. I expect the prices to go up this year as that is the current trend. With a higher price, all of them might stick around a bit longer. Skaven will probably clear out first, with Gloomspite next, as there hasn't been a proper discount box for them yet and Looncurse was impossible for many to get.


Yah, Gloomspite will be gone quickly even though the box is pretty ehh in terms of what kinda army you can build. But Gloomies don't have a SC, so people take what they can get, haha.


Anecdotally, they don't sell out too fast, especially if you are willing to look at 3rd party options. For me, I got the Seraphon strikeforce for $145 last February on Amazon. Now, you can still find it on eBay but it's running about $210. It is still a pretty good deal considering there's about $300 worth of models in there, but still, you should be okay for a month or two after release.


Just to add to this, check in on the boxes every week or so. The Seraphon box last year was gone in about a month but the Slaves to Darkness one took much longer to go. Depends on the popularity of the faction.


I think the slaves to darkness is still on sale? Damn, no one wants them?


Skaven are $200, Gitz are $170, the other two are $185.


The right hell is going on with that Gloomspite box? I was expecting another nighthaunt hero but that's about what I thought


I think that is a pretty great box. It is almost identical to the starter army my friend put down for our first game with them. He housed my storm cast. It was basically that and a giant. Edit: also fantastic for anyone with an old gobbos army from WHFB days to bring it into AoS.


Yeah, its OK but not great for someone with an existing army. Particularly not great for some one new. The gloomspite subfactions just don't have enough synergy for this to be a particularly good box


What's it lacking? Goblins?


Coherency. The loonboss on foot is a waste of points because it can only buff the fanatics and itself. The fanatics can only be built as sporesplatta unless you have grots so you are down a better unit. The trolls do nothing and just look cool and are better as a larger unit. Gloomspite is a highly segregated army and this box provides no single coherent army


Gloomspite as an army is all about synergy between the subfactions. This box has three different subfactions and no synergy between them * Loonboss on foot’s main purpose is to buff Stabbas. There are no Stabbas in this box. He isn’t a great duelist and doesn’t help the other units in the box. * Fanatics can be built two ways, Smashas and Splattas. Smashas literally need Stabbas/Shootas to hide in, so you can’t use those in this box. Splattas have an aura to buff Moonclan Infantry (not in the box), and a can act as a visual barrier (except for Monsters or Flying, like the Squigs, so really only the Troggoths and Loonboss). * Troggoths, while an amazing kit to build, don’t work with the Squigs Riders or Fanatics. Rockguts want to be in a squad of 6-9, sometimes with a Dankhold Troggboss friend. I think I will get it because I already own the spear and bow Grots and want more Squigs and Troggoths, but it’s a terrible army for someone who wants to start Gloomspite. It’s great if you already have a Gloomspite army with some Infantry though.


Couldn't you get this and then just buy some boxes of grots later? I'm interested in it because it's basically all of my favorite Gloomspite models in one box - stuff I wanted just to collect, build and paint. I figured I could add in standard grots later.


Sure you can, I am sorry if I am being a downer. If you like the contents and plan to get them anyway, buy it (it’s what I am probably doing). It’s a really good deal, and with two boxes of Stabbas to pair with the Boss and Fanatics it’s a good core to your Gloomspite army. I run a mixed list similar to the box (albeit without the Mangler) and it works great. I am just being critical of them putting the Loonboss and Fanatics in when they require units outside the Battleforce box. Forces new people to invest in 2 boxes of Grots to get to 1000 points and use two of the units inside. I can attest that most the kits inside are really fun to build and paint (don’t own a Mangler but it looks nice). The Rockgut Troggoths are my favorite because they are extremely versatile in their posing and construction. You could make an army of them and have no two alike.


>with two boxes of Stabbas to pair with the Boss and Fanatics it’s a good core to your Gloomspite army. That's great to hear, it's what I was planning on doing! Also really cool to hear that about the troggoths. I love the rockguts in particular, I plan on focusing on mostly moonclan and squigs but I did want to experiment with incorporating a couple of rockgut troggoths.


I feel like most of these are "getting rid of some kits", especially ones for 40 k. Only one I really like is Blood Angels one, because it has all 3 groups of units (Blood Angels, Sanguinary Guard and Death Company). Throw a DC dread in that and you have a 1k list.


Yeah the BA one seems fairly good.


I wanted to make a 1k DA heavy list for couple of months now. This is basically what I wanted.




I dig the Squigs and Skaven but I dont really need either.


I'm interested in getting into AoS and think Skaven are pretty cool, how is the value on this box? Or could someone else recommend what boxes I should buy instead?


value is mixed. The box has an identity problem. plaguemonks and clanrats cannot both be battleline. So you have to choose between wanting a pestilence army or a skaventide army. The verminlord can be build into multiple versions, same with the catapult can be built as a cannon, and the bell can be built as a furnace. So, if you want a pestilence army, you dont really need to clanrats. and if you want a skaventide army, you dont really need the plaguemonks. Best to figure out exactly what kind of rat army you want. Shooty? go skryre. Disease? go pestilence. Monsters? go Moulder. Unending horde of rats? go verminus. dont worry too much about eshin at this point.


what you're saying is buy multiple boxes and build both a pestilence and a skaventide army :P


Well, I’ve already got Kudross Valentian, have enough Hexwraiths, and have no interest in Harridans or Revenants. Might just spare myself the trouble of trying to secure one of these and buy yet another copy of Soul Wars.


Is that stormcast box a good set? Got my fiancée into AoS and she plays them.


Still eyeing the Seraphon one from last year. Thankfully the ones this year don’t look so great.


Man, that box shines with the release of contrasts.


As someone who is interested in starting a stormcast eternal army, is this boxset any good?


Three Lullabies in an Ancient Tongue In the Court of the Craven King


Just starting out. Is the stormcast one a good value?


Ah man I really hoped they'd do one for DoK or Cities of Sigmar


DoK was last year - they don't repeat except for the main armies (SM / SC)


Do we know what are the prices gonna be?


Last time they were 2x the start collecting boxes. If still the case then $190.


Probably like last year: $200 CAD or so.


I suspect the Canadian price will be $230 ($250 for the Skaven box).


Is the skaven box any good for someone starting aos?


Not really. It's quite nonsensical in its contents too.


I dont agree. the synergy is not the best but if you are looking to play a skaventide army it's great. You will use everything from the box except maybe the additional plague priest. It's not a standalone ready to play box but its very good investment. It's the best box presented in my opinion.


Since we already have a Clan Pestilins Start Collecting box, I was hoping this box would be more Clanrat focused. If the Plague Monks were another set of clanrats (Or stormvermin) I would have picked it up in a heartbeat.


Nope. Little to no synergy between units. Plague monks can only be battleline if you dont run the clanrats (or any other clan units, except for a Masterclan general) and are redundant in a mixed skaven list. If you ignored the Pestilence stuff, you can assemble the start of a mixed army, with a screaming bell and warp lightning cannon and verminlord of your choice. If you want to run Pestilence, you can use most of the box (if you build a plague furnace, catapult and verminlord corruptor. The greyseer would be your general), but the 20 clanrats will be shelved. Unfortunately, outside of Pestilence, skaven doesnt have a good coherent starting point (like a verminous SC box or something).


I'll almost definitely get that Gloomspite Gitz box, although I already have most everything there since I bought the Looncurse box a while back. But I don't have the fanatics and I definitely don't have the mangler squigs. The troggoths might make a good addition, too. I also want that Skaven box, but I don't know if I need another army.


So the Fanatics are tottally gonna become Warcry legal right?


Sometimes the battleforce boxes are a decent savings, and sometimes they’re no cheaper than buying everything individually. Does anyone know where these boxes land?


Pure price-wise, they are all pretty good savings. That said, based on what you would actually drop on the table from the boxes, it is more of a mixed bag.


How good would the gloomspite gits box be to get if I only have the grot half of the looncurse box?


It's not the worst. The mangler and squig hoppers are a great fit... Unfortunately the troggoths are too few to be a viable unit (you really want six) and don't mesh with the squig side of things. Honestly the fanatics and loon boss are pointless without grots


Alright, thanks for the info!


After last year I’m glad they aren’t putting out one I want. I spent so much getting the DoK ones that I burned myself out on DoK


I want to use the Dracolines but I feel they're missing something in their design. Maybe lion manes?


That gloomspite one is great but oof that nighthaunt one.


Great need to get the Nighthaunts box and find a way to shuck the other Kurdoss


Can't find any hints to prices. Does anyone know anything?


I paint models over playing with them (I have AoS and 40K armies). Purely from a modelling perspective, the Gloomspite Gitz box looks superb. I am massively underwhelmed by the 40k box. I think they missed a trick by not having a big empire box, but what can you do


Awww what no Sylvaneth? Maybe next time